[CircularOfJanus] June 2011 Circular

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Thu Jun 2 10:29:02 EDT 2011

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 May 27, 2011
 Volume 32, Issue 6

   President's Reflections - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   Summary of the May Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   Summary of the May Board Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   June Meeting Agenda
   New Books - from Locus
   A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
   Mark Your Calendars
   Meeting Info & Club Officers


President's Reflections
 by Lynette R. F. Cowper

Hello, all! I hope everyone survived the storms we've had. Summer has
arrived with a vengeance, which means a lot of us are running around like
chickens with their heads cut off, trying to get the last of our
InConJunction plans firmed up. If you aren't currently involved in the
convention and you want to be, there are plenty of places for you to help
out! Talk to Mike or look up the department head for the area in which you
are interested.

Keep in mind our schedule gets a bit wonky in the summertime. We don't
meet in July because of the convention. Our August meeting will be the
second Saturday due to Gen Con. And September is our After-the-Con-Bash.

We're not doing anything specific after the meeting this month to allow
more time for convention planning. Feel free to stick around or head out
with some of our members to eat. I look forward to seeing you all!

Lynette R. F. Cowper, CoJ President


Summary of the May Meeting
 by Lynette R. F. Cowper

The club met on the 7th of May at LifeJourney Church (formerly Jesus
Metropolitan Community Church). Since a bunch of people were arranging
their pitch-in food, we didn't start till 7:15. All officers were there
except Treasurer Emily Rodgers and InConJunction 32 (2012) Chair Kathie
Thompson. We had one guest, Candice, who had seen our booth at Pride last
year and decided to check us out.

We approved the April minutes as published. We had printed Treasurer's
reports from Emily that we went over briefly, then Mike C. did his report
on InConJunction 31. The deal with Joe Flanigan fell through, which was
disappointing, but gives us more elbow room in the budget. Travis Clemmons
will be our Toastmaster, but won't be there on Sunday. The play will
probably be done as a readers' theater because we didn't have enough cast
members sign up. Melissa needs an assistant for Dealers' Room. There
wasn't any special news for InConJunction 32 or 33.

Andy Andrews reported on the Board meeting, discussing how Kathie had
offered to resign for 2012 because she's not going to be able to assist
very much in 2011, but the Board felt that was unneeded unless her health
issues were affecting her ability to run her own convention.

He also mentioned the discussion of the various Kickstarter projects and
similar things and the decision that they are probably not the best use of
club monies. We'd also discussed how best to communicate Board decisions
and discussions with the club without overwhelming the email list.

We had a couple other brief discussions of Member Services. (Anjala needs
people to, please, update their information as she is getting birthday
cards returned with bad addresses) and Member Activities (We won't be
doing anything at the meeting in June, to leave more time for
InConJunction planning) and then turned to Old Business. Ricky Lile is
putting together the Membership Cards and Anjala still needs a few more
volunteers for Gay Pride on June 11th. In New Business, we discussed
Kickstarter a bit more, with the conclusion being that the club as an
entity probably wouldn't fund projects, but that members individually or
as a group are encouraged to do so. Lynette encouraged the use of the
email list for this, perhaps with some sort of tag in the subject line so
people who wanted to avoid such things could simply delete them without

We then had announcements and then wrapped up the meeting at 7:55 pm.


Summary of the May Board Meeting
 by Lynette R. F. Cowper

The Board met on the 14th of May at Valley Mills Christian Church. The
meeting was called to order 1:11 pm. All officers were there except
Vice-President Anjala Dick and InConJunction 32 ConChair Kathie Thompson.
No one else was in attendance.

We discussed a few things about the convention while getting settled and
then Laura read the March meeting minutes which were approved as written.
Emily's Treasurer's report was to say that we had the same amount of money
as at the CoJ meeting the previous week.

For InConJunction 31, Mike had GoH contracts to sign and go out. He'd been
in contract with various musical people and we discussed karaoke and the
dance. We need to set up a June ConCom meeting at the hotel. As there was
a meeting the next Friday, Mike would talk to them then.

Kathie wasn't there, but Emily reported that she thought Kathie was
working via email on communicating with potential GoHs. Melissa reported
that she was having email issues and wouldn't be contacting GoHs for 2013
until they were resolved.

We moved to Old Business. We were moving things to the new storage unit
the next Saturday. Art Standards and other assorted things that are
scattered in various locations will be put in the storage unit after
InConJunction. The 501(c)(3) hasn't moved much, though Mike has talked to
his lawyer friend who is willing to help, but they haven't met yet on it.
Emily will be getting the 2010 surveys from Mike and entering the data. We
decided that a friend of Emily's who will be helping enter data would have
the hours she spent count toward InConJunction volunteer hours, which
inspired Andy to wonder whether the CoJ shouldn't have some sort of rules
about volunteering for the club counting toward membership fees. There was
a very brief discussion of this. We discussed Gay Pride and the need for
the club/con to have a tent-pavilion thing. Emily was going to look into
seeing if she could get a deal via some family friends who manage a Dick's
sporting goods store or just check at Sam's Club. We concluded that, in
general, things that come up online that require a Board response should
be responded to by the Chairman of the Board unless the subject was
something to do with money, when the Treasurer should respond. We talked
about having electronic meetings between our face-to-face meetings and
that official minutes should include decisions made via email so they
weren't lost. Ricky is looking into getting a projector for club and con
things. Laura will include an action list at the end of minutes so
everyone knows what they need to do. The meeting adjourned at 2:46 pm.


June Meeting Agenda

The Circle of Janus
   June Meeting
   June 4, 2011

 Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
    Double-check if anyone is going out afterward, set where, arrange for
someone to call ahead
    Introduction of guests, officer & member attendance, and passing out
any reports or other paperwork
    May meeting minutes
    Treasurer's Report
    Convention Report, InConJunction 31
    Convention Report, InConJunction 32, if needed
    Convention Report, InConJunction 33, if needed
    Board Report
    Member Services Report, if needed
    Member Activities Report
       Scheduled Speakers or activities so far
             June - InConJunction planning
             August -
             September - After-the-Con Bash, when and where
             October -
    Other Communications
 Old Business
    Membership Cards
    Volunteers for Gay Pride, Pagan Pride
    Use of Email List
    Recent Purchases and Plans to Purchase
       New Storage Facility
       A/V Equipment
    Other as needed
 New Business
    CoJ volunteers and membership fee compensation
    Other as needed
 Close of meeting - Chaos
 InConJunction Planning as needed


New Books
 From locusmag.com

June 2011
   Akers, Tim • Dead of Veridon • (Solaris US)
   Anderson, M. T. • Empire of Gut and Bone • (Scholastic Press, nvl-ya, hc)
   Black, Holly, & Ellen Kushner, eds. • Welcome to Bordertown • (Random
House, anth, hc)
   Brackett, Leigh • Shannach -- The Last: Farewell to Mars • (Haffner
Press, cln, hc)
   Carey, Jacqueline • Naamah's Blessing • (Grand Central, hc)
   Corey, James S. A. • Leviathan Wakes • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Datlow, Ellen, ed. • Best Horror of the Year: Volume Three • (Night
Shade Books, anth, tpb)
   Datlow, Ellen, ed. • Supernatural Noir • (Dark Horse, anth, tpb)
   Duchamp, L. Timmel • Never at Home • (Aqueduct Press, cln, tpb)
   Englehart, Steve • The Plain Man • (Tor, hc)
   Frei, Max • The Stranger's Woes • (Overlook Press, hc)
   Goldstein, Lisa • The Uncertain Places • (Tachyon Publications, tpb)
   Grant, Mira • Deadline • (Orbit US)
   Hamilton, Laurell K. • Hit List • (Berkley, hc)
   + Hardinge, Frances • Fly Trap • (HarperCollins, nvl-ya, hc)
   Hartwell, David G., & Kathryn Cramer, eds. • Year's Best SF 16 •
(Harper Voyager US, anth)
   Horton, Rich, ed. • The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: 2011
Edition • (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
   + Hughes, Matthew • The Damned Busters • (Angry Robot US)
   Lackey, Mercedes • Unnatural Issue • (DAW, hc)
   Marr, Melissa • Graveminder • (Morrow, hc)
   Martin, George R. R., ed. • Wild Cards: Fort Freak • (Tor, anth, hc)
   Martinez, A. Lee • Chasing the Moon • (Orbit US, hc)
   McKenna, Bridget, & Marti McKenna, eds. • End of an Aeon • (Fairwood
Press, anth, tpb)
   Navarro, Yvonne • Concrete Savior • (Juno Books)
   Peake, Mervyn, & Maeve Gilmore • Titus Awakes • (Overlook Press, hc)
   Rucker, Rudy • Jim and the Flims • (Night Shade Books, hc)
   Sinclair, Alison • Shadowborn • (Roc, tpb)
   Steele, Allen • Hex • (Ace, hc)
   van Eekhout, Greg • The Boy at the End of the World • (Bloomsbury USA,
nvl-ya, hc)
   Yep, Laurence • City of Ice • (Starscape, nvl-ya, hc)
   Zafon, Carlos Ruiz • The Midnight Palace • (Little, Brown, nvl-ya, hc)

July 2011
   Anderson, Kevin J. • The Key to Creation • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Blaylock, James P. • The Affair of the Chalk Cliffs • (Subterranean
Press, nva, hc)
   Buettner, Robert • Undercurrents • (Baen, tpb)
   Carriger, Gail • Heartless • (Orbit US)
   Datlow, Ellen, ed. • Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy • (St. Martin's
Griffin, anth, hc)
   Dozois, Gardner • When the Great Days Come • (Prime Books, cln, hc)
   Dozois, Gardner, ed. • The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-eighth
Annual Collection • (St. Martin's Griffin, anth, hc/tpb)
   Drake, David • Out of the Waters • (Tor, hc)
   Egan, Greg • The Clockwork Rocket • (Night Shade Books, hc)
   Goodkind, Terry • The Omen Machine • (Tor, hc)
   Goonan, Kathleen Ann • This Shared Dream • (Tor, hc)
   Gould, Steven • 7th Sigma • (Tor, hc)
   Gregory, Daryl • Raising Stony Mayhall • (Del Rey, tpb)
   Lackey, Mercedes • Beauty and the Werewolf • (Luna, hc)
   Marshall, Michael • Killer Move • (Morrow, hc)
   + McCaffrey, Anne, & Todd McCaffrey • Dragon's Time • (Del Rey, hc)
   Palmer, Philip • Hell Ship • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Ryman, Geoff • Paradise Tales • (Small Beer Press, cln, tpb)
   Sedia, Ekaterina • Heart of Iron • (Prime Books, tpb)
   Simmons, Dan • Flashback • (Little, Brown/Reagan Arthur Books, hc)
   Stross, Charles • Rule 34 • (Ace, hc)
   Turtledove, Harry • The Big Switch • (Del Rey, hc)
   VanderMeer, Ann, & Jeff VanderMeer, eds. • The Thackery T. Lambshead
Cabinet of Curiosities • (Harper Voyager US, anth, hc)
   Vaughn, Carrie • Kitty's Big Trouble • (Tor)
   + Warren, Kaaron • Mistification • (Angry Robot US)
   Wilbur, Rick, ed. • Future Media • (Tachyon Publications, anth, tpb)
   Wilson, Robert Charles • Vortex • (Tor, hc)
   Zettel, Sarah • A Taste of the Nightlife • (Signet)


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
 By Lynette Cowper

Cultural Events and Food Festivals: Indianapolis boasts a large mix of
cultures and some great food. Here are some of those events:
	Asian fest: June 4, Garfield Park
	Cathedral Women's Strawberry Festival: June 9, Monument Circle
	Italian Street Festival: June 10 & 11, Holy Rosary Catholic Church
	Indy Pride Parade and Festival: June 11, Massachusetts Avenue (Parade,
10am) & American Legion Mall (Festival, after the parade (approx.
	Indian Market and Festival: June 25, Eiteljorg
	Middle Eastern Festival: July 15 through 17, St. George Orthodox Church

Captain Kidd and the Golden Age of Piracy featuring Charles Beeker:
Explore pirate lore with underwater archaeologist Charles Beeker of
Indiana University. Charles Beeker is leading the team that is excavating
and preserving Captain Kidd's ship, the Cara Merchant, and other
shipwrecks off the coast of the Dominican Republic. This free, hour-long
lecture in Lilly Theater will include a question-answer period and
participants will see artifacts from a collection that includes items
recovered from these Caribbean shipwrecks of the golden age of piracy.
June 11, 1:00 PM, Children's Museum.

Frankenstein: A New Musical: A new musical based on Mary Shelley's tale of
Gothic horror with earnest ballads and soaring ensemble numbers. This
compelling new musical bring the suspense and romance of the classic tale
to life in a uniquely faithful, yet thoroughly innovative adaptation of
Mary Shelley's original novel. $12-$16. June 3 through 19. Buck Creek

Robotics Day: View The Children's Museum's recent Autobot installation,
Bumblebee, and explore the world of robotics with special guest
presenters, activities, and demonstrations. June 25, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM,
Children's Museum.

Mind Tripping Show: Psychological Illusions for the Mind: National Touring
performers Christian and Katalina are back at the Hilton with a fun,
surprising, interactive theatrical show called Mind Tripping:
Psychological Illusions for the Mind. They take audiences on a series of
mind-bending adventures that is pure fun and mental mayhem. The show is a
psychological thriller that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality.
It is perfect for ages 8-108. Tickets: $25, adults; $20, students and
seniors (55+). This is an intimate cabaret performance with only 40 seats
per show, so don't delay. Saturdays through June 25. Hilton.

The 44th Indianapolis Early Music Festival: Various ensembles perform
music from the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical eras.
Performers include: REBEL with Matthias Maute, June 24; Tempesta di Mare,
June 26; Baltimore Consort, July 8; Viva Vivaldi with Ronn McFarlane, July
10; Plaine And Easie, July 22; and ¡Sacabuche!, July 24 all beginning at
7:00 pm with conversation with the Artistic Director and/or that evening's
performers, followed by the concert at 7:30 pm There is also a Free
Children's Concert with the Baltimore Consort, 10:30 am. July 9. Frank &
Katrina Basile Theater at the Glick Indiana History Center.

Bat Boy: The Musical: This delightfully inventive musical based on a story
in the newspaper tabloid Weekly World News is about a half boy/half bat
creature who is discovered in a cave near Hope Falls, WV. He is brought to
the home of the town veterinarian, where he is eventually accepted as a
member of the family and taught to act like a "normal" boy by the
veterinarian's wife and teenage daughter. Bat Boy is happy with his new
life, but complications ensue until a shocking end to his story. July 7
through 17, Footlite Musicals.

National Geographic Treasures of the Earth: Presented by the Children’s
Museum of Indianapolis, in partnership with the National Geographic
Society, this incredible exhibit will transport families to world-renowned
archeological excavation sites filled with amazing treasures for a
hands-on adventure. June 11 through September 16. Children's Museum.


Mark Your Calendars

June 2011

   2-5: Colossalcon - Sandusky, OH

   3: Whoosier Network Mtg - LifeJourney Church
   3: X-Men: First Class
   3-5: ConCarolinas - Charlotte, NC
   3-5: Die Con 11 - Collinsville, IL
   3-5: HamaCon - Huntsville, AL
   3-5: OMGcon - Paducah, KY
   3-5: Seishun-Con - Atlanta, GA
   3-5: SoonerCon - Oklahoma City, OK

   4: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church (JMCC)

   10: Super 8
   10-11: MDG MichiCon 2011 - Rochester, MI
   10-12: Sci-Fi Summer - Atlanta, GA

   11: New Astronomers Group - McCloud Nature Park
   11: Indy Pride - American Legion Mall

   15: Total Lunar Eclipse

   17: Green Lantern
   17: Mini-Conz - Fairgrounds 4H Bldg, Bloomington
   17-19: Anime Mid-Atlantic - Chesapeake, VA
   17-19: DucKon - Schaumburg, IL
   17-19: Hypericon - Nashville, TN

   18: Dillan & Anjala Dick's Anniversary
   18-19: Knoxville Comic & Anime Con - Knoxville, TN

   19: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

   22-26: Origins 2011 - Columbus, OH

   23-26: Anthrocon - Pittsburgh, PA

   24-26: Half Price Books Clearance Sale - Indiana State Fairgrounds
   24-25: Link Campout - Link Observatory
   24-26: Fourth Street Fantasy Convention - Minneapolis, MN

   25: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory
   25: Kaboombash - Virginia Beach, VA
   25: Sukoshicon: Gadsden - Gadsden, AL
   25-26: JAFAX - Allendale, MI

   26: Ash Comic Con - Ramada Inn

   29: Transformers: Dark of the Moon
   29-7/4: CONvergence - Bloomington, MN

July 2011

   1: Partial Solar Eclipse
   1: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church (JMCC)
   1-3: InConJunction - Indianapolis, IN

   6: Dillan Dick's birthday

   8-10: Anime Blues Con - Memphis, TN
   8-10: Anime Festival Wichita - Wichita, KS
   8-10: AniMinneapolis - Minneapolis, MN
   8-10: Ikasucon - Fort Wayne, IN
   8-10: Shore Leave - Baltimore, MD
   8-10: SoyCon - Chicago, IL
   8-10: Think Galacticon - Chicago, IL
   8-10: WausaubiCon - Wausau, WI
   8-11: North American Discworld Con - Madison, WI

   9: New Astronomers Group - McCloud Nature Park
   9-10: Glass City Con - Perrysburg, OH

   11: Beckie Margedant's birthday

   15: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
   15-17: G-Fest - Rosemont, IL
   15-17: LibertyCon -East Ridge, TN
   15-17: PersaCon - Huntsville, AL
   15-17: Polaris - Toronto, ON
   15-17: Quetzalcoatl Con (End of the World Con) - Troy, MI
   15-17: Quincon 26 - Quincy, IL
   15-17: Sangawa Project - Pittsburgh, PA
   15-17: Tokyo in Tulsa - Tulsa, OK

   16: Jeff & Kathie Thompson's Anniversary

   17:  IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library
   17: Long Island Toy Show - Plainview, NY

   19: Gaming For A Cure - Traverse City, MI

   21-25: Klingon Language Institute Conf. - Essington, PA

   22: Stephen Kendall's birthday
   22: Captain America: The First Avenger
   22-24: Confluence - Pittsburgh, PA
   22-24: FandomFest - Louisville, KY

   23: Ricky Lile's birthday
   23: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory
   23: Fantasy Gamers Conclave - Cary, NC
   23-24: Gamers of Summer 2011 - Marysville, PA

   25: Kathie Thompson's birthday

   28-29: Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower
   28-31: Indiana Star Party - Frankfort, IN

   29: Cowboys & Aliens
   29-31: Diversicon - Saint Paul, MN
   29-31: Otakon - Baltimore, MD
   29-31: PulpFest 2011 - Columbus, OH

   30-31: Conbravo! - Burlington, ON
   30-31: TFcon Toronto - Mississauga, ON

August 2011

   1-7: World Boardgaming Championships - Lancaster, PA

   4-7: Gen Con Indy 2011 - Indianapolis, IN

   5: Whoosier Network Mtg - LifeJourney Church
   5: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
   5-7: MuseCon - Itasca, IL

   6: Nathan Murrell's birthday
   6: New Astronomers Group - McCloud Nature Park

   7: AniBash - Rochester, NY

   12: Final Destination 5
   12-13: Perseid Meteor Shower - Up in the sky!
   12-14: Godaikocon - Troy, MI
   12-14: IndyFurCon - Indianapolis Hilton North
   12-14: NatsuCon - Collinsville, IL
   12-14: Otakuthon - Montreal, Quebec
   12-14: STARFLEET International Conference - Pocono Manor, PA
   12-14: VividCon - Chicago, IL

   13: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church (JMCC)
   13: Nashville Anime Day - Nashville, TN

   14:  IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

   17-21: Renovation: WorldCon - Reno, NV

   18-21: Game Fest South - Chattanooga, TN

   19: Conan the Barbarian
   19: Fright Night
   19: Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World
   19-21: Anime World Chicago - Chicago, IL
   19-21: MatsuriCon - Columbus, OH
   19-21: Motaku - Kansas City, MO
   19-21: Ramencon - Merrillville, IN

   20: Fort Wayne Comic Book Con - Fort Wayne, IN
   20: IAS General Meeting - Link Observatory
   20-21: Baltimore Comic-Con - Baltimore, MD

   21: Ash Comic Con - Ramada Inn

   25-28: FanExpo Canada - Toronto, ON

   26: Apollo 18
   26: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
   26-28: Context - Columbus, OH
   26-28: Link Campout - Link Observatory


Have something for the newsletter? We welcome announcements, news items,
reviews, and artwork. Email it to circularfile at circleofjanus dot org by
the Thursday before the last Saturday of the month for inclusion.


Meeting Info
   The next business meeting of the Circle of Janus will be Saturday, June
4, 2011, at the LifeJourney Church (formerly Jesus Metropolitan
Community Church – same location, new name), 2950 55th Place,
Indianapolis, IN, starting at 7:00 pm. A ConCom meeting will precede
the club meeting at 5:15. Those on the ConCom should arrive prepared to

   The next Board meeting will be Sunday, June 12, 5:00 pm, virtually via
Skype or some other chat service. Anyone who wishes to submit items for
discussion may do so.

   Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
   President - Lynette Cowper
   Vice-President - Anjala Dick
   Secretary - Laura Edwards
   Treasurer - Emily Rodgers
   Sergeant-at-Arms - Ricky Lile
   InConJunction 31 ConChair - Mike Cowper
   InConJunction 32 ConChair - Kathie Thompson
   InConJunction 33 ConChair - Melissa Kocias

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
   Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

Lynette R. F. Cowper
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