[InConJunctionVendorApplicants] InConJunction 2013 Dealers' Room Survey

Jeff Thompson jefft666 at comcast.net
Tue Jul 30 09:18:11 EDT 2013

Apologies for the duplicate email and change of password on the survey. The
initial email was sent to the wrong address.


As a participant (Artist, Author, Vendor, etc.) in the InConJunction 2013
Dealers' Room and/or Creators' Alley I'd like to ask if you would be willing
to take a few minutes out of your day to fill out a brief ten question
survey to let the staff of InConJunction know how things went this year and
how you'd like to see things improve in following years.


Simply go to the http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KW78HSG page and enter the
password "vendor2013" (without the quotes) to begin the survey.


Thanks in advance for your time and for helping InConJunction improve our
expo hall in the coming years.





Jeff Thompson

InConJunction Expo Hall Organizer




PS: Sorry for the duplicate email and change of password. The initial email
was sent to the wrong address.


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