Expo Hall for InConJunction XLIV

Dealers’ Room

A man paging through a book in front of a large display of books for sale
Expo Hall

If you’re hoping to meet with, and browse the creations of, your favorite artists, authors or musicians, or want to shop for that perfect item from some of the best vendors the fandom world has to offer, then InConJunction’s Expo Hall has everything you’re looking for! The InConJunction XLIV Expo Hall combines an Art Show, a Creators’ Alley and a Dealers’ Room in one easy to browse location. Please click here to apply for space in this year’s Expo Hall.

Watch this space!
Expo Hall Applications will be opening soon!

Creators’ Alley

A pair of authors mock fight across a display of books on a table
Creators’ Alley

If you’re an artist, author, or musician who would like to meet with your fans while promoting and selling your artwork, books, or music then InConJunction would be honored to reserve a table for you in the Creators’ Alley. InConJunction would also like to invite any vendors (or anyone planning on selling items other than their own artwork, books, or music) to consider reserving a space in the Vendors area of the Expo Hall. Please click here to apply for space in this year’s Expo Hall.

Art Show

Wood cutouts with fantasy images
Art Show

Artists who are unable to attend InConJunction (or have too much artwork to display at their Creators’ Alley table) are welcome and encouraged to display their artwork in the InConJunction Art Show. Additional information on the hanging fees and commissions on sales are available on the InConJunction Art Show page.

Expo Hall Listing

  • List Coming Soon