[InConJunctionNews] InConJunction XXII

Kathie Thompson kathawkes at me.com
Thu Jun 28 19:12:21 EDT 2012

Hello everyone,

There are only 9 days left until InConJunction, and this year we have tons of fun on offer!

If you've not yet purchased your registrations, you can do so via PayPal on the registration page of our website at http://inconjunction.org/dept/registration/. The price is only $45.00 for a weekend registration, until July 1, when online registration stops. The price will then be $50.00 at the door for a weekend pass.

If you've already purchased your registrations, then make sure to reserve and/or confirm your hotel rooms. Be sure to let the hotel know you are with InConJunction so you receive the discounted rate. If the Marriott says that the type of room you want is unavailable, then go ahead and make a reservation for a room type that is available and sent an e-mail to conchair2012 at inconjunction.org with your reservation/confirmation number, the name the reservation is under, and what type of room you wanted. Most times we can get this fixed for you within 12 hours but it could possibly take up to 48 hours to confirm the change.

If you are planning on having a room-party at InConJunction, then please send an email to conchair2012 at inconjunction.org with your name and hotel room reservation/confirmation number and we’ll try and have your room moved to the room-party area where all the rooms open onto the outdoor patio.

Be sure to check out the programming page on our website at http://inconjunction.org/dept/programming/ for the complete programming grid and listing to start planning which panels you just have to see, and schedule your weekend in advance.
If you're a local author, or you’ve personally created something related to Sci-Fi, Fantasy, or Horror that you’d like to sell, we have tables left in the Creator’s Alley. The price is $30.00 for a full 6 foot table or $15.00 for a half-table for the weekend.

If you're a vendor, we’re happy to say that the Dealers’ Room is almost sold out, but we've still got a couple of spaces available. If you or someone you know would be interested in a spot in our Dealers' Room send an email to dealersroom at inconjunction.org for the details. Or if this year won't work for you, feel free to contact us and we’ll be glad to add you to the waiting list for next year. Everyone should go to http://inconjunction.org/dept/dealersroom/ to see if their favorite vendor is participating in this year’s Dealers’ Room.

And make sure you check out the list of artists participating in this year’s Art Show at http://inconjunction.org/dept/artshow/ as well. There are quite a few new artists along with some returning favorites.
Heck, just browse around the entire website. There’s so much fun going on it’s hard to jam it all into one message!

Are you getting excited yet? I am!

Kathie Thompson
InConJunction 2012 ConChair
conchair2012 at inconjunction.org

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