[CircularOfJanus] October 2010 Circular of Janus

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Sat Sep 25 16:41:48 EDT 2010

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 September 24, 2010
 Volume 31, Issue 10

 Presidential Ponderings - Kathie Thompson
 Minutes of the August Meeting - Stephen Kendall
 Minutes of the September Board Meeting - Stephen Kendall
 October Meeting Agenda
 New Books - from Locus
 A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
 Mark Your Calendars
 Answers to the September Circular
 Meeting Info & Club Officers


Presidential Ponderings
 by Kathie Thompson

Hello all,

We had a wonderful time at the After-the-Con Bash.  Jeff cooked on the
grill, we had wonderful side dishes, and the dogs had a wonderful time
with all the visitors. Thanks to all who came.

This month there is a lot to cover at the meeting. There will be the final
report on InCon 30 with all the financials. There was the Bylaws Caucus
and a Board meeting since to go over.  And don't forget that this meeting
we will start nomination for the 2011 elections.

Additionally, there will be a ConCom meeting before the CoJ meeting,
starting at 5:00 for anyone interested in being involved in InConJunction.

Hope to see everyone there.

Kathie Thompson,
 CoJ President


Minutes of the August Meeting
 by Stephen Kendall

August 14, 2010 at 7:00pm
   at the facilities of:
   Jesus Metropolitan Community Church
   2950 East 55th Place
   Indianapolis, IN 46220

Board members in attendance:
   Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary
   Emily Rodgers, Treasurer
   Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair

Board members not in attendance:
   Kathie Thompson, President and InConJunction 32 ConChair (family illness)
   Lynette Cowper, Vice President (illness)
   Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms (family illness)
   Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair (illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
   not taken

Guests introduced:
   Pam Easterday
   Catherine (Kent Raquet's girlfriend)
   Chris & Andy and their kids

Call the meeting to order:
   Called to order at 7:07pm by Andy, officiating in place of Kathie.

   Andy discussed the Board members who were not present, and why.

   Guests were introduced.

   Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
      The June 2010 minutes were unavailable. Reading of the minutes was

   Treasurer's report:
      Emily passed out a Treasurer's Report.
      Additional details are available in the members-only addendum to the

   InConJunction 30 Convention Report:
      We had a good convention.
      There were only two noise complaints, and one wasn't us. The hotel
was happy with us.
      Next year they may change cash food sales and java bar hours. There
will be no dance bartender next year.
      There were many compliments for the program book; congratulations to
      Keith DeCandido and CJ Henderson are coming back to next year's
convention on their own dime.
      Mark Gunn has contacted Mike about coming back next year.
      Midnight Syndicate was told that Destini Hope Beard sold over 100
CDs at InConJunction.
      The Beards are probably not coming back next year because we don't
pay for the same person two years in a row.
      Gaming was great, but needs more space.
      Registrations were up, rumor says, but Emily doesn't know yet.
      Charity Auction came to about $2050, which went very well.
      The Blood Drive beat 2009.
      Randy Porter liked that after the drama about the move, he was glad
people didn't look back.
      Kent Raquet saw many new people in the surveys.
      Brian Davidson complimented the hotel staff.
      Pam Easterday was working in the ConSuite when the hotel addressed
needs as fast as they developed. She also saw many new people.
      Tracey Rollison loved the thing with Chipotle on Saturday at
lunchtime. Chipotle provided burritos for free in return for us
hanging their signs.
      Kat thought the ConSuite staff was awesome. The staff was very good
at taking care of Kat's needs.
      Anjala's Pride Day winner bought an additional paying attendance.

   InConJunction 31 Convention Report:
      Not present

   InConJunction 32 Convention Report:
      Not present

   Member Services:
      No report.

   Member Activities:
      Kat announced that the After-the-Con Bash will be at 4pm on Saturday
September 11 at the Thompsons'. Kat wants to grill hamburgers and
hot dogs, plus the pitch-in. All volunteers are welcome.
      Andy announced the Bylaws Caucus. It will be on August 28 at 1pm at
Midwest Internet. [Subsequent to the August meeting, we learned that
it will be at the Marriott, not Midwest -SK] Kat discussed the
procedure. The Bylaws are online.

   Board report:

   Other communications:

Old Business:
   Changes to Convention Organization:
      Andy recapped Lane's convention reorganization proposal.

   New Meeting Space:
      Scheduling differences with the old church were discussed.
      John Belden talked about the new church, the Jesus Metropolitan
Community Church (JMCC). The church screwed up and booked a
Pentecostal group and put the CoJ in the Fellowship Hall
(immediately adjacent). We are meeting in the room we are in, he
said, because we expected few people. Classroom One, where the
Whoosier Network meets, is also a possibility for us to use. He said
this church is fairly relaxed and has science fiction ministries.
      It was stated that we are likely offering JMCC $25 per month.
      Wendy and John have keys to JMCC. When told that the President and
ConChair would also need keys, Wendy felt that something could be
worked out.
      Andy felt that this was the best room we had met in in a while.

   InConJunction 30 Miscellany:
      John thanked Joe Greene for providing technology assistance to
InConJunction Operations this year.
      Joe was also thanked for providing visual flair to the atrium with
the Critter Crunch and for transporting guests.
      Emily needs convention receipts by September 15.

New Business:
   Pagan Pride Day Booth:
      Anjala will be running a CoJ booth at Pagan Pride Day, September 25
at Broad Ripple Park. Anjala and Dillan will set up, but can't stay
all day. The event is 10am to 5pm. Anjala and Dillan will get there
at 7 or 8. They need people to work for part of the day. Kat
expressed interest in volunteering in the afternoon. They need
somebody who can take the canopy down.
      John suggested having an outreach committee. Kat said we have one,
and Kathie is the head of it.

   InConJunction 30 Recap:
      Andy asked people to write a good thing and an improvable thing
about the con and share it.
      Kat: Positive: The play! She was so glad to have the play Negative:
      John: So much went right. He was glad he found someone to take over
      Unknown girl: Liked almost everything. Improvable: The Art Show
impounded her fan when it was not taking other people's things.
      Chris: Meeting new people was incredible. Improvable: Panel
scheduling conflicts-- panels should have been scheduled twice.
Also, she brought a friend with her who destroyed her costumes.
      Megan's friend: Complemented everyone who did anything ever. The
dance was not great.
      Tracey Rollison: Didn't get to do much, but loved the space. Didn't
like the karaoke; it was very disorganized.
      Anjala liked karaoke and had a lot of fun. Felt the Dealers' Room
was too far away.
      Pam: Loved the Artist Workshop. Liked that she was treated as family
once she got there. Also thought there were problems at karaoke.
      Dillan: There were 4 generations at the con. Rocky Horror had a
great turnout. Disliked running around like a mad fool for Kat.
      Kat: Liked Dillan running around like a mad fool for her.
      Gary Kitchen: Likes the location. Had an easier time getting things
in and out.
      Woman in back row: Liked the new location. Costume contest waiting
areas were nicer. Liked having no baseball players breaking costumes
and having no large groups of non-congoers. The dance music was too
      Man in back row: The panelists were better organized.
      Laura Edwards: The space was awesome. It felt like we owned the
hotel-- she termed it "InConVille". Some events deserved more
attendance. How about a town crier or a whiteboard on the fun police
cart? (Joe offered to bring a cheap computer to display schedules.)
      Brian Davidson: Enjoyed socializing with people he doesn't see
normally. The way we come off to our guests and attendees led him to
be told that we behave very professionally. He wasn't thrilled with
the pocket program.
      Crystal Walter: Really enjoyed doing the play. The Dealers' Room
setup was very good. She felt that some complains and suggestions
were met defensively.
      Girl with Joe: Enjoyed the play and the Dealers' Room.
      Other girl with Joe: The con was too short.
      Joe Greene: Wants the critter competition in the atrium, but the
build in a room so he can keep it contained.
      Randy Porter: Who the Hell was the Toastmaster? What asylum did he
come from?
      Emily: Liked the short-term marriages.
      Kat: Has heard from three of the GoHs and four of the Featured
Guests about what an awesome team she had. The Looneys were so glad
they came.

   Andy: Feed the kitty! The next meeting will be at the regular church.
   Randy Porter: Gen Con attendance broke records: 30,800 (28,600 last
year and had been down). 2010 was up over two years ago. The Gary Gygax
Memorial Fund made a lot of money. This was the last year in the old
configuration. Scotty's Brewpub was the new big hangout.
   Pam Easterday: All those people downtown and nobody got shot at.
   Randy: Origins will be moving farther away from InCon's weekend.
   Kat: Are people wanting to go out to eat? WB's is where we used to go.
   Joe: Indy now has its own fur con: Indy Fur Con, this weekend.
   Anjala: She and Dillan were both in races today. Dillan took first
place in his age division.
   Tracey Rollison: Garfield Park theater is coming up in September.
   Laura Edwards: Donated many books to the Indianapolis Marion-County
Public Library this week, but held books back for members to adopt.
   Emily: Really needs receipts by the 15h. Have them to the PO box,
postmarked by then.
   Gary Kitchen: The next Anime Crossroads convention will be September 24
through September 26. There will be lots of costuming.

Chaos occurred at 8:37pm.

Respectfully submitted,
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary


Minutes of the September Board Meeting
 by Stephen Kendall

September 9, 2010, 7:00pm
   at the facilities of:
   Midwest Internet
   5348 N. Tacoma Ave
   Indianapolis, IN 46220

Board members in attendance:
   Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
   Kathie Thompson, President & InConJunction 32 ConChair
   Lynette Cowper, Vice President
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary
   Emily Rodgers, Treasurer
   Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
   Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair
   Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair

Board members not in attendance:

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
   Anjala Dick
   Dillan Dick
   Ricky Lile

Guests introduced:
   Pam Easterday

Call the meeting to order:
   Andy began the meeting at 7:10pm.

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
   The May 2010 board meeting minutes were read by Andy. The May 2010
minutes were approved by motion. Kat moved that we accept the July 2010
Board minutes. The motion carried.

   Treasurer's Report:
      Emily submitted a Treasurer's Report.

   Member Services:

   Member Activities:

   Other Communications:

Old business:

New Business:
   Convention and Club Promotions:
      Kathie presented Rob Pyatt's request that we pay for his membership
at conventions at which he presents professionally, as he promotes
InConJunction there.
      Andy objected that we should not make special provisions for one
      Kat pointed out that we did not pay for the memberships of our
people who hosted a room party at Penguicon.
      Jeff said that we have paid for room parties.
      It was pointed out that most of Rob's presentations are in the
Midwest, but not all.
      Andy said we need a procedure to approve promotion items.
      Emily suggested budgeting for six people per year, with requests
being submitted a month beforehand or more.
      Kat and Jeff felt that it was an advertising budget item under the
purview of the current ConChair.
      Kathie suggested CoJ doing the sponsorship of Rob, but Andy objected
again at considering Rob as part of this issue.
      Kathie suggested considering the possibility of getting new members
for CoJ.
      Jeff asked why the money should come from the club? Emily said it
makes a difference because the ConChair approves convention budget
items while the Board approves CoJ budget items.
      Lynette framed the issue as advertising possibly being a year-round
thing that may not pay off in the year it is actually done.
      Mike felt that this discussion was no different than any discussion
over any other kind of advertising; he felt this should be tabled
and be part of the broader discussion of who does what.
      Kat thought this was totally dependent on the outcome of Lane's
      Andy said that this does not sound like it will be solved today, but
he proposed that Rob be used as an experiment.
      Kat pointed out the possibility for hard feelings for people who do
contribute to InConJunction promotions at conventions and don't get
a dime besides expenses.
      Dillan wanted flyers to hand out at Starbase Indy.
      Mike hoped to have flyers by then.
      Kat pointed out that in two weeks we were having a booth at Pagan
Pride day, and a flyer would be needed, probably CoJ-oriented.
      Andy said that the ConChair and the President needed to get together
and get a flyer out.

   InConJunction 30 and Later:
   [This is mostly Old Business, but it was handled during the New
Business portion of the meeting. - LRFC]
      Andy asked Kat to give a report on the convention.
      Emily was asked to give an inexact figure. She gave an estimate of
income that will be included in the members-only addendum to the
Circular. She gave a ballpark attendance figure of 274 from PayPal
registrations, plus 100 whole-weekend at the door purchases, but she
thinks there is something off in those figures, based on income from
Registration. Jeff felt that the comps were close to 200. The badges
were in the 700s, which accounting for lost badge sheets makes
attendance around 600-650.
      Kat felt that all the guests of honor were good and had fun. Keith
DeCandido wants to come back from New York on his own dime next
year. CJ Henderson also wants to come back next year. Marc Gunn will
come back if we can get him a room.
      There have been private comments from guests wondering if they are
wanted back because nobody asked them on Sunday. Also Travis
Clemmons has emailed the ConChair list asking if he could be
Toastmaster and has not heard a response. Kat said some of the
Featured Guests have been feeling unwanted.
      Emily was awesome, Kat said, giving her advice on convention money.
      Andy asked if we made our room nights. Kat said we did. Exact
figures were not available, but it was thought that we exceeded room
nights by 45. Andy said the big expense areas were Guests, ConSuite,
and the hotel. The room night figure was 247, versus a threshold of
      Andy suggested that we are charging too much for memberships,
considering how much money we are making. Mike and others felt that
the current levels allow for getting more expensive guests. Emily
felt that the financial risk of not meeting room nights ($3000
charge) justified the current levels. Kat suggested extending cheap
preregistration, but Emily pointed out all the problems with PayPal
registrations arriving in the days before the con.
      Andy proposed upgrading the ConSuite a little bit.
      Pam spoke as a first-time con-goer, suggesting that we should not
change a good thing, i.e., the cost of memberships, but we should
make small increases in budgets to improve the fan experience.
      Emily pointed out that we need to buy A/V equipment next year.
      Emily also felt that all the club and convention materials should be
in the storage unit, which would have to be larger.
      Lynette suggested that lowering membership cost could signal that
the convention is in decline.
      Mike said that people he knows think the convention is inexpensive.
      Dillan said that gaming was packed.
      Jeff asked what the numbers were for the Art Show. Emily said all
the numbers are not in, but offered a preliminary report (Details in
the Members-Only Addendum). The Art Show was the only thing people
complained about on the survey. Problems with this year's Art Show
were discussed. Emily has received many table fee checks, but needs
to get a list from Wendy of how much was received for table/hanging
fees. Emily was confused about whether Ed Beard's art in the Art
Show was actually for sale. Kat also felt that many of the new
artists Wendy brought in submitted higher priced, 3-D items.
      Andy proposed wrapping up the convention report.
      Membership was up, Andy said. We made money. Everybody loved the
move. Andy asked that the survey data be made available.
      Kat said that people should get things moving: website, contacting
featured guests, etc.
      Andy closed the discussion.

   Meeting Location:
   [Actually, this is Old Business, but it was handled during the New
Business portion of the meeting. - LRFC]
      Kathie spoke on meeting space. We met at John and Wendy's church
last time and people felt it went well.
      The current church will not have tables for us to use in October.
      The possibility of moving earlier was raised. Stephen pointed out
that moving early was subject to the availability of church members
with keys.
      Kathie said we need to get with our JMCC members and get that going.

   Bylaws Caucus:
      Kathie said we need wording from the Bylaws Caucus on the Bylaws
      Bylaws changes from the Caucus were reviewed. In addition to the
changes discussed at the Caucus, Andy proposed that the Chairman of
the Board set the agenda for board meetings, which would require a
change to Paragraph 5c.

   Hotel Contracts:
      The hotel contract was brought up.
      Kat pointed out that the room ending times were wrong again, and
that there is no sliding scale for room rental.
      They are proposing to charge $100 for the Patriot Boardroom.
      Kat suggested that the description "Business Room" might not include
a refrigerator.
      There is no price listed for tables over the 100 complimentary.
      Kat felt that Cat's Haven should not be singled out by name, in case
we change groups.
      There is nothing about room turnover charges.
      Kat objects to Liberty Hall being in the contract as anything beyond
an option.
      Lynette objected to specifying that the eight boxes the hotel would
be willing to receive be "bottled water".
      Kat felt that there were still problems with room start and end
times for every convention day.
      Kat asked if there was a charge for plugging into the sound system.
      Kat suggested that Mike do an addendum on his contract covering the
items she had to have changed.
      Emily asked why we were only getting two Run of the House rooms on
      Kat pointed out that we would need rooms for Sunday night.
      It was suggested that we ask for a room block at least as large as
what we actually used this year.
      We may also need more rooms for Sunday night and even Monday night
to avoid paying for holiday travel.
      Andy proposed closing the board meeting, while people who want to
discuss the contract stay later or continue at the After-the-Con


The meeting was adjourned at 8:37pm.

Respectfully submitted,
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary


Meeting Agenda

The Circle of Janus
 October Meeting
 October 2, 2010

 Call the meeting to order (7:00pm)
 Approval of the Minutes of the June and August Meetings (with changes if
    Treasurer's Report
    Board Report
    Final Convention Report, InConJunction 30
    Convention Report, InConJunction 31
    Convention Report, InConJunction 32
    Member Services Report
    Member Activities
       Scheduled Speakers or activities so far
          November Procrastinator's Halloween Party
             Who is organizing
          December Anniversary Party in Lieu of meeting
             Who is organizing
          New Year's Party
    Other communications
 Old Business
    Audit committee needs to set a date to meet
    Pagan Pride Day Booth Report
    New Meeting Space
    Bylaws Caucus - Suggested changes will be taken up in New Business
 New Business
    Changes to the Bylaws
       1. Proposed to be added to Paragraph 5b, Board of Directors:
          "The Board is responsible for determining the need for specific
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Club and convention
and is responsible for ensuring that said SOPs are created and
maintained. The content of any SOP is subject to the Board's
       2.Proposed to be changed in Paragraph 4h
          "Executive committee" to "Board of Directors."
       3. Proposed change of Chairman of the Board and President duties -
to be discussed.
       4. Proposed change of revamping the election and recall section -
to be discussed.
    Changing the November meeting date to 11-13-2010
    Changing the January meeting date to 1-8-2011
       Nominations for InConJunction 33 (2013) ConChair
       Nominations for Chairman of the Board
       Nominations for President
       Nominations for Vice-President
       Nominations for Secretary
       Nominations for Treasurer
       Nominations for Sergeant-at-Arms
 Announcements - one per person please
 Close of meeting - Chaos


New Books
 From locusmag.com

October 2010
 Anderson, Kevin J., ed. * L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future:
The First 25 Years * (Galaxy, nf, hc)
 Anvil, Christopher * The Power of Illusion * (Baen, omb, tpb)
 Baker, Kage * Nell Gwynne's Scarlet Spy * (Subterranean Press, cln, tpb)
 Beagle, Peter S. * Return * (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
 Beckett, Galen * The House on Durrow Street * (Ballantine Spectra, tpb)
 Bernheimer, Kate, ed. * My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me *
(Penguin, anth, tpb)
 Bernobich, Beth * Passion Play * (Tor, hc)
 Block, Francesca Lia * The Frenzy * (HarperTeen, nvl-ya, hc)
 Brackett, Leigh * Shannach -- The Last: Farewell to Mars * (Haffner
Press, cln, hc)
 Bradbury, Ray * Dawn to Dusk * (Gauntlet Press, cln, hc)
 Colombo, John Robert, & Brett Alexander Savory, eds. * Tesseracts
Fourteen: Strange Canadian Stories * (Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and
Fantasy, anth, tpb)
 Dietz, William C. * Bones of Empire * (Ace, hc)
 Donaldson, Stephen R. * Against All Things Ending * (Putnam, hc)
 Duncan, Dave * Pock's World * (Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy, tpb)
 Enge, James * The Wolf Age * (Pyr, tpb)
 Fowler, Karen Joy, & Debbie Notkin, eds. * 80! Memories & Reflections on
Ursula K. Le Guin * (Aqueduct Press, anth, tpb)
 Gilman, Felix * The Half-Made World * (Tor, hc)
 Gilman, Laura Anne * Weight of Stone * (Gallery, hc)
 Guran, Paula, ed. * The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2010 Edition *
(Prime Books, anth, tpb)
 Hamilton, Edmond * The Collected Captain Future, Volume Two * (Haffner
Press, omb, hc)
 Hamilton, Edmond * The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Three: The
Universe Wreckers * (Haffner Press, cln, hc)
 Jones, Stephen, ed. * The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 21 * (Running
Press, anth, tpb)
 Kadrey, Richard * Kill the Dead * (Eos, hc)
 Koja, Kathe * Under the Poppy * (Small Beer Press, hc)
 Kuttner, Henry * The Early Kuttner, Volume One: Terror in the House *
(Haffner Press, cln, hc)
 Lackey, Mercedes * Intrigues * (DAW, hc)
 Newman, Kim * Mysteries of the Diogenes Club * (MonkeyBrain Books, cln, tpb)
 Niffenegger, Audrey * The Night Bookmobile * (Abrams, hc)
 Niven, Larry, & Edward M. Lerner * Betrayer of Worlds * (Tor, hc)
 Powers, Tim * Deliver Us From Evil * (Charnel House, hc)
 + Pratchett, Terry * I Shall Wear Midnight * (HarperCollins, nvl-ya, hc)
 Priest, Cherie * Dreadnought * (Tor, tpb)
 Scholes, Ken * Diving Mimes, Weeping Czars, and Other Unusual Suspects *
(Fairwood Press, cln, tpb)
 Shinn, Sharon * Troubled Waters * (Ace, hc)
 Silverberg, Robert * The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg, Volume
Five: The Palace at Midnight: 1980-82 * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
 Silverberg, Robert * The Last Song of Orpheus * (Subterranean Press, nva,
 Strahan, Jonathan, ed. * Eclipse Four * (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
 Sturgeon, Theodore * Case and the Dreamer: The Complete Stories of
Theodore Sturgeon: Volume XIII * (North Atlantic, cln, hc)
 Tremblay, Paul * In the Mean Time * (ChiZine Publications, cln, tpb)
 Underwood, Tim, ed. * Savage Art: 20th Century Genre & the Artists Who
Defined It * (Underwood Books, anth, hc)
 Underwood, Tim, ed. * Shameless Art: Paintings of Dames, Dolls, Pin-ups,
and Bad Girls * (Underwood Books, anth, hc)
 Weber, David * Out of the Dark * (Tor, hc)
 Wellington, David * Overwinter * (Three Rivers Press, tpb)
 Westerfeld, Scott * Behemoth * (Simon Pulse, nvl-ya, hc)
 Willis, Connie * All Clear * (Ballantine Spectra, hc)

November 2010
 Adams, John Joseph, ed. * The Way of the Wizard * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
 Akers, Tim * The Horns of Ruin * (Pyr, tpb)
 Armstrong, Kelley * Counterfeit Magic * (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
 + Bakker, Scott * Disciple of the Dog * (Tor/Forge, hc)
 Ballantine, Philippa * Geist * (Ace)
 + Banks, Iain M. * Surface Detail * (Orbit USA, hc)
 Barnes, Steven * Assassins * (ISFiC Press, cln, hc)
 Bear, Greg * Hull Zero Three * (Orbit US, hc)
 Briggs, Patricia * Wolfsbane * (Ace)
 Bujold, Lois McMaster * CryoBurn * (Baen, hc)
 Butcher, Jim * Side Jobs * (Roc, cln, hc)
 Card, Orson Scott * Pathfinder * (Simon Pulse, nvl-ya, hc)
 Cook, Glen * Gilded Latten Bones * (Roc)
 Cook, Glen * Surrender to the Will of the Night * (Tor, hc)
 + Cornish, D. M. * Factotum * (Putnam, nvl-ya, hc)
 de Lint, Charles * The Painted Boy * (Viking, nvl-ya, hc)
 Fenner, Cathy, & Arnie Fenner, eds. * Spectrum 17: The Best in
Contemporary Fantastic Art * (Underwood Books, anth, hc)
 Gurney, James * Color and Light * (Andrews McMeel, art, tpb)
 Jemisin, N. K. * The Broken Kingdoms * (Orbit US, tpb)
 Jones, Stephen, ed. * Visitants: Stories of Fallen Angels and Heavenly
Hosts * (Ulysses Press, anth, tpb)
 Jordan, Robert, & Brandon Sanderson * Towers of Midnight * (Tor, hc)
 Kearney, Paul * Corvus * (Solaris US)
 Kidd, Tom * OtherWorlds: How to Imagine, Paint and Create Epic Scenes of
Fantasy * (F + W Publications/Impact, tpb)
 King, Stephen * Full Dark, No Stars * (Simon & Schuster/Scribner, cln, hc)
 Lansdale, Joe R. * Flaming Zeppelins: The Adventures of Ned the Seal *
(Tachyon Publications, cln, tpb)
 Lee, Sharon * Carousel Tides * (Baen, tpb)
 Leiber, Fritz * Strange Wonders: A Collection of Rare Fritz Leiber Works
* (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
 Martin, George R. R., & Gardner Dozois, eds. * Songs of Love and Death *
(Simon & Schuster/Gallery, anth, hc)
 McDevitt, Jack * Echo * (Ace, hc)
 McKinley, Robin * Pegasus * (Putnam, nvl-ya, hc)
 Painter, Deborah * Forry: The Life of Forrest J Ackerman * (McFarland,
nf, hc)
 Rambo, Cat, Paul Tremblay & Sean Wallace, eds. * Worlds of Fantasy: The
Best of Fantasy Magazine * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
 Rickert, M. * Holiday * (Golden Gryphon Press, cln, hc)
 Rushdie, Salman * Luka and the Fire of Life * (Random House, nvl-ya, hc)
 Sargent, Pamela * Seed Seeker * (Tor, hc)
 Snyder, Lucy A. * Shotgun Sorceress * (Ballantine Del Rey)
 + Stroud, Jonathan * Bartimaeus: The Ring of Solomon * (Disney-Hyperion,
nvl-ya, hc)
 Swenson, Patrick, ed. * The Best of Talebones * (Fairwood Press, anth, tpb)
 Valente, Catherynne M. * The Habitation of the Blessed * (Night Shade
Books, tpb)
 VanderMeer, Ann, & Jeff VanderMeer, eds. * Steampunk Reloaded * (Tachyon
Publications, anth, tpb)
 Warrington, Freda * Midsummer Night * (Tor, hc)
 Williams, Tad * Shadowheart * (DAW, hc)


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
 By Lynette Cowper

Scary Film Chat with Matt Socey: Matt Socey will host a film chat
discussing his brilliant insights on (intentional or unintentional)
classic, avant-garde  and scary flicks. Bring your banter and your wit and
we will not rest until each creeky door is opened. Everyone who attends in
costume, as determined by Matt, will win a prize. No tricks, just treats.
$7 per person, includes a glass of classic wine or soda. Oct 24, 1:00 PM
to 3:00 PM, Easley Winery.

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