[InConJunctionNews] Thank you!

Mike Cowper mcowper at wizardslab.net
Mon Jul 4 17:31:48 EDT 2011

Thank you to all who came and made the convention wonderful. I especially want
to thank all of my volunteers who gave their time and energy to make
InConJunction a success. I'm looking forward to a great time again next year
and hope everyone returns.


><>  Mike "Mr. Wizard" Cowper  |  http://www.wizardslab.net/~mcowper  <><
><>  mcowper at wizardslab.net  --+--  Callsign: KC9BYV  <>  MIB#: 2001  <><
"Imagination is more important | "Any sufficiently advanced technology is
than knowledge."   A. Einstein | indistinguishable from magic." A. Clarke
   <><   "What do YOU care what other people think?"  R. Feynman   ><>

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