[CircularOfJanus] December 2011 Circular of Janus

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at prismnet.com
Fri Dec 2 15:52:59 EST 2011

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 December 1, 2011
 Volume 32, Issue 12

   President's Reflections – Lynette R. F. Cowper
   Summary of the November Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   Summary of the November Board Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   Current Slate of Officer Nominations
   Mark Your Calendars
   Anniversary Party Information
   New Year's Eve Party Information
   Reminder About Dues
   New Books - from Locus
   Meeting Info & Club Officers


President's Reflections
 by Lynette R. F. Cowper

I can't believe we're already into the last month of the year. It seems
like only yesterday I was running my first meeting as Club President! I've
enjoyed my year serving in this capacity. There are things I'd like to
have done better, but I feel like the club is moving forward.

Winter here in Indiana means snow, ice, and sometimes really, really cold
temperatures. And that sometimes means needing to cancel a meeting in a
hurry! So, please, be sure your information in the CoJ database is
correct-- especially your phone number(s) and even more especially if you
don't check email often. You can get to it by going to circleofjanus.org,
logging in (and if you've forgotten your password, the software handles
that quite easily and painlessly), and clicking your name. We will
endeavour to get the word out via the email list, Circular list, Facebook
page, and Twitter, but it's always good to have phone numbers where we can
reach our members.

Speaking of meetings, Laura Edwards pointed out that our February meeting
is on Superbowl weekend, in Indianapolis, which is hosting the Superbowl.
Having people headed off to a meeting amidst the madhouse that will be
Superbowl weekend seems ill-advised, so we'll be moving it to the
following Saturday. Be sure to note that on your calendars!

Don't forget our annual club anniversary party is December 3rd at our
usual meeting place-- LifeJourney Church. The club provides meat (roast
beef and chicken this year), drinks, and all the usual plates, cups,
napkins, and plasticware. Be sure to bring your favourite appetizer, side,
or dessert to pitch in!

A group of local SF fen of various flavours are once again gathering on
New Year's Eve at the hotel that's hosted it for the last several years.
This isn't an official CoJ event, but many of our members attend. There's
more information below, but I'd encourage everyone to attend who can. I've
never failed to have a good time.

Finally, I just want to wish everyone the best this season, whether you
and yours celebrate a fully secular season of family togetherness, joy,
and gift-giving; a remembrance of the miracle of light; a celebration of
the birth of one special child; a feast in honour of the life-giving
nature of the sun and the fertility of the land; or a combination of
traditions. May your homes be warm, happy, and full of light.


Summary of the November Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The club met on November 5th at LifeJourney Church. All officers were
present except for Treasurer Emily Rodgers and Sergeant-at-Arms Ricky
Lile, though InConJunction 32 ConChair Kathie Thompson wasn't feeling well
and made her report and left. We didn't have any guests this meeting.

Kathie talked about her budget and how to cut our costs. One thought was
to cut down on the number of free attendees we have. She was considering
giving each department a certain number of free slots, based on how many
they needed, and then doing a straight reimbursement approach regardless
of when and at what rate the person registered for everyone else. She was
batting around a $20 figure at the time. Whatever she chooses will be
well-publicized ahead of time. Our GoHs include Kevin Hearne, Paul Taylor,
Wild Mercy, Mike Moore, and Fiberdyne. Five Year Mission is returning
again this year and we have Charlie Kaufman, a disaster-preparedness
expert, as a special guest as well.

We went through the last meeting minutes and Treasurer's report. The Board
reminded everyone that there was a Board meeting on the 12th. We talked
about the anniversary party (see below). Kat invited whoever wanted to
come to her house on Christmas day for an openhouse, pitch-in, and gaming
day starting at 3:00.

We moved to officer nominations. The list of those still running is posted
in its own article below. Nominations can be done via email for any office
except ConChair, as we've passed the deadline for that position. If you
have any questions or need to make arrangements to vote absentee, you can
contact Election Officer Emily Rodgers at election at circleofjanus dot

There was no new business, so we moved to announcements. Of the ones still
relevant, Chris Canary is helping to write a book and also writing a
memoir; Kat is expecting another grandchild; Judy reminded everyone that
Starbase Indy is December 9-11 instead of Thanksgiving weekend; Gary
reminded us that Anime Crossroads is the following weekend, December
16-18; Kat has a new place and a new job; and Anjala also has a full-time,
non-temporary employment. And that was it for November.


Summary of the November Board Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The Board met on November 12th at Valley Mills Christian Church. All
officers except Vice President Anjala Dick and InConJunction 32 ConChair
Melissa Kocias were present. CoJ members Kyra Shidler and Drew Happli were
also present. We opened at 1:06 pm.

We briefly covered the minutes from September and the Treasurer's Report.
We made sure everything with Pagan Pride was all wrapped up.

We then moved on to discussing the 2011 Art Show damage. We're moving
forward with getting all the paperwork to show how we came to the value of
the damages and getting it to our insurance agent. We've also decided in
the future that the Art Show control sheets will have a no-harm clause on

Kathie has a hotel contract addendum which covers us getting Liberty Hall
and some other things. We looked them over and came up with a couple of
things to ask about, but otherwise concluded they were ready.

We discussed the forums a bit and other social media and the need for
there to be someone responsible for checking each of our social media
outreaches and addressing problems, concerns, and communications. We need
to be aware of our brand management and making sure we're putting a clear,
consistent, and professional face on our name.

We briefly discussed plans for the anniversary party and then moved to
budget and plans for the 2012 convention. There was a lot of talk about
how to handle volunteers and whether to charge an across-the-board badge
fee of $5 or do a straight reimbursement or something else entirely. We
also talked about the Thursday night party and how to do it in a
professional manner, but still keep it inexpensive. We went over some
other things with the convention such as specific needs and the like.

Emily reminded everyone that dues needed to be paid prior to the January
meeting and then we adjourned at 3:06 pm.


Current Nominations

Below is the list of those who have not declined their nominations and
are, therefore, still on the ballot.

   Lynette Cowper
   Kyra Shidler

Vice President
   John Belden
   Kyra Shidler

   Laura Edwards
   Kai (Megan) Cowper

   Kent Raquet

   Ricky Lile
   Kai (Megan) Cowper

InConJunction 34 (2014) ConChair
   Lynette Cowper
   Kat Robertson
   Drew Happli


Mark Your Calendars

December 2011

   2: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church

   3: CoJ Anniversary Party - LifeJourney Church

   4: Crystal Wolf's birthday
   4: Aniwave - Wilmington, NC

   9-11: Starbase Indy - Marriott East

   10: Total Lunar Eclipse

   11: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library
   11: Toronto AnimeCon - Toronto, Ontario

   12: Wendy Carson's birthday

   13: Laura Edwards' birthday
   13-15: Geminids Meteor Shower

   16: George Starkey's birthday
   16: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
   16-18: Anime Crossroads - Indianapolis, IN

   17-18: Bishie Con - St. Louis, MO

   18: Ash Comic Show - Ramada East

   21: The Adventures of Tintin
   21: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

   23: Gordon Huxford's birthday

   25: The Darkest Hour

January 2012

   5-8: Ichibancon - Charlotte, NC

   6: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   6: The Devil Inside
   6-7: KotoriCon - Sewell, NJ
   6-7: ShadowCon - Memphis, TN
   6-9: GAFilk - Atlanta, GA

   7: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church

   13: Beauty and the Beast 3D
   13-15: DeCONPression - Columbus, OH
   13-15: MarsCon - Williamsburg, VA
   13-16: Arisia - Boston, MA
   13-16: SCARAB 2012 - Columbia, SC

   14-15: Anime-Zap! - Peoria, IL

   20: Underworld Awakening
   20-22: Chattacon - Chattanooga, TN
   20-22: Epic Confusion - Troy, MI

   25: Rob Pyatt's birthday

   27-29: G-Anime - Gatineau, Quebec
   27-29: Ohayocon - Columbus, OH

   28: South Bend ComicCon - South Bend, IN
   28-29: Setsucon - State College, PA

February 2012

   3?: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   3: Chronicle
   3: The Woman in Black
   3-5: Kami-Con - Tuscaloosa, AL

   4-6: SuperCon - Minneapolis, MN

   6: Ren Cowper's birthday

   8: Lynette Cowper's birthday

   9-12: Capricon - Arlington Heights, IL

   10: Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
   10: Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D
   10-12: AlmaCon - Alma, MI
   10-12: Naka-Kon - Overland Park, KS

   11: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church

   17: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
   17: The Secret World of Arrietty
   17-19: Anime Milwaukee - Milwaukee, WI
   17-19: Boskone - Boston, MA
   17-19: Con of the North - Saint Paul, MN
   17-19: ConNooga - Chattanooga, TN
   17-19: Farpoint - Baltimore, MD
   17-19: Katsucon - Washington, DC
   17-19: SheVaCon - Roanoke, VA
   17-19: Visioncon - Springfield, MO

   18: ArctiCon - Valparaiso, IN
   18-20: Game Summit 2012 - Ottawa, ON
   18-20: NonCon - Vassar College, NY

   24-26: Fire & Ice - Manitowoc, WI
   24-26: MangaNEXT - East Rutherford, NJ
   24-26: MystiCon - Roanoke, VA

   25: Fort Wayne Comic Book Con - Fort Wayne, IN
   25-26: Con-G - Guelph, ON

   26: Samantha Thompson's birthday
   26: Ash Comics - Ramada Inn

   29: Howard Tayler's birthday


Anniversary Party Info

The anniversary party is on Saturday, December 3, 2011, at the LifeJourney
Church (formerly Jesus Metropolitan Community Church - same location, new
name), 2950 55th Place, Indianapolis, IN, starting at 7:00 pm.

We will be serving Beef and Chicken! There will also be one can of Spam
for all those who voted for it, that can be prepared however folks like.
The club is providing the meat, paper products, plasticware, and drinks.
Everyone else should bring an appetizer, side, or dessert to pitch in.


New Year's Eve Party Info
 Kathie Thompson

It is that time of year again when we start thinking about the New Year's
Eve Party. The manager has lowered the rates for us this year. We always
have a great time. Please RSVP to me and let me know what you are bringing
as a side dish and if you are getting a room.

WHEN: Saturday, December 31, starting at 6pm

WHERE: Clarion Inn and Suites Northwest
   7001 Corporate Drive
   Indianapolis, IN 46278
   (317) 298-3700

The standard room is now $62 and the minisuite is $64. The one room
whirlpool suites are $89, the VIP suite $135 and the presidential suite

If you are get a room the party is free to get into. If you are not
getting a room there is a $10.00 per person fee to help cover the room


A Reminder About Dues

It's getting close to that time of year again, where dues are due. Dues
are $15 per person. In order to vote (or run!) in the upcoming CoJ
election, payments must be received before the start of the meeting
January 7th. Payments may be made by cash, check, or Paypal. You may turn
in the cash or check in person or mail. That address is P.O. Box 68514
Indianapolis IN 46268. For Paypal, go to

If you have questions or concerns please let Treasurer Emily Rodgers know.


New Books
 From locusmag.com

December 2011
   Armstrong, Kelley * Hidden * (Subterranean Press, hc)
   Clare, Cassandra * Clockwork Prince * (Simon & Schuster/McElderry,
nvl-ya, hc)
   Collins, Nancy A. * Left Hand Magic * (Roc)
   Gilman, Laura Anne * Tricks of the Trade * (Harlequin/Luna, tpb)
   Haldeman, Joe * Earthbound * (Ace, hc)
   Halpern, Marty, ed. * Alien Contact * (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
   Hanover, M. L. N., - & Daniel Abraham * Killing Rites * (Pocket)
   Hodgell, P. C. * Honor's Paradox * (Baen, hc)
   King, Stephen * 11/22/63 * (Scribner, hc)
   MacAvoy, R. A. * Death and Resurrection * (Prime Books, tpb)
   Mayo, Eduardo Jiménez, & Chris N. Brown, eds. * Three Messages and a
Warning: Contemporary Mexican Short Stories of the Fantastic * (Small
Beer Press, anth, tpb)
   McDonald, Ian * Planesrunner * (Pyr, nvl-ya, tpb)
   Palmer, Philip * Artemis * (Orbit US, tpb)
   Resnick, Mike * The Doctor and the Kid * (Pyr, tpb)
   + Rucker, Rudy * Nested Scrolls * (Tor, nf, hc)
   Silverberg, Robert * The Best of Robert Silverberg * (Subterranean
Press, cln, hc)
   Sterling, Bruce * Gothic High-Tech * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Stoddard, Jason * Winning Mars * (Prime Books, tpb)
   Turtledove, Harry * Supervolcano: Eruption * (Roc, hc)
   Wright, John C. * Count to a Trillion * (Tor, hc)

January 2012
   Berg, Carol * The Daemon Prism * (Roc, tpb)
   Bishop, Michael * The Door Gunner and Other Perilous Flights of Fancy *
(Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Block, Francesca Lia * Pink Smog * (HarperTeen, nvl-ya, hc)
   Bova, Ben * Power Play * (Tor, hc)
   Card, Orson Scott * Shadows in Flight * (Tor, hc)
   Cook, Glen * A Path to the Coldness of Heart * (Night Shade Books, hc)
   Flynn, Michael * In the Lion's Mouth * (Tor, hc)
   Fowler, Christopher * Hell Train * (Rebellion/Solaris US)
   Herbert, Brian, & Kevin J. Anderson * Sisterhood of Dune * (Tor, hc)
   Hodder, Mark * Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon * (Pyr, tpb)
   Koontz, Dean * 77 Shadow Street * (Bantam, hc)
   Rucker, Rudy * Surfing the Gnarl * (PM Press, cln, tpb)
   Rusch, Kristine Kathryn * Boneyards * (Pyr, tpb)
   Shirley, John * Everything Is Broken * (Prime Books, tpb)
   Snyder, Lucy A. * Switchblade Goddess * (Ballantine Del Rey)
   Snyder, Maria V. * Touch of Power * (Harlequin/MIRA, tpb)
   Straub, Peter * The Ballad of Ballard and Sandrine * (Subterranean
Press, hc)
   Wells, Martha * The Serpent Sea * (Night Shade Books, tpb)
   West, Michelle * Skirmish * (DAW, hc)
   Yamamoto, Hiroshi * MM9 * (VixMedia/Haikasoru, tpb)


Have something for the newsletter? We welcome announcements, news items,
reviews, and artwork. Email it to circularfile at circleofjanus dot org by
the Thursday before the last Saturday of the month for inclusion.


Meeting Info
   The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be the anniversary party
on Saturday, December 3, 2011, at the LifeJourney Church (formerly
Jesus Metropolitan Community Church - same location, new name), 2950
55th Place, Indianapolis, IN, starting at 7:00 pm. There is not a
ConCom meeting preceding it. There may be a brief Board meeting after
the initial eating is out of the way.

   Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
   President - Lynette Cowper
   Vice-President - Anjala Dick
   Secretary - Laura Edwards
   Treasurer - Emily Rodgers
   Sergeant at Arms - Ricky Lile
   InConJunction 32 ConChair - Kathie Thompson
   InConJunction 33 ConChair - Melissa Kocias

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

Lynette R. F. Cowper

My email address has changed to lcowper at prismnet.com. Please, adjust your

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