[CircularOfJanus] November 2011 Circular of Janus

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at prismnet.com
Sat Nov 5 16:14:45 EDT 2011

It appears my emails haven't been going through on the Circular list.
Sorry about that.

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 November 1, 2011
 Volume 32, Issue 10

   Summary of the October Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   November Meeting Agenda
   Mark Your Calendars
   New Books - from Locus
   Meeting Info & Club Officers


Summary of the October Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

We met on the first of October. The meeting was called to order at 7:11.
All officers were present except Vice President Anjala Dick and
InConJunction 32 ConChair Kathie Thompson. We had two adult guests,
Brandon Spratt and Stephanie Hardcastle, and kids connected to them.

We had a treasurer's report and then read the minutes from August. Mike
gave his last report on InConJunction 31. Attendance was up, but we had
fewer full-weekend attendees, which also meant we had fewer room nights,
which, with a few other more minor issues, resulted in a loss for the
convention. We're looking at how to adjust next year's budget based on the
assumption of similar numbers. Kathie wasn't there, but had been
contacting people, would have contracts to send before the next meeting,
and was still working on this year's Art Show issue. Melissa had no news
for 2013. Andy reported from the Board on more about the convention budget
and the decision to not pursue 501(c)(3) status due to us feeling that we
couldn't accomplish what needed to be done to achieve it. Member Services
are still getting cards returned as undeliverable. Lynette encouraged
everyone to go to the CoJ site, log in, click their name, and make sure
their information is up-to-date. With winter coming and the risk of
needing to call a meeting at the last minute due to weather, having
accurate telephone numbers is especially important.

We discussed the Procastinators' Halloween Party in November (Come in
costume and bring something to pitch in, please!) and the December
Anniversary Party. There was a brief report on our booth at Pagan Pride
and discussion of the forums, then we moved to elections. Right now, we
have running for office: For President: Lynette Cowper and Kai (Megan)
Cowper; Vice President: John Belden and Jeff Thompson (not present);
Secretary: Laura Edwards; Treasurer: Kent Raquet; Sergeant-at-Arms: Ricky
Lile  and Jeff Thompson (not present); InConJunction 34 (2014) ConChair:
Cheryl Andrews (not present), Jeff Thompson (not present), and Lynette
Cowper. Emily Rodgers is our Election Officer with Mike Cowper as her
assistant. Nominations and acceptances/ declinings can be done via email.

We then discussed the Outreach Committee which will be in charge of booths
and other ways of getting our club and convention better known. We also
discussed Member Activities and Member Services committees and their

We had some announcements and then discussed what we were watching on TV
lately. Chaos was declared at 8:31 pm.

November Meeting Agenda

The Circle of Janus
 November Meeting
 November 5, 2011

 Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
    Introduction of guests, officer & member attendance, and passing out
any reports or other paperwork
 Communications (Reminder: Reports are for reports. If anything here needs
to be discussed, this will fall under new business.)
    October meeting minutes
    Treasurer's Report
    Convention Report, InConJunction 32
    Convention Report, InConJunction 33, if needed
    Board Report, if needed
    Member Services Report, if needed
    Member Activities Report
    Scheduled Speakers or activities so far
          November - Procrastinator's Halloween Party
          December - CoJ Anniversary Party
    Forums - Any progress?
    Outreach Committee - Any progress?
    Other Communications
 Old Business
          Lynette Cowper & Kai (Megan) Cowper
       Vice President
          John Belden & Jeff Thompson (acceptance?)
          Laura Edwards
          Kent Raquet
          Ricky Lile & Jeff Thompson
       InConJunction 34 (2014) ConChair
          Cheryl Andrews (acceptance?), Jeff Thompson (acceptance?), &
Lynette Cowper
       Election officer email: election at circleofjanus.org
    Other as needed
 New Business
    As needed
    One per person at a time, please!
 Close of meeting - Chaos
 Procrastinator's Halloween Party


Mark Your Calendars

November 2011

   2-4: UberCon - Secaucus, NJ

   3-6: Youmacon - Detroit, Michigan

   4-5: HammerCon III - Hamilton, Ontario
   4-6: Anime Blast Chattanooga - Chattanooga, TN
   4-6: Nekocon - Hampton, Virginia
   4-6: Rock-Con - Rockford, IL
   4-6: SugoiCon - Ft. Mitchell, KY

   5: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church

   11-12: Nerdacon - Columbus, GA
   11-13: MACE - High Point, NC
   11-13: Mepacon XXI - Clarks Summit, PA
   11-13: UCon Gaming Convention - Romulus, MI

   12: CoJ Board Meeting - VMCC
   12: Dotcon - Toronto, ON
   12: Hama-Con Mini-con - Huntsville, AL

   18-20: Anime USA - Arlington, VA
   18-20: ChibiCon - Springfield, MO
   18-20: Daisho Con - Wisconsin Dells, WI
   18-20: Kollision Con - St. Charles, IL
   18-20: Naru 2 U - Ottawa, ON
   18-20: Philcon, General SF Con - Cherry Hill, NJ
   18-20: SFContario 2/Canvention 31 - Toronto, ON

   19: Kaji-con - Valdosta, GA
   19: JAXCON 2011 - Jacksonville, NC

   20: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   25-27: ChamBanacon - Urbana, IL
   25-27: Darkovercon - Timonium, MD
   25-27: KuroKiiro Festival - Pittsburgh, PA
   25-27: Tomodachi Fest - Boise, ID
   25-27: Wolfcon 7 - Chicago, IL

   26: Atlanta Anime Day - Atlanta, GA

December 2011

   2: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church

   3: CoJ Anniversary Party - LifeJourney Church

   4: Aniwave - Wilmington, NC

   9-11: Starbase Indy - Marriott East

   11: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   13: Laura Edwards' birthda

   16-18: Anime Crossroads - Indianapolis, IN

   17-18: Bishie Con - St. Louis, MO

   18: Ash Comic Show - Ramada East

January 2012

   5-8: Ichibancon - Charlotte, NC

   6: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   6-7: KotoriCon - Sewell, NJ

   7: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church

   13-16: Arisia - Boston, MA
   13-16: SCARAB 2012 - Columbia, SC

   14-15: Anime-Zap! - Peoria, IL

   20-22: Epic Confusion - Troy, MI

   27-29: Ohayocon - Columbus, OH

   28-29: Setsucon - State College, PA


Procrastinator's Halloween Party
   Don't forget to get your Halloween stuff for the party! This will be a
pitch-in. Dress up in your favorite costume. Prizes for best costumes!


New Books
 From locusmag.com

November 2011
   Adams, John Joseph, ed. • Lightspeed: Year One • (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
   Asaro, Catherine • Aurora in Four Voices • (ISFiC Press, cln, hc)
   Baker, Kage • The Best of Kage Baker • (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Barrett, Neal, Jr. • Other Seasons: The Best of Neal Barrett, Jr. •
(Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   + Baxter, Stephen • Stone Spring • (Roc, hc)
   Bloch, Robert • Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper • (Subterranean Press,
cln, hc)
   Card, Orson Scott • Ruins • (Simon Pulse, nvl-ya, hc)
   Carey, Jacqueline • Saints Astray • (Grand Central, tpb)
   Condie, Ally • Crossed • (Dutton, nvl-ya, hc)
   de Bodard, Aliette • Master of the House of Darts • (Angry Robot US)
   del Toro, Guillermo, & Chuck Hogan • The Night Eternal • (Morrow, hc)
   Dick, Philip K. • The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick • (Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt, nf, hc)
   Dietz, William C. • A Fighting Chance • (Ace, hc)
   Duncan, Dave • When the Saints • (Tor, hc)
   Ellison, Harlan • Bugf#ck: The Worthless Wit & Wisdom of Harlan Ellison
• (Spectrum Fantastic Art, nf, hc)
   Fenner, Cathy, & Arnie Fenner, eds. • Spectrum 18: The Best in
Contemporary Fantastic Art • (Underwood Books, anth, tpb)
   Gabaldon, Diana • The Scottish Prisoner • (Random House/Delacorte, hc)
   Gregory, Daryl • Unpossible and Other Stories • (Fairwood Press, cln, tpb)
   Guran, Paula, ed. • New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird • (Prime Books, anth,
   Harrison, Kim • The Hollows Insider • (Harper Voyager US, nf, hc)
   Huff, Tanya • The Wild Ways • (DAW, hc)
   Kessel, John, & James Patrick Kelly, eds. • Kafkaesque • (Tachyon
Publications, anth, tpb)
   Kittredge, Caitlin • The Curse of Four • (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
   Lackey, Mercedes • Beauty and the Wolf • (Luna, hc)
   Lake, Jay • Endurance • (Tor, hc)
   Maguire, Gregory • Out of Oz • (Morrow, hc)
   McDevitt, Jack • Firebird • (Ace, hc)
   Modesitt, L. E., Jr. • Scholar • (Tor, hc)
   Monette, Sarah • Somewhere Beneath Those Waves • (Prime Books, cln, tpb)
   Paolini, Christopher • Inheritance • (Knopf, nvl-ya, hc)
   Pierce, Tamora • Beka Cooper: Mastiff • (Random House, nvl-ya, hc)
   Sanderson, Brandon • The Alloy of Law • (Tor, hc)
   Sherman, Delia • The Freedom Maze • (Small Beer Press/Big Mouth House,
nvl-ya, hc)
   Shirley, John • Borderlands: The Fallen • (Simon & Schuster/Gallery, tpb)
   Valente, Catherynne M. • The Folded World • (Night Shade Books, tpb)
   Whates, Ian, ed. • Solaris Rising: The New Solaris Book of Science
Fiction • (Solaris US, anth)
   Yolen, Jane • Snow in Summer • (Penguin/Philomel, nvl-ya, hc)
   Yovanoff, Brenna • The Space Between • (Penguin/Razorbill, nvl-ya, hc)

December 2011
   Armstrong, Kelley • Hidden • (Subterranean Press, hc)
   Clare, Cassandra • Clockwork Prince • (Simon & Schuster/McElderry,
nvl-ya, hc)
   Collins, Nancy A. • Left Hand Magic • (Roc)
   Gilman, Laura Anne • Tricks of the Trade • (Harlequin/Luna, tpb)
   Haldeman, Joe • Earthbound • (Ace, hc)
   Halpern, Marty, ed. • Alien Contact • (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
   Hanover, M. L. N., - & Daniel Abraham • Killing Rites • (Pocket)
   Hodgell, P. C. • Honor's Paradox • (Baen, hc)
   King, Stephen • 11/22/63 • (Scribner, hc)
   MacAvoy, R. A. • Death and Resurrection • (Prime Books, tpb)
   Mayo, Eduardo Jiménez, & Chris N. Brown, eds. • Three Messages and a
Warning: Contemporary Mexican Short Stories of the Fantastic • (Small
Beer Press, anth, tpb)
   McDonald, Ian • Planesrunner • (Pyr, nvl-ya, tpb)
   Palmer, Philip • Artemis • (Orbit US, tpb)
   Resnick, Mike • The Doctor and the Kid • (Pyr, tpb)
   + Rucker, Rudy • Nested Scrolls • (Tor, nf, hc)
   Silverberg, Robert • The Best of Robert Silverberg • (Subterranean
Press, cln, hc)
   Sterling, Bruce • Gothic High-Tech • (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Stoddard, Jason • Winning Mars • (Prime Books, tpb)
   Turtledove, Harry • Supervolcano: Eruption • (Roc, hc)
   Wright, John C. • Count to a Trillion • (Tor, hc)


Have something for the newsletter? We welcome announcements, news items,
reviews, and artwork. Email it to circularfile at circleofjanus dot org by
the Thursday before the last Saturday of the month for inclusion.


Meeting Info
   The next business meeting of the Circle of Janus will be Saturday,
November 5, 2011, at the LifeJourney Church (formerly Jesus
Metropolitan Community Church - same location, new name), 2950 55th
Place, Indianapolis, IN, starting at 7:00 pm. There will be a ConCom
meeting preceding it from 5:30 to 6:45.

   Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
   President - Lynette Cowper
   Vice-President - Anjala Dick
   Secretary - Laura Edwards
   Treasurer - Emily Rodgers
   Sergeant at Arms - Ricky Lile
   InConJunction 32 ConChair - Kathie Thompson
   InConJunction 33 ConChair - Melissa Kocias

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

Lynette R. F. Cowper

My email address has changed to lcowper at prismnet.com. Please, adjust your

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