[CircularOfJanus] April 2017 Circular of Janus delayed. Some highlights

Gary Plumlee eelmulpyrag at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 16:56:14 EDT 2017

Maybe Logan hadn't settled into my cerebral cortex yet, but I think this is
in the top 3 X-MEN movies & best of the Wolverine-mostly-w/o the X-Men
movies. There is no World Crisis in this. Mostly about death. Plenty of
blood gore brains & severed limbs.
Just thought the actors needed more make-up ;)
Kong is good, just not as Godzilla or even Shin Godzilla. Stay past end
credits tho
On Saturday, April 8, 2017, Lynette R. F. Cowper via
CircleOfJanusNewsletter <circleofjanusnewsletter at lists.inconjunction.org>
> Sorry, folks! I'm not going to be able to get out the regular Circular in
> time, but wanted non-members to have something. Don't forget the meeting
> is *tonight*! I'll try to get out the real thing with the calendar and all
> later. Until then, here's the highlights from the Minutes.
> Highlights from Minutes of the March General Meeting
>  by Southwell Cowper
> Circle of Janus, Inc.
>    General Meeting
>    Valley Mills Christian Church,
>    Indianapolis, IN 46221
>    March 4, 2017
> Officers Present:
>    Mike Cowper, Chairman of the Board
>    Ricky Lile, President
>    Anjala Dick, Vice President
>    Southwell Cowper, Secretary
>    Jeremy Murray, Treasurer
>    Joe Greene, InConJunction 37 ConChair
>    Beckie Margedant, InConJunction 38 ConChair
>    John Belden, InConJunction 39 ConChair
> Officers Absent:
>    Melissa Kocias, Sergeant-at-Arms
> Members:
>    34 adults, 3 kids.
>    No guests or new members.
> Opening:
>    Meeting called to order 7:01 pm.
> Minutes:
>    The February meeting minutes were approved as published.
> Reports:
>    Convention:
>       InConJunction 37 (Joe Greene):
>          All guests confirmed, looking at another potential guest that
> would re-write budget but would be good for finances based on
> draw
>             a well-known YouTuber
>             having problems getting a response
>          Programming is about two-thirds full
>          Hotel Liaison is looking for assistant, in part to train a new
> person to do the job
>          Fliers/bookmarks have been printed, get them from Mike Cowper if
> you have places to distribute them
>       InConJunction 38 (Beckie Margedant):
>          Still having a con, no news otherwise
>       InConJunction 39 (John Belden):
>          nothing to announce, but early stuff is getting done
>    Board:
>       Board meeting coming up on 18th at Valley Mills at 1pm, members
>       nothing to report since last meeting
>    Committees:
>       Archivist, Webmaster
>          No report
>       Audit Committee
>          Kim stepping down, need a new audit "committee", the committee is
> only one person
>          speak to Ricky if you're interested
>       Member Services
>          sent out some cards, more are going out, bereavement gifts were
> given to Kat
>       Outreach Coordination
>          Pride
>             registered for Indy Pride
>             Lynette needs someone else to do Pride because she will be in
> Alaska that weekend
>             Beckie and Roxy have agreed to take it over, but they still
> need volunteers for the festival on June 10th
>          some discussion on perhaps having a presence at the Rainbow Run
>       Quartermaster
>          if anyone needs stuff from storage, get a hold of Dillan by
> phone, not Facebook or email
> Old Business:
>    Kurt Vonnegut Museum Fundraiser:
>       problems with making payment online, needs to either be called or
> visited in person
>    Member Cards:
>       Jeremy has them, come and get them (after the meeting).
> New Business:
>    Club Activities:
>       March non-meeting meetings
>          Who's Yer Con is the last weekend in March
>          drive-ins are opening
>          PokeGo hunting?
>             do when there is no event
>             set up a date after meeting
>          St. Patrick's Day
>       April post-meeting
>          psyanky still
>       April non-meeting meeting
>          Beatles presentation from Ron Hawkins on the 20th
>       May post meeting
>          gaming and pitch-in
>          maybe also Nerf wars, since it will be warmer and fern can happen
> outside while games happen inside
> Announcements:
>    Anjala - Feed the kitty!  Beckie has gotten us a new one.
>    Kat - Granddaughter's basketball team defeated a previously undefeated
> team and won the championship.
>    Kat - More Girl Scout cookies in car.
>    Kat - Still has Zombie Fried but storage is going to become
> unavailable, so she is looking for places to make them donations.
>    Kat - Kent and Cat, Stacy and Matt have had their babies, Cat's dad not
> doing well.
>    Laura Edwards - InConJunction is going to have a table at Who's Yer
> Con, stop by if you're there and want to man for awhile.
>    Randy - Apollo 11 capsule going on tour for 50th anniversary after
> restoration, closest to us is St. Louis Science Center
>    John Belden - Rock of Ages is going to have a local production at
> Theatre on the Square, opening next week
>    Dillan - had surgery, it went well, hoping to be running within 6-8
>    Leah - selling at Indy Comic Con, has 4 badges if people want to help
> sell in exchange for a badge
>    Gary - saw Logan, didn't like it, but the Deadpool trailer looked good
>    Lynette - if you like comics or political thrillers, Brad Meltzer is
> doing a talk in Fort Wayne at 7pm at the Jewish Federation of Fort
> Wayne on Monday the 6th, also has script of If Dr. Seuss Wrote The Next
> Generation if anyone wants to read it for post meeting
>    Kat/John - a bunch of Batman memorabilia items have been given to
> Children's Museum from Kevin Silva's collection
>       going to see the collection could be a good non-meeting meeting
>    Wendy - Monday March 27th W. Comeau Bell lecture at Clowes Hall, it is
> free, you just have to reserve tickets
>    Jeremy Hana - There was an orphanage in South Dakota that got 100
> thousand diapers stolen from them, Amazon, where Jeremy works, decided
> to donate 150 thousand diapers to the orphanage
>    Joe - Mythbusters' Adam Savage in Detroit tomorrow for the Braincandy
> tour, Joe is happy to go if someone wants to go with, but cannot go
> alone
> Hand off to Mel for post-meeting event instructions
> Close of meeting – chaos declared at 7:34 followed by Dr. Seuss stuff.
> ========================================
> Minutes of the March Board Meeting
> by Southwell Cowper
> Circle of Janus, Inc.
>    Board of Directors meeting
>    Valley Mills Christian Church
>    Indianapolis, IN
>    March 18, 2017
> Officers Present:
>    Mike Cowper, Chairman of the Board
>    Ricky Lile, President
>    Anjala Dick, Vice-President
>    Southwell Cowper, Secretary
>    Jeremy Murray, Treasurer
>    Melissa Kocias, Sergeant-at-Arms
>    Joe Green, InConJunction 37 ConChair
>    Beckie Margedant, InConJunction 38 ConChair
>    John Belden, InConJunction 39 ConChair
> Others Present:
>    None
> The meeting was called to order at 13:09 am.
> Approval of Meeting Minutes: The January minutes were approved as
> Communications:
>    InConJunction 37 (Joe):
>       has proposed second version of budget
>       sounds like eGaming isn't gonna be a thing
>       looks like we have all the guests set to go
>       gonna set up a photo shoot situation with the massage people
>       need t-shirt art still
>       print more bookmarks/postcards before Who's Yer Con for our table
>    InConJunction 38 (Beckie):
>       has toastmaster, author, featured musician, artist, featured author
> with that artist (artist is a comic artist)
>       wants Yavin 4
>       also looking at Time Crash from Chicago
>    InConJunction 39 (John):
>       needs to send out inquiry letters, so not much to report
> Old Business:
>    Social Media:
>       Drew and Mike C. are looking at some changes to the server to make
> it more user friendly
>       need to be posting stuff to Facebook and such
>       subreddit, still Beckie and Mel, gotta do thing
>    Vonnegut Museum:
>       Still needs to contact them, he's just real busy
>    Indy Pride:
>       they still need the stuff
>       she said we have a parking space and something else and something
>       have we thought about doing Spencer pride
>       need to look into numbers and how likely we are to get people who
> actually wanna come to the con
> New Business:
>    Rob Pyatt moving:
>       Club maybe getting Rob a moving gift - captain America pjs??
>       bring it up at next regular meeting
> Meeting adjourned at 14:14.
> ========================================
> April Meeting Agenda
>  The Circle of Janus
>  April 8, 2017
>  Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
>     Introduction of guests & member attendance
>     March meeting minutes
>  Communications
>     Treasurer's Report
>     Convention Report, InConJunction 37
>     Convention Report, InConJunction 38
>     Convention Report, InConJunction 39
>     Board Report
>     Committee Reports, if needed
>        Archivist
>        Audit Committee
>        Member Services Report
>        Outreach Coordinator
>        Quartermaster
>     Other Communications
>  Old Business
>     Kurt Vonnegut Museum Fundraiser
>     Member Cards
>  New Business
>     Gift for Rob Pyatt?
>     Activities
>        April Non-meeting
>           Beatles presentation by Ron Hawkins on the 20th
>        May Post-Meeting
>           Gaming and pitch-in, maybe with Nerf Wars
>        May Non-meeting
>           Previous suggestions: Drive-in movies, Pokemon Go hunting.
>        June Post-Meeting
>           Previous post-meeting suggestions not implemented:
>              Skincare and makeup talk/demo.
>  Announcements
>  Close of meeting – Chaos
> ========================================
> Meeting Info
>    The next meeting of the Circle of Janus is on Saturday, April 8, 2017,
> at Valley Mills Christian Church, 5555 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis,
> IN, starting at 7:00 pm. There is a Convention Committee meeting
> preceding it at 5:30 pm. We will be doing Pysanky (fancy colored eggs)
> afterward. Gaming and general hanging out also encouraged!
> Officers
>    Board Chairman – Mike Cowper
>    President – Ricky Lile
>    Vice-President – Anjala Dick
>    Secretary – Southwell Cowper
>    Treasurer – Jeremy Murray
>    Sergeant at Arms – Melissa Kocias
>    InConJunction 37 ConChair – Joe Greene
>    InConJunction 38 ConChair – Beckie Margedant
>    InConJunction 39 ConChair – John Belden
> _______________________________________________
> CircleOfJanusNewsletter mailing list
> CircleOfJanusNewsletter at lists.inconjunction.org
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