[CircularOfJanus] April Newsletter

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Sat Mar 28 02:57:21 EDT 2009

Name that ship/ city/ building! Throughout the PDF newsletter you will 
find pictures of cities, buildings and ships from various shows. See how 
many you can recognize!

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
  The Circular of Janus
  March 27, 2009
  Volume 30, Issue 4

  Presidential Ponderings - Kathie Thompson
  Minutes of the March Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  Minutes of the March Board Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  Weird Worlds of Science at Circle of Janus - Robert Pyatt
  Review of Karen Marie Moning Books - Judith Eudaly
  New Books - from Locus
  A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
  Mark Your Calendars
  Meeting Info & Club Officers


Presidential Ponderings
  by Kathie Thompson

Hello members of CoJ,

First I would like to thank Laura Hohman and Ryan Todd for the wonderful 
presentation on Search and Rescue dogs. It was a fun learning experience 
and very enjoyable.

There are several exciting things going on. At the April meeting Dr. Rob 
Pyatt will be here for a presentation of Weird Science. We will make sure 
there are extra chairs as this usually causes a full house. We are all 
looking forward to see what Dr. Pyatt will be presenting us with time 

Around town there are some wonderful things going on. Be sure to check out 
the Mark your Calendars section in this edition of the newsletter for all 
events. The Children's Museum is having a Star Wars exhibit. Maybe we 
could get a group or two to go. I believe it is here until January 31, 
2010. So maybe we should think about a non-meeting meeting to go in August 
or September.

I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting,



Minutes of the March Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

March 7, 2009, 7:00pm at the location:
    Seventh & Eighth United Christian Church, 2916 W 30th St, Indianapolis, 
Indiana 46222.

Board members in attendance:
    Kathie Thompson, President
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
    Ellen Patterson, ConChair 2009
    Kat Robertson, ConChair 2010
    Mike Cowper, ConChair 2011

Board members not in attendance (reason):
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board (conflict)
    Tony Patterson, Treasurer (illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
    Not taken.

Call the meeting to order:
    The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
    The minutes were approved as submitted.

Treasurer's report:
    There was no Treasurer's report.

InConJunction 29 Convention Report:
    Robin Wood will be the Artist Guest-of-Honor.
    Flyers are available; if you leave flyers someplace please email that 
fact to flyers at inconjunction.org and indicate what color flyers you left.
    The play is written; contact the ConChair if you want to help improve 
the play. Megan Cowper will be the play director.
    Make Your Own Costume will be a new masquerade category. The Masquerade 
Chair needs your scraps for making costumes and props.
    The end of the current week is the target for updating the website.
    Hotel room bookings have not increased.

InConJunction 30 Convention Report:
    The ConChair would like a play to be written for her.

InConJunction 31 Convention Report:
    The ConChair is considering using the existing Lunar Home Companion 

Member Services Report:
    Cards have been sent out.
    Birthdays will be compiled.
    The Webmaster will be asked to create an email address for the Member 
Activities committee.

Member Activities Report:
    Randy Porter will speak at the August meeting about Gen Con.
    Because Rob Pyatt will speak at the April meeting, the business portion 
may be abbreviated.

Other communications:
    There were no other communications.

Old Business:
       There was no change on the Bylaws editing.

    Audit Committee:
       The Audit Committee has met.
       Three months were reviewed.
       The Treasurer provided the information and Wendy Carson was the 
primary person reviewing the statements.

    Membership Cards:
       Membership cards exist, but are still awaiting the Treasurer's 

New Business:
    There was no new business

Chaos was temporarily declared at 7:16pm for the Search and Rescue 
presentation by Laura Hohmann, her husband Jim, and Ryan Todd. At 7:51pm 
Chaos was suspended.

    Lynette Cowper: Feed the kitty. Submit suggestions about food.
    Kathie: The board meeting will be Tuesday March 24, 2009 at Midwest 
Internet. Please send in agenda items.
    Kat: Oldest son Alex was one of 20 people chosen for Architecture 
program in Honolulu.
    Judy Eudaly: Has Star Wars books to give away.
    Melissa Kocias: She is doing Race for the Cure. Her fundraising goal: 
$1000. Will do the whole 5k in Kendo armor if she makes it.
    Mike Suess: Watchmen was awesome.
    ConChair 2009: No concom meeting in April. Concom please submit 
alternate dates that will work for you.
    Tracey Rollison: Dragon Scale Consort will be at the Athaneum.
    Gary Kitchen: A planning committee meeting for the upcoming anime 
convention is upcoming.
    John Belden: He is doing a memoir blog about fighting cancer 15 years 
ago. http://15yearsandcounting.blogspot.com
    Wendy: If you are interested in helping with the Penguicon room party, 
see Stephen Kendall.
    Randy Porter: NBC is having miniseries this Sunday called Kings. It is 
an alternate history retelling the story of David.
    Kat: We had a fabulous time at the non-meeting meeting.
    Kat: Who's Yer Con is next weekend.
    Vice President: Please recycle. Please also submit Coke Rewards points 
you don't need to Lynette.
    Tracey Rollison: Her daughter will be in an important ballet 
    Randy Porter: His mother has developed a rare bone melanoma. It is very 
treatable. Randy has a shoulder problem, but for the past week or so he's 
been able to wash dishes.
    Jess Bunn: Set your clocks forward tonight for Daylight Saving Time.

Chaos was declared at 8:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,
    Stephen Kendall,


Minutes of the March Board Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

Circle of Janus, Inc.
  Minutes of the Board of Directors
  March 24, 2009, 7:00pm

at the facilities of:
  Midwest Internet
  5348 N. Tacoma Ave
  Indianapolis, IN 46220

Board members in attendance:
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
    Kathie Thompson, President
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Ellen Patterson, ConChair 2009
    Mike Cowper, ConChair 2011

Board members not in attendance (reason):
    Tony Patterson, Treasurer (work obligations)
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms (no reason given)
    Kat Robertson, ConChair 2010 (illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
    Wendy Carson
    John Belden

Guests introduced:

Call the meeting to order:
    Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
    The January 15, 2009 Board Meeting minutes were approved as published.

Member Services:
    A card has been sent to Kim Huff. Thank you cards to the local 
businesses offering us discounts have also been sent. An online area has 
been established for storing member records that only the board, the 
newsletter editor, and member services can access. Member services will 
use it to get birthdays.

Member Activities:
    Jeff and Kathie plan to have a non-meeting meeting in April.

Other communications:
    More dealers room applications have been received.

Old business:
    The audit committee has met and audited three months. Further meetings 
will be scheduled.

    There has been no progress on the Bylaws. Methods of online 
collaboration were discussed. Style standards were discussed. The Bylaws 
Committee was asked to report by the next board meeting. Ellen Patterson 
withdrew from the committee due to conflict with her duties as ConChair 
2009. Wendy Carson joined the committee.

New Business:
    The 30th Anniversary Party in December 2009 was discussed. Special 
arrangements over and above a normal anniversary party were considered. 
Locating and inviting past members and out-of-state members was discussed.

    Lifetime memberships were discussed. By a vote the board established 
that it saw no benefit to the club in establishing a lifetime membership 
at this time.

    Cross-promotional possibilities between CoJ and Mensa were discussed.

    InConJunction 2009 has approximately 130 room nights. The 2009 Guest of 
Honor was discussed.
    There is a new anime convention coming to Indianapolis the weekend 
before Thanksgiving at the Marriott: http://animecrossroads.com

    The Children's Museum has a Star Wars exhibit. A CoJ group visit was 

Chaos was declared at 7:48pm.

Respectfully submitted,
    Stephen Kendall,


Weird Worlds of Science at Circle of Janus
  by Robert Pyatt

I'm excited to present another classic session of Weird World of Science 
for CoJ. I love doing this talk at InConjuntion and the response from 
attendees has just been incredible (I'm actually writing this from the 
Charity Auction at Millennicon where I'm preparing to do a Weird World of 
Science session tonight). I can't believe I've been doing this since 2004. 
Returning to CoJ gives me a chance to revisit some of the favorite Weird 
Science studies I've presented, review the results from our own weird 
science studies, and toss in some of new ones as well. So if you're 
curious, here's a list of what I think I'm going to be covering. Be 
warned, I frequently change my mind at the last minute.

    The Diagnostic Value of Dual-Energy CT and 3 Tesla MRI in the Diagnosis 
of German Mardi Gras Donuts
    Gender Differences in Response to Sexual Offers
    The Beefburger Injury
    Pharyngeal Irritation After Eating Cooked Tarantula
    Ovulatory Cycle Effects on Tip Earnings by Lapdancers
    Our last study: Phobias in Science Fiction Fans
    Our new study: Stall Preference or Where Do You Poo?

I'll even throw in this one that was just published:

    Male condoms that break in use do so mostly by a "blunt puncture" 

If you have friends who are curious about CoJ or InCon, I think this would 
be a great meeting to bring them. It's a great introduction to the funny, 
educational, and thoughtful interests that both CoJ and InConjunction 
share. [Editor's note: For those not familiar with these panels, they're 
definitely adults-only. -- LRFC]


Review of Karen Marie Moning Books
  by Judith Eudaly

Several years ago, my mother got me started on a series of time 
travel/paranormal romance stories by Karen Marie Moning called the 
Higlander series. About the third one, I began to see that, although most 
of the characters were different, there were some connecting threads. 
Since most of you are not into romance fiction, I never brought them up. 
However, there was time travel, fairies (not the winged "Tinkerbell" 
things), and some really evil bad guys. Not to mention romance and some 
stupendously good graphic sex. I wouldn't recommend them for anyone under 
the age of 16. There are seven books plus a novella that I just managed to 
find. (It is out of print.)

I started the new Fever series a few months back and just last month 
finished the third book in that series. This is the part that will 
interest many of you. The Fever series is sort of a continuation of the 
Highlander series. About halfway through that first book, I realized that 
the story had morphed into horror. Argh. Horror of horrors. I am NOT a 
horror fan. But now I can't stop. I have been sucked into the story and 
the characters and wanting to know what the hell is going on. That third 
book left the heroine in the most god-awful place. A cliff-hanger of the 
nth degree. I screamed and threw the book at the wall. The fourth book 
doesn't come out until this coming August. Ms. Moning has a website and I 
go to the message boards, where she has placed two teasers so far about 
the upcoming book.

You can read the books independently, if you must. But to get the full 
story and know who all the characters are, you really should start at the 
beginning of the Highlander series.

Here is a listing.
    Beyond the Highland Mist: Hawk and Adrienne de Simone
    To Tame a Highland Warrior: Gavrael McIllioc and Jillian St. Clair
    The Higlander's Touch: Brodie and Lisa
    Kiss of the Highlander: Drustun McKeltar and Gwen Cassidy
    The Dark Highlander: Daegus McKeltar and Chloe Zanders
    The Immortal Highlander: Adam Black (Fae Prince) and Gabrielle 
    Spell of the Highlander: Cian MacKeltar and Jessi St. James
    Into the Dreaming (novella): Aedan MacKinnon and Jane Sillee

All of the above books put the appropriate druids in the time frame that 
the Seelie Queen requires.

    Darkfever: Introduction of MacKayla Lane and Jericho Barrons along with 
sundry really evil, horrendous looking things, not to mention, a "death by 
sex" fae. And where is the Seelie Queen?
    Bloodfever: Vampires, Unseelie and more "death by sex" fae
    Faefever: Walls between Fae and Human are starting to fall. Lots of 
really nasty creatures are now loose in the world. Mac ends up in a really 
BAD place with 3 "death by sex" fae
    Dreamfever: Due out in August (Pounding head against wall)

Website: http://www.karenmoning.com/

Twentieth Century Fox has optioned the Fever series and there has been 
much discussion about exactly who and what Barrons is and who should play 
him in any movie. My two favorite choicies are Scott Elrod (Men and Trees, 
Hellhound 2009, http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2702810368/nm2040932) and Oded 
Fehr (The Mummy, Resident Evil, 
http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3349715200/nm0004912). Lively and vocal 
discussions about all the books also abound.


New Books
  From locusmag.com

April 2009
  Bellairs, John * Magic Mirrors * (NESFA Press, hc)
  Bishop, Michael, ed. * Passing for Human * (PS Publishing, anth, hc)
  Blaylock, James P. * Metamorphosis * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
  Bova, Ben * The Immortality Factor * (Tor, hc)
  Bradbury, Ray * Marionettes, Inc. * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
  Butcher, Jim * Turn Coat * (Roc, hc)
  Clare, Cassandra * The Mortal Instruments, Book Three: City of Glass * 
(Simon & Schuster/McElderry, nvl-ya, hc)
  Datlow, Ellen, ed. * Nebula Awards Showcase 2009 * (Roc, anth, tpb)
  Datlow, Ellen, & Terri Windling, eds. * Troll's Eye View * (Viking, anth, 
  Griffin, Kate * A Madness of Angels * (Orbit)
  Griffin, Kate * A Madness of Angels * (Orbit US, hc)
  + Hamilton, Peter F. * The Temporal Void * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
  Irvine, Alexander C. * Buyout * (Ballantine Del Rey, tpb)
  Jones, Gwyneth * The Buonarotti Quartet * (Aqueduct Press, cln, tpb)
  Jones, Gwyneth * Grazing the Long Acre * (PS Publishing, cln, hc)
  Lake, Jay, & Nick Gevers, eds. * Other Earths * (DAW, anth)
  Langan, John * House of Windows * (Night Shade Books, hc)
  Le Guin, Ursula K. * Cheek by Jowl: Essays * (Aqueduct Press, nf, tpb)
  Lisle, Holly * The Silver Door * (Scholastic/Orchard, nvl-ya, hc)
  McKenna, Juliet E. * Irons in the Fire * (Solaris, tpb)
  McKenna, Juliet E. * Irons in the Fire * (Solaris)
  Monette, Sarah * Corambis * (Ace, hc)
  Rawn, Melanie * Fire Raiser * (Tor, hc)
  Sawyer, Robert J. * WWW: Wake * (Ace, hc)
  Scalzi, John * The God Engine * (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
  Stross, Charles * The Revolution Business * (Tor, hc)
  Wexler, Robert Freeman * The Painting and the City * (PS Publishing, hc)
  Witcover, Paul * Everland and Other Stories * (PS Publishing, cln, hc)
  Wrede, Patricia C. * Thirteenth Child * (Scholastic, nvl-ya, hc)
  Zivkovic, Zoran * The Book, The Writer, The Reader * (PS Publishing, nva, 

May 2009
  Adams, John Joseph, ed. * Federations * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
  Armstrong, Kelley * The Awakening * (Orbit)
  Armstrong, Kelley * The Awakening * (HarperCollins, nvl-ya, hc)
  Asaro, Catherine * Diamond Star * (Baen, hc)
  Ballantyne, Tony * Twisted Metal * (Tor UK, tpb)
  Barnes, Steven * Shadow Valley * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
  + Baxter, Stephen * Flood * (Roc, hc)
  Brown, Eric * Gilbert and Edgar on Mars * (PS Publishing, nva, hc)
  Campbell, Alan * God of Clocks * (Bantam Spectra, hc)
  Carey, Jacqueline * Santa Olivia * (Grand Central, tpb)
  + Chadbourn, Mark * World's End * (Pyr, tpb)
  Cherryh, C. J. * Conspirator * (DAW, hc)
  + Esslemont, Ian C. * Night of Knives * (Tor, hc)
  Fenn, Jaine * The Consorts of Heaven * (Gollancz, hc/tpb)
  Gilman, Greer * Cloud & Ashes * (Small Beer Press, hc)
  Hamilton, Edmond * The Collected Captain Future, Volume One * (Haffner 
Press, cln, hc)
  Hamilton, Edmond * The Metal Giants and Others: The Collected Edmond 
Hamilton, Volume One * (Haffner Press, cln, hc)
  Hamilton, Edmond * The Star Stealers: The Complete Adventures of the 
Interstellar Patrol: The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Two * (Haffner 
Press, cln, hc)
  Harris, Charlaine * Dead and Gone * (Ace, hc)
  Hoffman, Nina Kiriki * Fall of Light * (Ace, hc)
  Holt, Tom * May Contain Traces of Magic * (Orbit, hc)
  Kuttner, Henry * Robots Have No Tails * (Planet Stories, cln, tpb)
  Lansdale, Joe R., ed. * Son of Retro Pulp Tales * (Subterranean Press, 
anth, hc)
  + Marshall, Michael * Bad Things * (Morrow, hc)
  Mendlesohn, Farah, ed. * On Joanna Russ * (Wesleyan University Press, nf, 
  Mieville, China * The City & the City * (Macmillan UK, hc)
  + Mieville, China * The City & the City * (Subterranean Press, hc)
  Moorcock, Michael * The Best of Michael Moorcock * (Tachyon Publications, 
cln, tpb)
  Ness, Patrick * The Ask and the Answer * (Walker UK, nvl-ya, hc)
  Oyeyemi, Helen * White is for Witching * (Picador UK, hc)
  Pierce, Tamora * Beka Cooper: Bloodhound * (Random House, nvl-ya, hc)
  Pinborough, Sarah * The Language of Dying * (PS Publishing, nva, hc)
  Powers, Tim * A Time to Cast Away Stones * (Charnel House, nva, hc)
  + Redick, Robert V. S. * The Red Wolf Conspiracy * (Ballantine Del Rey, 
  Reeve, Philip * Fever Dream * (Scholastic UK, nvl-ya, hc)
  Robins, Lane * Kings and Assassins * (Ballantine Del Rey, tpb)
  Ruckley, Brian * Fall of Thanes * (Orbit, hc)
  + Sapkowski, Andrzej * The Blood of Elves * (Orbit US)
  Shepard, Lucius * Vacancy & Ariel * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
  Silverberg, Robert * Trips: The Collected Stories, Volume Four * 
(Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
  Williams, Sean * Astropolis: The Grand Conjunction * (Ace)
  Williams, Sean * Astropolis: The Grand Conjunction * (Orbit)
  Yolen, Jane * Dragon's Heart * (Harcourt, nvl-ya, hc)
  Zebrowski, George * Empties * (Golden Gryphon Press, hc)


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
  By Lynette Cowper

Riverdance: The thunderous celebration of Irish music, song and dance that 
has tapped its way onto the world stage thrilling millions of people 
around the globe will play Farewell Performances across North America. 
Discover why nothing in the world compares to The Original International 
Phenomenon! Whether it's your first time or your fifth, you won't want to 
miss these farewell performances of Riverdance! Tickets: $25, $50, $65. 
April 24 to 26, Murat Centre.

Meet Wolverine at the Children's Museum: Meet Wolverine, the feistiest 
member of the X-Men! Fans have the opportunity to meet Wolverine at The 
Children's Museum of Indianapolis at 10:30 and 11:30 a.m., 1:30 and 2:30 
p.m. Appearance times last approximately 30 minutes. April 25, Children's 

Comic Book Heroes Featuring the Max Simon Comic Book Collection: We can't 
promise visitors will be able to leap tall buildings at a single bound 
following a visit to the new Comic Book Heroes Featuring the Max Simon 
Comic Book Collection exhibit. But rest assured that this is a can't miss 
opportunity to view-- for the first time ever-- a collection of more than 
19,000 comic books amassed by the late Max Simon, son of Mel and Brenda 
Simon. The new 7,000-square-foot exhibit created by the Children's Museum 
highlights the people who bring comic books to life and those who preserve 
them while demonstrating that anyone be a comic book hero just by 
harnessing their creative talents. Through May 3, 2009, the Children's 
Museum of Indianapolis.

Indiana Paranormal Convention: Come join us for a fun and exciting 
three-day event featuring seminars, workshops, celebrity guest speakers, 
local guest speakers, and various vendors from all over the United States. 
This event will also be a huge fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation 
which helps grant the wishes of children who suffer from life-threatening 
medical conditions. May 8 to 10, Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds and 
Conference Complex.

LEGO Castle Adventure: Builders of all ages are invited to explore, build 
and play in our newest traveling exhibition -- LEGO Castle Adventure! In 
this exhibit kids and their families are transported to a LEGO kingdom 
where they too can become master castle builders, using one of the 
greatest building materials of all time -- LEGO bricks. Build, explore a 
giant castle, aim a catapult, defend the castle walls, see a LEGO dragon 
and design and build topiaries. Through May 31. The Children's Museum.

Italian Street Festival: A popular annual celebration of everything 
Italian, this favorite summer festival gives visitors the opportunity to 
experience Italian culture and heritage. Sample such ethnic specialties as 
tortellini, ravioli, lasagna, manicotti, spumoni, cannoli and cappuccino 
and enjoy live music, dancing, games and a traditional religious 
procession with participants dressed in Italian costumes. Free admission. 
June 12 to 13, Holy Rosary Catholic Church.

Wicked: So much happened before Dorothy dropped in. Long before that girl 
from Kansas arrives in Munchkinland, two girls meet in the land of Oz. 
One-- born with emerald green skin-- is smart, fiery and misunderstood. 
The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. How these two grow to 
become the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch makes for 
"the most complete and completely satisfying new musical in a long time" 
(USA Today). On Broadway and around the world, Wicked has worked its magic 
on critics and audiences alike. June 3 to 21, Murat Centre.

Komodo Dragons: At ten feet long, Komodo dragons are the largest lizards 
in the world. Many zoos in the United States and throughout the world are 
helping to protect this fantastic lizard species by creating captive 
breeding programs, raising funds and providing support. The two dragons we 
will be displaying will come from the Denver Zoo. You won't want to miss 
this incredible predator from Komodo! May 23 to Sept 6, Indianapolis Zoo.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Exhibition: This spring, a galaxy far, far away 
comes to The Children's Museum of Indianapolis with Star Wars: The Clone 
Wars Exhibition. The visual exhibition features artwork, costumes and 
other pieces used in the concept and production for Star Wars: The Clone 
Wars, the first-ever animated feature and television series from Lucasfilm 
Animation. There'll be a life size Jedi fighter in the Welcome Center. The 
exhibit itself will be in the lower level by the planetarium. There are 
life-size flats of Anakin, Yoda, Ahsoka and other characters next to which 
visitors can pose for pictures. Through Jan 31, 2010, Children's Museum.


Mark Your Calendars

April 2009

  1: Judy Eudaly's birthday
  1: Indy Knights General Meeting - Rathskellar

  2-5: The 100 Hours of Astronomy begins

  3: Alien Trespass
  3: Whoosier Network Meeting - Jesus Metropolitan Community Church
  3-5: Anime Detour - St. Paul, MN
  3-5: FilkON (Filk Ontario)- Mississauga, ON
  3-5: Middle Tennessee Anime Con - Nashville, TN
  3-5: Tekkoshocon - Pittsburgh, PA
  3-5: WillyCon - Wayne, NE

  4: CoJ meeting
  4: Gary Kitchen's birthday
  4: Comic Book Con - Bettendorf, IA

  5: Comic Book Con - Omaha, NE

  10: Dragonball Evolution
  10-12: Anime Punch! - Columbus, OH
  10-12: ConGlomeration - Louisville, KY Canceled!
  10-12: Frolicon - Atlanta, GA
  10-12: Minicon - Bloomington, MN

  11: NashiCon - Columbia, SC
  11: Comic Book Con - Madison, WI

  13: David Henninger's birthday

  15: Melissa Kocias's birthday

  17-19: Codcon - Glen Ellyn, IL
  17-19: Eeriecon - Niagara Falls, NY
  17-19: JordanCon - Alpharetta
  17-19: UBCon - Buffalo, NY

  18: IAS General Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
  18: Shinboku Con - Elyria, OH
  18: Comic Book Con - Chesterfield, MO

  19: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library
  19: Peoria Comic Book Con - Peoria, IL
  19: X-trava-con - Livonia, MI

  23: Jeff Thompson's birthday

  24: The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and LCROSS impactor launched
  24-26: No Brand Con - Eau Claire, WI
  24-26: Odyssey Con 9- Madison WI
  24-26: RavenCon - Richmond, VA
  24-26: Steel City Con - Cheswick, PA

  25: CHS Otaku Fest - Ellicott City, MD
  25: Tora-Con - Rochester, NY
  25-26: Cape Girardeau Comic Con - Cape Girardeau, MO
  25-26: Kami-Con - Tuscaloosa, AL
  25-26: 2009 Spring Gaming Hoopla - Lake Geneva, WI
  25-26: TFcon Toronto - Toronto, ON

  28: Brian Davidson's birthday

  29: Harry Bunn's birthday

May 2009

  1: Battle for Terra
  1: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  1-3: DemiCon - Des Moines, IA
  1-3: DICEHEAD SIEGE - Chattanooga, TN
  1-3: OUTLANTACON - Atlanta, GA
  1-3: Penguicon - Romulus, MI
  1-3: PointCon - Stevens Point, WI
  1-4: Costume-Con - Timonium, MD

  2: CoJ meeting
  2: IAS New Astronomers Group - McCloud Park

  3: Ash Comic Show - Holiday Inn East
  3: Comic Book Con - Springfield, IL
  3: GenreCon - Sarnia, ON

  8: Star Trek
  8-10: Anime Central - Rosemont, IL

  12: CoJ Board Meeting

  14: Deb Hunt's birthday

  15: Angels & Demons
  15-17: AnCon '09 - Hudson, OH
  15-17: MOBICON - Mobile, AL

  16: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory

  17: Kat Robertson's birthday
  17: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library
  17: Comic Book Con - Gurnee, IL

  19: Cheryl Miller-Andrews's birthday

  21: Terminator Salvation

  22: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
  22-24: Animazement - Durham, NC
  22-24: Anime North - Toronto, Ontario
  22-24: Marcon - Columbus, OH
  22-24: ConQuest - Kansas City, MO
  22-25: Play On Con - Birmingham, AL
  22-24: TIMEGATE - Atlanta, GA
  22-25: WisCon - Madison, WI

  25: First of three in a triple conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune

  29: Drag Me to Hell
  29-31: ConCarolinas - Charlotte, NC

  30: IAS New Astronomers Group - McCloud Park
  30: Rockford Comic Book Con - Rockford, IL
  30-31: GarasoNoShiCon - Perrysburg, OH

  31: Milwaukee Comic Book Con - Milwaukee, WI

June 2009

  3: Andy Andrews's birthday

  4-7: ColossalCon - Sandusky, OH

  5: Land of the Lost
  5-7: Anime Alabama - Mobile, AL
  5-7: Die Con 9 - Collinsville, IL
  5-7: Hypericon - Nashville, TN
  5-7: OMGcon - Paducah, KY
  5-7: TorchSong - Rosemond, Il

  6: CoJ meeting
  6: Comic Book Con - Overland Park, KS

  7: Comic Book Con - Urbandale, IA

  11-14: SFRA - Atlanta, GA

  12: Imagine That
  12-14: Adventure Con - Knoxville, TN
  12-14: DucKon - Chicago, IL

  13: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory
  13: Comic Book Con - Iowa City, IA

  14: Comic Book Con - Mounds View, MN

  19: Michael Suess's birthday
  19: Year One

  20: Comic Book Con - Terre Haute, IN

  21: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library
  21: Comic Book Con - Collinsville, IL

  24: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

  25-28: Origins Game Fair - Columbus, OH
  25-29: MidWestCon - Sharonville, OH

  27: Reed Hartman's birthday
  27: IAS New Astronomers Group - McCloud Park
  27-28: JAFAX - Allendale, MI

  28: Ash Comic Show - Holiday Inn East
  28: Atlanta Anime Day - Atlanta, GA
  28: X-trava-con Comic Show - Livonia, MI


Meeting Info
  The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be held at the 7th and 8th 
United Christian Church at 2916 West 30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222. 
Doors open a little before 7:00 pm on Saturday, April 4, 2009. There will 
be a ConCom meeting preceding it at 5:00.

  Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
  President - Kathie Thompson
  Vice President - Lynette Cowper
  Secretary - Stephen Kendall
  Treasurer - Tony Patterson
  Sergeant at Arms - Jeff Thompson
  InConJunction 29 ConChair - Ellen Patterson
  InConJunction 30 ConChair - Kat Robertson
  InConJunction 31 ConChair - Mike Cowper

Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor
  The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science 
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership, 
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514, 
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.

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