[Circleofjanusnewsletter] February 2009 Newsletter

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Mon Feb 2 02:21:13 EST 2009

Apologies for lateness. A number of things conspired to delay me. I would 
encourage everyone to take a peek at the "Mark Your Calendars" and "A Few Cool 
Things to Do in Indy" sections and not just limit reading to the various 
minutes. I've snuck a few interesting tidbits in there.

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
  The Circular of Janus
  Feb 1, 2009
  Volume 30, Issue 2

  Presidential Ponderings - Kathie Thompson
  Minutes of the January Meeting - Jessica Bunn
  Minutes of the January Board Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  February Meeting Agenda - Kathie Thompson
  New Books - from Locus
  A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
  Mark Your Calendars
  Meeting Info & Club Officers


Presidential Ponderings
  by Kathie Thompson

First I would like to thank everyone for letting me represent you in my new 
position. This will be a learning experience for all of us as we face the 
challenges of the year ahead.

The newly elected board had its first meeting last week. It was nice to see 
several club members there. All club members are encouraged to attend these 
meeting. The agenda for the board meetings as well as the regular meeting will 
be sent out in advance.

The board is already on the move with several speakers already scheduled, 
committees meeting underway and new and exciting things in the works for the 
web pages.

Looking forward to seeing you at the next regular meeting,

Kathie Thompson - CoJ President.


Minutes of the January Meeting
  by Jessica Bunn

[In order get through the January meeting in a timely manner, it was suggested 
that the various nominations, nominee speeches, voting and vote counting be 
sandwiched with other club business, allowing the election committee time to 
count the votes without leading to dead air during the meeting. This, however, 
doesn't translate well to our standard minutes format, so I'm taking the 
liberty of recording the minutes out-of-order with the elections listed at the 
end of Old Business. -- Lynette R. F. Cowper]

The Circle of Janus met on Saturday, January 3, 2009, at the Seventh and Eighth 
Christian Church. There were 41 members in attendance. All officers were in 

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.

Brian opened by apologising about the scarcity of food and drink as it was his 
fault since everything was in his car which was in the shop.

Approval of Meeting Minutes: Jess moved to accept the minutes as published in 
the newsletter. Brian corrected a point-- he was there at the December meeting. 
Tony corrected another point, that there were 60 CoJ members and only 38 
InConJunction pre-registrations. The minutes were accepted as corrected.

Treasurer's Report:
    Tony gave the Treasurer's report, which, as usual, will be sent to club 
members under separate cover.

Board Report:
    There was no board report.

Convention reports:
    InConJunction 29, Ellen Patterson:
       Contracts for Tom Smith and the Robinsons have been mailed out to be 
       Ellen had a phone conversation with Robin Wood's husband about coming.
       She has asked John Scalzi to come back as a special author guest.
       There were sixteen room nights booked. We need 200 more rooms nights, so 
book now.
       She is still working on flyers but has a first draft pdf version. She 
will have Jeff put flyer up on website and email the club.
       Please take flyers to any conventions going to this year and let Mike 
Seuss know where in Indy you've taken them so he knows where he still needs to 
       We're running an early bird special still good for three days. $30 for 
full weekend pass.
       Stephen still needs people for Programming and Ellen is still looking for 
a Head of Ops. See Ellen at Chaos.

    InConJunction 30, Kat Robertson:
       We have a new hotel.
       Contracts for guests are being signed this week as Kat was waiting for 
the '09 President so the most recent President will sign the contracts.
       Ed Beard and Wild Mercy are still coming and invitation has been sent to 
Looney Labs along with the addendum that they wouldn't have to work too hard as 
the only reason wouldn't come is because Origins is the weekend before.

Committee reports:
    Member Services:
       There was nothing new to report.

       There was nothing new to report.

Old Business:
    Membership Cards:
       John brought up membership cards and asked about having them for 2009 at 
the next meeting.
       Kathie noted that there would be cards and that she is looking for a new 
design. Please email her and she will email the club to have an email vote on 
design so we can get the cards next month.
       Brian noted his position was left off his 2008 card and though maybe 
Kathie at ESP and knew he wouldn't be President 2009. Laughs were had by all.

    Bylaws Grammar and Spelling:
       Lynette mentioned the grammar committee still needs to get together to 
help copy edit the Bylaws.
       There was nothing new to report.

       The elections proceeded throughout the meeting with Robbin Speed, as head 
of the Election Committee, conducting those portions of the meeting.

       For Chairman of the Board:
          Andy Andrews, Lynette Cowper and Dave Henninger were the current 
          No other nominations for Chairman of the Board were made.
          Andy Andrews was elected.

       For President:
          Mike Cowper, Brian Davidson, Kathie Thompson and Reed Hartman were the 
current nominees.
          Mike withdrew from the race due to his being the only candidate for 
          No other nominations for President were made.
          Kathie Thompson was elected.

       For Vice-President:
          Lynette Cowper, Stephen Kendall and Reed Hartman were the current 
          John Belden was nominated by Ellen Patterson, but after some thought 
respectfully declined.
          No other nominations for Vice-President were made.
          Lynette Cowper was elected.

       For Secretary:
          Lynette Cowper and Stephen Kendall were the current nominations.
          Cheryl Andrews was nominated by Kat Robertson, but declined.
          Since she had been elected Vice-President, Lynette withdrew from the 
Secretary's race.
          No other nominations for Secretary were made.
          Stephen Kendall was elected by acclamation.

       For Treasurer:
          Tony Patterson was the only current nomination.
          Wendy Carson was nominated by John Belden and accepted.
          No other nominations for Treasurer were made.
          Tony Patterson was elected.

       For Sergeant-at-Arms:
          Megan Cowper, Reed Hartman, Ricky Lile, and Jeff Thompson were the 
current nominees.
          Wendy Carson was nominated by Jess Bunn and accepted.
          Jeff Thompson was elected.

       For ConChair 31 (2011):
          Mike Cowper was the only current nominees.
          As nominations for ConChair were closed on December 1st, Mike Cowper 
was elected by acclamation.

New Business:
    Website, Mail Server, and Domain Names:
       Jeff Thompson gave updates on the website.
       The mail server crashed a few weeks ago and they are still working on 
getting everyone who is supposed to be on the various email lists back on them.
       He wanted to get CoJ its own domain name. All the related names were 
available and the price was fairly cheap, a little less than $10 a year. There 
would be no disruption to the web pages.
       Andy asked about extra work and Jeff noted there wouldn't be any more 
work than usual. No hardware needs and Drew had some IP addresses available 
which will save money.
       They were looking into current registrars as to get the same one for both 
sites. The only negative to any of this would be the web search sites finding 
us but Jeff noted that would correct itself in a month or so.
       Dave Henninger moved to authorize Jeff to purchase a domain name for a 
maximum of 10 years. The motion carried unanimously.

    Meeting Time Change:
       Kat brought up moving the meeting to 7:00 instead of 7:30.
       John noted we could have speakers first then business so we wouldn't be 
out that late.
       Dave noted that we had had meetings where business was suspended for a 
       Jeff noted that we have to have a business meeting per Bylaws but that 
could just consist of tabling everything until next meeting. [I believe by our 
Bylaws we have to have approval of the previous meeting minutes and a 
Treasurer's report, but if both are emailed ahead of time, this could take all 
of a couple of minutes. -- LRFC]
       Ellen asked the ConCom if they were okay with an early ConCom meeting 
since the CoJ meeting would be earlier and everyone was okay with that.
       Dave stated that Kathie should check with the church and see if that was 
okay and we could vote on it next meeting.
       Mike S noted that could talk about most important issue then table 
everything else.
       Tony moved to table discussion until next meeting and it was so moved. 
Discussion was tabled.

    Meeting Activities:
       Discussion was then had about future activities at meetings.
       February went to Kat if Kathie can't get her speaker on bats and rescue 
       Lynette volunteered for March but it was thought that Rob Pyatt would be 
doing Weird Science, if he is Lynette will take April.

    Kathie: Feed the kitty.
    Judy: Had books, take them.
    Lynette: Pantene Great Lengths hair drive has been postponed. She will email 
with more info.
    Randy: Matt Smith named new Dr. Who. He is the youngest Doctor at 26 years 
    Gary: Director's cut of Blade Runner is out.
    Rebecca: Thanks for all the support this past year.
    Drew: Gary we got your test email
    Tracey: Her daughter, Bella, will be in a national ballet competition.

Chaos was declared at 9:30pm.


Minutes of the January Board Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

Circle of Janus, Inc.
  Minutes of the Executive Board
  January 15, 2009, 7:00pm

at the offices of:
  Midwest Internet
  5348 N. Tacoma Ave
  Indianapolis, IN 46220

Board members in attendance:
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
    Kathie Thompson, President
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Tony Patterson, Treasurer
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
    Ellen Patterson, ConChair 2009
    Kat Robertson, ConChair 2010
    Mike Cowper, ConChair 2011

Board members not in attendance:

Circle of Janus members in attendance:
    Lane Wickliff
    Wendy Carson
    John Belden
    Ricky Lile

Call the meeting to order:
    Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Reading of the last board minutes:
    The November 20, 2008 Board Meeting minutes were read and approved.

Member Activities:
    Member activities were discussed. These are the currently scheduled general 
meeting speakers/activity organizers and their topics:
       February: Jeff Thompson, Webmaster (private area of the CoJ website)
       March: Robert E. Pyatt PhD. (Weird Science)
       April: Laura Hohman (Rescue Dogs: What they do and how they are trained)
       May: Kat Robertson (gaming/pitch-in night)
       June: none at this time
       July: InConJunction, no meeting
       August: none at this time
       September: party, no meeting
       October: Laura Hohman (Bats)
       November: none at this time
       December: party, no meeting

    Having non-meeting meetings was discussed. Kat volunteered to have a 
non-meeting meeting at her house on Saturday February 28, 2009. Lynette 
reminded us that this December will be our 30th anniversary.

A new gavel was presented to the President, the previous gavel having broken.

Treasurer's Report:
    The preliminary Treasurer's report was submitted.

Member Services Report:
    The member services committee was discussed. The President discussed what 
the position does. The mailing of birthday cards to members was discussed, 
about which the Treasurer will research the cost of cards and postage.
    Member Services Committee positions were offered to three members present. 
Ricky Lile, Wendy Carson, and John Belden accepted. The committee chairmanship 
was discussed. Community activities were discussed.

Other communications:
    No communications have been received.

Old business:
    Wendy Carson volunteered to be a member of the Audit Committee.

    The difference in number of board members during the year, previously 
discussed at the November 2008 Board Meeting, was discussed. Making the 
ConChair an appointed position was discussed.

    2009 Board Meeting Dates were established. Board meetings will begin at 7pm.
    The doors will open at 6:30pm.
       March 24
       May 12
       July (at InConJunction)
       September 15 (third Tuesday)
       November 17 (third Tuesday)

The Secretary was requested to send out an invitation to the club two weeks 
prior to Board Meetings. The Secretary was requested to send out the Board 
Meeting minutes to the Board. The level of detail of the minutes were 

Available domain names and prices for InConJunction and the Circle of Janus 
were discussed.
    It was proposed to purchase:
    ...all for one year, $48.45 total.
    ...plus inconjunction.com if/when it becomes available
    ...and move inconjunction.org to the same registrar.
    Approved by the board.

Webmaster Jeff Thompson will explore creating a discussion forum.

A membership card design was discussed.

New Business - Going over Board Responsibilities:
    The President discussed her expectations for Board Members.

New Business - Brief going over Bylaws:
    Proposed bylaws changes were discussed. No action was taken.

New Business - Assigned Positions:
    Appointed positions were considered.
       Jeff Thompson is retained as Webmaster.
       Lynette Cowper is retained as the Newsletter Editor.
       The President will talk to the current Archivist about continuing.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Kendall,


Meeting Agenda
  The Circle of Janus
  February Meeting
  February 6, 2009

Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
    Approval of the Minutes of the January Meeting (with changes if necessary)

    Board Report
    Treasurer's Report
    Convention Report, InConJunction 29
    Convention Report, InConJunction 30
    Convention Report, InConJunction 31

    Member Services
       Committee Members
          Kat Robertson
          Wendy Carson
          John Belden
          Ricky Lile

    Member Activities
       Committee Members
          Kathie Thompson
          Looking for volunteers

    Scheduled Speakers or activities so far
       February meeting - Jeff Thompson to show how to use members-only section 
of web pages
       March - Rob Pyatt - Weird Science
       April - Laura Hohman - Search and Rescue Dogs
       Non-meeting meetings

    Other communications

Old Business
    Member Cards
    Bylaws Grammar and Spelling
    Website and Domain Names
    Meeting Time Change

New Business
    Assigned positions
       Newsletter Editor - Lynette Cowper
          Send things to the newsletter instead of announcements to help shorten 
meeting when can.
          Should go out at least a week prior to regular meetings
       Archivist - see if Speeds still want it
    Lifetime memberships
    Tiered memberships

Speaker - Jeff Thompson on how to use members-only part of web pages

Announcements - one per person please

Close of meeting - Chaos


New Books
  From locusmag.com

February 2009
  Anderson, Poul * Call Me Joe: Selected Stories of Poul Anderson, Volume One * 
(NESFA Press, cln, hc)
  Armstrong, Kelley * Men of the Otherworld * (Orbit)
  Armstrong, Kelley * Men of the Otherworld * (Bantam Spectra, cln, hc)
  Ash, Sarah * Flight into Darkness * (Bantam Spectra, hc)
  + Barnes, Jonathan * The Domino Men * (Eos, hc)
  Bellairs, John * Magic Mirrors * (NESFA Press, hc)
  Bishop, Michael, ed. * Passing for Human * (PS Publishing, anth, hc)
  Conlon, Christopher, ed. * He Is Legend: Celebrating Richard Matheson * 
(Gauntlet Press, anth, hc)
  del Rey, Lester * War and Space * (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
  Di Filippo, Paul * Harsh Oases * (PS Publishing, cln, hc)
  Fowler, Christopher * Paperboy * (Doubleday UK, nf, hc)
  Friedman, C. S. * Wings of Wrath * (DAW, hc)
  Friedman, Celia * Wings of Wrath * (Orbit, tpb)
  Furey, Maggie * Heritage * (Gollancz, hc)
  Holland, Cecelia * The High City * (Forge, hc)
  Jones, Gwyneth * Grazing the Long Acre * (PS Publishing, cln, hc)
  Kenyon, Kay * City Without End * (Pyr, hc)
  Kress, Nancy * Steal Across the Sky * (Tor, hc)
  Lukyanenko, Sergei * Last Watch * (Hyperion/Miramax, tpb)
  Martin, George R. R., & Gardner Dozois, eds. * Songs of the Dying Earth * 
(Subterranean Press, anth, hc)
  McDevitt, Jack * Cryptic: the Best Short Fiction of Jack McDevitt * 
(Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
  McDonald, Ian * Cyberabad Days * (Pyr, cln, tpb)
  Melko, Paul * The Walls of the Universe * (Tor, hc)
  Moore, Christopher * Fool * (Morrow, hc)
  Morrow, James * Shambling Towards Hiroshima * (Tachyon Publications, cln, tpb)
  Niven, Larry, & Jerry Pournelle * Escape from Hell * (Tor, hc)
  Nylund, Eric * Mortal Coils * (Tor, tpb)
  Okorafor-Mbachu, Nnedi * Long Juju Man * (Macmillan UK, nvl-ya, tpb)
  Pinkwater, Daniel * The Yggyssey * (Houghton Mifflin, nvl-ya, hc)
  Powers, Tim * A Time to Cast Away Stones * (Charnel House, nva, hc)
  Reed, Kit * Enclave * (Tor, hc)
  Roberson, Chris * Three Unbroken * (Solaris, tpb)
  Roberson, Chris * Three Unbroken * (Solaris US, tpb)
  Rusch, Kristine Kathryn * Duplicate Effort * (Roc)
  Scholes, Ken * Lamentation * (Tor, hc)
  Simmons, Dan * Drood * (Little, Brown, hc)
  Stretton, Tim * The Dog of the North * (Tor UK, tpb)
  + Tan, Shaun * Tales from Outer Suburbia * (Scholastic/Levine, art, tpb)
  Walton, Jo * Lifeload * (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
  Witcover, Paul * Everland and Other Stories * (PS Publishing, cln, hc)
  Zelazny, Roger * The Dead Man's Brother * (Dorchester/Hard Case Crime)
  Zelazny, Roger * Threshold: Volume 1 of the Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny 
* (NESFA Press, cln, hc)

March 2009
  Baxter, Stephen * Starfall * (PS Publishing, nva, hc)
  Beagle, Peter S. * We Never Talk About My Brother * (Tachyon Publications, 
cln, tpb)
  Bear, Elizabeth * Seven for a Secret * (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
  Bishop, Anne * The Shadow Queen * (Roc, hc)
  Bisson, Terry * Billy's Book * (PS Publishing, cln, hc)
  Bould, Mark, & Andrew M. Butler, Adam Roberts & Sherryl Vint, eds. * The 
Routledge Companion to Science Fiction * (Routledge, nf, hc)
  + Brett, Peter * The Warded Man * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
  Brooke, Keith * The Accord * (Solaris)
  Carey, Mike * Thicker than Water * (Orbit)
  Castro, Adam-Troy * The Third Claw of God * (Eos)
  Cobley, Michael * The Seeds of Earth * (Orbit, tpb)
  + Dahlquist, Gordon * The Dark Volume * (Bantam, hc)
  de Lint, Charles * The Mystery of Grace * (Tor, hc)
  Duncan, Dave * The Alchemist's Pursuit * (Ace, tpb)
  Gaiman, Neil, & Charles Vess * Blueberry Girl * (Bloomsbury, nvl-ya, hc)
  Gaiman, Neil, & Charles Vess * Blueberry Girl * (HarperCollins, nvl-ya, hc)
  Graham, Jo * Hand of Isis * (Orbit US, tpb)
  Graham, Jo * Hand of Isis * (Orbit, tpb)
  Harrison, Kim * White Witch, Black Curse * (Eos, hc)
  Mann, George, ed. * The Solaris Book Of New Science Fiction Volume Three * 
(Solaris, anth)
  Mann, George, ed. * The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction: Volume Three * 
(Solaris US, anth)
  + Meaney, John * Black Blood * (Bantam Spectra, hc)
  November, Sharyn, ed. * Firebirds Soaring * (Firebird, anth, hc)
  Paul, Frank R. * From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul * 
(Shasta-Phoenix, art, hc)
  Pratt, T. A. * Spell Games * (Bantam Spectra)
  Steele, Allen * Coyote Horizon * (Ace, hc)
  Sterling, Bruce * Caryatids * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
  Strahan, Jonathan, ed. * The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year 
Volume Three * (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
  Valente, Catherynne M. * Palimpsest * (Bantam Spectra, tpb)
  Watson, Jules * The Swan Maiden * (Bantam Spectra, tpb)
  Weber, David * Storm From the Shadows * (Baen, hc)
  Wexler, Robert Freeman * The Painting and the City * (PS Publishing, hc)
  Williams, Walter Jon * This Is Not a Game * (Orbit, tpb)
  Williams, Walter Jon * This Is Not a Game * (Orbit US, hc)
  Wolfe, Gene * The Best of Gene Wolfe * (Tor, cln, hc)


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
  By Lynette Cowper

Alonzo King's LINES Ballet in performance with the Shaolin Monks of China: With 
utter calm and fierce precision, the dancers of LINES Ballet and the Shaolin 
Monks of China collaborate to present "Long River, High Sky," an unprecedented 
synthesis of Eastern and Western classical forms. this collaboration represents 
both a blending of distinct cultural traditions -- ballet and martial arts -- 
and recognition that these arts of movement are convergent and intertwined. 
Tickets: $20-$35. February 6, 8 PM, Clowes Memorial Hall of Butler University.

Blade Runner: The Final Cut: In 2019, Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) must defend 
Los Angeles from an invasion of replicants, or human clones, created to serve 
colonies outside Earth. In a dark future, Deckard is faced with questions of 
what it means to be truly human. Seven different versions of this film have 
been released since it debuted in 1982. The Final Cut is the only version for 
which director Ridley Scott had complete artistic control. Visitors may arrive 
at 6 pm. for a talk by Syd Mead, the "visual futurist" who designed the look of 
the film, which influenced video games, other films and product design. Mead 
introduces the film and hosts a Q&A session after the film. Additional ticket 
for lecture is required. February 13, 7 PM, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Tobias 

How to Get Published: Advice from the IHS, Hawthorne and IU Presses: March is 
Small Press Month, and those interested in learning more about publishing 
opportunities in Indiana should plan to participate in this informative program 
at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center. Ray Boomhower and 
Teresa Baer from the Indiana Historical Society Press, along with Nancy Baxter 
(Hawthorne Publishing) and Janet Rabinowitch (Indiana University Press), will 
give their insights on small press trends. Participants will learn the focus of 
these three distinct presses and what they and other small presses have to 
offer writers in general. They will also explore how the publishing process 
works and what they need to consider when pitching a book idea or manuscript. 
All in attendance will receive complimentary magazine and book copies, and will 
be entered to win additional prizes! Cost: $15 ($12, IHS members). Reservations 
required. March 7, 9:30am-12:30pm. Indiana History Center.

Who's Yer Con: This is a FREE convention held by Who's Yer Gamers, Inc to allow 
the community to get an experience with hobby gaming. This is a 501c3 status 
pending organization to bring communication and family unity through gaming. It 
is held for 3 days with NO charge to attend or to game. We hope that product 
support will be vast so that we can keep these people gaming and in turn 
support local game stores and the companies that supply them. Mar. 13-15. 
Hilton North, 82nd Street, Indianapolis, IN.

Indianapolis Boardgamers Convention: Last year we had 75 people come for two 
straight days and ran out of room! So this year we've got a brand new hotel, 24 
hour gaming, and should have 600-800 games available for play! We are expecting 
100-125 people, capping out at 130. There will be a variety of board games, 
including Euros, American games, and war games. Convention starts at 10am on 
Friday and finishes at 8pm on Sunday! Mar. 20-22. Drury Inn & Suites, 8180 N 
Shadeland Ave, Indianapolis, IN, 46250.

Comic Book Heroes Featuring the Max Simon Comic Book Collection: We can't 
promise visitors will be able to leap tall buildings at a single bound 
following a visit to the new Comic Book Heroes Featuring the Max Simon Comic 
Book Collection exhibit. But rest assured that this is a can't miss opportunity 
to view-- for the first time ever-- a collection of more than 19,000 comic 
books amassed by the late Max Simon, son of Mel and Brenda Simon. The new 
7,000-square-foot exhibit created by the Children's Museum highlights the 
people who bring comic books to life and those who preserve them while 
demonstrating that anyone be a comic book hero just by harnessing their 
creative talents. Through May 3, 2009, the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.

LEGO Castle Adventure: Builders of all ages are invited to explore, build and 
play in our newest traveling exhibition -- LEGO Castle Adventure! In this 
exhibit kids and their families are transported to a LEGO kingdom where they 
too can become master castle builders, using one of the greatest building 
materials of all time -- LEGO bricks. Build, explore a giant castle, aim a 
catapult, defend the castle walls, see a LEGO dragon and design and build 
topiaries. Through May 31. The Children's Museum.


Mark Your Calendars

February 2009

  4: Indy Knights General Meeting - Rathskellar

  6: Whoosier Network Meeting - Jesus Metropolitan Community Church
  6: Ren Cowper's birthday
  6: Coraline
  6: Push
  6-8: Con of the North - St. Paul, MN
  6-8: SuperCon - Rochester, MN
  6-8: What-the-Hell?! Con - Greensboro, NC
  6-8: Winter War 36 - Champaign, Illinois

  7: CoJ meeting
  7: Comic Book Con - Chesterfield, MO

  8: Lynette Cowper's birthday
  8: Comic Book Con - Springfield, IL

  12: Abraham Lincoln's 200th Birthday celebration
  12: Charles Darwin's 200th Birthday

  13: Friday the 13th
  13: The Unix time number reaches 1234567890 seconds at 23:31:30 UTC
  13-15: Farpoint - Timonium, MD
  13-15: Katsucon - Arlington, VA
  13-15: Kawa Kon - Clayton, MO

  14: IAS General Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
  14-16: Gamers of Winter - Harrisburg, PA

  15: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library
  15: X-trava-con Comic Book Con - Livonia, MI

  17: US television stations are now required to broadcast digitally

  19-22: Capricon - Wheeling, IL

  20-22: Con Nooga - Chattanooga, TN
  20-22: Gamicon Game Fair - Iowa City, IA

  21: Milwaukee Comic Book Con - Milwaukee, WI
  21-22: Con-G - Guelph, Ontario

  22: Twin Cities ComiCon - Mounds View, MN

  24: Comet Lulin will peak in brightness as seen from Earth at somewhere 
between +4 and +6 in magnitude (good for telescope viewing, but not for naked 
eye observance).

  25-3/1: PrezCon - Charlottesville, VA

  26: Sam Thompson's birthday

  27-3/1: Anime Milwaukee - Milwaukee, WI
  27-3/1: ConCave - Horse Cave, KY
  27-3/1: SheVaCon - Roanoke, VA

  28: Fort Wayne Comic Book Con - Fort Wayne, IN
  28-3/1: Fire & Ice - Manitowoc, WI

March 2009

  1: Ash Comic Show - Holiday Inn East

  4: Robert Hubbard's birthday

  5: NASA's Kepler Mission launched.

  6: Watchmen (conventional theaters and IMAX)
  6-7: Fear the Con - St. Louis, Missouri
  6-8: MarsCon - Bloomington, MN
  6-8: Technicon - Blacksburg, VA

  7: CoJ meeting

  8: Comic Book Con - Urbana, IL

  11: Eric Payton's birthday

  12: Randy Porter's birthday

  13: Race to Witch Mountain
  13-15: A & G Ohio - Cincinnati, OH
  13-15: Daigacon - Cave City, KY
  13-15: Madicon - Harrisonburg, VA
  13-15: Naka-Kon - Kansas City, MO
  13-15: Starcon - Rochester, MI
  13-15: Stellarcon - High Point, NC
  13-15: Who's Yer Con - Indianapolis Hilton North

  14: IAS General Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
  14: Green Bay Comic Book Con - Green Bay, WI
  14-15: MomoCon - Atlanta, GA

  15: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library
  15: Comic Book Con - Gurnee, IL
  15: Madicon - Harrisonburg, VA

  19-22: Furry Weekend Atlanta - Atlanta, GA

  20: Knowing
  20-22: FantaSciCon - Chattanooga, TN
  20-22: Indianapolis Boardgamers Convention - Shadeland Ave Drury Inn & Suites
  20-22: MidSouthCon - Memphis, TN
  20-22: Millennicon - Cincinnati, OH
  20-22: FantaSciCon - Chattanooga, TN

  21: Comic Book Con - South Bend, IN
  21-22: M-Con - Milwaukee, WI
  21-22: Toronto AnimeCon - Toronto, ON

  22: X-trava-con Comic Book Con - Livonia, MI

  24: Dave Herrington's birthday
  24: CoJ Board Meeting

  25: Neil Thompson's birthday
  25: Venus is both an Evening and Morning Star

  26: Chris Canary's birthday

  27: Monsters vs. Aliens (InTru 3D, conventional theaters and IMAX)
  27-29: Ad Astra - Toronto, ON
  27-29: Anime St. Louis - St. Charles, MO
  27-29: CogCon 17 - Rolla, MO
  27-29: GamerCon(r) - Moline, IL

  28: Animarathon - Bowling Green, OH
  28: WASFEn Con 3 - Wausau, WI

April 2009

  2-5: The 100 Hours of Astronomy begins

  3-5: Anime Detour - St. Paul, MN
  3-5: FilkON (Filk Ontario)- Mississauga, ON
  3-5: Middle Tennessee Anime Con - Nashville, TN
  3-5: Tekkoshocon - Pittsburgh, PA
  3-5: WillyCon - Wayne, NE

  4: CoJ meeting
  4: Comic Book Con - Bettendorf, IA

  5: Comic Book Con - Omaha, NE

  8: Dragonball Evolution

  10-12: Anime Punch! - Columbus, OH
  10-12: ConGlomeration - Louisville, KY
  10-12: Frolicon - Atlanta, GA
  10-12: Minicon - Bloomington, MN

  11: NashiCon - Columbia, SC
  11: Comic Book Con - Madison, WI

  17-19: Codcon - Glen Ellyn, IL
  17-19: JordanCon - Alpharetta
  17-19: UBCon - Buffalo, NY

  18: IAS General Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
  18: Shinboku Con - Elyria, OH
  18: Comic Book Con - Chesterfield, MO

  19: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library
  19: Peoria Comic Book Con - Peoria, IL

  24: The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and LCROSS impactor launched
  24-26: No Brand Con - Eau Claire, WI
  24-26: Odyssey Con 9- Madison WI

  25: CHS Otaku Fest - Ellicott City, MD
  25: Tora-Con - Rochester, NY
  25-26: Cape Girardeau Comic Con - Cape Girardeau, MO
  25-26: Kami-Con - Tuscaloosa, AL
  25-26: 2009 Spring Gaming Hoopla - Lake Geneva, WI


Meeting Info
    The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be held at the 7th and 8th 
United Christian Church at 2916 West 30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222. Doors 
open a little before 7:00 pm on Saturday, February 7, 2009. There will be a 
ConCom meeting preceding it at 5:00.

  Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
  President - Kathie Thompson
  Vice President - Lynette Cowper
  Secretary - Stephen Kendall
  Treasurer - Tony Patterson
  Sergeant at Arms - Jeff Thompson
  InConJunction 29 ConChair - Ellen Patterson
  InConJunction 30 ConChair - Kat Robertson
  InConJunction 31 ConChair - Mike Cowper

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science Fiction 
Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership, $15.00/year. 
For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514, Indianapolis, IN 
    Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

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