[CircularOfJanus] January 2016 Circular of Janus

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at prismnet.com
Sat Jan 2 12:24:33 EST 2016

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular Of Janus
 January 2016
 Volume 37, Issue 1

   Summary of the November Club Meeting
   Summary of the October Club Meeting
   Summary of the November Board Meeting
   Current Nominees for Office
   New Books – from Locus
   Announcements from Our Members
   Meeting Info & Club Officers

 *** Don't forget to show up early to the January meeting to pay your
dues, if you have not already done so! ***


Summary of the November Club Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The club met on November 7 at Valley Mills Christian Church. All officers
were present except ConChairs Jeff Thompson and Joe Greene. There were
about 32 people present. We had no new guests.

The October meeting minutes were amended to note the proper spelling of
Jeremy Hanna's name. We got a Treasurer's Report, then convention reports.
Jeff and Joe weren't present to report on 2015 and 2017. For 2016, Laura
reported Joe has updated the website. The ConCom meeting mostly focused on
what the new layout will look like without Veterans. She would submit her
budget at the Board Meeting. And we’re running the gaming room at Starbase

Andy reported the next Board meeting would be on November 21. Outreach is
looking for book donations. There was nothing new from Member Services,
the Audit Committee, the Archivist, or Quartermaster

In Old Business, we reminded people about membership cards, election
procedures, and sending us ideas for club fundraising. We re-opened
officer nominations: InConJunction 38 ConChair (2018): Melissa Kocias (who
later withdrew via email), Lynette Cowper, and Reed Hartman; President:
Kat Robertson; Vice-President: No new nominations; Secretary: Kat
Robertson and John Belden both withdrew, with no new nominations;
Treasurer: Kim Richey withdrew, Bob Richey declined, with no new
nominations; Sergeant-at-Arms: Reed Hartman. Andy Andrews is our Election
Officer and can be contacted at election @ circleofjanus . org.

In New Business, we discussed Club Activities. We moved the December
Anniversary Party to the second Saturday, the 12th, due to a conflict with
the production of A Christmas Carol at VMCC. The New Year's Eve party was
once again at the Clarion Northwest, as it's been for the last several
years. Kat explained the costume contest for the Procrastinator's
Halloween Party.

In Announcements that are still relevant, Randy mentioned a former member,
Richard Johnson, had passed away that past week. Kat R. had to put down
their 16 year old dog, Lacey. Anjala and Dillan are officially moved in
with Judy Eudaly. Brian's Katherine has kept this job for 2 weeks! Chris
C's second book, The Sole Survivor, came out 11/1. Steven Hanna turns on 4
soon. Randy got a 3D printer! Before Jeff!! Dillan did the 5k part of the
Monumental Marathon. Southwell was absent because they were doing Extra
Life, raising money for Riley Childrens Hospital. Kat R's son Jason has a
job through a temp agency.

And that was it for November!


Summary of the October Club Meeting
by Lynette Cowper

The club met on October 3 at Valley Mills Christian Church. All officers
were present except ConChairs Jeff Thompson and Joe Greene. There were
about 20 adults, plus kids. We had a guest named Brian visiting.

The August meeting minutes were amended to note that Cat not Kat danced
with random men (announcement). We got a Treasurer's Report, then
convention reports. Jeff and Joe weren't present to report on 2015 and
2017. For 2016, Laura reported that we'd had our first ConCom meeting. She
was still looking for a few department assistants. She would be presenting
her first draft budget to the Board in November. She was looking for
people interested in going to Capricon or working the gaming room at

Andy reported about the Board discussions on the con and elections. Member
Services has a list of birthdays and a collection of cards to send. The
Audit Committee had a meeting and will report to the Board in November.
The Archivist and Quartermaster had nothing new. Outreach reported that we
had a great time at Pagan Pride, with a great book giveaway. We're hoping
to build up a stash of books so that we can give them out at conventions
and prides. If you have any books, especially stuff YA and younger, we
would love to have them. We need more people to come to Pagan Pride and
volunteer in future years.

In Old Business, we reminded people about membership cards, election
procedures, and sending us ideas for club fundraising.

In New Business, we opened officer nominations: InConJunction 38 ConChair
(2018): Beckie Margedant, Kat Robertson; President: Melissa Kocias,
Lynette Cowper; Vice-President: Jeremy Hanna; Secretary: Beckie Margedant,
Southwell Cowper (who later withdrew via email), Jeremy Hanna, John
Belden; Treasurer: Jeremy Murray, Kim Richey both of whom were still
thinking about it (Jeremy Murray later accepted via Facebook);
Sergeant-at-Arms: Bob Richey, Mike Cowper, Ricky Lile, John Belden (who
later withdrew via email).

We also discussed Club Activities. The November post meeting was the
Procrastinator's Halloween party. December would be the Anniversary Party
– no business meeting, Club provides the meat, drinks, paper, attendees
provide sides and desserts. New Years Party is a pitch in.

In Announcements that are still relevant, Randy said the SyFy Channel is
turning The Expanse book series into a mini series. Lynette is started an
online reading group focusing on marginalized voices and less recognized
authors, "Broad Horizons" on Facebook. Kat R had good things to say about
Heroes Reborn.

And that was it for October!


Summary of the November Board Meeting
by Lynette Cowper

The Board met on November 21 at Valley Mills Christian Church. All
officers were present except InConJunction 2015 and 2017 ConChairs Jeff
Thompson and Joe Greene.

The September Board minutes were approved as published. We got a
Treasurer's Report. We skipped convention reports, since we would be
delving deeply into 2016 in New Business, and the other ConChairs were

In Old Business, the Audit Committee had a number of recommendations
concerning the Treasurer responsibilities and shifting some to other
positions or farming them out to outside experts. We discussed the budgets
for the upcoming Anniversary and New Year's Eve parties, and how things
were going with the Starbase Indy Game Room sponsorship.

In New Business, we looked at possible meeting date conflicts for 2016 and
set our meeting dates. They are: Jan 2, Feb 6, Mar 5, April 9 (moved for
Who's Yer Con), May 7, June 4, August 13 (moved for Gen Con), Sep 10 (Bash
if we want to use VMCC), Oct 1, Nov 5, Dec 3 Anniversary Party (assuming
no conflicts with the Christmas drama). We then went over Laura's 2016
convention budget at length.

And that was it for the November Board meeting!


Current Nominations for Office
   (Not including Declines, in reverse alphabetical order)

InConJunction 38 (2018) ConChair
   Kat Robertson
   Beckie Margedant
   Reed Hartman
   Lynette Cowper

   Kat Robertson
   Melissa Kocias
   Lynette Cowper

Vice President
   Jeremy Hanna

   Beckie Margedant
   Jeremy Hanna

   Jeremy Murray

   Bob Richey
   Ricky Lile
   Reed Hartman
   Mike Cowper


New Books
 From locusmag.com

January 2016
   Aiken, Joan • The People in the Castle • (Small Beer Press, cln, hc)
   Akers, Tim • Pagan Night • (Titan US, tpb)
   Anders, Charlie Jane • All the Birds in the Sky • (Tor, hc)
   Armstrong, Kelley • Driven • (Subterranean Press, hc)
   + Armstrong, Kelley • Otherworld Secrets • (Penguin/Plume, tpb)
   Bennett, Robert Jackson • City of Blades • (Random House/Broadway, tpb)
   Dietz, William C. • Graveyard • (Ace)
   Hearne, Kevin • Staked • (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
   LaValle, Victor • The Ballad of Black Tom • (Tor.com, nva, tpb)
   + Mamatas, Nick • The Last Weekend • (Skyhorse/Night Shade Books, tpb)
   Miéville, China • This Census-Taker • (Del Rey, nva, hc)
   Older, Daniel José • Midnight Taxi Tango • (Roc)
   Powers, Tim • Medusa's Web • (HarperCollins/Morrow, hc)
   Powers, Tim • Poems • (Charnel House, hc)
   Ruff, Matt • Lovecraft Country • (Harper, hc)
   Sanderson, Brandon • Calamity • (Random House/Delacorte, nvl-ya, hc)
   Sanderson, Brandon • The Bands of Mourning • (Tor Teen, hc)
   Stone, Eric • Unforgettable • (Baen, tpb)

February 2016
   Anderson, Poul • The Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson, Volume 7:
Question and Answer • (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
   Bova, Ben • The Best of Bova • (Baen, cln, tpb)
   + Brown, Pierce • Morning Star • (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
   Bujold, Lois McMaster • Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen • (Baen, hc)
   Cady, Jack • Fathoms • (Resurrection House/Underland Press, cln, tpb)
   Cheney, J. Kathleen • Dreaming Death • (Penguin/Roc, tpb)
   Duncan, Rod • The Custodian of Marvels • (Angry Robot US)
   Dunstall, S. K. • Alliance • (Ace)
   Easton, Tom, & Judith K. Dial, eds. • Conspiracy! • (NESFA Press, anth,
   Esslemont, Ian C. • Dancer's Lament • (Tor, hc)
   Henderson, Randy • Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free • (Tor, hc)
   Hines, Jim C. • Revisionary • (DAW, hc)
   Hirshberg, Glen • Good Girls • (Tor, hc)
   North, Claire • Forget Me Not • (Orbit US/Redhook, hc)
   Offutt, Chris • My Father the Pornographer • (Simon & Schuster/Atria,
nf, hc)
   + Reynolds, Alastair • Poseidon's Wake • (Ace, hc)
   Schwab, V. E. • A Gathering of Shadows • (Tor, hc)


Announcements from our Members

   Have something for the newsletter? We welcome announcements, news
items, reviews, and artwork. Email it to circularfile at circleofjanus
dot org by the Thursday before the last Saturday of the month for

   We need books! CoJ's fantastic success with giving away paperback books
as an outreach tool means we need a steady stream of them. If you have
a stash of used SF, fantasy, horror, or other speculative fiction books
(or comic books!) collecting dust, the Outreach Committee is trying to
build up a stash for giving away at various events. Please, bring them
to the meeting and give them to either Lynette Cowper or Laura Edwards.
Another very good option is the Indy Library Store, part of the
Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library System. Sales are held
periodically through the year. All book sales are held at Library
Services Center, 2450 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208.
Paperbacks are never more than 50 cents, and on the last day of the
sale ($7 Bag Day), you can get an entire paper grocery bag full of them
for that price.

   Capricon 36, Feb. 11-14, 2016, Westin North Shore, Wheeling, Ill.: a
quantity discount is in place for any group that signs up 10 or more
individuals. The rate is $50 until Oct. 31. Capricon visited
InConJunction 35, with a hall table and even a room party, and it would
be nice to reciprocate. Anyone who is already going, or who is
interested in going, please contact Laura Edwards (conchair at
inconjunction dot org) as soon as possible.

   Broad Horizons SF&F Book Club is an online monthly book group dedicated
to reading and discussing marginalized voices in SF&F -- authors &
protagonists who are PoC, Latin@, LGBT+, disabled, neurodiverse,
non-US/UK, of faiths other than Christian, etc. We will select one book
a month, each individually acquire a copy in whatever format we each
prefer, and then discuss it. Come join us at:


Meeting Info
   The next meeting of the Circle of Janus is on Saturday, January 2,
2016, at Valley Mills Christian Church, 5555 Kentucky Avenue,
Indianapolis, IN, starting at 7:00 pm. There is a Convention Committee
meeting preceding it at 5:30 pm. This is an election meeting, so be
sure to show up early in order to pay your dues if you have not already
done so!

   Board Chairman – Andy Andrews
   President – Melissa Kocias
   Vice-President – Kim Richey
   Secretary – Beckie Margedant
   Treasurer – Stephen Kendall
   Sergeant at Arms – Lynette Cowper
   InConJunction 35 ConChair – Jeff Thompson
   InConJunction 36 ConChair – Laura Edwards
   InConJunction 37 ConChair – Joe Greene

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

Lynette R. F. Cowper

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and
by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them." --

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