[CircularOfJanus] August Circular

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Sat Jul 25 22:11:59 EDT 2009

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
  The Circular of Janus
  July 24, 2009
  Volume 30, Issue 8

  Presidential Ponderings - Kathie Thompson
  Minutes of the July Board Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  Minutes of the June Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  August Meeting Agenda
  Answers to the July Circular
  Mark Your Calendars
  A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
  New Books - from Locus
  Meeting Info & Club Officers


Presidential Ponderings by Kathie Thompson

Hello all,

Glad to see everyone made it through the convention. I heard good things 
and am exceptionally thrilled about the blood drive. A big thanks for 
Emily and everyone that donated and helped out. I am anxious to hear the 
report from the ConChair. This year was the first time in 22 years (19 of 
them helping out) I missed the convention. It was not intentional as I was 
in a car accident (not my fault) on the way home from work Thursday, July 
2nd. Anyway I am doing much better and hope to have my van back before the 
August meeting.

September will be the "After the Con bash." We will find out the 
particulars of where, when, and what to bring etcetera at the meeting or 
listed in the Circular so be sure to read the whole thing.

I look forward to seeing you at the August 1 meeting,

Kathie Thompson


Minutes of the July Board Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

Circle of Janus, Inc.
  Minutes of the Executive Board
  July 5, 2009, 3:00pm

at the site of:
  InConJunction XXIX
  Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites
  8787 Keystone Crossing
  Indianapolis, IN 46240

Board members in attendance:
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President
    Tony Patterson, Treasurer
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
    Ellen Patterson, InConJunction 29 ConChair
    Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair
    Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair

Board members not in attendance:
    Kathie Thompson, President (illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
    Steven Marsh
    Ricky Lile
    Wendy Carson
    John Belden
    Mike Wickliff
    Andrew Speed
    Robbin Speed
    Cheryl Miller-Andrews
    Jessica Bunn
    Lane Wickliff
    Brian Davidson

Guests present:
    Ray Jones
    Amy Page

Call the meeting to order:
    Meeting was called to order at 3:05pm by Andy Andrews.

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
    The previous board meeting minutes were approved as published.

All business was tabled until September.

Chaos was declared at 3:09pm.

Respectfully submitted,
  Stephen Kendall,


Minutes of the June Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

June 7, 2009, 7:00pm at the location:
    Seventh & Eighth United Christian Church,
    2916 W 30th St,
    Indianapolis, Indiana 46222.

Board members in attendance:
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
    Kathie Thompson, President
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Tony Patterson, Treasurer
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
    Ellen Patterson, InConJunction 29 ConChair
    Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair

Board members not in attendance (reason):
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President (conflict)
    Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair (conflict)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
    Not taken.

Call the meeting to order:
    The meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm.

Guests introduced:

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
    The acting secretary (Kat Robertson) for the May meeting insisted that 
announcements were recorded, despite what was reflected in the printed 
minutes. Otherwise the minutes were approved as published.

Board report:

Treasurer's report:
    The Treasurer submitted his report for the club and discussed it.
    The Treasurer submitted his report for the convention and discussed it.

InConJunction 29 Convention Report:
    Program book deadline is Wednesday.
    Items are needed for Make your own costume.
    Fun Police also needs things.

InConJunction 30 Convention Report:
    The ConChair announced her theme: "InConJunction: Where Quarks and Orcs 
    Ed Beard Jr is her artist guest.
    Wild Mercy is still the music guest.
    Rob Pyatt is toastmaster.
    Andy and Kristin Looney from Looney Labs are confirmed as guests.
    She is still looking for a ConCom.
    The play theme will be "Mama Mia!"; join the inconplay at yahoo.com 
mailing list if interested.

InConJunction 31 Convention Report:
    No in-person report.
    If ConChair gets the Robinsons, he will probably reuse the play.

Member Services Report:
    Member Services now has a list of members and cards will go out.

Member Activities Report:
    September first Saturday will be the Post-Con Bash.
    Other future meeting activities were reviewed.

Other communications:
    None of note.

Old Business:
       Bylaws corrections have been put off until August.

New Business:
    Anniversary Party:
       The Mariott for the 30th Anniversary Party would not allow outside 
food if we held it there.
       Dave Henninger, Crystal Walter, and the President will each check 
out individual possibilities for hosting the event.

    President: Feed the McDonald's bag (aka the kitty)!
    Jess Bunn now has a job and an apartment.
    Reid Hartman got a job a week and a half ago.
    President: Start thinking about New Year's Eve.
    John Belden: Son graduated high school in Biloxi, Miss, only 1.5 points 
shy of making honors.
    This is Harry Bunn's last meeting. He is moving to Sedona, Arizona.
    Mike Suess: Star Trek is fantastic. Wolverine is pretty darn good. 
Going to see Terminator, but not looking forward to it.
    Andrew Speed: One of the Babylon 5 seasons is on sale at Best Buy for 
    David Henninger: Reading a book by Machio Koku, Physics of the 
Impossible, which is utterly fascinating.
    John Belden: He and Wendy just saw Wicked.
    Randy Porter: Smithsonian Historian Tom Krauss will be speaking at 
Connor Prairie tomorrow.
    Kat Robertson: Son Alex was chosen to go to Hawaii for a charity house 
build. He just came back.

Chaos was declared at 7:48 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
  Stephen Kendall, secretary


Meeting Agenda

The Circle of Janus
  August Meeting
  August 1, 2009

  Opening of Meeting (7:00pm), introduction of any guests
  Approval of the Minutes of the June Meeting (with changes if necessary)
     Board Report
     Treasurer's Report
     Convention Report, InConJunction 29 (how did we do?)
     Convention Report, InConJunction 30
        Web pages already up
        Make next week
     Convention Report, InConJunction 31
     Member Services
     Member Activities
        Looking for volunteers
        Scheduled Speakers or activities so far
           September - After-the-Con Bash - Where, When?
           October - Laura Hohman - Bats
           November - Procrastinators Halloween Party
        Non-Meeting Meetings
           Who wants to host?
     Other communications
  Old Business
     Bylaws Grammar and Spelling
     Anniversary Party
  New Business
     Let's talk about e-mail.  What do the members want from the CoJ list
        Do we want to bring back SIGS?
        Movie and book reviews should be sent to the newsletter
  Announcements - one per person please
  Close of meeting - Chaos


Name Those Ships/Buildings/Cities!

Throughout the pdf version of the newsletter you will find pictures of 
cities, buildings and ships from various shows. See how many you can 

July Circular Answers:
  4: Luna, Destination Moon
  5: Sol Bianca, Sol Bianca
  6, top: Lexx, Lexx
  6, bottom: Icarus, Planet of the Apes
  7, top: Millennium Falcon, Star Wars
  7, bottom, left: Shadow Ship, Babylon 5
  7, bottom, right: Red Dwarf, Red Dwarf
  8, left: The Massive, Invader Zim
  8, right: Tardis, Dr. Who


Mark Your Calendars

August 2009

  1: CoJ meeting
  1: Fort Wayne Comic Book Convention
  1: KOFL Fantasy Gamer's Conclave - Cary, NC
  1: WASFEn Con - Wausau, WI
  1-2: Gamers of Summer 2009 - Harrisburg, PA

  2: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

  3: Kent Raquet's birthday

  4-9: World Boardgaming Championships - Lancaster, PA

  6-8: Larpapalooza 2009 - Kansas City, MO
  6-9: Starfleet International Con - Greensboro, NC
  6-10: AnticipationSF: 67th WorldCon - Montreal, Quebec

  7: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
  7-9: Chronicles: The Convergence - Wichita, KS
  7-9: Ikasucon - Fort Wayne, IN

  8: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory
  8-9: Northern Michigan Anime Con - Traverse City, MI

  10-9/4: Saturn will be angled so it appears without rings

  12: Roseann Packer's birthday

  13-16: Dum Dum - Dayton, OH
  13-16: Game Fest South - Chattanooga, TN
  13-16: Gen Con Indy - Indianapolis, IN

  14: District 9
  14: The Time Traveler's Wife
  14: IAS Weekend Campout - Link Observatory
  14-16: AnimeIowa - Coralville, IA
  14-16: VividCon - Chicago, IL

  15: Indy Knights Fan Force Charity Breakfast - The Ram

  16: Comic Book Convention - Bettendorf, IA

  19-22: IPMS/USA 2009 National Convention - Columbus, OH

  21-23: Heat of Battle - Chattanooga, TN

  22: IAS New Astronomers Group - McCloud Park

  23: Comic Book Convention - Springfield, IL

  26: Drew Happli's birthday

  27-28: Kita-Kon - Thunder Bay, ON

  28: The Final Destination
  28: Halloween 2
  28-30: Canadian National Gaming Expo - Toronto, ON
  28-30: Context - Columbus, OH
  28-30: Fan Expo Canada - Toronto, Ontario
  28-30: MatsuriCon - Worthington, OH

  30: Comic Book Convention - Gurnee, IL
  30: Ash Comic Book Show - Holiday Inn East

September 2009

  2: Jupiter will be observable without satellites

  4: Carriers
  4: Gamer
  4-6: Mephit Furmeet - Memphis, TN
  4-7: Dragon*Con - Atlanta, GA
  4-7: TCEP - Laurel, MD

  9: Mike Cowper's birthday
  9: 9

  10-11: ACD Games Day 2009 - Madison, WI

  11: Sorority Row

  12: After-the-con Bash - Cowper house
  12: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory
  12: Comic Book Convention - South Bend

  13: Milwaukee Comic Book Con - Milwaukee, WI

  15: CoJ Board Meeting

  17: Lane Wickliff's birthday

  18: Jennifer's Body
  18: Pandorum
  18: Splice (limited)
  18-20: Anime Weekend Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
  18-20: Con*Stellation - Huntsville, AL
  18-20: Horror Realm - Pittsburgh, PA

  19: John Belden's birthday
  19-20: CHUCK-a-CON - Pittsburgh, PA
  19-20: Tulsa Comic & Anime Expo - Tulsa, OK

  20: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

  25: Surrogates
  25-27: Gamers Reunion - Rochester, MN
  25-27: Erie Anime Experience - Edinboro, PA
  25-27: Fields of Honor - Johnston, Iowa
  25-27: GameCon Memphis - Memphis, TN

  26: IAS New Astronomers Group - McCloud Park
  26: Comic Book Convention - Chesterfield, MO
  26-27: 2009 Fall Gaming Hoopla - Lake Geneva, WI
  26-27: Phantasm - Peterborough, Ontario

  27: Comic Book Convention - Champaign / Urbana, IL

  28: Jeff and Kathie Thompson's anniversary

  29: NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft final flyby of Mercury

October 2009

  1-4: Buckeye Game Fest - Columbus, OH

  2-3: North Kansas City Game Con - Kansas City, MO.
  2-4: Anime Detroit - Troy, MI
  2-4: Archon 33 - Collinsville, IL
  2-4: FlatCon - Bloomington, IL
  2-4: Kuzuri Con - Battle Creek, MI

  3: CoJ meeting
  3: JAXCON 2009 - Jacksonville, NC

  4: Gary Plumlee's birthday

  9: Zombieland
  9-11: Albacon - Albany, NY
  9-11: ConClave - Romulus, MI
  9-11: Gaylaxicon - Minneapolis, MN
  9-11: Tsubasacon - Huntington, WV

  10: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory
  10-11: OshCon 2009 - Oshkosh, WI

  11: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

  14: Tony Patterson's birthday

  15-18: Bouchercon - Indianapolis, IN

  16: The Stepfather
  16: Where the Wild Things Are
  16-18: Capclave - Washington, DC

  17-19: Arcana - St. Paul, MN

  18: Robin Brunner's birthday
  18: Anjala Dick's birthday

  22-25: Ohio Valley Filk Fest - Dublin, OH

  23: Emily Anne Rodgers's birthday
  23: Astro Boy
  23: Saw VI
  23: The Vampire's Assistant
  23-25: Geek.Kon - Madison WI
  23-25: ICON - Cedar Rapids, IA
  23-25: Rock-Con - Rockford, IL
  23-25: TRAVELLERcon-USA - Lancaster, PA

  25: Ash Comic Book Show - Holiday Inn East

  26: Megan Cowper's birthday

  28: Vicki Merriman's birthday

  29-11/1: Youmacon - Dearborn, MI

  30-11/1: CONtagion - Minneapolis, MN
  30-11/1: SugoiCon - Ft. Mitchell, KY


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
  By Lynette Cowper

Heritage Festivals: Indianapolis boasts a bunch of heritage festivals with 
great food, dancing, art, and more. Here's a selection:
    Chinese American Festival: Sep. 12, Military Park. Free.
    Indy Irish Festival: Sep 18 to 20, Military Park. $20 for the weekend, 
various day rates.
    Fiesta Indianapolis: Sep. 19, American Legion Mall. Free.

The Dos and Don'ts of Time Travel: When her girlfriend Claire is diagnosed 
with cancer, Zoey's past suddenly becomes her future. Hooked on time 
travel for decades, Zoey wills herself to relive the two most painful 
years of her life. But her friend Rachel thinks "time travel movies suck" 
(and she's writing a thesis to prove it). Rachel wants Zoey to stop 
nursing her ailing lover long enough to change the course of their 
friendship. In a universe of endless possibilities, they learn no moment 
can ever be recaptured. It's a tale of love, hate, sacrifice-- and 
physics-- that spins with sensual velocity. July 16 to Aug 15, Phoenix 

Pirate Sand Adventure: In early July, Indy Parks will ship 200 tons of 
sand to create a magical pirate adventure adjacent to the Garfield Park 
Arts Center. For 28 days, sand sculptors from The Sand Sculpture Company 
will build six amazing pirate-themed creations. Before your very eyes, a 
100-ton pirate ship will emerge and families from across Central Indiana 
will be invited to enjoy this magical adventure. One of the most amazing 
adventures will be the Family Sand Zone where children, adults and 
families will learn the technique of creating sand art. Admission: Free. 
July 18 to August 16, Garfield Park.

Toy Truck 'N Construction Show and Auction: Visit the 19th Annual National 
Toy Truck 'N Construction Show featuring one of the largest gatherings of 
toy manufacturers of any show you will attend. Come see what's new and 
visit with companies like Die-Cast Promotions, SpecCast, DHS Diecast 
Collectables and First Gear. In addition, a large number of dealers with a 
wide variety of new and old truck and construction models will be 
available. August 21 to 23, Adam's Mark.

Komodo Dragons: At ten feet long, Komodo dragons are the largest lizards 
in the world. Many zoos in the United States and throughout the world are 
helping to protect this fantastic lizard species by creating captive 
breeding programs, raising funds and providing support. The two dragons we 
will be displaying will come from the Denver Zoo. You won't want to miss 
this incredible predator from Komodo! Through Sept 6, Indianapolis Zoo.

Bouchercon 2009: Bouchercon celebrates the mystery genre and is the 
largest annual meeting in the world for mystery lovers. The convention 
program includes panel discussions, lectures, and other presentations by 
mystery writers and experts on the genre, covering all aspects of mystery 
fiction, thrillers, detective stories, suspense novels, and more. The 2009 
Bouchercon will include special events throughout central Indiana, 
including programs at some of our area's most popular and outstanding 
venues. Sessions are scheduled for the Eiteljorg Museum of American 
Indians and Western Art, the rotunda of Indiana's state house building, 
the Indianapolis City Market, and more. Basic registration for the 2009 
Bouchercon in Indianapolis is $150. The committee plans to offer a reduced 
price for students and families attending the children's programming only, 
and single-day registrations for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday if space 
is available. October 15 - 18, 2009, Hyatt Regency.

Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs: A new exhibition 
featuring more than 130 treasures from the tomb of the celebrated pharaoh 
Tutankhamun and additional ancient sites. Through Oct 31, Children's 

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Exhibition: The exhibition features artwork, 
costumes and other pieces used in the concept and production for Star 
Wars: The Clone Wars. There'll be a life size Jedi fighter in the Welcome 
Center. The exhibit itself will be in the lower level by the planetarium. 
There are life-size flats of Anakin, Yoda, Ahsoka and other characters 
next to which visitors can pose for pictures. Through Jan 31, 2010, 
Children's Museum.


New Books
  From locusmag.com

August 2009
    Adams, John Joseph, ed. * By Blood We Live * (Night Shade Books, anth, 
    Anderson, Poul * The Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson, Volume 2: 
The Queen of Air and Darkness * (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
    Bentley, C. F. * Enigma * (DAW, hc)
    Bova, Ben * Return * (Tor, hc)
    Briggs, Patricia * Hunting Ground * (Ace)
    Chadbourn, Mark * The Lord of Silence * (Solaris US)
    del Rey, Lester * War and Space * (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
    Duey, Kathleen * Sacred Scars * (Atheneum, nvl-ya, hc)
    Egan, Greg * Crystal Nights and Other Stories * (Subterranean Press, 
cln, hc)
    Elliott, Kate * Traitors' Gate * (Tor, hc)
    Kadrey, Richard * Sandman Slim * (Eos, hc)
    Kiernan, Caitlin R. * The Red Tree * (Roc, tpb)
    Lovegrove, James * The Age of Ra * (Solaris US)
    Martin, George R. R., & Gardner Dozois, eds. * Songs of the Dying Earth 
* (Subterranean Press, anth, hc)
    Morrell, David, & Nancy Kilpatrick, eds. * Tesseracts Thirteen * (EDGE 
Science Fiction and Fantasy, anth, tpb)
    Pynchon, Thomas * Inherent Vice * (Penguin Press, hc)
    Resnick, Mike * Stalking the Dragon * (Pyr, tpb)
    Robson, Justina * Chasing the Dragon * (Pyr, tpb)
    Sawyer, Robert J., ed. * Distant Early Warnings: Canada's Best SF * 
(Fitzhenry & Whiteside/Robert J. Sawyer Books, anth, tpb)
    Schroeder, Karl * Sunless Countries * (Tor, hc)
    Shirley, John * Bleak History * (Pocket, tpb)
    Somers, Jeff * The Eternal Prison * (Orbit US, tpb)
    Vance, Jack * This Is Me, Jack Vance! * (Subterranean Press, nf, hc)
    Warrington, Freda * Elfland * (Tor, hc)

September 2009
    Atwood, Margaret * The Year of the Flood * (Doubleday/Talese, hc)
    Bacigalupi, Paolo * The Windup Girl * (Night Shade Books, hc)
    Banks, Iain * Transition * (Orbit US, hc)
    Brom * The Child Thief * (Eos, hc)
    Brooks, Terry * A Princess of Landover * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
    Brown, John * Servant of a Dark God * (Tor, hc)
    Brust, Steven * Iorich * (Tor, hc)
    Collins, Suzanne * Catching Fire * (Scholastic Press, nvl-ya, hc)
    + Erikson, Steven * Bauchelain & Korbal Broach * (Tor, cln, hc)
    Gregory, Daryl * The Devil's Alphabet * (Ballantine Del Rey, tpb)
    Herbert, Brian, & Kevin J. Anderson * Jessica of Dune * (Tor, hc)
    Homan, Daniel * Queen of Hearts * (Prime Books, tpb)
    Koch, Meliva, ed. * L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future 
Volume XXV * (Galaxy, anth)
    Lake, Jay * The Specific Gravity of Grief * (Fairwood Press, nva, hc)
    + McAuley, Paul * The Quiet War * (Pyr, tpb)
    + Ness, Patrick * The Ask and the Answer * (Candlewick Press, nvl-ya, 
    Resnick, Mike * Dreamwish Beasts and Snarks * (Golden Gryphon Press, 
cln, hc)
    Van Gelder, Gordon, ed. * The Best of the Magazine of Fantasy and 
Science Fiction * (Tachyon Publications, anth, hc)
    VanderMeer, Jeff * Booklife: Strategies and Survival Tips for the 
21st-Century Writer * (Tachyon Publications, nf, tpb)
    Williams, Conrad A. * Decay Inevitable * (Solaris US)


Meeting Info
    The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be held on Saturday, 
August 1, 2009, at the 7th and 8th United Christian Church at 2916 West 
30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222. Doors open a little before 7:00 pm.

    Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
    President - Kathie Thompson
    Vice President - Lynette Cowper
    Secretary - Stephen Kendall
    Treasurer - Tony Patterson
    Sergeant at Arms - Jeff Thompson
    InConJunction 29 ConChair - Ellen Patterson
    InConJunction 30 ConChair - Kat Robertson
    InConJunction 31 ConChair - Mike Cowper

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science 
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership, 
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514, 
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514. Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

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