Second E-mail, InConJunction 30

Drew Happli ahappli at
Sun Apr 25 17:02:02 EDT 2010

Dear Past Panelist,

Earlier this year I e-mailed you to let you know about InConJunction 30, 
and that we were looking for panel ideas.  At that time I told you that 
I would e-mail you only twice, unless you were interested in doing some 
programming for InConJunction 30.  This is that second e-mail once again 
reminding you that if you are going to be at InConJunction 30, we look 
forward to your participation. 

We are looking for panelists to submit descriptions of panels they would 
like to take part in or attend. As a past panelist, your ideas are 
welcomed and encouraged. You can submit your panel suggestions via the 
webpage at:

We are also looking for panel participants. If this possibility 
interests you, let us know and we will include you in future e-mails 
about panel ideas we have received.

This will be the last of only two e-mails asking for panel ideas for 
this year's convention; after this reminder e-mail, you won't hear from 
us again asking for programming suggestions until next year.

Thank you for your time; we look forward to your ideas and involvement 
again this year. (If you are not able to attend InConJunction this year, 
we will miss you!) If you have questions, please feel free to contact us 
at this e-mail address.

Your InConJunction Programming Team

Drew Happli
Programming Chair.

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