[CircularOfJanus] January Circular

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Wed Dec 29 23:15:32 EST 2010

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 December 28, 2010
 Volume 32, Issue 1

 Presidential Ponderings - Kathie Thompson
 Minutes of the November Meeting - Stephen Kendall
 Nominees for Office
 January Meeting Agenda
 New Year's Eve Party
 Race for the Cure - Melissa Kocias
 Mark Your Calendars
 A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
 New Books - from Locus
 Answers to the December Circular
 Meeting Info & Club Officers


Presidential Ponderings
 by Kathie Thompson

Hello everyone,

This past year has been busy, fun, and yet we (the Board) have gotten a
lot accomplished.
·         New meeting space for the year of 2011 (JMCC)
·         Standard Operating Procedure for each member of the Board
·         Goals for the club and InConJunction

Personally I would like to say a special thank you to each and every club
member for all the support for the club and convention.  A special thanks
goes to all that helped this year as the club has had a couple of stands
(tents) at events such as Pagan Pride Day and Gay Pride Parade.  Things
like this take a lot of extra effort.  It is also things like this that
allow some of the public to see us outside of the convention.

The last two years as your president have meant a lot to me. Thanks for
giving me the opportunity to serve you as the president of this wonderful
club.  Please give that same support and open arms to the newly elected
president of the club in 2011.

Everyone is welcome to come to the New Year’s Eve Party at the Clarion Inn
& Suites Northwest located at 7001 Corporate Drive, Indianapolis, IN 
46278.  Everyone is expected to bring a dish (please RSVP to me --
kathawkes at comcast dot net). If you are getting a room there is no
charge for the party. If not getting a room, the charge is $10.00 per

 Kathie Thompson,
 CoJ President


Minutes of the November Meeting
 by Stephen Kendall

November 13, 2010 at 7:00pm
   at the facilities of:
   Jesus Metropolitan Community Church
   2950 East 55th Place
   Indianapolis, IN 46220

Board members in attendance:
   Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
   Kathie Thompson, President and InConJunction 32 ConChair
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary
   Emily Rodgers, Treasurer
   Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
   Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair

Board members not in attendance:
   Lynette Cowper, Vice-President (illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
   William R. "Andy" Andrews
   John Belden
   Wendy Carson
   Mike Cowper
   Anjala Dick
   Dillan Dick
   Laura Edwards
   Stephen Kendall
   Gary Kitchen
   Melissa Kocias
   Steven Marsh
   Cheryl Miller-Andrews
   Gary Plumlee
   Randy Porter
   Kent Raquet
   Emily Rodgers
   Tracey Rollison
   Michael Suess
   Jeff Thompson
   Kathie Thompson

Guests introduced:

Call the meeting to order:
   Called to order at 7:00pm by Jeff.

   Reading of the last meeting's minutes: The minutes from the October
meeting were passed out.

Treasurer's report:
   Emily gave the Treasurer's Report.
   Additional details are available in the members-only addendum to the

InConJunction 31 Convention Report:
   We are having a convention.
   A number of the guests Mike has invited have not responded.
   The Author GoH Catherine Asaro suggested musician Donald Wolcott, who
worked on the soundtrack for her last book.
   Pending final steps, he will be the music GoH.
   Mike has one or two featured guests. He is waiting to hear from his
Artist GOH.
   Mike is looking at rearranging the function space.

InConJunction 32 Convention Report:
   We are having a convention.
   Kathie will have a contract for Paul Taylor at the Board Meeting on
   Kathie has sent an email to Jim Butcher's agent, but has not heard back
from her.
   She has heard about a person who does projections for fantastic events
(e.g., what would happen if there was a zombie invasion) and will be
contacting him.

Member Services:
   Has been sending out cards.
   Anjala asked the group for their opinion on sending out holiday cards.
There were no objections to the holiday aspect, per se. Jeff, however,
felt that sending cards to friends of the club and convention made more
sense than sending them to the members.
   Jeff considered the consensus to be that nobody wanted to spend the
money on holiday cards, but that something would be sent out by email.

Member Activities:
   We are still working on a location for the December anniversary party.
   If all else fails, it will be at the Thompson House.
   Regarding the New Year's party at the Clarion, the hotel has lowered
room rates to $64.
   The email regarding that has been sent and will be resent.
   This will be our 11th year at the Clarion. The party rooms that we use
normally rents for $250, but if we make our room nights we only pay
$50. There is no charge to attend the New Year's party for those who
get rooms.

   Jeff moved that we accept the meeting minutes as published [I would
take this to mean the minutes as printed and distributed, as they
didn't make the Circular-- LRFC]. Andy seconded. The motion carried.
   Dues-paying members were reminded to sign the attendance sheet, as a
vote was to be taken tonight.
   Kathie thanked John and Wendy for working with JMCC to allow us to meet
her tonight. Kathie will follow up with the church to see if this can
become our permanent home.

Board report:

Other communications:

Old Business:
   Bylaws Changes:
      The "Replace 4B" section was read by Kathie from the October
minutes. Kathie then explained this change; it gives the Chairman
some actual responsibilities. The members voted to make the change;
there were no Nays.
      The "Paragraph 4H" change was read. It was moved Andy and seconded
by Jeff. The members voted to make the change; there were no Nays.
      The "Proposed change in Paragraph 4H" section was read by Jeff. The
members voted to make the change; there were no Nays.
      The "Proposed to be added to Paragraph 5B" section was read by Jeff.
Kathie elaborated on this proposal. Emily asked why the Board was to
be responsible for providing SOPs. Jeff responded that the Board is
responsible for making sure SOPs happen, not providing them. It was
pointed out that we have been trying to get this done since Judy
Eudaly's last convention at the Adam's Mark. [Secretary's note: The
last time Judy Eudaly was ConChair was in 1992, which was indeed at
the Adam's Mark.] Steven Marsh asked what the consequences were if
this wasn't done; Kathie said that the members would be holding the
officers accountable. Andy said that, realistically, we would not
get all the SOPs written by the 2011 convention. Randy Porter called
the question. The members voted to make the change; there was one
Nay. Emily Rodgers was asked if she minded being recorded as the
sole Nay; she did not mind.
      The "Replace 5C" section was read by Jeff. Steven Marsh pointed out
that no hierarchy is established for the duties of the Chairman to
devolve to other officers should the Chairman be temporarily unable
to perform them. Andy and others felt that those duties would
naturally devolve to the President. The members voted to make the
change; there were no Nays.
      The "Proposed change in Paragraph 6A" section was read by Jeff.
Steven Marsh asked if it was documented when the Chairman elections
would be held. Mike Cowper said it had just been running every two
years since the Chairman position was introduced. Kathie called the
question. The members voted to make the change; there were no Nays.
      The "Proposed change in Paragraph 6E" section was read by Jeff.
Kathie invited discussion. The members voted to make the change;
there were no Nays.
      The "Proposed change in Paragraph 6F" section was read by Andy and
Jeff. Kathie invited discussion. The members voted to make the
change; there were no Nays.
      The "Proposed change to Paragraph 6 and New Paragraph 7" section was
presented. Kathie invited discussion. The members voted to make the
change; there were no Nays.
      The "Proposed change to Paragraph 5A" section was read by Andy and
Jeff. Kathie invited discussion. The members voted to make the
change; there were no Nays.
      The "Proposed change and additions to Paragraph 7 (now 8)" section
was read by Andy and Jeff. Kathie invited discussion. Emily asked
for a definition of "proxy vote". Steven Marsh asked if there was a
deadline for absentee ballots; the deadline is the meeting, he was
told. Dillan Dick said he is going back to Iraq in March and
questioned whether any of the provided procedures would work for
him. There was an extensive discussion of why we don't allow proxy
voting (it would allow members to walk around with proxies in their
pockets, quite likely swaying elections). Randy Porter called the
question. The members voted to make the change; there were no Nays.
      The bylaws changes were concluded.

      The current ConChair nominees were reviewed. Randy questioned
whether people can be nominated by email (i.e., how do such
nominations make the minutes). [They make the minutes by the
Secretary or Editor including a note, like this one, that so-and-so
was nominated via email. -- LRFC] Melissa Kocias was renominated and
      The current nominees for Chairman were reviewed. Andy Andrews accepted.
      The current nominees for President were reviewed. There were no
additional nominations.
      The current nominees for Vice-President were reviewed. Dillan
nominated Anjala Dick. Emily Rodgers seconded. Anjala Dick accepted.
Mike Cowper declined. Lynette Cowper accepted in the Circular.
[Actually, I accepted at the last meeting. -- LRFC] Kathie Thompson
      The current nominees for Secretary were reviewed. Emily Rodgers
nominated Laura Edwards. Dillan Dick seconded. Laura Edwards
      The current nominees for Treasurer were reviewed. Emily Rodgers
announced that Kent Raquet was eligible. Kathie now has an
eligibility list. Kent Raquet accepted.
      The current nominees for Sergeant-at-Arms were reviewed. It was
noted that, notwithstanding the minutes, Dillan Dick had declined at
the October meeting. Also notwithstanding the minutes, it was noted
that Ricky Lile had accepted at the last meeting. Additionally, at
the October meeting it was Mike Suess who nominated nominated Mike
      Randy Porter asked if this closes nominations for ConChair. It was
pointed out that nominations could still come in by email. Emily
pointed out that write-in candidates are allowed for any office. It
was suggested that Paragraph 6C will be a topic of concern for next
year's Bylaws Caucus.
      Nominations were tabled.

   More Bylaws Changes:
      Paragraph 6C was discussed. Kathie proposed a change in Paragraph 6,
Section 6:
      Currently it reads "Write-in candidates are allowed for any office."
      Proposed change: "Write-in candidates are allowed for any office
except ConChair."
      Emily Rodgers and Steven Marsh moved to insert the word "not" after
"Write-in candidates are" instead.
      Emily and Randy Porter moved to just strike Paragraph 6, Section C.
[I believe by state law there has to be something in the Bylaws on
write-in votes. -- LRFC]
      The Emily Rodgers / Steven Marsh proposal carried: "Write-in
candidates are not allowed for any office." [This will have to be
officially voted on at the January election as, by our Constitution
and Bylaws, amendments have to be published in the newsletter before
they can be voted on. -- LRFC]

New Business:
   CoJ Table at InConJunction:
      Emily asked that each member of the Board separately man the CoJ
table at InConJunction for one hour per office they hold. Emily is
raising this now so that prospective officers will know what is
expected of them.

   November Board Meeting on Tuesday the 16th:
      Andy asked what should be discussed at the next Board meeting. He
asked for people to send him emails. He did not promise the topics
would be discussed.
      Kathie re-announced the meeting: Tuesday at 7pm at Midwest Internet.

   Mike C for the Vice President: Feed the kitty!
   Kathie: The Thompson family will be getting a new member next month: a
year-old Belgian Tervuran dog named Caton. The Thompsons will be a
four-dog household.
   Dillan: Returning to Iraq in March (Texas in January). Has a notepad to
collect addresses, since he does not know his Iraqi address yet. He
wants paper letters so he can take them out and reread them when having
a bad day.
   Melissa Kocias: Beckie, Roxie, and Melissa have started The League of
Extraordinary Gentlegeeks, a Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure team.
Melissa stated that their approach would be better described as "Mosey
for the Cure". She invites any and all geeks to join her team.
   John Belden: The people behind the play Cabaret Poe are putting on
another show that started yesterday: Perry Haughter and the Magical
Musical. There as a link at the Q Artistry site.
   Mike Cowper: His church is having a Christmas dinner theater. Mike is
acting in it, and Lynette is directing.
   Emily Rodgers: Start saving your $15 for January. She will be accepting
dues at the New Years party from 5pm - 7pm.
   Kathie Thompson: The Webmaster will send a link to all current members
allowing them to pay by PayPal.

Chaos occurred at 8:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary


Nominees for Office

ConChair for InConJunction 33 (2013)
   Cheryl Miller-Andrews (not yet accepted/declined)
   Lynette Cowper
   Melissa Kocias
   Jeff Thompson
   [Kat Robertson (declined)]

Chairman of the Board
   Andy Andrews
   Dave Henninger

   Lynette Cowper
   Jeff Thompson [We don't have a record of this in the minutes, but this
is easily rectified by simply renominating Jeff at the elections -
   [Kathie Thompson (declined)]
   [Mike Cowper (declined)]
   [Kat Robertson (declined)]

Vice President
   Lynette Cowper
   Anjala Dick
   [Kathie Thompson (declined)]
   [Mike Cowper (declined)]
   [Kat Robertson (declined)]

   Megan Cowper
   Laura Edwards
   [Anjala Dick (declined)]
   [Stephen Kendall (declined)]
   [Ricky Lile (declined)]

   Kent Raquet
   Emily Rodgers

   Mike Cowper (not yet accepted/declined)
   Anjala Dick (not yet accepted/declined)
   Ricky Lile
   Jeff Thompson
   [Megan Cowper (declined)]
   [Dillan Dick (declined)]


January Meeting Agenda

The Circle of Janus
January Meeting
January 8, 2011

Meeting will be at JMCC.

 · Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
    o Introduction of guests and member attendance
    o November meeting minutes
 · Old Business (In order to facilitate a speedier meeting, we will be
handling Old Business first.)
    o Bylaws change
    o Elections
       § Kat is the Election Officer who will be handling this portion. We
will doing the rest of the agenda while the voting is taking place.
 · Communications
    o Treasurer's Report
    o Convention Report, InConJunction 31
    o Convention Report, InConJunction 32
    o Board Report
    o Member Services - Report
    o Member Activities
       § Scheduled Speakers or activities so far
 · New Business
 · Announcements - one per person please
 · Close of meeting - Chaos


New Year's Eve Party
 By Kathie Thompson

It's that time of year again when we start thinking about the New Year's
Eve Party. As usual, it is a pitch-in with the USS Quantum, Circle of
Janus, Indy Knights, Whoosier Network, and any other local SF clubs
invited. The manager at the Clarion has lowered the rates for us this
year. We always have a great time. For those not staying in the hotel, the
cost is $10 per person.

Please RSVP to Kathie Thompson at kathawkes at comcast dot net (you should
know how to put those together) and let us know what you are bringing as a
side dish and if you are getting a room.

WHEN: Friday, December 31, starting at 6pm

Clarion Inn and Suites Northwest
7001 Corporate Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46278
(317) 298-3700

   Standard: $62
   Minisuite: $64
   One-room whirlpool suite: $89
   VIP whirlpool suite: $135
   Presidential suite: $163

Be sure to mention that you are with the USS Quantum / Circle of Janus New
Year's Eve Party to get the lower rates.


Race for the Cure
 by Melissa Kocias

I'd like to submit an invitation to everyone to join Becky's and my Race
for the Cure team for 2011 - The League of Extraordinary Gentlegeeks.
Anyone can join a team, either as a "racer"-- read: mosey-er-- we don't
run! (; -- or under the Sleep In for the Cure category (a REAL category
you can sign up for!).

Our goal is to amass a horde of finely costumed and uncostumed Geeks to
help raise money for the Komen Foundation. If you'd like to join our team
-- or if you'd just like to donate, you can do so at the Komen Site.


Mark Your Calendars

January 2011

   3-4: Quadrantids Meteor Shower

   7: Whoosier Network Mtg - Jesus Metropolitan C.C.
   7: Season of the Witch
   7-8: ShadowCon - Memphis, TN
   7-9: GAFilk - Atlanta, GA
   7-9: Ichibancon - Charlotte, NC

   8: CoJ Meeting and Elections - JMCC

   13: Robbin Speed's birthday

   14: The Green Hornet
   14-16: Chattanooga Rail Gaming Challenge - Chattanooga, TN
   14-16: DeCONPression - Worthington, OH
   14-16: MarsCon - Williamsburg, VA
   14-16: SCARAB - Columbia, SC

   15: Nashville Anime Day - Nashville, TN
   15-16: Anime-Zap! - Peoria, IL

   16: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

   21-23: Chattacon - Chattanooga, TN
   21-23: This ConFusion Not Yet Rated - Troy, MI

   22: IAS General Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
   22: Sukoshicon: Birmingham - Birmingham, AL

   25: Rob Pyatt's birthday

   28: The Rite
   28-30: Ohayocon - Columbus, OH
   28-30: Winter War 38 - Champaign, IL

   29: TENGAICON 6 - Manhattan, Kansas
   29-30: Setsucon - State College, PA

February 2011

   4: Whoosier Network Mtg - Jesus Metropolitan C.C.
   4-6: SuperCon - Minneapolis, MN

   5: CoJ Meeting

   6: Ren Cowper's birthday

   8: Lynette Cowper's birthday

   10-13: Capricon - Wheeling, IL
   10-14: Anime-SPARK! - Cedar Rapids, IA

   11-13: Gamicon - Iowa City, IA
   11-13: GeneriCon - Troy, NY

   18: I Am Number Four
   18-20: Anime Milwaukee - Milwaukee, WI
   18-20: Con of the North - St. Paul, MN
   18-20: ConNooga - Chattanooga, TN
   18-20: Farpoint - Baltimore, MD
   18-20: Katsucon - Washington, DC
   18-20: Naka-Kon - Kansas City, MO
   18-20: TrekTrax Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
   18-20: Visioncon - Springfield, MO

   19: IAS General Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
   19-20: Con-G - Guelph, Ontario
   19-20: Kami-Con - Tuscaloosa, AL

   20: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

   25: Shelter
   25-27: Fire & Ice - Manitowoc, WI
   25-27: KitsuneKon - Appleton, WI
   25-27: MystiCon - Roanoke, VA

   26: Sam Thompson's birthday
   26: Fort Wayne Comic Book Convention - Fort Wayne, IN

   27: Ash Comics Con - Ramada Inn East

March 2011

   4: Whoosier Network Mtg - Jesus Metropolitan C.C.
   4: The Adjustment Bureau
   4: Apollo 18
   4-6: Kearney Area Gamefest - Kearney, NE
   4-6: MarsCon - Bloomington, MN
   4-6: PlatteCon - Platteville, WI
   4-6: Stellarcon - High Point, NC

   11: Battle: Los Angeles
   11: Mars Needs Moms
   11: Red Riding Hood
   11-13: Kawa Kon - Clayton, MO
   11-13: Madicon 20 - Harrisonburg, VA

   12-13: MomoCon - Atlanta, GA

   16-20: International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts - Orlando, FL

   18: Beastly
   18: Limitless
   18: Paul
   18-19: Fear the Con 4 - Saint Louis, MO
   18-20: A & G Ohio - Cincinnati, OH
   18-20: Lunacon - Rye Brook, NY
   18-20: Millennicon - Cincinnati, OH

   19-20: NashiCon - Columbia, SC
   19-20: Technicon 27 - Blacksburg, VA

   20: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

   25: Sucker Punch
   25-26: Shuto Con - Lansing, MI
   25-27: Gary Con - Lake Geneva, WI
   25-27: Spring Offensive - East Peoria, IL
   25-27: MidSouthCon - Memphis, TN
   25-27: Simcon - Rochester, NY

   26: Animarathon - Bowling Green, OH
   26: Jaycon - Elizabethtown, PA

   31-4/3: Tekkoshocon - Pittsburg, PA


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
 By Lynette Cowper

Wicked: So much happened before Dorothy dropped in. Long before that girl
from Kansas arrives in Munchkinland, two girls meet in the land of Oz.
One-- born with emerald green skin-- is smart, fiery and misunderstood.
The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. Dec 15 through Jan 1,
Murat Theatre.

Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition: The Indiana State Museum will pay
tribute to the legendary tragedy of the sinking of Titanic when it debuts
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition which will showcase more than 240
artifacts recovered from the Ship's debris field, offering visitors a
poignant look at the iconic vessel and its passengers. Through Jan 16,
2011, Indiana State Museum.

Vintage Movie Night: Alice in Wonderland (1931): Film collector, historian
and preservationist Eric Grayson will be sharing some of his favorite
vintage films one night each month. This month's selection is Alice in
Wonderland, starring Ruth Gilbert and Leslie King. From legendary producer
Bud Pollard, it is one of only a few of Pollard's films to survive. It
follows the famous Lewis Carroll story much more closely than other more
popular interpretations. Cost: $3. February 12, Garfield Park Conservatory
and Sunken Gardens.


New Books
 From locusmag.com

January 2011
   Adams, John Joseph, ed. • Brave New Worlds • (Night Shade Books, anth,
   Armstrong, Kelley • Counterfeit Magic • (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
   Bacigalupi, Paolo • The Alchemist • (Subterranean, nva, hc)
   Bear, Elizabeth • The White City • (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
   Berg, Carol • The Soul Mirror • (Roc, tpb)
   Buckell, Tobias S. • The Executioness • (Subterranean, nva, hc)
   Card, Orson Scott • The Lost Gate • (Tor, hc)
   Donaldson, Stephen R. • The Best of Stephen R. Donaldson •
(Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Emshwiller, Carol • The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller •
(NonStop Press, cln, hc)
   Farmer, Philip José • Up the Bright River • (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Foglio, Phil, & Kaja Foglio • Agatha H. and the Airship City • (Night
Shade Books, hc)
   Haig, Matt • The Radleys • (Simon & Schuster/Free Press, hc)
   Jones, Gwyneth • The Universe of Things • (Aqueduct Press, cln, tpb)
   Lovegrove, James • Age of Odin • (Solaris US)
   + McAuley, Paul • Cowboy Angels • (Pyr, tpb)
   Moorcock, Michael • Modem Times 2. 0 • (PM Press/Outspoken Authors,
cln, tpb)
   Murakami, Ryu • Popular Hits of the Showa Era • (Norton, tpb)
   Parker, K. J. • The Hammer • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Silverberg, Robert • Hunt the Space-Witch: Seven Adventures in Time and
Space • (Paizo/Planet Stories, cln, tpb)
   Strahan, Jonathan, ed. • Engineering Infinity • (Solaris US, anth)
   Walton, Jo • Among Others • (Tor, hc)
   + Warren, Kaaron • Walking the Tree • (Angry Robot US)
   Wolfe, Gary K. • Evaporating Genres: Essays on Fantastic Literature •
(Wesleyan University Press, nf, hc/tpb)
   Wolfe, Gene • Home Fires • (Tor, hc)

February 2011
   + Aaronovitch, Ben • Midnight Riot • (Ballantine Del Rey)
   + Abercrombie, Joe • The Heroes • (Orbit US, hc)
   Anderson, Poul • The Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson, Volume 4:
Admiralty • (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
   Bear, Elizabeth • The Sea Thy Mistress • (Tor, hc)
   Bova, Ben • Leviathans of Jupiter • (Tor, hc)
   Briggs, Patricia • River Marked • (Ace, hc)
   Britain, Kristen • Blackveil • (DAW, hc)
   Chadbourn, Mark • The Scar-Crow Men • (Pyr, tpb)
   Courtenay Grimwood, Jon • The Fallen Blade • (Orbit US, tpb)
   + Deas, Stephen • The King of the Crags • (Roc, hc)
   Delany, Samuel R. • Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders •
(Alyson, tpb)
   Ellis, Warren • Listener • (Morrow, hc)
   Erikson, Steven • The Crippled God • (Tor, hc)
   Gilman, Laura Anne • Pack of Lies • (Luna, tpb)
   Goodkind, Terry • The Omen Machine • (Tor, hc)
   Hairston, Andrea • Redwood and Wildfire • (Aqueduct Press, tpb)
   + Holt, Tom • Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Sausages • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Hurley, Kameron • God's War • (Night Shade Books, tpb)
   Kerr, Katharine • License to Ensorcell • (DAW)
   Kittredge, Caitlin • The Iron Thorn • (Delacorte, nvl-ya, hc)
   Lansdale, Joe R., ed. • Crucified Dreams • (Tachyon Publications, anth,
   Lansdale, Joe R. • Hyenas • (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Marr, Melissa • Darkest Mercy • (HarperCollins, nvl-ya, hc)
   McDermott, J. M. • Never Knew Another • (Night Shade Books, tpb)
   Pierce, Tamora • Tortall and Other Lands • (Random House, cln, hc)
   Priest, Cherie • Bloodshot • (Ballantine Spectra, tpb)
   Ryman, Geoff • Paradise Tales • (Small Beer Press, cln, tpb)
   Saberhagen, Joan, ed. • Golden Reflections • (Baen, anth, hc)
   Stross, Charles • Boskone Book • (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
   Swann, S. Andrew • Messiah • (DAW)
   Weber, David, ed. • Worlds of Honor #5: In Fire Forged • (Baen, anth, hc)
   Williams, Walter Jon • Deep State • (Orbit US, tpb)


Meeting Info
   The next business meeting (and elections) of the Circle of Janus will
be Saturday, January 8, 2011, at the Jesus Metroplitan Community
Church, 2950 55th Place, Indianapolis, IN, starting at 7:00 pm, sharp.
The Treasurer will be available prior to the meeting (and at the New
Year's Eve party) to take dues. Show up early to pay dues if you have
not already done so. Please, DO NOT arrive at 7:00 and interrupt the
meeting by expecting Emily to accept your dues during the meeting! A
ConCom meeting will precede the club meeting at 5:00. Those on the
ConCom should arrive prepared to report.


   Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
   President - Kathie Thompson
   Vice-President - Lynette Cowper
   Secretary - Stephen Kendall
   Treasurer - Emily Rodgers
   Sergeant at Arms - Jeff Thompson
   InConJunction 31 ConChair - Mike Cowper
   InConJunction 32 ConChair - Kathie Thompson

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” -
Galileo Galilei

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