[InConJunctionNews] InConJunction on Facebook and Twitter

Jeffrey N. Thompson jeffthompson at me.com
Sun Oct 5 20:04:06 EDT 2014

Hey everyone, I just wanted to send a quick email to everyone on the mailing list (especially everyone that visited our booth at Awesome Con this weekend) to make sure that you know that InConJunction Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention has a page on Facebook and Twitter.
To follow us on Facebook simply go to https://www.facebook.com/InConJunction and click the “Like” button and you'll get updates and additional information on InConJunction. To make sure that you get all notifications, hover your mouse cursor over the “Like” button and select the “Get Notifications” item from the drop-down menu.
To follow InConJunction on Twitter simply go to https://twitter.com/InConIndy and click the “Follow” button.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to seeing everyone in July at InConJunction!

Jeff Thompson
Con-Chair InConJunction 2015
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