[CircularOfJanus] April Circular

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Tue Mar 30 00:18:52 EDT 2010

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
  The Circular of Janus
  March 26, 2010
  Volume 31, Issue 4

  Presidential Ponderings - Kathie Thompson
  Minutes of the March Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  Minutes of the March Board Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  Answers to the March Circular
  Mark Your Calendars
  A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
  April Meeting Agenda
  New Books - from Locus
  Meeting Info & Club Officers


Presidential Ponderings
  by Kathie Thompson

Hello, fellow CoJ members. Last month's presentation by Mark Racop and 
MagicHouse Productions was fabulous and seemed to be enjoyed by all.

This month we have Doctor Rob Pyatt doing a presentation of Weird Science. 
This is something that always makes us think (even if sometime we question 
the subject matter) and makes us laugh. Rob's unique way of looking at 
things always inspires us.

I am looking forward to seeing you all there. Remember that you are always 
welcome to bring things to nibble on and share.

Kathie Thompson,


Minutes of the March Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

March 6, 2010 at 7:00pm
  Seventh & Eighth United Christian Church,
  2916 W 30th St,
  Indianapolis, Indiana 46222.

Board members in attendance:
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
    Kathie Thompson, President and InConJunction 32 ConChair
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Emily Rodgers, Treasurer
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
    Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair
    Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair

Board members not in attendance (reason):
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President (illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
    Not taken.

Guests introduced:

Call the meeting to order:
    Called to order at 7:01pm.

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
    The minutes of the January meeting were accepted as published.

    Treasurer's report:
       Emily submitted her February report, including a reconciliation 
summary. Copies of the report were passed out; Emily then discussed the 

    InConJunction 30 Convention Report:
       We are having a convention.
       Kat has a few inquiries out for Author GOHs: Dan Simmons, Kim 
Stanley Robinson, and CJ Cherryh. If nothing is heard in the next few 
weeks, Kat will select a local author.
       Tony has done an ad exchange with Millennicon and MARCON.
       Tony has donated the printing of 1000 InConJunction flyers.
       Wendy Carson and John Belden will organize a room party at 
       Jeff Thompson, George Starkey, and Rob Pyatt may organize a party at 
       Ops needs an assistant.
       Drew is putting together a programming meeting on March 27, location 
and time to be announced.
       Laura Hohman will be the Dealers' Room assistant.
       Tracey Rollison will be the Art Show assistant.
       Jayson Layne will have a position.
       Carson Margedant will be AV.
       The play will be auditioning in April.
       Joe Greene has completed a flyer, which is on the website.
       Kat still needs someone who is willing to organize the Thursday 
night party; Emily Rodgers volunteered to do so.
       Someone will be needed to take charge of ordering pizzas for the 
Dead Dog party; Emily volunteered to do that as well.
       If you still want to do something, see Kat soon.

    InConJunction 31 Convention Report:
       We are having a convention.
       Working on guests, nothing to report yet
        If you want to be on Mike's committee, email him; he only has a 
small number of slots filled.

    InConJunction 32 Convention Report:
       We are having a convention.
       If you are interested in being on her committee, email her.
       Also, please email her if you have a suggestion for guests.
       The theme is "End of the World."

    Member Services:
       Not present.

    Member Activities:
       Forthcoming events:
          Weird Science in April (Dr. Rob Pyatt)
          Gaming in May
       Hosts for non-meeting meetings were solicited.

    Board report:

    Other communications:
       Two thank-you letters have been received from charities.

Old Business:
    Audit Committee:
       Wendy Carson can no longer be on the audit committee, due to a 
conflict of interest with her job.
       Kathie requested volunteers for the Audit Committee.

New Business:
       Kathie praised the new COJ website.
       Since not everybody received the instructions for updating their 
information on the new website, she asked Jeff to send the instructions 
out again.

    Membership Cards:
       Kathie has membership cards for people who have paid their dues.

    Board Meeting:
       The Board Meeting this Thursday at Midwest Internet.
       Kathie asked Stephen to send out an email reminder.
       There will be a Bylaws Caucus this year.
       Kathie suggested not having a Bylaws Caucus and instead addressing 
Bylaws changes as needed.

    Appointed Positions:
       Kathie pointed out that Lynette is our newsletter editor.
       Angela and Dillan Dick are now on our Member Services committee, 
headed by Emily Rodgers.

    Snack Kitty:
       Kathie's position is that the club should not fund snacks.
       If feeding the kitty is a problem, let's do away with it, she 
       Jeff reminded us that at the previous meeting that the kitty will 
only cover what is put into it.
       If people do not bring money or items, there may not be snacks.
       Kat asked that people send a short email saying what they will be 
bringing, if they know, so the Vice-President won't have to bring it.

    January Treasurer's Report:
       Emily Rodgers asked that anyone who wants to review the Treasurer's 
report from January see her after the meeting.

    Proposed Bylaws Changes:
       Kat suggested changing election procedures to allow voting for 
ConChair first.
       Emily suggested having the Treasurer elected earlier than the other 
offices, which was opposed by Jeff and many others.
       Kathie pointed out that changing the election date is not likely to 
cause the outgoing officers to do their jobs if they were not doing so 
       Kathie praised Emily for working with what she was given (incomplete 
books for 2009).
       Andy suggested having the outgoing officers attending the first 
board meeting.
       Kat objected to waiting for the Bylaws Caucus because the earliest a 
change proposed in September could take effect is January.
       At the March board meeting one of the items on the agenda will be 
changing the order of elections and the question of the Bylaws Caucus.

    Kathie declared a five-minute break at 7:36pm. After that break, the 
meeting was handed over to Mark Racop, Chuck Budreau, and Jeff Ello of 
MagicHouse Productions.
    The meeting resumed at 8:49pm.

    Vice-President (Delivered by Mike Cowper): Feed the kitty!
    Andy Andrews: Reminded about the Board Meeting. Talked about Who's Yer 
Con, a local free gaming convention March 12-14, 2010.
    Emily Rodgers: Anyone stuck at Who's Yer Con should call her; she lives 
    Gary Kitchen: Discussed the local convention Anime Crossroads. Its 
first staff meeting is planned for Saturday March 27.
    Kat Robertson: Her son Alex was chosen as one of the top 100 students 
at IUPUI and already has a job offer.
    Melissa Kocias: Next month Becky and she will be doing Race for the 
Cure as Team Miskatonic, helping to raise money for the Komen Foundation.
    Jess Bunn: She is selling her recliner.
    Mike Suess: April 25 is the next Ash Comics Show.
    Randy Porter: Randy Porter: Barnes & Noble has the H.P. Lovecraft 
compilation edited by S. T. Joshi. It costs $12.95 and must be special 
ordered. [Secretary's note: Randy was not kidding about the special order 
part. Despite Barnes & Noble's website claiming that the book was in stock 
at every store in central Indiana, and the computer in the store I visited 
insisting that seven copies were present, special ordering was indeed 
required. --SK]
    John Belden: Tomorrow is the Oscar telecast. For the third time an SF 
movie could win and for the first time ever two SF movies are up for Best 
    Mike Suess: The Science Channel is running a Sci-Fi Science show that 
makes SF science into science that could work.
    Kat Robertson: She is currently reading Stephen King's Under the Dome. 
It has interesting SF aspects in addition to King's usual horror. The book 
is huge. Also, thanks to the people who brought the wonderful desserts 
    Ricky Lile: George RR Martin's show will be on this fall.
    Mike Suess: Bill Waterson has put every single strip of Calvin and 
Hobbes in three massive volumes. Bloom County is receiving the same 
    Kat Robertson: Please email with suggestions for an Author GoH. Do not 

Chaos occurred at 8:59pm.

Respectfully submitted,
  Stephen Kendall, Secretary


Minutes of the March Board Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

Circle of Janus, Inc.
  Minutes of the Board of Directors
  March 11, 2009, 7:00pm

at the facilities of:
  Midwest Internet
  5348 N. Tacoma Ave
  Indianapolis, IN 46220

Board members in attendance:
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
    Kathie Thompson, President & InConJunction 32 ConChair
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Emily Rodgers, Treasurer
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
    Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair

Board members not in attendance:
    Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair (Illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
    Anjala Dick
    Wendy Carson
    Ricky Lile
    Dillan Dick

Guests introduced:

Call the meeting to order:
    Meeting was called to order at 7:06pm.

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
    The January 14, 2010, Board Meeting minutes were summarized and 
approved as published.

    Treasurer's Report:
       Tabled till New Business.

    Member Services:
       The cards that were given to Stephen have not been found.
       Kathie proposed sending Emily out with money to buy more cards.
       Andy said we need to delegate the job of buying the cards.

    Member Activities:

    Other Communications:

Old business:
    August Meeting:
       Due to Gen Con Kathie will talk to the church about moving the 
August meeting to the second Saturday. Stephen will be late if the meeting 
is held on that day.

    Food Kitty:
       The current practices surrounding the kitty are to bring food and 
solicit donations.
       The kitty issue was tabled until the outcome of that can be seen.

    Updating Info on Website:
       Andy reminded those present that the board members should update 
their info on the members list as a good example to the members.

New Business:
    Meeting Location (Again!):
       Andy brought up the fact that the church has contacted Kathie 
regarding our meetings.
       Kathie discussed how the church contacted her last Wednesday asking 
her to move the April meeting due to Easter.
       The church secretary is recommending to the pastor that, due to the 
conflicts between our meetings and the church's needs, that our use of 
their facilities not be continued.
       Kathie interprets that to mean that we will likely not be meeting 
there after this year.
       Wendy proposed meeting at the Jesus Metropolitan Community Church, 
which is flexible on fees.
       Mike raised the issue of churches requiring that a member or 
particular person be present to use the facility; Wendy indicated that it 
could be worked around at Jesus MCC.
       Mike volunteered Midwest Internet as a location-- although he 
admitted that it is too small-- and his own church, which he pointed out 
was not centrally located at all.
       Jeff proposed emailing this issue to the membership; Andy said he 
would do it.

    Proposed Bylaws Changes:
       At the March business meeting Kat proposed moving ConChair to the 
beginning of the election. Andy opened the point for discussion.
       Kathie proposed revised wording for the election Bylaws, moving 
ConChair to the first position.
       Jeff reminded us that the Bylaws can be amended at any time.
       Jeff moved that Kathie's amendment to the Bylaws be proposed and 
Wendy seconded. The motion carried.
       The amendment will be proposed to the members at the next business 
       Kathie proposed that board members' job duties be redefined as 
including attending the first board meeting of the new year.
       Mike argued that the attendance of outgoing officers at the next 
meeting was more of a standard operating procedure, as is the requirement 
for an audit.
       Kathie decided that an SOP be created, and asked that each board 
member bring some bullet points listing their responsibilities to the next 

    Bylaws Caucus:
       The moving of the Bylaws Caucus was discussed.
       Jeff was in favor of maintaining the current Caucus date; if members 
at the October meeting do not like the output of the Caucus, they should 
vote "no" rather than changing the proposed Bylaws amendment.
       Emily did not understand the rationale for changing the Bylaws 
Caucus, since important matters can be addressed earlier.
       Lynette reminded us that the reason for the Bylaws Caucus was to 
reduce Bylaws fatigue at the business meetings. Bylaws Caucuses also put 
participation in the amendment process in the hands of those who are 
dedicated to it.

    Other Fandom Groups and InConJunction:
       Who's Yer Con has offered to help with this year's InConJunction 
       Andy said that this should be taken to Kat (and Kent Raquet).
       The general consensus was that this should be encouraged, as should 
be the participation of other SF/Fantasy/Fandom groups as much as 

    Budgetary Matters:
       Kathie thanked the Treasurer for coming up with a budget for 2010 
and requested a tentative budget for 2011.
       Andy said that the reason for this would be to establish an SOP that 
the approved budget for a given year is the tentative budget for the 
following year.
       Emily is planning to work with Mike in October to establish his 

    Treasurer's Report:
       Emily had Treasurer's reports for January for review for anyone who 
did not receive them.
       The details of the report will be emailed to CoJ members under 
separate cover.
       Kathie moved to accept the InConJunction 30 budget as proposed. Andy 
seconded. The motion carried.

    Final Matters:
       Kathie asked Emily to go to the store and get birthday, anniversary, 
and other kinds of greeting cards. Emily agreed to do so.
       Andy presented his draft email to the members about the meeting 
location. Andy attempted to send it, but it failed to send.

    Kathie: On the 27th of this moth there will be a programming meeting at 
the hotel. Programming will send out an email with the times.
    Andy: Emily, can a hotel be used for our meetings. (Emily: not really.)
    Anjala: Found a website for promoting local events: aroundindy.com. It 
might be something inexpensive to promote the convention, she thought.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16pm.

Respectfully submitted,
  Stephen Kendall, Secretary


Name Those Ships/Buildings/Cities!
    Throughout the printed and PDF newsletter you will find pictures of 
cities, buildings and ships from various shows. See how many you can 

March 2010 Circular Answers:
    3: USS Sulaco, Aliens
    6: Daily Planet Building, Superman
    8: Delta-7 Aethersprite, Attack of the Clones
    9: Axiom, Wall-E


Mark Your Calendars

April 2010

  1: Judy Eudaly's birthday
  1: Clash of the Titans
  1-4: Frolicon - Atlanta, GA

  2-4: Anime Punch - Columbus, OH
  2-4: CogCon 18 - Rolla, Missouri
  2-4: Minicon - Minneapolis, MN

  3: CoJ Meeting - 7th and 8th Christian Church
  3: Madison ComicCon - Madison, WI
  3: TerpCon XII - College Park, MD

  4: Gary Kitchen's birthday

  8-11: Tekkoshocon - Pittsburgh, PA

  9-11: Ad Astra - Toronto, ON
  9-11: CODCON - Glen Ellyn, IL
  9-11: ConGlomeration - Louisville, KY
  9-11: Egypt Wars - Carbondale, IL
  9-11: FilkONtario - Mississauga, ON
  9-11: RavenCon - Richmond, VA
  9-11: UBCon - Buffalo, NY
  9-11: WillyCon - Wayne, NE

  10: Kyra Shidler's birthday
  10: IAS Meeting - Holcolm Observatory
  10: Atlanta Anime Day - Atlanta, GA
  10: St Louis Comic Book Con - St Louis, MO
  10-11: Noobiecon - Utica, NY

  11: Peoria Comic Book Con - Peoria, IL

  13: Dave Henninger's birthday

  15: Melissa Kocias's birthday

  16-18: Con-Stellation - Lincoln, NE
  16-18: Odyssey Con - Madison, WI
  16-18: Shinbokucon 4 - Elyria, OH
  16-18: T-MODE - Alexandria, VA

  17: UNCC JAMS Spring Expo - Charlotte, NC
  17-18: NashiCon - Columbia, SC

  18: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

  23: Jeff Thompson's birthday
  23-25: Anime Detour - Minneapolis, MN
  23-25: Anime St. Louis - Collinsville, IL
  23-25: Conestoga - Tulsa, OK
  23-25: EerieCon - Niagara Falls, NY
  23-25: Gamers Reunion - Rochester, MN
  23-25: JordanCon - Alpharetta, GA

  24: South Bend ComicCon - South Bend, IN
  24: CHS Otaku Fest - Ellicott City, MD
  24-25: Kami-Con - Tuscaloosa, AL
  24-25: 2010 Spring Gaming Hoopla - Lake Geneva, WI
  24-25: Tora-Con - Rochester, NY

  25: Ash Comic Show - Ramada Inn

  28: Brian Davidson's birthday

  29: Harry Bunn's birthday
  29: Susan Parker's birthday

  30: A Nightmare on Elm Street
  30: Chibi-Con - Virginia Beach, VA
  30-5/2: Middle Tennessee Anime Con - Nashville, TN
  30-5/2: No Brand Con - Eau Claire, WI
  30-5/2: Penguicon - Troy, MI
  30-5/2: Tennessee Game Days - Nashville, TN

May 2010

  1: CoJ Meeting
  1: Rockford Comic Book Con - Rockford, IL

  2: The Milwaukee Comic Book Con - Milwaukee, WI

  7: Iron Man 2
  7-10: Costume-Con - Milwaukee, WI

  8: IAS Meeting - Holcolm Observatory
  8: Des Moines ComicCon - Urbandale, IA

  11: CoJ Board Meeting - Midwest Internet

  13-16: Morphicon - Columbus, OH

  14: Deb Hunt's birthday
  14: Robin Hood
  14-16: Anime Central - Rosemont, IL
  14-16: DemiCon - Des Moines, IA
  14-16: MobiCon XIII - Mobile, Alabama

  16: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library
  16: Springfield ComicCon - Springfield, IL

  17: Kat Robertson's birthday

  19: Cheryl Miller-Andrews's birthday

  21:  Shrek Forever After
  21-23: AnCon 2010 - Hudson, Ohio
  21-23: JAMPcon - Chattanooga, TN
  21-23: Slo-Con - New Lenox, IL
  21-24: ImagiCon - Birmingham, AL

  23: Chicago Comic Con - Gurnee, IL

  27-31: NakamaCon - Madison, WI
  27-31: WisCon 34 - Madison, WI

  28: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  28-30: Animazement - Raleigh, NC
  28-30: Anime North - Toronto, ON
  28-30: ConQuest - Kansas City, MO
  28-30: Marcon - Columbus, OH
  28-30: TimeGate - Atlanta, GA
  28-31: World Steam Expo - Dearborn, Michigan
  28-31: Balticon - Baltimore, MD
  28-31: MediaWest*Con - Lansing, MI

June 2010

  3-6: Colossalcon - Sandusky, OH

  4: Splice
  4-6: ConCarolinas - Charlotte, NC
  4-6: DieCon - Collinsville, IL
  4-6: HamaCon - Huntsville, AL
  4-6: Hypericon - Nashville, TN

  5: CoJ Meeting
  5: IAS Meeting - Holcolm Observatory
  5: Kansas City Comic Con - Overland Park, KS

  6: Omaha Comic Con - Omaha, NE

  11-13: Anime Mid-Atlantic - Chesapeake, VA
  11-13: OMGcon - Paducah, KY

  18: Jonah Hex
  18: Toy Story 3
  18-20: DucKon - Naperville, IL
  18-20: Minneapolis Anime Con - Minneapolis, MN
  18-20: QC Anime-zing! - Bettendorf, IA
  18-20: Quincon 25 - Quincy, IL
  18-20: Tokyo In Tulsa - Tulsa, OK

  20: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library
  20: St Louis Comic Book Con - St Louis, MO

  24-27: Midwestcon - Cincinnati, OH
  24-27: Origins Game Fair - Columbus, OH

  25-27: Fourth Street Fantasy Con - Minneapolis, MN
  25-27: NEFilk - Rockville, MD
  25-27: PersaCon - Decatur, AL

  26: Madison ComicCon - Madison, WI
  26-27: JAFAX - Allendale, MI
  26-27: Knoxville Comic & Anime Con - Knoxville, TN

  27: Ash Comic Show - Ramada Inn
  27: Twin Cities ComiCon - Mounds View, MN

  30: Doug Rollison's birthday
  30: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
  By Lynette Cowper

The Brain from Planet X: A rip-roaring musical satire of low-budget 1950s 
sci-fi movies, this wild and wacky Indianapolis premiere tells the 
hilarious story of an alien invasion and their mission to destroy the 
family unit here on Earth. April 9 to 25, Buck Creek Players.

McFadden Memorial Lecture featuring Neil Gaiman: Bestselling author Neil 
Gaiman (Coraline, The Graveyard Book) will be delivering the 33rd Annual 
McFadden Memorial Lecture. The author will not be signing copies of his 
works but free commemorative book plates will be available. Book sales 
will be provided by Kids Ink children's bookstore. April 16, 2010, 7:00 pm 
at North Central High School.

Indiana Paranormal Convention: Come join us for a fun and exciting two-day 
event featuring seminars, workshops, celebrity guest speakers, local guest 
speakers, and various vendors from all over the United States. This event 
will also be a huge fundraiser for a charity which helps grant the wishes 
of children who suffer from life-threatening medical conditions. Costumes 
are welcome during the convention. May 7 and 8, Hendricks County 4-H 

Around the World in 80 Days: London, 1872. Phileas Fogg disrupts his quiet 
life with an outrageous wager: that he can circumnavigate the globe in 
only 80 days. As Fogg and his ingenious valet, Passepartout, travel by 
boat, by train, by elephant, Jules Verne's classic adventure epic is 
brought to life in this funny, inventive, whirlwind tour. April 27 to May 
16, Indiana Repertory Theatre.


Meeting Agenda

The Circle of Janus
  April Meeting
  April 3, 2010

  Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
  Introduction of Guests
  Approval of the March minutes (with changes if necessary)
     Treasurer's Report
     Board Report
     Convention Report, InConJunction 30
     Convention Report, InConJunction 31
     Convention Report, InConJunction 32
     Member Services Report
     Member Activities
        Scheduled Speakers or activities so far
           April - Rob Pyatt presents Weird Science
        Non-meeting meetings
           Who wants to host?
     Other communications
  Old Business
     Audit committee needs to schedule to meet
     Changing the election procedures
     New meeting place
     Bylaws caucus move to August questions
  New Business
     Hand out membership cards
     Other things as necessary
  Speaker - Rob Pyatt will speak on Weird Science
  Announcements - one per person please
  Close of meeting - Chaos


New Books
  From locusmag.com

April 2010
  Armstrong, Kelley * Tales of the Otherworld * (Bantam, cln, hc)
  Barnes, John * Directive 51 * (Ace, hc)
  Bear, Elizabeth * Bone and Jewel Creatures * (Subterranean Press, nva, 
  Bickle, Laura * Embers * (Pocket/Juno Books)
  Brett, Peter V. * The Desert Spear * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
  Briggs, Patricia * Silver Borne * (Ace, hc)
  Butcher, Jim * Changes * (Roc, hc)
  Carriger, Gail * Changeless * (Orbit US)
  Datlow, Ellen, & Terri Windling, eds. * The Beastly Bride: Tales of the 
Animal People * (Viking, anth, hc)
  de Vries, Jetse, ed. * Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic SF * (Solaris 
US, anth, tpb)
  Duane, Diane * A Wizard of Mars * (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Harcourt, 
nvl-ya, hc)
  + Esslemont, Ian C. * Return of the Crimson Guard * (Tor, hc)
  Fawcett, Bill, ed. * Nebula Awards Showcase 2010 * (Roc, anth, tpb)
  Files, Gemma * A Book of Tongues * (ChiZine Publications, hc/tpb)
  Flynn, Michael * Up Jim River * (Tor, hc)
  Horton, Rich, ed. * The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: 2010 
Edition * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
  + Jones, Diana Wynne * Enchanted Glass * (HarperCollins/Greenwillow, 
nvl-ya, hc)
  Jones, J. V. * Watcher of the Dead * (Tor, hc)
  Jones, Stephen, ed. * The Mammoth Book of the Best of Best New Horror * 
(Running Press, anth, tpb)
  Kay, Guy Gavriel * Under Heaven * (Penguin Canada, hc)
  + Kiernan, Celine * The Poison Throne * (Orbit US, tpb)
  Lake, Jay * Pinion * (Tor, hc)
  Lee, Sharon, & Steve Miller * Saltation * (Baen, hc)
  Leiber, Fritz * Selected Stories * (Night Shade Books, cln, hc)
  Lowachee, Karin * Gaslight Dogs * (Orbit US)
  + McDonald, Ian * Ares Express * (Pyr, tpb)
  + Reeve, Philip * Fever Crumb * (Scholastic, nvl-ya, hc)
  Sawyer, Robert J. * WWW: Watch * (Ace, hc)
  Spinrad, Norman * He Walked Among Us * (Tor, hc)
  Strahan, Jonathan, ed. * The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year 
Volume Four * (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
  Tem, Steve Rasnic, & Melanie Tem * In Concert * (Centipede Press, cln, 
  Tregillis, Ian * Bitter Seeds * (Tor, hc)
  Williams, Walter Jon * The Green Leopard Plague and Other Stories * 
(Night Shade Books, cln, hc)

May 2010
  Barron, Laird * Occultation * (Night Shade Books, cln, hc)
  + Baxter, Stephen * Ark * (Roc, hc)
  + Beukes, Lauren * Moxyland * (HarperCollins/Angry Robot US)
  Black, Holly * The White Cat * (Simon & Schuster/McElderry, nvl-ya, hc)
  Brennan, Sarah Rees * The Demon's Covenant * (Simon & Schuster/McElderry, 
nvl-ya, hc)
  + Chadbourn, Mark * The Devil in Green * (Pyr, tpb)
  Cherryh, C. J. * Deceiver * (DAW, hc)
  Datlow, Ellen, ed. * Digital Domains: A Decade of Science Fiction & 
Fantasy * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
  de Lint, Charles * The Very Best of Charles de Lint * (Tachyon 
Publications, cln, tpb)
  Doctorow, Cory * For the Win * (Tor Teen, nvl-ya, hc)
  Duncan, Dave * Speak to the Devil * (Tor, hc)
  Gaiman, Neil, & Charles Vess * Instructions * (HarperCollins, nvl-ya, hc)
  Gilman, Laura Anne * Hard Magic * (Harlequin/Luna, tpb)
  Graham, Jo * Stealing Fire * (Orbit US, tpb)
  Harris, Charlaine * Dead in the Family * (Ace, hc)
  + Hobb, Robin * Dragon Haven * (Eos, hc)
  Hogan, James P. * Migration * (Baen, hc)
  + Kay, Guy Gavriel * Under Heaven * (Roc, hc)
  Kollin, Dani, & Eytan Kollin * The Unincorporated War * (Tor, hc)
  Lackey, Mercedes, Eric Flint & Dave Freer * Much Fall of Blood * (Baen, 
  Lindskold, Jane * Five Odd Honors * (Tor, hc)
  Rusch, Kristine Kathryn * Recovering Apollo 8 and Other Stories * (Golden 
Gryphon Press, cln, hc)
  Sedia, Ekaterina, ed. * Running with the Pack * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
  + Warren, Kaaron * Slights * (HarperCollins/Angry Robot US)
  Whates, Ian * The Noise Within * (Solaris US, tpb)
  Zafon, Carlos Ruiz * The Prince of Mist * (Little Brown, nvl-ya, hc)


Meeting Info
    The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be held on Saturday, April 
3, 2010, at the 7th and 8th United Christian Church at 2916 West 30th 
Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222. A ConCom meeting will precede it. Doors 
open a little before 7:00 pm.

  Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
  President - Kathie Thompson
  Vice President - Lynette Cowper
  Secretary - Stephen Kendall
  Treasurer - Emily Rodgers
  Sergeant at Arms - Jeff Thompson
  InConJunction 30 ConChair - Kat Robertson
  InConJunction 31 ConChair - Mike Cowper
  InConJunction 32 ConChair - Kathie Thompson

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science 
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership, 
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514, 
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514. Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor


Lynette R. F. Cowper

"Within a few years a simple and inexpensive device, readily carried 
about, will enable one to receive on land or sea the principal news, to 
hear a speech, a lecture, a song or play of a musical instrument, conveyed 
from any other region of the globe. The invention will also meet the 
crying need for cheap transmission to great distances, more especially 
over the oceans. The small working capacity of the cables and the 
excessive cost of messages are now fatal impediments in the dissemination 
of intelligence which can only be removed by transmission without wires."
                                                 Nikola Tesla, 1905

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