[InConJunction-dealers] InConJunction Setup

Laura Hohman laura.hohman at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 13:14:20 EDT 2009

We're just days away from InConjunction, and I'm looking
forward to seeing everyone.

There will be the traditional Friday morning setup from 8-1. If you do
not plan to set up at this time, please let me know. In addition, I'm
planning on allowing dealers to set up Thursday evening. If you are
interested in setting up Thursday evening, email or call me ASAP to
let me know what time you would like to have the room available. The
room should be set up and ready starting at 6 pm. As soon as I hear
from those who are interested in setting up Thursday, I'll set an
official Thursday night setup time.

If you have need of electricity, please contact me ASAP. You will need
to bring your own extension cords and powers strips to use, but I will
make sure that there is electricity available to you within extension
cord range.

Room layout and table numbers are now available on the website at
http://www.inconjunction.org/dept/dealersroom/. I did my best to
accommodate dealers' requests, but it's not physically possible to put
everyone exactly where they want. I wish I had twice as many wall
tables, but alas - it is not possible.

If you have any questions, please email or call me. If you are calling
before Thursday, please use my home number at 812-824-3210. If you
need to get ahold of me Thursday or during the convention, please use
my cell phone at 812-824-0617.

Laura Hohman

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