[METW] Lure of Middle-earth: See you soon! (MECCG)

Lure of Middle-earth info at lureofmiddleearth.com
Sat Mar 2 12:45:59 EST 2019

Final reminder for MECCG participants


Next week we will meet at Lure of Middle-earth.
We hope you are ready!

Hallo subscriber,

it is less than a week now till we meet (again) at the castle. In this mail you'll find the final information for all participants. If you have come before, this is the usual stuff, but you might still find some additional information about travel, emergency numbers and special tournaments. Feel free to forward this mail to any friends that registered in your name.
[Castle Stahleck 2012]

General information about the event

The Lure of Middle-earth at castle Stahleck, Germany will run from 8. – 10. March 2019.
Over 120 people met there last year to play Middle-earth: The Wizards CCG and Lord of the Rings LCG – and other Middle-earth themed board or card games. Join our fellowship this year!

If you want to know more about the event visit [our homepage](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCI1NzhmMTFlMDZhYWQiLGZhbHNlXQ), look at some [photos from last year](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCI0MzY0NzA4YjcwMjgiLGZhbHNlXQ) or have a look at the list of special events and tournaments that are planned.

Late Registration

If you haven't registered by now: There are still some last spots left. (But there will be a late fee.)

[Register now!](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCJhMDVlNGYyZDlmMGEiLGZhbHNlXQ)

Your Room

You can find your own or your friends room number on our registration list. (See the full list [here](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCJiNzI3ODkwY2FiMTIiLGZhbHNlXQ).)

Arriving at the Castle

Contact? If you want to call the castle, use the following number: +49 (0) 6743 12 66.
Cab? If you arrive by train, be aware that the path to the castle is quiet steep especially with a lot of luggage. If you want to call a cab to get there, we recommend Rheintal Taxi. Their number is: +49 (0) 6744 48 8.
Wolfgang? If you have any questions or problems on the day of the arrival, you can call Wolfgang. His Austrian mobile number is: +43 (0) 699 11 15 61 13.

Your Stay at the Castle

Please consider the following when staying at castle Stahleck:
1. It's not allowed to smoke inside the castle.
2. Sleeping bags or sheets are not needed.
3. Please bring your own towles.
4. Vegetarian food is available for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
5. Free coffee will be available all day and night.
6. There is free Wi-Fi at the castle.

Scenarios and Tournaments

Registration? There is no need to pre-register for any special events or tournaments. There is a maximum limit for some sealed tournaments - but they have never been reached at past Lures. Follow the link below to see the full program.
Decklists? No need for that.
Proxies? Proxies are allowed, provided they are nice to look at.
Sealed Product? If you are participating in a sealed tournament you are free to bring your own sealed product. You then, of cause, don't have to pay the tournament fee.
Tournament Coordiantors? As events will need a tournament coordinator, we will need your help. Please write [Wolfgang](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCJhOWZiNTcxODE2YmMiLGZhbHNlXQ)! Ccoordinators can and should play in the tournament they organise. If you haven't done this before be sure to know: This is easy and not a lot of work.

[Full schedule here!](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCIzNzI1ZTE2NjUzNmUiLGZhbHNlXQ)

Special Tournament Rules

There are three special rules for MECCG that only apply at the Lure of Middle-earth:
1. The nine German promo cards are legal.
2. The Balrog Limited rule is used. (For details go [here](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCI0MWI3N2NhNTIwYzMiLGZhbHNlXQ).)
3. The Lure of MECCG promo card is legal for all tournaments (except for Dream Card events).
Otherwise regular tournament rules from the [Council of Elrond](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCIwNGZkNWQ0M2M0ZmEiLGZhbHNlXQ) apply. (You can find them [here](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCJmYmZjMGQ0N2RiMzYiLGZhbHNlXQ).)

[See all tournaments here!](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCI5YmFkNDAyNjUxMjUiLGZhbHNlXQ)

Buy Special Lure Products

If you are interested in bying some special Lure of Middle-earth items, you have to preorder them. This includes t-shirts, backpacks and special Drinking Game for MECCG. You can find pictures of all available products in the COE forum. Pease write [Wolfgang](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCJhOWZiNTcxODE2YmMiLGZhbHNlXQ), if you are interested.

[See all products!](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCJkNTAzYzI2OWQzNjAiLGZhbHNlXQ)


[Unsubscribe](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCIyMTg2NWE3YjUyZTQiLGZhbHNlXQ) | [Manage subscription](https://lureofmiddleearth.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyIxNDcyIiwiNzAxOGQwIiwiMzkiLCJmYjc2ZWFkZjM4ZDAiLGZhbHNlXQ)


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