[CircularOfJanus] April 2013 Circular of Janus

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at prismnet.com
Sun Mar 31 22:26:02 EDT 2013

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 March 27, 2013
 Volume 34, Issue 4

   Notes from the President - Kat Robertson
   Summary of the March Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   Summary of the March Board Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   New Books - from Locus
   Mark Your Calendars
   Tidbits from Our Members
   April Meeting Agenda
   Meeting Info & Club Officers


Notes from the President
 by Kat Robertson

It's spring, or at least the calender says it is. It's hard to tell with
this Indiana weather. You think after living here my whole life I'd be
used to it.

But what spring always reminds me of is new beginnings. A lot of people do
spring cleaning, both in their homes and in their lives. But the most
important thing to remember is when we do so, don't throw out the good
stuff when we are trying to cleanse our lives of the crap. One of the
things I consider as good stuff, is this club. The friends I have made
here have been with me through the good and the bad. So often the petty
gossip makes us only remember the bad, but we need to look past that and
see the good in everyone.

I know, this pondering doesn't seem much like Sci-Fi and Fantasy related,
but the point I am trying to make here is that this club is not just about
fandom. It's about friendships and fun as well. This club, and the people
in it, are an important part of my life, and there is not a single person
in this club that I wouldn't miss if they left. We all bring something to
this club and make it what it is. I want to thank all of you for that.

Now, for the after the meeting fun, we will have gaming this month. I know
it's usually in May, and we tease that we do it then because it's my
birthday month and you all know I love gaming. But this month, Chris has
volunteered to bring the stuff for video gaming as well as our normal
board games. We also will have a pitch in, with lots of wonderful food.

So, chime in and say what you are bringing. In May, we will welcome back
our own Dr. Rob Pyatt for Weird Science. This all sounds like fun to me,
so I hope to see you all there. I challenge you all to a fast and furious
game of Mario Kart!


Summary of the March Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The club met on March 2 at LifeJourney Church. All officers except
InConJunction 34 & 35 ConChairs Drew Happli and Jeff Thompson were
present. We had around 30 people, including Ian, a friend of Bob and
Kim's; former member Linda Dunn; and new club member Jeremy Hanna.

We accepted the last meeting minutes as published. Kent had realized too
late that the printed Treasurer's reports had an error, so gave a brief
oral report instead. We had received a letter and book from the 2011
InConJunction Author GoH, Catherine Asaro. The book was a copy of an
anthology in which she had a story that she'd sent to us in appreciation.
There was also packet from Donors Choose with letters from the kids of one
of the classes we had helped in our 2012 InConJunction charity auction.

Mel gave a brief update on InConJunction 33, including that we have the
Artemus Bridge starship simulator coming. Joe encouraged everyone to get
their panel ideas submitted before March 31, as he is planning on closing
submissions at that date so that he can populate the panels and and
schedule panelists well ahead of the Program Book deadline.

As neither Drew nor Jeff were present, we moved to a a brief Board report
from Andy reminding everyone of the upcoming Board meeting. Tracey
reported on the meeting location search. Anj reminded everyone to update
their information. Laura spoke about Indy Pride, asking for volunteers for
the booth on June 8th. There were short reports from the Archivist and
Quartermaster, then we moved to Old Business.

We discussed upcoming member activities, including doing bag stuffing for
Who's Yer Con on the 14th, going to the Doctor Who premiere on the 30th
[which has since then been canceled], and possibly having Rob come in
April for Weird Science. [He will be doing it in May. April will be
electronic and traditional gaming and a pitch-in.] Ricky and Lynette
hadn't tracked down the blank membership cards. Something will be in place
by April. Kat encouraged folks to talk to local businesses about setting
up a trade-out for discounts to our members. New business consisted of
Tracey mentioning she'd run across an awesome grant program we might be
able to do something with. She was going to pass the info on to the Board.

There were a bunch of announcements. Ones still current: Kat announced the
Zombie Fried Kickstarter. Jay & Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie is
at Clowes Hall on May 20 (tickets are $40 and $55). Bob is looking for
fantasy trivia game questions. Joe is looking for stuff for the costume
bash at InCon. Emily was looking for D&D 3.5 books. Kids Play Inc. Theater
is doing Doctor Evil and the Basket of Kittens in April. G-Fest in
Chicago, a Godzilla fan con, is the weekend after InCon. And Joe asked for
everyone's patience if he takes a couple of days to respond to emails, as
his father passed away very recently. And that was it for the March


Summary of the March Board Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The Board met on March 23 at Valley Mills Christian Church. All officers
except President Kat Robertson and  InConJunction 34 ConChair Drew Happli
were present. CoJ member Mike Cowper was also present.

We accepted the last meeting minutes as published. Kent gave a brief
Treasurer's report. Jeff reported on some work he's doing on content
management software to be in place in time for InConJunction 35 (2015), so
he can more easily hand over the reins of the webpage and focus on being
ConChair. We spent some time discussing InConJunction 33 (this year),
including ConSuite budget, the Thursday night dinner, advertising, rental
truck, A/V purchases, swag, working with other local groups, incident
reports for Ops, and a Treasurer's assistant.

We moved to Old Business, discussing meeting locations, member cards
(Ricky found them and handed them over to Kent), and making sure we're
keeping touch with other local groups and cons. In New Business, we
discussed purchasing ribbons (for Penguicon and just in general), and what
member activities are upcoming (electronic and traditional gaming, plus a
pitch-in, in April; Rob Pyatt's Weird Science in May). And that was it for
the March Board meeting!


New Books
 From locusmag.com

April 2013
   Armstrong, Kelley • The Rising • (Harper, nvl-ya, hc)
   Atkinson, Kate • Life After Life • (Little Brown/Reagan Arthur Books, hc)
   Barron, Laird • The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All • (Night Shade
Books, cln, hc)
   Bowes, Richard • The Queen, the Cambion, and Seven Others • (Aqueduct
Press, cln, tpb)
   Cherryh, C. J. • Protector • (DAW, hc)
   Cornell, Paul • London Falling • (Tor, hc)
   Courtenay Grimwood, Jon • The Exiled Blade • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Gaiman, Neil, & Michael Reaves & Mallory Reaves • The Silver Dream •
(HarperTeen, nvl-ya, hc)
   Gaiman, Neil, ed. • Unnatural Creatures • (HarperCollins, anth, hc)
   Guran, Paula, ed. • Weird Detectives: Recent Investigations • (Prime
Books, anth, tpb)
   Hobb, Robin • Blood of Dragons • (Harper Voyager US, hc)
   Kay, Guy Gavriel • River of Stars • (Penguin/Roc, hc)
   Kowal, Mary Robinette • Without a Summer • (Tor, hc)
   McIntosh, Fiona • The Scrivener's Tale • (Harper Voyager US, tpb)
   Mosley, Walter • Stepping Stone/The Love Machine • (Tor, cln, hc)
   Pinborough, Sarah • A Matter of Blood • (Ace, tpb)
   Sawyer, Robert J. • Red Planet Blues • (Ace, hc)
   Shepard, Lucius • Five Autobiographies and a Fiction • (Subterranean
Press, cln, hc)
   Shirley, John • New Taboos • (PM Press, cln, tpb)
   Tregillis, Ian • Necessary Evil • (Tor, hc)
   Warrington, Freda • Grail of the Summer Stars • (Tor, hc)
   Whates, Ian, ed. • Solaris Rising 2 • (Rebellion/Solaris US, anth)
   Zafón, Carlos Ruiz • The Watcher in the Shadows • (Little, Brown,
nvl-ya, hc)

May 2013
   Abraham, Daniel • The Tyrant's Law • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Asaro, Catherine, ed. • Nebula Awards Showcase 2013 • (Prometheus/Pyr,
anth, tpb)
   Asher, Neal • Zero Point • (Night Shade Books, tpb)
   Esslemont, Ian C. • Blood and Bone • (Tor, hc)
   Feist, Raymond E. • Magician's End • (Harper Voyager US, hc)
   Frei, Max • The Stranger's Shadow • (Overlook Press, hc)
   Gaiman, Neil • Make Good Art • (HarperCollins/Morrow, nf, hc)
   Hanover, M. L. N. • Graveyard Child • (Pocket)
   Hill, Joe • NOS4A2 • (HarperCollins/Morrow, hc)
   Koontz, Dean • Deeply Odd • (Bantam, hc)
   Lafferty, Mur • The Shambling Guide to NYC • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Modesitt, L. E., Jr. • Antiagon Fire • (Tor, hc)
   Moriarty, Chris • Ghost Spin • (Ballantine Spectra, tpb)
   Niffenegger, Audrey, Et Al., & Susan Fisher Sterling & Krystyna
Wasserman • Awake in the Dream World: The Art of Audrey Niffenegger •
(powerHouse Books, art, hc)
   Palwick, Susan • Mending the Moon • (Tor, hc)
   Sanderson, Brandon • The Rithmatist • (Tor Teen, hc)
   Scalzi, John • The Human Division • (Tor, hc)
   Silverberg, Robert • Tales of Majipoor • (Penguin/Roc, tpb)
   Smith, Michael Marshall • The Gist • (Subterranean Press, hc)


Mark Your Calendars

April 2013:

   1: Judy Eudaly's birthday

   3: Indy Knights General Meeting - The Athenaeum

   4: Mark Bischoff's birthday
   4-7: G.I.JoeCon 2013 - JW Marriott

   5: Whoosier Network meeting - LifeJourney Church
   5: Evil Dead
   5: Jurassic Park 3D
   5-7: Ad Astra - Toronto, ON
   5-7: Animation & Gaming Ohio - Cincinnati, OH
   5-7: ConGlomeration - Louisville, KY
   5-7: RavenCon - Richmond, VA
   5-7: Shuto Con - Lansing, MI
   5-7: Tekkoshocon - Pittsburgh, PA

   6: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   6: IAS General Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
   6-7: Jaycon - Elizabethtown, PA
   6-7: Phantasm: a Gamers Equinox - Peterborough, ON

   7: Atlanta Anime Day - Atlanta, GA
   7: Castle Point Anime Convention - Hoboken, NJ

   10: Kyra Shidler's birthday

   12: Scary Movie 5
   12-14: Anime St. Louis - Collinsville, IL
   12-14: Egypt Wars 4 - Carbondale, Illinois
   12-14: Mepacon XXIV - Clarks Summit, PA
   12-14: No Brand Con - Eau Claire, WI
   12-14: Odyssey Con - Madison, Wi
   12-14: Shinboku Con - Elyria, OH
   12-14: Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention - Lombard IL

   13: Anime Park - Canton, MI
   13: Kappa Kon - South Milwaukee, WI
   13-14: NashiCon - Columbia, SC

   14: IAC Meeting - email for location

   15: Melissa Kocias's birthday

   19: Jessica Carrico's birthday
   19: JOBS
   19: Oblivion
   19-21: Anime Detour - Bloomington, MN
   19-21: CODCON XVIII - Glen Ellyn, IL
   19-21: FilKONtario - Missisauga, ON
   19-21: GnomeCon - Savannah, GA
   19-21: T-MODE - Rockville, MD
   19-21: The Gaming Hoopla - Janesville, WI
   19-21: TrekTrax Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
   19-21: UBCon - Buffalo, NY

   20: Public Star Gaze - McCloud Nature Park, N. Salem, IN
   20: NerdCon - Boone, North Carolina

   21-22: Lyrid Meteor Shower - Look, up in the sky!

   22: Mark Racop's birthday

   23: Jeff Thompson's birthday

   24: Susan Parker's birthday

   26-28: Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) - Chicago, IL
   26-28: EerieCon - Grand Isle, NY
   26-28: Nadeshicon - Quebec City, Quebec
   26-28: Penguicon - Pontiac, MI

   27: Kentokyo Mini-Con - Lexington, KY

   28: Brian Davidson's birthday
   28: Ash Comics - Ramada Inn on E 21st St

   29: Theresa Shidler's birthday
   29: Harry Bunn's birthday

May 2013

   1: Indy Knights General Meeting - The Athenaeum

   2-5: AnCon (Another Game Convention) - Hudson, Oh
   2-5: Morphicon - Columbus, OH

   3: Iron Man 3
   3: Whoosier Network meeting - LifeJourney Church
   3-5: Boréal - Montreal, Quebec
   3-5: CoreCon - Moorhead, MN
   3-5: National Halloween, Horror, Haunted House and Hearse Convention
Program - Philadelphia, Pa

   4: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   4: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory
   4-5: Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower - Look, up in the sky!

   5: Art-O-Con - Burlington, Ontario

   9-12: Geekway to the West - St. Louis, MO

   10: Aftershock
   10-12: BAMCon - Pittsfield, MA
   10-12: Link Campout - Link Observatory

   11: Barry Childs-Helton's birthday

   12: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   14: Deb Hunt's birthday

   15: Star Trek Into Darkness

   16-19: Nebula Awards Weekend - San Jose, CA

   17: Kat Robertson's birthday
   17-19: Anime Central - Rosemont, IL
   17-19: MOBICON - Mobile, AL
   17-19: Sci-Fi Valley Con - Altoona, PA
   17-19: Spectrum Fantastic Art Live - Kansas City, MO

   18: CoJ Board Meeting - VMCC
   18: Mike Wickliff's birthday
   18: Public Star Gaze - McCloud Nature Park, North Salem, IN
   18: South Bend ComicCon - South Bend, IN

   19: Cheryl Miller Andrews's birthday
   19: Debbie Happli's birthday
   19: CloverCon - Bridgewater, NJ

   23-26: Animazement - Raleigh, NC

   24: Epic
   24-26: Alabama Phoenix Festival - Birmingham, AL
   24-26: Anime Boston - Boston, MA
   24-26: Anime North - Toronto, Ontario
   24-26: ConQuest - Kansas City, MO
   24-26: TimeGate - Atlanta, GA
   24-27: Balticon - Hunt Valley MD
   24-27: MediaWest*Con - Lansing, MI
   24-27: WisCon - Madison, WI

   25: JABEcon! - Lebanon, TN

   27: Lynn Ciurej's birthday

   31: The Purge
   31: Katt McConnell's birthday
   31-6/2: ConCarolinas - Charlotte, NC
   31-6/2: HamaCon - Huntsville, AL

June 2013

   1: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   1: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory

   3: Andy Andrews's birthday

   5: Indy Knights General meeting - Athenaeum

   6-9: Colossalcon - Sandusky, OH

   7: After Earth
   7: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   7-9: AnimeNEXT - Somerset, NJ

   9: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   10: Chuck Budreau's birthday

   12: This is the End
   12: David Lee Pancake's birthday
   12-16: Origins - Columbus, OH

   14: Man of Steel
   14-16: Anime Mid-Atlantic - Chesapeake, VA
   14-16: Hypericon - Nashville, TN
   14-16: OMGcon - Paducah, KY
   14-16: Too Many Games - Philadelphia, PA

   15: Public Star Gaze - McCloud Nature Park, Salem, IN
   15-16: Knoxville Comic & Anime Con - Knoxville, TN

   18: Greg Dunn's birthday
   18: Dillan & Anjala Dick's Anniversary

   19: Mike Suess's birthday
   19: Kevin Spencer's birthday

   21: Monsters University
   21: World War Z
   21-23: 4th Street Fantasy Convention - Minneapolis, MN
   21-23: Anime Blues Con - Memphis, TN
   21-23: DieCon - Collinsville, IL
   21-23: Fieldcon - Morgan County, OH
   21-23: Northeast Filk Convention - Gaithersburg, MD

   22: CoJ Board Meeting - ??
   22-23: JAFAX - Allendale, MI

   26-28: Bootid Meteor Shower - Look, up in the sky!

   27: Reed Hartman's birthday
   27-30: Midwestcon - Cincinnati, OH

   28-30: AniMinneapolis - Bloomington, MN
   28-30: DucKon - Wheeling, IL
   28-30: Hetalia Con! - Wyndham Indianapolis West
   28-30: Hoshicon - Winston-Salem, NC
   28-30: Seishun-Con - Atlanta, GA
   28-30: Soonercon - Midwest City, OK

   29: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory

   30: Doug Rollison's birthday
   30: Ash Comic Book Show - Ramada Inn at E 21st St


Tidbits from Our Members

Joe Greene (Head of InConJunction Programming): Please remember we are
collecting random crafting bits and supplies for a Costume bash event at
InConJunction XXXIII! So bring your scraps and oddments to be recycled
into last minute costumes.

Cheryl Miller-Andrews is looking for book donations to a small school
library. Most of the kids are not into SF. The school is grade 7-12, but
many of the kids are below grade level in reading. Anyone that has books
to donate can bring it to her at the meeting.

Kat Robertson: As many of you know, Kent, Kevin and I own a wonderful
gaming company called INWAP Games, LLC. We have launched a kickstarter
project for our game Zombie Fried. This is the link:
Please follow the link as a search for Zombie Fried finds only the old,
unsuccessful one. The game is already at the printers, so this is a
reality. We just need the kickstarter to help with that final push for
shipping costs. Please come support us and also get a great game with some
wonderful rewards. (The kickstarter ends April 9th and is the only way to
get hold of the promo cards!)

Lynette Cowper: Monty Python’s Spamalot is coming to the Athenaeum Theatre
June 14-15, 20-23, and 28-29, 2013.


April Meeting Agenda

 The Circle of Janus
 April Meeting
 April 6, 2013

 Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
    Introduction of guests and member attendance
    March meeting minutes
    Treasurer's Report
    Convention Report, InConJunction 33
    Convention Report, InConJunction 34
    Convention Report, InConJunction 35
    Board Report, if needed
    Committee Reports, if needed
       Member Services
       Audit Committee
       Outreach Coordinator
          Indy Pride
          Pagan Pride
       Meeting Location
    Other Communications
 Old Business
    Meeting space
    Member Activities
       April non-meeting
       May meeting - Weird Science with Rob Pyatt
       May non-meeting
       June meeting
    Member Cards
    Grant Proposal?
    Anything else?
 New Business
 Announcements - one per person please
 Close of meeting - Chaos


Have something for the newsletter? We welcome announcements, news items,
reviews, and artwork. Email it to circularfile at circleofjanus dot org by
the Thursday before the last Saturday of the month for inclusion.

Meeting Info
   The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be Saturday, April 6,
2013, at the LifeJourney Church, 2950 55th Place, Indianapolis, IN,
starting at 7:00 pm. There is a ConCom meeting preceding it from 5:15
to 6:45. Gaming and pitch-in will follow the meeting.

   Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
   President - Kat Robertson
   Vice-President - John Belden
   Secretary - Lynette Cowper
   Treasurer - Kent Raquet
   Sergeant at Arms - Ricky Lile
   InConJunction 33 ConChair - Melissa Kocias
   InConJunction 34 ConChair - Andrew Happli
   InConJunction 35 ConChair - Jeff Thompson

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

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