[CircularOfJanus] September 2010 Circular

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Tue Sep 7 10:10:09 EDT 2010

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 August 27, 2010
 Volume 31, Issue 9

 Presidential Ponderings - Kathie Thompson
 Minutes of the August Meeting - Stephen Kendall
 Minutes of the July Board Meeting - Stephen Kendall
 Minutes of the June Meeting - Stephen Kendall
 A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
 Mark Your Calendars
 New Books - from Locus
 Answers to the May Circular
 Music for Us - Crystal Walter
 Volunteers Needed
 After-the-Con Bash Information
 Board Meeting Reminder
 Meeting Info & Club Officers


Presidential Ponderings
 by Kathie Thompson

Hello All,

This has been such a busy month for me. My mother had major surgery here
in town and even though she has been home a while is not doing too well.
She is refusing go to back in the hospital and has a visiting nurse stop
by daily and is seeing the doctor at least twice a week. Jeff's mom also
had major surgery up in Anderson and was in the hospital over two weeks.
She went home yesterday (8/26) but also is still having issues with
infection, swelling, and blood pressure. Thanks to all the warm thoughts
and prayers for both of them and our family in this time of doctors and
hospitals. I could do without seeing either doctors or hospitals for a

The After-the-Con Bash will be at the Thompson Household on the 11th of
September and will start around 4pm. Hopefully the weather will be nice
and we will have the grills going and such. Please feel free to bring
games and such.

With the end of one convention starts another one on the way. Please make
sure Emily (the Treasurer) has all the receipts from 2010 convention
before the end of August as she will be working on the books in September
and finalize the 2010 convention by September 30. We now get to start the
planning and organization for Mike's con of 2011.

Have a great day,
 Kathie Thompson,
 CoJ President


Minutes of the August Meeting
 by Stephen Kendall

August 14, 2010 at 7:00pm
   at the facilities of:
   Jesus Metropolitan Community Church
   2950 East 55th Place
   Indianapolis, IN 46220

Board members in attendance:
   Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary
   Emily Rodgers, Treasurer
   Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair

Board members not in attendance:
   Kathie Thompson, President and InConJunction 32 ConChair (family illness)
   Lynette Cowper, Vice President (illness)
   Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms (family illness)
   Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair (illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
   not taken

Guests introduced:
   Pam Easterday
   Catherine (Kent Raquet's girlfriend)
   Chris & Andy and their kids

Call the meeting to order:
   Called to order at 7:07pm by Andy, officiating in place of Kathie.

   Andy discussed the Board members who were not present, and why.

   Guests were introduced.

   Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
      The June 2010 minutes were unavailable. Reading of the minutes was

   Treasurer's report:
      Emily passed out a Treasurer's Report.
      Additional details are available in the members-only addendum to the

   InConJunction 30 Convention Report:
      We had a good convention.
      There were only two noise complaints, and one wasn't us. The hotel
was happy with us.
      Next year they may change cash food sales and java bar hours. There
will be no dance bartender next year.
      There were many compliments for the program book; congratulations to
      Keith DeCandido and CJ Henderson are coming back to next year's
convention on their own dime.
      Mark Gunn has contacted Mike about coming back next year.
      Midnight Syndicate was told that Destini Hope Beard sold over 100
CDs at InConJunction.
      The Beards are probably not coming back next year because we don't
pay for the same person two years in a row.
      Gaming was great, but needs more space.
      Registrations were up, rumor says, but Emily doesn't know yet.
      Charity Auction came to about $2050, which went very well.
      The Blood Drive beat 2009.
      Randy Porter liked that after the drama about the move, he was glad
people didn't look back.
      Kent Raquet saw many new people in the surveys.
      Brian Davidson complimented the hotel staff.
      Pam Easterday was working in the ConSuite when the hotel addressed
needs as fast as they developed. She also saw many new people.
      Tracey Rollison loved the thing with Chipotle on Saturday at
lunchtime. Chipotle provided burritos for free in return for us
hanging their signs.
      Kat thought the ConSuite staff was awesome. The staff was very good
at taking care of Kat's needs.
      Anjala's Pride Day winner bought an additional paying attendance.

   InConJunction 31 Convention Report:
      Not present

   InConJunction 32 Convention Report:
      Not present

   Member Services:
      No report.

   Member Activities:
      Kat announced that the After-the-Con Bash will be at 4pm on Saturday
September 11 at the Thompsons'. Kat wants to grill hamburgers and
hot dogs, plus the pitch-in. All volunteers are welcome.
      Andy announced the Bylaws Caucus. It will be on August 28 at 1pm at
Midwest Internet. [Subsequent to the August meeting, we learned that
it will be at the Marriott, not Midwest -SK] Kat discussed the
procedure. The Bylaws are online.

   Board report:

   Other communications:

Old Business:
   Changes to Convention Organization:
      Andy recapped Lane's convention reorganization proposal.

   New Meeting Space:
      Scheduling differences with the old church were discussed.
      John Belden talked about the new church, the Jesus Metropolitan
Community Church (JMCC). The church screwed up and booked a
Pentecostal group and put the CoJ in the Fellowship Hall
(immediately adjacent). We are meeting in the room we are in, he
said, because we expected few people. Classroom One, where the
Whoosier Network meets, is also a possibility for us to use. He said
this church is fairly relaxed and has science fiction ministries.
      It was stated that we are likely offering JMCC $25 per month.
      Wendy and John have keys to JMCC. When told that the President and
ConChair would also need keys, Wendy felt that something could be
worked out.
      Andy felt that this was the best room we had met in in a while.

   InConJunction 30 Miscellany:
      John thanked Joe Greene for providing technology assistance to
InConJunction Operations this year.
      Joe was also thanked for providing visual flair to the atrium with
the Critter Crunch and for transporting guests.
      Emily needs convention receipts by September 15.

New Business:
   Pagan Pride Day Booth:
      Anjala will be running a CoJ booth at Pagan Pride Day, September 25
at Broad Ripple Park. Anjala and Dillan will set up, but can't stay
all day. The event is 10am to 5pm. Anjala and Dillan will get there
at 7 or 8. They need people to work for part of the day. Kat
expressed interest in volunteering in the afternoon. They need
somebody who can take the canopy down.
      John suggested having an outreach committee. Kat said we have one,
and Kathie is the head of it.

   InConJunction 30 Recap:
      Andy asked people to write a good thing and an improvable thing
about the con and share it.
      Kat: Positive: The play! She was so glad to have the play Negative:
      John: So much went right. He was glad he found someone to take over
      Unknown girl: Liked almost everything. Improvable: The Art Show
impounded her fan when it was not taking other people's things.
      Chris: Meeting new people was incredible. Improvable: Panel
scheduling conflicts-- panels should have been scheduled twice.
Also, she brought a friend with her who destroyed her costumes.
      Megan's friend: Complemented everyone who did anything ever. The
dance was not great.
      Tracey Rollison: Didn't get to do much, but loved the space. Didn't
like the karaoke; it was very disorganized.
      Anjala liked karaoke and had a lot of fun. Felt the Dealers' Room
was too far away.
      Pam: Loved the Artist Workshop. Liked that she was treated as family
once she got there. Also thought there were problems at karaoke.
      Dillan: There were 4 generations at the con. Rocky Horror had a
great turnout. Disliked running around like a mad fool for Kat.
      Kat: Liked Dillan running around like a mad fool for her.
      Gary Kitchen: Likes the location. Had an easier time getting things
in and out.
      Woman in back row: Liked the new location. Costume contest waiting
areas were nicer. Liked having no baseball players breaking costumes
and having no large groups of non-congoers. The dance music was too
      Man in back row: The panelists were better organized.
      Laura Edwards: The space was awesome. It felt like we owned the
hotel-- she termed it “InConVille”. Some events deserved more
attendance. How about a town crier or a whiteboard on the fun police
cart? (Joe offered to bring a cheap computer to display schedules.)
      Brian Davidson: Enjoyed socializing with people he doesn't see
normally. The way we come off to our guests and attendees led him to
be told that we behave very professionally. He wasn't thrilled with
the pocket program.
      Crystal Walter: Really enjoyed doing the play. The Dealers' Room
setup was very good. She felt that some complains and suggestions
were met defensively.
      Girl with Joe: Enjoyed the play and the Dealers' Room.
      Other girl with Joe: The con was too short.
      Joe Greene: Wants the critter competition in the atrium, but the
build in a room so he can keep it contained.
      Randy Porter: Who the Hell was the Toastmaster? What asylum did he
come from?
      Emily: Liked the short-term marriages.
      Kat: Has heard from three of the GoHs and four of the Featured
Guests about what an awesome team she had. The Looneys were so glad
they came.

   Andy: Feed the kitty! The next meeting will be at the regular church.
   Randy Porter: Gen Con attendance broke records: 30,800 (28,600 last
year and had been down). 2010 was up over two years ago. The Gary Gygax
Memorial Fund made a lot of money. This was the last year in the old
configuration. Scotty's Brewpub was the new big hangout.
   Pam Easterday: All those people downtown and nobody got shot at.
   Randy: Origins will be moving farther away from InCon's weekend.
   Kat: Are people wanting to go out to eat? WB's is where we used to go.
   Joe: Indy now has its own fur con: Indy Fur Con, this weekend.
   Anjala: She and Dillan were both in races today. Dillan took first
place in his age division.
   Tracey Rollison: Garfield Park theater is coming up in September.
   Laura Edwards: Donated many books to the Indianapolis Marion-County
Public Library this week, but held books back for members to adopt.
   Emily: Really needs receipts by the 15h. Have them to the PO box,
postmarked by then.
   Gary Kitchen: The next Anime Crossroads convention will be September 24
through September 26. There will be lots of costuming.

Chaos occurred at 8:37pm.

Respectfully submitted,
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary


Minutes of the July Board Meeting
 by Stephen Kendall

July 4, 2010, 1:00pm
   At the facilities of:
   Indianapolis Marriott East
   7202 East 21st Street
   Indianapolis, IN 46219

Board members in attendance:
   Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
   Kathie Thompson, President & ConChair 2012
   Lynette Cowper, Vice President
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary
   Emily Rodgers, Treasurer
   Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
   Kat Robertson, ConChair 2010
   Mike Cowper, ConChair 2011

Board members not in attendance:

Circle of Janus members in attendance:
   Megan Cowper
   Drew Happli
   Anjala Dick
   Ricky Lile
   Mike Wickliff
   Joe Greene
   Dillan Dick

Guests in attendance:
   Numerous, due to the open format of the meeting (held during the
InConJunction Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention)

Call the meeting to order:
   The meeting was called to order at 1:52pm.

   Officers were introduced.

   Lynette moved to table the agenda. Kathie seconded. The motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:53pm.

Respectfully submitted,
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary


Minutes of the June Meeting
 by Stephen Kendall

June 5, 2010 at 7:00pm
   at the facilities of:
   Seventh & Eighth United Christian Church
   2916 W 30th St.
   Indianapolis, IN 46222

Board members in attendance:
   Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
   Kathie Thompson, President and InConJunction 32 ConChair
   Lynette Cowper, Vice President
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary
   Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair
   Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair

Board members not in attendance:
   Emily Rodgers, Treasurer (work commitment)
   Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
   not taken

Guests introduced:
   Michael (guest of the Cowpers)

Call the meeting to order:
   Called to order at 7:05pm.

   Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
      The minutes of the May meeting [taken by another officer, as I was
not present; my thanks to whomever took them -SK] were accepted as
published on a motion by Randy Porter, seconded by Drew Happli,
subject to the following clarification: Emily did not actually send
in a Treasurer's report, although Kathie did announce that she had,
as recorded in the minutes.

   Treasurer's report:
      Kathie passed out a Treasurer's Report.
      Additional details are available in the members-only addendum to the

   InConJunction 30 Convention Report:
      We are having a convention.
      The Dealers' Room is sold out, and is almost overfull.
      Regarding gaming, you should contact Kent if you want to run games.
      We are having a play.
      Preregistration total is 139.
      All ten Art Show tables are sold out. Most Art Show panel space is
sold out.
      Fun Police has all candy needed except sugar free.
      The hotel has offered to let us hold our dance in Liberty Hall
instead of Main Programming.
      If you have delivered flyers to places, please email
flyers at inconjunction.org with where, and perhaps when, you have
dropped them off.
      There will soon be a sign-up for the blood drive online.
      If you have things for the Charity Auction, let the Charity Auction
people know.
      If you have anything for program book, needs to be to Lynette by
June 15.
      Signing up for panels is due by 11pm today.
      ConSuite needs volunteers badly.
      The before the con party for volunteers is at 7pm on Thursday night.
Bring Your Favorite Dish is the theme. We cannot cook in the
      If you have not booked your hotel rooms, please do so immediately.
We have sold 138 room nights as of Kathie's most recent hotel
report. Below 216 room nights we pay more for meeting space, but we
must hit 260 to avoid an attrition fee. Email the ConChair if you
have a special room need.
      Please register for the convention if you are not getting in free
due to work.

   InConJunction 31 Convention Report:
      We are having a convention.
      Mike has filled a few more ConCom positions.
      All guests invited to this point have declined due to scheduling
      Send in specific suggestions for guests.

   InConJunction 32 Convention Report:
      We are having a convention.
      The theme is The End of the World.
      Randy Porter told us that in 2012 Origins is moving its dates to the
weekend after Memorial Day so MARCON is moving to Easter weekend.
Randy's opinion was, “Bad for them, good for us.”

   Member Services:
      Cards are going out.
      A sympathy card went out today to Spider Robinson regarding the
passing of his wife.

   Member Activities:
      There is no CoJ meeting in July, except the CoJ Meet and Greet
      There will be a Board Meeting in July at the con
      In August we will be meeting at Jesus Metropolitan Community Church
(Wendy's church), the SECOND Saturday.
      August 28 will be the Bylaws Caucus.
      The September After-the-Con Bash will be at the Thompson house, date
September 11, time TBA [still TBA at the time these minutes were
submitted, but likely late afternoon -SK]. Kat would like to thank
the Thompsons for hosting the After-the-Con Bash.

   Board report:

   Other communications:

Old Business:
   New Meeting Space:
      There was no old business to carry over except the church meetings.
      Wendy's church will be the meeting space for $25/meeting.
      It has controllable air conditioning and heating.
      Things must be put back where we found them.
      The church will publicize our meetings in their bulletin.

New Business:
   Board Meeting and Bylaws Caucus:
      Most board meetings have been well-attended. The Bylaws Caucus will
be at the Marriott on August 28 from noon to four. [Subsequently
this may have changed.] Drew asked if there were other conventions
going on at the time, which Kathie will look into.

   Changes to Convention Organization:
      At the last Board meeting Lane Wickliff proposed making the
money-oriented positions report to the Board instead of the ConChair
(e.g., Advertising, Print Buyer, Program Book Sales, Art Show,
Dealers' Room, Publicity). The remaining positions would report to
the ConChair. Kathie solicited opinions about this proposal, and the
handout that was circulating. [Lane's original chart can be seen on
page 8, below. The Board has some changes it would make. The chart
was accompanied by one showing the current organization and an
explanatory letter, which, unfortunately, a lot of people didn't
read first to understand what Lane was getting at. -- LRFC]
      Kat disagreed with removing most of the positions from the ConChair.
Kathie and Mike supported the idea. Kathie discussed the need for
professionalism and controlling information. Kat continued to
disagree. Kat disagreed with removing Art Show, Dealers' Room, Hotel
Liaison from the ConChair. Kat did not disagree with removing
certain positions like Advertising (the ones on Lane's handout with
no name under them).
      Crystal spoke in support of creating a convention Bible/SOP. Crystal
Walter volunteered to assemble the book; Kathie is skeptical that
people will give her the information.
      Randy agreed with Kat that moving major departments like Art Show
was controversial and felt that making these changes would hurt the
club. He also feels that nothing is broken regarding positions of
that kind, so why fix it?
      Kathie pointed out that there were issues with ConChairs not passing
things on.
      Gary Kitchen compared it to a similar change in the military where
group management changed into vertical management, and it did not
      Mike felt that some of the jobs could be moved between categories:
Art Show, Operations, and Volunteers.
      Randy asked if any other con did it that way. Wendy said nobody else
did. Kathie feels that our convention does things in a unique way.
Kathie read Lane's document to the club.
      Crystal agreed in spirit with better organization.
      Kathie felt that, for example, the GoH Liaison could be more
professional under the proposed arrangement.
      John Belden talked about how the middle management aspect of having
a production manager.
      Kathie emphasized that this is how event management works. Wendy
disagreed that this is how it is done in the field of large
      Steven Marsh asked why the boxes without names were good to move.
Steven Marsh proposed setting up thresholds and deadlines, after
which the power reverts to the board.
      Mike Suess discussed how Lane's proposal was being received and
      Gary Plumlee asked to see the document. Crystal asked that this be
taken home and considered.
      Drew has seen this proposal before, a proposal roughly five years
ago to do much the same thing.
      Drew also felt that this discussion had reached the dead horse stage.
      Steven asked about when these changes, if implemented, would go into
      Lynette asked why the Bylaws would have to be changed.
      Kathie felt there would have to be some change.
      Kathie asked Lynette to send information out to the members.

   Pride Day Booth:
      Dillan asked for volunteers for the Pride Day booth that CoJ is
sponsoring. Kathie asked Dillan and Anjala to send out information.
      The booth is 117, at Meridian and St Clair streets.
      Kathie will have the Webmaster send artwork to Anjala for use on the

   CoJ Meet & Greet and Board Meeting at InCon:
      Kathie reminded us of the CoJ Meet and Greet and the Board Meeting
at the convention

   Vice President: Feed the kitty! Deposit your cans in the church's
recycling. Take the open diet 2-liters with you. Clean up after
   Dillan: UFC119 will be here at Conseco Fieldhouse on September 25.
   Mike Suess: Iron Man II was awesome.
   Tracey Rollison: Her daughter's Russian ballet academy went bankrupt on
April Fools Day this year (for real). The teachers are trying to open a
new school, the Indiana Conservatory of Russian Ballet. They are
looking for donations, however small, to fund the startup. If they
don't have money by August 9, they will have to quit.
   Drew Happli: As of tonight at 11pm, we will be closing registration for
   Steven Marsh: Nikki and he closed on their first house at the end of May.
   Randy Porter: There is an Internet battle with Baen books. Baen will
not put their books on the electronic book websites because they don't
believe in DRM or Apple and Amazon's prices. Therefore it takes six
steps to get one (Mike Cowper disagreed that it takes that many)
   Beckie: Got too see a random sneak peek of Karate Kid. Her only
complaint: takes an hour to build up to training, but was better than
she expected.
   John Belden: Penguicon was pretty good. The Troy Marriott was a good
hotel. Our room party went well. We sold two memberships.

Chaos occurred at 8:38pm.

Respectfully submitted,
   Stephen Kendall, Secretary


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
   By Lynette Cowper

Hubble 3D: Experience the gripping story - full of hope, crushing
disappointment, dazzling ingenuity, bravery and triumph in Hubble 3D.
Through the power of IMAX 3D, Hubble 3D will enable movie-goers to journey
through distance galaxies to explore the grandeur and mysteries of our
celestial surroundings, and accompany spacewalking astronauts as they
attempt the most difficult and important tasks in NASA's history. Through
Sept 19, IMAX Theater

International Talk Like a Pirate Day Celebration: Arrrr. Come aboard as we
celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Learn to speak like a
pirate and enjoy special activities highlighting swashbucklin' pirates o'
old. Sep 18, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Children's Museum

Holes: It's been an award-winning book and a hit movie. Now see it on
stage! A lost treasure. A multi-generational curse. Racial injustice. And
a bizarre correctional facility where kids serve time digging holes in the
desert. Sep 25 through Nov 6, Indiana Repertory Theatre

Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition: The Indiana State Museum will pay
tribute to the legendary tragedy of the sinking of Titanic when it debuts
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition which will showcase more than 240
artifacts recovered from the Ship's debris field, offering visitors a
poignant look at the iconic vessel and its passengers. Sep 25 through Jan
16, 2011, Indiana State Museum.


Mark Your Calendars

September 2010

 3-5: Geek.Kon - Madison, WI
 3-5: Kuzuricon - Battle Creek, MI
 3-5: Mephit Furmeet - Memphis, TN
 3-6: Dragon*Con - Atlanta, GA
 3-6: Kitsune Con - Wooster, OH
 3-6: Mage Con - Sioux City, NE
 3-6: TCEP 17: 3 Nights in Laurel - Laurel, MD

 4: Durand Fantasy Expo - Durand, Michigan

 9: Mike Cowper's birthday
 9: CoJ Board Meeting - Midwest Internet

 10: Resident Evil: Afterlife
 10-12: Erie Anime Experience - Edinboro, PA
 10-12: Intervention Con - Rockville, MD

 11: After-the-Con Bash - 4pm, Thompson House
 11: IAS Meeting - Link Observatory
 11: Anime Syracuse - Syracuse, NY

 14: CoJ Board Meeting - Midwest Internet

 16: Final Shuttle Flight

 17: Lane Wickliff's birthday
 17: Devil
 17-19: Anime Weekend Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
 17-19: Con*Stellation XXIX: Leo - Huntsville, AL
 17-19: SIBCON - Butler, PA

 18: IAS New Astronomers Group - McCloud Nature Park

 19: John Belden's birthday
 19: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

 24: Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
 24-26: 2010 Fall Gaming Hoopla - Janesville, WI
 24-26: Anime Crossroads - Indianapolis, IN
 24-26: MadCon - Madison, WI

 25-26: Phantasm - Peterborough , Ontario

 28: Jeff and Kathie Thompson's anniversary

 30: Alec Rollison's birthday
 30-10/3: Buckeye Game Fest - Columbus, OH

October 2010

 1: Let Me In
 1-3: Archon 34 - St Louis, MO
 1-3: FlatCon - Bloomington, IL
 1-3: GameCon Memphis - Memphis, Tennessee
 1-3: Nuke-Con - Omaha, NE
 1-3: Tsubasacon - Huntington, WV

 2: CoJ Meeting

 4: Gary Plumlee's birthday

 8: My Soul to Take
 8-10: ConClave - Romulus, MI
 8-10: Council of Five Nations - Colonie, NY
 8-10: Motaku - Kansas City, MO
 8-10: New York Comic Con - New York, NY

 9-10: OshCon - Oshkosh, WI
 9-11: Albacon 2009 - New York, NY

 14: Tony Patterson's birthday

 15-17: Arcana - St. Paul, MN

 16: IAS Meeting - Link Observatory
 16: Astronomy Day

 17: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

 18: Robin Brunner's birthday
 18: Anjala Dick's birthday

 20: Comet Hartley 2's closest approach to Earth

 21-22: Orionids Meteor Shower

 22: Hereafter
 22: Paranormal Activity 2
 22-23: Rising Star - Bluefield, WV
 22-24: Capclave - Rockville, MD
 22-24: Ohio Valley Filk Fest - Worthington, OH
 22-24: Rock-Con - Rockford, IL

 23: Emily Anne Rodgers's birthday
 23: Toronto SpecFic Colloquium - Toronto, ON

 24: Ash Comic Show - Ramada Inn

 26: Megan Cowper's birthday

 28: Vicki Merriman's birthday
 28-31: World Fantasy Convention - Columbus OH
 28-31: Youmacon - Detroit, MI

 29: Night of the Demons
 29: Saw 3D
 29-31: Fall in! - Lancaster, PA
 29-31: HallowCon - Chattanooga, TN

November 2010

 4-7: ShaunCon - Kansas City, KS

 5: Megamind
 5-7: Anime NebrasKon - Omaha, NE
 5-7: ICON 35 - Cedar Rapids, IA
 5-7: Nekocon - Hampton, VA
 5-7: PentaCon XXVI - Fort Wayne, Indiana
 5-7: SugoiCon - Ft. Mitchell, KY

 6: CoJ Meeting
 6: HammerCon II - Hamilton, Ontario
 6-7: MidOhioCon - Columbus, OH

 7: Daylight Savings Time Ends

 9: CoJ Board Meeting - Midwest Internet

 10: Steven Marsh's birthday

 12: Skyline
 12-14: Anime USA - Arlington, VA
 12-14: Chicago Kollision Con - Schaumburg, IL
 12-14: Erie Days of Gaming - Erie, Pa
 12-14: GASPcon XI - Pittsburgh, PA
 12-14: MEPACON - Dunmore, PA
 12-14: OmegaCon - Siren, WI
 12-14: U-CON Gaming Convention - Ann Arbor, MI
 12-14: Windycon 37 - Lombard, IL

 13: IAS Meeting - Link Observatory
 13: Kaji-con - Valdosta, GA
 13-14: Dotcon - Toronto, ON

 14: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

 17-18: Leonid Meteor Shower

 19: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1
 19-21: Daisho Con - Stevens Point, WI
 19-21: Midwest Furfest - Rosemont, IL
 19-21: SFContario - Toronto, ON
 19-22: Anime Crossroads - Mariott East

 26-28: Chambanacon #40 - Champaign-Urbana, IL
 26-28: Chicago TARDIS - Lombard, IL
 26-28: Darkovercon 33 - Timmonium, MD
 26-28: WolfCon - Chicago, IL

 27: Gemma Rollison's birthday


New Books
   From locusmag.com

September 2010
   Adams, John Joseph, ed. * The Living Dead 2 * (Night Shade Books, anth,
   Brennan, Marie * A Star Shall Fall * (Tor, tpb)
   Brooks, Terry * Bearers of the Black Staff * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
   Brusen, Claus, ed. * Imaginaire III * (Fantasmus-Art, anth, hc)
   Carriger, Gail * Blameless * (Orbit US)
   Clare, Cassandra * The Clockwork Angel * (Simon & Schuster/McElderry,
nvl-ya, hc)
   Connolly, Harry * Game of Cages * (Ballantine Del Rey)
   Datlow, Ellen, & Nick Mamatas, eds. * Haunted Legends * (Tor, anth, hc)
   del Toro, Guillermo, & Chuck Hogan * The Fall * (Morrow, hc)
   Elliott, Kate * Cold Magic * (Orbit US, tpb)
   Fowler, Karen Joy * What I Didn't See and Other Stories * (Small Beer
Press, cln, hc)
   Funke, Cornelia * Reckless * (Little Brown, nvl-ya, hc)
   Gibson, William * Zero History * (Putnam, hc)
   Gilman, Felix * The Half-Made World * (Tor, hc)
   Hamilton, Peter F. * The Evolutionary Void * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
   Hobson, M. K. * The Native Star * (Ballantine Spectra)
   Huff, Tanya * The Truth of Valor * (DAW, hc)
   Jones, Gwyneth * The Universe of Things * (Aqueduct Press, cln, tpb)
   King, Stephen * The Secretary of Dreams, Volume 2 * (CD Publications,
cln, hc)
   Lake, Jay * The Sky that Wraps * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   MacLeod, Ian R. * Journeys * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   McGuire, Seanan * An Artificial Night * (DAW)
   + Ness, Patrick * Monsters of Men * (Candlewick Press, nvl-ya, hc)
   Rochelle, Warren * The Called * (Golden Gryphon Press, hc)
   Scholes, Ken * Antiphon * (Tor, hc)
   Smith, Sherwood * Coronets and Steel * (DAW, hc)
   Tepper, Sheri S. * The Waters Rising * (Eos, hc)
   + Weeks, Brent * The Black Prism * (Orbit US, hc)
   Wentworth, K. D., ed. * L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future
Volume XXVI * (Galaxy, anth)

October 2010
   Anderson, Kevin J., ed. * Blood Lite II: Overbite * (Simon &
Schuster/Gallery, anth, tpb)
   Anvil, Christopher * The Power of Illusion * (Baen, tpb)
   Baker, Kage * Nell Gwynne's Scarlet Spy * (Subterranean Press, cln, tpb)
   Banks, Iain M. * Surface Detail * (Orbit USA, hc)
   Beagle, Peter S. * Return * (Subterranean Press, hc)
   Beckett, Galen * The House on Durrow Street * (Ballantine Spectra, tpb)
   Bennett, Robert Jackson * The Company Man * (Orbit US, hc)
   Bernobich, Beth * Passion Play * (Tor, hc)
   Block, Francesca Lia * The Frenzy * (HarperTeen, nvl-ya, hc)
   Brackett, Leigh * Shannach -- The Last: Farewell to Mars * (Haffner
Press, cln, hc)
   Bradbury, Ray * Dawn to Dusk * (Gauntlet Press, cln, hc)
   Brown, Eric * Engine Man * (Solaris US)
   Colombo, John Robert, & Brett Alexander Savory, eds. * Tesseracts
Fourteen: Strange Canadian Stories * (Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and
Fantasy, anth, tpb)
   + de Pierres, Marianne * Dark Space * (Night Shade Books, tpb)
   Dietz, William C. * Bones of Empire * (Ace, hc)
   Donaldson, Stephen R. * Against All Things Ending * (Putnam, hc)
   Duncan, Dave * Pock's World * (Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy,
   Fowler, Karen Joy, & Debbie Notkin, eds. * Eighty Years of Ursula K. Le
Guin: A Celebration * (Aqueduct Press, anth, tpb)
   Hamilton, Edmond * The Collected Captain Future, Volume Two * (Haffner
Press, omb, hc)
   Hamilton, Edmond * The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Three: The
Universe Wreckers * (Haffner Press, cln, hc)
   Herbert, James * Ash * (Macmillan UK, hc/tpb)
   Jones, Stephen, ed. * The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 21 *
(Running Press, anth, tpb)
   Kadrey, Richard * Kill the Dead * (Eos, hc)
   Koja, Kathe * Under the Poppy * (Small Beer Press, hc)
   Lackey, Mercedes * Intrigues * (DAW, hc)
   Lansdale, Joe R. * Deadman's Road * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Leiber, Fritz * Strange Wonders * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Newman, Kim * Mysteries of the Diogenes Club * (MonkeyBrain Books, cln,
   Niffenegger, Audrey * The Night Bookmobile * (Abrams, hc)
   Niven, Larry, & Edward M. Lerner * Betrayer of Worlds * (Tor, hc)
   Okorafor, Nnedi * The Akata Witch * (Viking, nvl-ya, hc)
   + Pratchett, Terry * I Shall Wear Midnight * (HarperCollins, nvl-ya, hc)
   Priest, Cherie * Dreadnought * (Tor, tpb)
   Rambo, Cat, Paul Tremblay & Sean Wallace, eds. * Worlds of Fantasy: The
Best of Fantasy Magazine * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
   Resnick, Mike * Blasphemy * (Golden Gryphon Press, cln, hc)
   Shinn, Sharon * Troubled Waters * (Ace, hc)
   Silverberg, Robert * The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg, Volume
Five: The Palace at Midnight: 1980-82 * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Strahan, Jonathan, ed. * Eclipse Four * (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
   Sturgeon, Theodore * Case and the Dreamer: The Complete Stories of
Theodore Sturgeon: Volume XIII * (North Atlantic, cln, hc)
   Tremblay, Paul * In the Mean Time * (ChiZine Publications, cln, tpb)
   Underwood, Tim, ed. * Savage Art: 20th Century Genre & the Artists Who
Defined It * (Underwood Books, anth, hc)
   Underwood, Tim, ed. * Shameless Art: Paintings of Dames, Dolls,
Pin-ups, and Bad Girls * (Underwood Books, anth, hc)
   VanderMeer, Ann, & Jeff VanderMeer, eds. * Steampunk Reloaded *
(Tachyon Publications, anth, tpb)
   + Wells, Dan * Mr. Monster * (Tor, hc)
   Westerfeld, Scott * Behemoth * (Simon Pulse, nvl-ya, hc)
   Willis, Connie * All Clear * (Ballantine Spectra, hc)


Name Those Ships/Buildings/Cities!
   Throughout the newsletter you will find pictures of cities, buildings
and ships from various shows. See how many you can recognize!

May 2010 Circular Answers:
   3: Narcissus, Alien
   4: Inara's shuttle, Firefly/Serenity
   6, left: Klingon Deuterium Tanker, Star Trek: Enterprise
   6, right: Andorian Kumari class warship, Star Trek: Enterprise
   7: Planet Express, Futurama


Music for Us
   Crystal Walter, one of our own Circle of Janus members and the director
of last year's InConJunction play (aptly titled "InConJunction: The
Musical!") and (by the grace of Cowper) next year's "A Lunar Home
Companion" has been crooning the internet with her folksy,
self-recorded tunes under the stage name Crystal Wolf. If folk-rock,
homemade guitar riffs and quirky lyrics are right up your alley, please
check it out! The music can be found at
http://crystalwolf.bandcamp.com. As of yet there's not any of what you
might consider credible filk, but if that's your thing then keep an eye
on the page! I can promise you there WILL be some... or at least a
valiant attempt.

   Make sure you check out the right hand panel to see everything
available. All of the mp3 downloads are (at the moment) available for
both free and "Support the Artist!" listening and downloading at the
listener's discretion.


Volunteers Needed!
   The CoJ has a booth at Indianapolis Pagan Pride Day. Indy PPD is
September 25, 2010 from 10 am to 5 pm. We need volunteers for the booth
during the day for just a couple of hours per person and a couple of
volunteers to close down the booth.


After-the-Con Bash Info

   The After-the-Con Bash is scheduled for Saturday, September 11th
starting at 4pm, with the eating of the food starting at 5pm, at the
Thompsons' house. Please remember that they have dogs and cats in the
house so anyone who is allergic should take precautions before

   The con provides meat, drinks and chips. Everyone else should plan to
bring a side or dessert to share. Send your food plans to the CoJ or
ConCom list or directly to conchair at inconjunction.org so we can avoid
too much duplication. If you have narrow dietary rules, be aware that
pitch-ins are gambles and plan accordingly.


Next Board Meeting Info

The next board meeting is Thursday, September 9th at 7pm at Midwest
Internet, 5348 N. Tacoma Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46220. We will be going
over the proposed changes to the Bylaws from the Bylaws Caucus to make
sure the wording and such still looks good. There may be some discussion
of our Standard Operating Procedures and other things as needed. All CoJ
members are welcome to attend.


Meeting Info
   The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be held on Saturday,
October 2, 2010. But don't despair! The After-the-Con Bash is Saturday,
September 11 starting at 4 at the Thompsons.

   Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
   President - Kathie Thompson
   Vice President - Lynette Cowper
   Secretary - Stephen Kendall
   Treasurer - Emily Rodgers
   Sergeant at Arms - Jeff Thompson
   InConJunction 30 ConChair - Kat Robertson
   InConJunction 31 ConChair - Mike Cowper
   InConJunction 32 ConChair - Kathie Thompson

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” -
Galileo Galilei

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