Circle Of Janus
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InConJunction Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Indianapolis, IN

Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites

July 7 - 9, 2006

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Complete Guest List for InConJunction XXVI

Lori Skov-Jansen
Author Guest of Honor
Author of Twin Dagger

Lori Skov-Jansen

Lori Skov-Jansen is best known for her work in diverse fields of science fiction and fantasy, yet has an abiding interest in neo-gothic fiction and horror in the modern setting. She has worked in the field as both a fantasy writer and a consulting scripter forOjom GmbH in Germany, the publisher of Face of Mankind the new online science fiction multi-player game currently being developed by Duplex Systems. She is currently at work on the sequel to her first full length novel Twin Dagger (a coming of age novel for young adult women in a fantasy setting), The Legend of Juno, (a full length hard science fiction novel co-authored with Michelle Pilkerton with an outlook on women serving in the military) as well as over fifty short stories in a variety of fiction genres. Her writing has been called a "motivated and refreshing" look at women in fiction, drawing out characters reflecting her life experiences with bright ideas and an often biting wit.

Lori was raised in Sacramento, CA in a family of six, and lived in many states as her father taught at Idaho State University and later as a Lutheran Pastor. After studying literature at Concordia College in Irvine, Lori joined the United States Air Force as a specialist in Security Forces. Lori served around the globe throughout Central and Northern Europe before departing the service to start a family, and she has used her military experiences in writing in hard science fiction. Since 2004 Lori has lived in Milwaukee, WI working as a Lead Purchasing Agent for the U.S. Forestry Service. In addition to her writing, work with computers and multi-player gaming, she is fond of riding, hiking, and hunting.

Mike Moore
Artist Guest of Honor
SFX Props Master

Mike Moore

Mike Moore started his professional life like most of us... but there was a difference. Mike�s first job was making props and sets for the first Universal Studios tour. Even though he went on to mundane jobs in retail sales and other areas, this first taste of prop making started it all for Mike. He finished his education at Certold College in Los Angeles and began working in the aerospace industry. To enhance his skills for this job he became certified in plastic technology, resins, polymers and mommer, as well as fiberglass and vacuum form mold making, and productions and techniques.

With these skills and an avid interest in prop building, he then chose to do this as his full time job by doing things like creating the walk around suits for the Disney Star Tours.

Mike has worked on many movies since then such as The Abyss, Addams Family, Batman 3, The Hunt for Red October, Pulp Fiction, Inspector Gadget and many more. They are currently making props for Star Trek Voyager. At the end of this season Mike will have 15 years invested in creating props for the Star Trek universe.

Mike and HMS have done other television shows as well, for example, Babylon 5, Captain Power, Dark Shadows (1980), Lois and Clark, 3rd Rock from the Sun and many more. HMS has also work for Las Vegas "The Star Trek Experience", the Traveling Star Trek Museums, Paramount Parks Displays, Universal Tours, Edinburgh Star Trek Museum and the Canadian Star Trek Museum.

Another area they have gotten into is prototyping for Playmates Toys, All-American Casting, Icons Authentic Replicas and Interstellar Productions, Inc. Overall, Mike Moore and HMS Productions have had a great impact on the science fiction movies we see and love.

For additional information, please refer to Mike Moore's Web Page.

Tom Smith
Music Guest of Honor
The World's Fastest Filker

Tom Smith

For darn near two decades, Tom Smith, The World's Fastest Filker, has been breaking hearts, crippling minds, and dropping jaws across the country and around the world.

Sometimes it's with the slow, gorgeous stuff ("Starlight & Saxophone", "Storm Dancing", "A Dragon's Lullaby"). Sometimes it's the dark and dramatic ("Hellraiser", "PQR", "Bullet Time"). Sometimes it's the flat-out rockin' ("Bermuda Triangle", "Rocket Ride", "And They Say I've Got Talent").

But mostly it's the puns. And the godawful jokes that make you choke on your own laughter. And the audacity with which he throws 'em around. "Smurfin' Safari", "Five Years", "I Want To Be Peter Lorre", "Domino Death", "Sheep Marketing Ploy (The Ballad of Fenton)", "Divine Irregularity", "Telly Taley Heart", "Honey-Glazed Ham", "House At Cthulhu Corner", "Psychic Voicemail Hotline", "Dead Potters", "Badger Pajama", "The Illuminati Polka", "Talk Like A Pirate Day"....

Tom's got ten albums, dozens of other unrecorded songs, twelve Pegasus Awards for Excellence in Filk, an animated music video ("Enterprising Man" from the second Babylon Park video), and hundreds of stunned, delighted onlookers in his wake.

Tom's concerts are always high-energy, and because the news of the day usually has him cranked up (or off) about something, he usually has at least two or three new pun-filled ditties, and if he doesn't he'll make something up on the spot. His turns at the late-night filks get even more insane, because his philosophy is that if you've been up all day at the con the LAST thing you need is some monotonous, gore-filled dirge to put you to sleep, and he starts dragging out the really bizarre stuff, and he starts doing voices, and call-backs, and quotes from cartoons or The Muppet Show or Rocky Horror or MST3K, and... look, trust us, it just gets wild.

For additional information, please refer to Tom Smith's Web Page.

Rob Pyatt, Ph.D.
Mad Scientist and Pseudo Super Villain

Rob Pyatt, Ph.D.

Rocketed to Earth as an infant to escape the destruction of his home world where his parents had been brutally murdered before his eyes one night in a dark alley, Rob's ship crash landed in a jungle where he was adopted by a friendly gorilla and raised to learn the ways of the jungle. As a teen-ager, Rob re-joined society and quickly enlisted in the army where he was given an experimental formula designed to create the ultimate soldier. After being put on ice for a number of years, Rob ditched the military and got a job at a scientific research facility where he was unfortunately exposed to gamma radiation, beta radiation, delta radiation, cosmic radiation, and a really nasty bite from a radioactive spider.

Well, sort of.

Rob's been bouncing around InConJunction for a number of years now and you can normally find him hosting the "Top 10 Worst Sci-Fi & Horror Movie" panel with Jeff Thompson and Chris Canary. As a mild mannered scientist, Rob's secret identity allows him the chance to develop his plans for world conquest while conducting some pretty twisted experiments. In the past, he's warped the fragile minds of college students at Morris Brown College, Clark-Atlanta University, and Emory University and you can now find him in the Molecular Pathology Laboratory at Ohio State.

Melissa Anelli
Fan Guest of Honor
Editorial Director for

Melissa Anelli

Melissa Anelli is the Webmistress of The Leaky Cauldron, one of the most visited Harry Potter sites on the Web. She joined the site in 2001, when its sole focus was presenting news. Since then the site has grown more than tenfold, to include such features as a weekly podcast called "PotterCast," of which Ms. Anelli is host; fan-submitted essays; reviews; widgets; fan-submitted graphics; an extensive gallery; chat room; forums; event reports; contests; videos; and scores of interviews. Ms. Anelli has interviewed people from every corner of the "Harry Potter" franchise, including the American editor of the books, Arthur Levine; the directors of all the films; the stars and supporting cast members, and author of the Harry Potter books J.K. Rowling, who invited Ms. Anelli and Emerson Spartz of MuggleNet to her Edinburgh home last summer to conduct an exclusive interview on the day of the release of the sixth "Harry Potter" book.

Outside of Potter, Ms. Anelli is a "twenty-something" journalist for the Staten Island Advance, a daily newspaper in New York City. A graduate of Georgetown University, her work has appeared in U.S. News & World Report and on the cable channel NY1. In her spare time, she works on more projects than she can handle, sees more theater than she can afford and consumes more coffee than is healthy for anyone.

For additional information, please refer to Melissa Anelli's Web Page.

Emerson Spartz
Fan Guest of Honor
Creator of

Emerson Spartz

An Indiana native, Emerson created MuggleNet in 1999... when he was twelve years old. As a bored home-schooled student, he had too much spare time on his hands and thought it would be fun to create a Harry Potter website. He had no idea what he was getting into. Since then, MuggleNet has grown to a staff of over one hundred volunteers and is one of the most popular fan-run Harry Potter sites on the Internet, with over 20 million visitors, from over 150 countries... every month! You'll find copious amounts of Harry Potter information on MuggleNet including trivia and fun facts from the books and movies, editorials, games, Photoshop contests, caption contests, fan art and most of all, legions of Harry Potter fans with which you can share your fascination with, "all things Potter."

Emerson has met with and interviewed many members of the cast and crew of the movies, and even author J.K. Rowling herself, who invited Emerson and Melissa Anelli of The Leaky Cauldron to her house in Scotland last summer. He has travelled all around the world for various Harry Potter events and has helped coordinate and organize massive book release parties.

While not entertaining (in his own words), "his abnormal obsession with the boy wizard," Emerson is a freshman at the University of Notre Dame and enjoys reading, paintball, golf, tennis, basketball, baseball, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, The West Wing, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Caddyshack, Austin Powers, Star Wars, McDonald's Sausage/Egg McMuffins, and is a self-proclaimed breakfast cereal addict. Just your typical college freshman, who just so happens to have been a twelve-year-old Internet entrepreneur as well.

Emerson has two wonderfully supportive parents and two brothers, one a year younger than him and another that is eleven years his junior, whom he absolutely adores.

For additional information, please refer to Emerson Spartz's Web Page.

Lou Harry
Featured Guest
Author of The Superman Guide to Life: Living the Superhero Lifestyle and the novelization of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Lou Harry

Lou Harry, Co-Creator and Editor in Chief of Indy Men's Magazine, is the author of a number of books including The Paranoid's Survival Kit, Therapist in a Box, Portable Voodoo, the nonfiction book In the Can: The Greatest Career Missteps, Sophomore Slumps, What-Were-They-Thinking Decisions and Fire-Your Agent Moves in the History of the Movies and the 2005 novelization of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians to name just a few. His novel The High-Impact Infidelity Diet has been optioned by Warner Brothers for a feature film. As one of the creators and current editor of Indy Men's Magazine, Lou not only knows the publishing world from the writer's perspective but from the editor's perspective as well. When not writing and editing he's also a former stand-up comic.

For additional information, please refer to Lou Harry's Web Page.

Indiana Ghost Trackers
Featured Guest
Indiana Statewide Paranormal Activity Investigators

Indiana Ghost Trackers
Indiana Ghost Trackers, Inc., a statewide not-for-profit organization, investigates paranormal activity using photography, voice recording, video, and other technology that aid in the detection of unexplained phenomena and provides no cost home and business investigations, while maintaining privacy, to all those requesting help.

For additional information, please refer to Indiana Ghost Trackers's Web Page.

Steve Latshaw
Featured Guest
Writer & Director

Steve Latshaw

How does a young, somewhat geeky kid from the Midwest end up becoming a working writer in Hollywood? Steve began his career as a local station news photographer, reporter and documentary producer. He found himself in Orlando in the late 80s and spent two years as an actor. "I became a regular on the TV series Adventures of Superboy" he says, but things were about to change.

"I got a group of people together to make a low budget horror comedy called Vampire Trailer Park," he says. "It's the only horror film I'm aware of that has dealt with the subject of vampire bulimia. Joe Bob Briggs (infamous drive-in movie critic extraordinaire) gave it an 87 on the vomit meter. To date, the only countries that have seen fit to release it are the UK and Sweden. I'd like to think it was too ahead of its time for the U.S. At least that's what I keep telling myself."

Suddenly Hollywood producers were interested in Steve. Still based in Florida, he made a string of low-budget horror films that did well on HBO and in the home video market. The most successful of these, Jacko (about a crazed jackolantern killer) was the topic for an hour-long Donahue show. The film featured Steve's son Ryan as the lead and was recently re-released on video for its tenth anniversary. But after six or seven years, it was time to take the plunge and move to LA.

Steve says he got into film writing by accident in 1996, when a director friend asked him if he would like to try his hand at writing a script. Steve wrote one, then another one, and the producers were so happy that "all of a sudden I had a reputation for doing thrillers and military pictures." By 2002, "terrorist plot points" had become all too real, as the World Trade Center tragedy, war in Afghanistan and anthrax bio-terror gripped the nation and put a lock down on most independent film financing. "I didn't work for two years," says Steve. "It was a forced end to things. I did so many films between 1990 and 2002… I never really stopped to enjoy myself."

The film that broke Steve's two year writing drought was American Black Beauty, a family picture starring Dean Stockwell. "I'd always wanted to do a Western," says Steve. "It's a sweet family film, sentimental, with a great cast. Now I'm in the middle of three films," says Steve. Principal photography just wrapped on a Latshaw sci-fi epic called RAPTOR PLANET. Filming took place in Romania and Latshaw describes it as "The Alamo with dinosaurs." He is simultaneously preparing another sci-fi script, XENOPHOBIA, for production in May.

Right now, Steve is most excited about one of the projects for Sci-Fi Channel, a Stan Lee Project called Lightspeed. "I'm very comfortable with the film work I'm getting, TV movie work. I'm not a star. I'm a working writer."

For additional information, please refer to Steve Latshaw's Web Page.

Richard Propes
Featured Guest
Publisher and Lead Film Writer for The Independent Critic

Richard Propes

The words that best describe Richard Propes would be activist, advocate, minister, writer and mentor. Richard is the founder of the Tenderness Tour, an Indianapolis non-profit agency devoted to preventing family violence. A lifelong paraplegic with spina bifida, Richard has traveled over 3,000 miles by wheelchair and donated over $100,000 for charities worldwide while also serving in ministry here in Indy. Richard is a freelance film critic, contributing writer to "Coming Soon" magazine in London and co-founder of the film website He is also the author of two books, "Secret Heart" and "Imaginary Crimes", three produced plays and has won several poetry journal awards. A graduate of Martin University with a B.S. in Counseling Psychology, Richard began as a college critic at Indiana University where the Indiana College Press Association named him Best Critic. An avid supporter of the independent filmmaker, Richard continues to freelance throughout the Midwest in addition to his ongoing advocacy for children worldwide. Richard is a proud member of the Golden Raspberry Foundation and makes it a point to see each year's worst films.

For additional information, please refer to Richard Propes's Web Page.

Mark Racop
Featured Guest
Director, Writer, and Producer

Mark Racop

The filmmaking bug bit Mark Racop at an early age. Racop's father remembers that Mark was interested in making movies even at the age of two! While other children were reading short stories, Racop was reading Stephen Whitfield's "Making of Star Trek."

In 1989, Racop formed MagicHouse Productions, and he raised money to shoot the ultra-low budget, ultra spoof, "Rock N Roll Starship." The movie featured cheesy sets, cheesy dialogue, and cheesy acting "but it was all part of the plan. We watched Dark Star and Hardware Wars on the same night," Racop said, "And Starship was the result!" The campy, funny film has played to science fiction audiences across the country, and he self distributed over 1,000 copies on VHS.

The success of the first film brought about a demand for a sequel. "Starship 2" was greenlighted in October of 2000, and went before the cameras on May 19th, 2001. The movie was a radical step up from the original film, featuring great actors John Astin, Richard Biggs, Jason Carter, Richard Hatch, and Leslie Culton? and a tightly-written script with a great story. Shooting wrapped in August of 2001, but special effects continued for another five years. "It was tough waiting on the effects, but the results were well worth it. Massive Works blew me completely away with the quality of the finished product."

In May of 2004, Racop bought an 8,300 square foot facility in Logansport, Indiana that he is converting into a movie studio. With two sound stages, makeup, wardrobe, editing, a paint booth, and plenty of office space, Racop will be able to accommodate many feature films.

Racop is currently developing a spy thriller called "Plausible Deniability" for production in 2006.

For additional information, please refer to Mark Racop's Web Page.

Stuart Sayger
Featured Guest
DC Comic book artist and creator of Shiver in the Dark

Stuart Sayger

Stuart is the artist for the DC produced comic book for Lego's "Bionicle", an artist for the Upper Deck DC card game "VS", and the creator and artist for his own book "Shiver in the Dark". Stuart is going to be InConJunction's connection to the comic book universe and will be hosting a very cool session on Classic Comic Book Covers and also hosting and attending sessions on the Comic Book Industry in general. If you've ever shopped in old Comic Carnival store in Broad Ripple, then you know already know Stuart. He's sure to have many fun stories from all his years there.

For additional information, please refer to Stuart Sayger's Web Page.

Sinisterly Bad Theater
Featured Guest
Sci-Fi/Horror movie hosts Hiram and Ole' Jim Wafford

Sinisterly Bad Theater

The cast of Sinisterly Bad Theater will be appearing at InConJunction!

Hiram, a retired factory worker, and Ole' Jim Wafford, of Logan Street Signs and Banners (convieniently NOT located on Logan Street), host the show on Hometown TV Channel 19 in Nobelsville where they introduce Horror and Sci-Fi classics like Attack of the Giant Leaches and The Wasp Woman while they devise new scams to make them some money! You'll literally be 'Skeerd' to death... or die laughing! Sinisterly Bad Theater is the number one show on HTV 19 and when you meet Hiram and Ole' Jim Wafford you'll know why.

For additional information, please refer to Sinisterly Bad Theater's Web Page.

Michael West
Featured Guest
Author of the The Wide Game and member of the Indiana Horror Writers.

Michael West

Born on September 27, 1969, Michael West has lived in Indiana all his life. He holds a degree in telecommunications from Indiana University and has been writing as long as he can remember. As a producer/director for Educational Television in Indianapolis, he created a multitude of programs—including Teen Terrors, the study of modern teenage stress and anxiety. Of Tomorrows Unknown, his student film from 1991, is featured on the Internet Movie Database and his first novel, The Wide Game, was published in 2003. He is also the author of numerous horror short-stories and DVD reviews for the magazine Dark Discs.

West is a member of the Horror Writers Association, and President of the Indiana Horror Writers. He lives and works in the Indianapolis area with his wife and their two children.

For additional information, please refer to Michael West's Web Page.

Wild Mercy
Featured Guest
Filk band featuring Barry and Sally Childs-Helton, Debbie Gates and Jennifer Midkiff.

Wild Mercy

A self described "neo-Celtic, post-industrial, electro-acoustic, folk-rock-jazz, freeform-choral, filk" band featuring Barry and Sally Childs-Helton, Jennifer Midkiff and Debbie Gates.

For additional information, please refer to Wild Mercy's Web Page.

Gary L. Wood
Featured Guest
Director, Writer, and Producer

Gary L. Wood

Gary Wood plans to be an overnight success -- just not tomorrow. A freelance writer since the late 80's, Gary has contributed to books and magazines all over the country. While covering film productions for Cinefantastique Magazine, Gary learned from masters such as Stephen King, Rob Reiner, Frank Darabont and many others. Saving Star Wars, which he also wrote, was his first film. He is currently developing Massacre At Fall Creek for production while pitching his original screenplay, Live Evil co-written with screenwriter Rospo Pallenberg (Excalibur, The Emerald Forest).


Also Appearing

Chris Allen
Movie Director Batman vs Trek

36 year-old Christopher Allen is the writer, producer, and director for his fourth film since 1994, "Star Trek VS Batman", due out later this year.

Originally from Bowling Green, Kentucky, Allen now lives in Carmel Indiana. While finishing post production on "Star Trek VS Batman", Allen has begun pre-production on his fifth feature film to be shot this fall, "A Time for the Heart", a dramatic time travel piece.

"Star Trek VS. Batman" has recently been invited to be screened exclusively at the Maple Valley Digital Film Festival, in Seattle, WA. in the spring of '07.

For additional information, please refer to Chris Allen's Web Page.

Andy Andrews

Andy has been an InConJunction con-chair four times and has appeared in every InConJunction play but one for the last twenty years. He's a former President of the Circle of Janus and is an associate member of First Fandom. He likes to roam the halls of the convention late at night just to see who is up and what's going on. He also thinks peanut butter & jelly sandwiches are an endagered species.

Stephanie Braun
Co-founder of The Pathworks Community

Biography available soon.

Maurice Broaddus
Award Winning Horror Author and member of the Indiana Horror Writers

Author of Black Frontiers in the collection Voices From the Other Side (Dark Dreams II) edited by Brandon Massey, Since We Can Die But Once in the collection DeathGrip: Exit Laughing edited by Walt Hicks, Morphean Affairs in the collection Crossings edited by Morgan Powell, A Dog's Day and Dead Love both in the collection Small Bites edited by Garrett Peck and Keith Gouveia, and other nonfiction works.

For additional information, please refer to Maurice Broaddus's Web Page.

Brobdingnagian Bards

Scottish and Irish folk songs combined with the Lord of the Rings music and a wee bit o'Celtic fun. The Brobdingnagian Bards (pronounced brob-din-nahg-EE-en) are The Original Celtic Renaissance music duo from Austin, Texas. Their unique brand of folk music on the autoharp, recorder, and mandolin has made them one of the most-popular Celtic music groups online where they give away thousands of free Celtic MP3 downloads daily.

The Brobdingnagian Bards perform coast-to-coast, and in a given month might be at a Lord of the Rings Oscar Party, a Celtic festival, or a Science Fiction Convention. However, they are an absolute favorite at Renaissance Faires where they add high-energy and wit to make every show a memorable experience.

For additional information, please refer to Brobdingnagian Bards's Web Page.

Chuck Budreau

Chuck Budreau is a self-taught musician, sound mixer, and sound engineer. He was the post production sound supervisor on "Rock n Roll Starship," and he did most of the music for that production as well. During this time he developed a personal mantra "Sound Sucks!" and that "Sound is a fad."

Chuck was production sound coordinator for "Starship 2" and will eventually end up doing the post production sound (whenever special effects get their work done!). He was also the sound mixer for Racso's "Star Trek Vs Batman;" 7M Pictures "Aidan" and "Low Carb Lunch;" as well as some recent work for the Beef and Boards dinner theater.

For additional information, please refer to Chuck Budreau's Web Page.

Harry Bunn

Harry loves to watch sci-fi on Friday nights and enjoys attending InConJunction as well as the monthly meetings of the Circle of Janus. Oil painting is another of Harry's interests and he'd like to take up spirit painting and take more courses to further develop his physic abilities. Harry is intrigued by metaphysics and believes that understanding Natural Law makes going through life a lot easier and smoother.

For additional information, please refer to Harry Bunn's Web Page.

Jess Bunn

Jess is a self proclaimed geek with aspirations of writing and a love of the sound of her own voice. She has many interests, too many to mention here but in the main pop culture, good food and fun times. Jess is geek who loves the company of other geeks and she hopes you have fun and come back.

Chris Canary

Chris Canary has been a part of InConJunction, from it's "golden age", to modern day. A locally reviled fan of movies, comics, and oddities, and a pope in the Church of the Subgenius, Chris has worn many hats at InConJunction over the last several years, and is currently a student, seeking to better his life. Computer Geek, B-Movie Magnet (Bad... as if there were any other kind of B Movies), Movie Soundtrack Obsessive, and a former InConJunction chairman, Chris enjoys fun in almost any capacity... And we're not just talking alcohol here.

Wendy Carson

Biography available soon.

Dennis Ciurej

Dennis has been a reader of SF since second grade in 1960 when he found Red Planet on the school shelf. He attended the second or third Circle of Janus meeting in 1980 after moving to Indianapolis and voted against starting a convention called InConJunction. He even met his wife Lynn of 22 years at that first InConJunction, and they've been working together in life and at the convention ever since. Dennis is a long time volunteer at the InConJunction Art Show, member of the "It's Not Our Fault Players", and guru of bad puns.

Lynette R. F. Cowper

Biography available soon.

Mike Cowper

Mike Cowper is a professional geek. He has been managing the technical side of an Internet Service Provider for over ten years. He is (or at least was when he used to have time) an avid reader of science fiction and fantasy. Mike has been attending InConJunction since 1984 and volunteering since about 1991. He is a past convention chairman and past president of Circle of Janus. He is an amateur actor and has been in many InConJunction plays. He also does game demonstrations for two game companies (Steve Jackson Games and Looney Labs Games) and is very involved with his church (Valley Mills Christian Church).

For additional information, please refer to Mike Cowper's Web Page.

Don Dailey

Biography available soon.

Sandra Dale

Sandy joined the Circle of Janus and InConJunction sometime around InConJunction III (in the long ago time of 1983). Two years later a group of people, including Sandy, decided they could run a better convention than Space Trek and proceded to try and do so. Sandy was the Video Room Goddess for both InConJunction and Starbase Indy (the original one) for a number of years. In doing so she has amassed quite the collection of club favorites. Sandy feels that running the video rooms for both conventions in the past has helped feed her need for collecting.

Brian Davidson

A Fifteen year veteran of on-line interactive fiction, big-screen movie enthusiast, and compulsive nit-picker, Brian was eager to help with InConJunction after his initial exposure, and has been actively involved in Programming and Operations since 1998. He has co-written two plays, acted in three, and directed one, for the "It's Not Our Fault Players."

Mark Dooley
Founder of The Whoosier Network

Biography available soon.

For additional information, please refer to Mark Dooley's Web Page.

James S. Dorr
SF & Horror Author

James Dorr's is the author of DARKER LOVES: TALES OF MYSTERY AND REGRET, due out from Dark Regions Press as a companion to his current collection, STRANGE MISTRESSES: TALES OF WONDER AND ROMANCE (Dark Regions, 2001). His work has appeared in ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE, NEW MYSTERY, ABORIGINAL, FANTASTIC, FUTURE ORBITS, SHADOWS OF SATURN, GOTHIC.NET, CHI-ZINE, MARSDUST, LENOX AVENUE, ENIGMATIC TALES (UK), FAERIES (France), REDSINE (Australia), and numerous anthologies including THE YEAR'S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR eleven of the past fourteen years.

For additional information, please refer to James S. Dorr's Web Page.

Jeff Ello

Jeff Ello is equal parts Engineer and Artist. He has found success both on the technical and asthetic sides of the digital world, directing the technology efforts of the top ranked Krannert School of Management at Purdue University, as well as directing the visual efforts of a number of commercial print, web, and video productions, including "Starship II: Rendezvous with Ramses", currently in post production. Jeff is an authority on technology and communication mediums and his philosophy on what's possible in the independent film market is echoed in the name of his production company, MassiveWorks. With the conclusion of the Starship II project, Jeff and MassiveWorks will be back on the indie film scene with the MagicHouse/Sleepless Nights production of "Essentially American".

Greg Fauverque

Greg started working in Videophotography in 1990 and later incorporated this into professional photography. He worked in Theatre from 1992 on and off until today including set design, props and set construction for the Logansport Civic Players productions; Dracula, Taming of the Shrew, Into the Woods, One Acts, Joseph and the Amazing Technocolor Dreamcoat, and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. He met Mark Racop during the Logansport Civic Players Dracula in 1992. From that meeting, he was asked to construct the scale model space station used in "Rock N Roll Starship".

Since 2000 he's been quite busy as a producer and director of photography for Leslie Culton's "Vamperotica" music video, director of photography for "Incredible Fire", and director of photography for the fanfilm "Star Trek VS Batman" among a long list of projects.

David Ginn

David Ginn can be used as proof that insomnia is a good thing. Ever since the summer of 1978 when he first played a new game his older brother had found, he hasn't been the same. Who knew that Dungeons & Dragons would be such a phenomenon? Since that day, he has always been about games. Winning or losing wasn't as important as having a great time playing.

Time travel forward 22 years and the hand of fate stretched out to slap him a few times to wake him up. He was homebound, unable to hold a job due to a latent genetic disease that finally went active. But by a similar twist of fate, he had found a beautiful wife, a home and two wonderful children. His quest for games was about to be started again.

With the insane support of his wife he created Hurt Your Brain Publications. Not only does he make his games as affordable as he can, he also hand crafts every one. And because of his insomniac-psychotic-devoted purpose, we can now enjoy Salvage Lords, Globulator, Assault on Epsilon Prime, Galactic Trader, Delphacube, Delphaqueue, C.T.F.T.T.V., Thaumaturgy 101, Plinthos and Glyphs (being released at InCon). But he also wanted people to enjoy games even more, so he designed some games for specific people and Derek's Toy Chest, J.A.C.O.B. vs. The Diabolical Plan, Calvin's Critters, Karma Kings to just name a few.

As his experience grows in die cutters, mold making, polymers and the like, we will see even more games that have been waiting for a chance to be played.

Joe Greene
Costumer and Robotics and LEGO® Enthusiast

Joe Greene, (aka Wolfie, White_Volg, thegeek, and Dad), is a Critter Crunch veteran since 1995 (OK, so I missed a few), with his robots built from 100% genuine LEGO® parts. He's yet to win the Critter Crunch, but he keeps trying, and always has fun. Recent BrikWars Referee and general LEGO® enthusiast and author of the Critter Course rules based upon the original Critter Crunch rules. His recent exploits also include captian of the Winning team of the LEGO® Imperial Star Destroyer Speed Build Contest at StarWars Celebration III. MC for the First Critter Course at Capricon XXVI. Being the geek he, is he is always finding new ways to integrate his hobbies of Computers, Robotics, LEGO® and Gaming.

For additional information, please refer to Joe Greene's Web Page.

Drew Happli

Drew Happli has over 15 years experience in the computer field, this includes network administration, desktop support, help desk, network design, along with just about anything else you can do with a computer and a few things you most likely shouldn't. Not only does he work on computers, he plays on them too. You are likely to find Drew playing Battlefield 2 (If you see HavenIndy in a vehicle, and are on the other team, stay off the road, sidewalk, or greenways), Battle for Middle Earth 2, Galactic Civilization, Guild Wars or City of Heroes/Villians. Drew also plays non-computer gamees and is the Cell Leader for Indianapolis for Steve Jackson's Men in Black. Other fan interests of note are Comic books (Drew has been collecting comic books for over 20 years), Anime, and Drew is a voracious reader. Drew first attended InConJunction in 1992, and started helping at InConJunction in 1993. So far he has headed A/V, Anime, Programming and Dealers Room.

Morgan Hardy

Biography available soon.

For additional information, please refer to Morgan Hardy's Web Page.

David A. Henninger

Dave is an artist specializing in astronomical paintings, a wanabe writer, and a founding member of the Circle of Janus. Over the years Dave has served as COJ President, InConJunction Con Chair, Art Show Chair, and Editor of the Circular of Janus. Dave says he'd been addicted to SF almost from the time he first began reading.

Kathy Hohman

A longtime science fiction fan and Trekker, Kathy has been part of InConJunction (since it's second year) and Starbase Indy (since it's beginning). A geologist and science educator, she has trained in areas of seismology, forensics, and geology. Being of a giving nature, she gave birth to two daughters who were raised in the fannish lifestyle and began their training as go-fers at the conventions (Marta & Laura Hohman).

Deb Hunt

Deborah Hunt joined InConJunction and Circle of Janus in 1983 and has written several plays for InConJunction.

Deb is currently working two jobs - one as a pastoral assistant at a church (Westview Christian Church where the Circle of Janus meets!) and another job at a hospital in Pediatric Critical Care. This adds up to working 60 hours per week. So in what free time remains, she is a big fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Narnia as well as Dr. Who, Star Trek, and Star Wars to name a few things she loves. She enjoys writing and art.

She recently achieved a Master of Divinity degree from Christian Theological Seminary. Currently, she has an essay posted on the Leaky Cauldron website on the topic of "Biblical Markings and Harry Potter" and is writing a book on theology and Harry Potter.

Thomas Jones
Co-founder of The Pathworks Community

Biography available soon.

For additional information, please refer to Thomas Jones's Web Page.

Known World Players

The Known World Players is a menagerie of actors and actresses specializing in live entertainment and stage combat. Travelling to InConJunction from Nashville, Tennessee, they'll bring the world of Harry Potter alive with swordfighting, comedy and just a touch of drama. They like to say to expect improvisation as well, but that would defeat the point, wouldn't it? We could list how many places they've gone to in their five years, but quite frankly, if they haven't been there, it doesn't exist!

For additional information, please refer to Known World Players's Web Page.

Jonathan Kui

Biography available soon.

For additional information, please refer to Jonathan Kui's Web Page.

Timothy Lane
Editor of FOSFAX Fanzine

Louisville fan Timothy Lane graduated from Purdue with a degree in computer science,which doesn't prevent occasional bursts of Ludditism. He found his fannish calling 20 years ago as editor of FOSFAX, which has collected 7 Hugo nominations for Best Fanzine (though never coming close to winning). He has served on panels on a wide variety of subjects at several worldcons, and he and coeditor Elizabeth Garrott were Fan GOHs at Windycon in 1997.

MagicHouse Productions
One of the Midwest's premiere motion picture production houses.

Located in Logansport, Indiana, MagicHouse Productions, Inc. is an energetic, up-and-coming company on the verge of becoming one of the midwest's premiere motion picture production houses. With an 8,300 square foot facility at their disposal, they can shoot any size of production, from the modest to the magnificent.

Led by founder Mark Racop, the talented staff writes, designs, builds, shoots, edits, effects, and scores commercials to full-length motion pictures for the silver screen. MagicHouse films movies, documentaries, commercials, music videos, training films, events, and weddings.

For additional information, please refer to MagicHouse Productions's Web Page.

Joseph Major
Editor of Alexiad Fanzine

Louisville fan Joseph Major started reading at the age of two and a half and is reliably reported to have even stopped once, when having eight teeth removed under anesthesia. Though he discovered science fiction shortly thereafter, he didn't really get into fandom until 1973, and began writing about it a little while thereafter. This led eventually to his producing the book Heinlein's Children, which is eligible for the Best Related Work Hugo next year. As well, he and his wife Lisa, another enabler in the reading category (between them they have fourteen thousand books) publish a fanzine called Alexiad, which is available for a polite letter to them. Joe has been nominated for the Best Fan Writer Hugo twice and is a contributor to other fanzines.

Dr. Richard "Scott" Nokes
English Prof of Fantasy

Dr. Richard "Scott" Nokes is a professor of medieval literature at Troy University. His research has focused primarily on Anglo-Saxon magic and medicine, and Scott has also published and presented on modern medievalism, particularly the work of J.R.R. Tolkien. His current book projects include Curing Elf-shot and Other Mysterious Maladies: New Scholarship on Old English Charms, and he has done work for the Journal Tolkien Studies.

When he is not reading musty medieval manuscripts, Scott writes a well-known medieval blog, Unlocked Wordhoard, and frequently blogs about medievalism, fantasy, and science fiction in pop culture. Scott enjoys RPGs and the occasionally Cthulhu LARP. Whenever he can visit Indiana, Scott is a member of the "Backstage at the Theatre of the Mind" roleplaying troupe.

For additional information, please refer to Dr. Richard "Scott" Nokes's Web Page.

Gregg Nowling

Biography available soon.

For additional information, please refer to Gregg Nowling's Web Page.

Ellen Patterson

Ellen (a.k.a. indyellen, researchkitty, & THL Maud Aleyns) has been a fan of fandom since she attended her first InConJunction 17 years ago. She is a pop culture trivia buff, specializing in urban myths/legends as well as obscure song, movie, & TV show trivia. Her favorite fandoms are Callahan's (Spider Robinson), Babylon 5, Harry Potter, Star Trek: TNG, & CSI. She will read almost anything you put in front of her; she started reading the encyclopedia at age 6 & hasn't stopped researching yet. Ellen has also been an off-and-on member of the SCA for the past 19 years, specializing in medieval cooking & heraldry. When she's not helping at InConJunction or attending Circle of Janus meetings, she is a mild-mannered medical billing specialist with a 13 year old daughter (Jessica) and a S.O. (Tony). She can also be found online, usually at Live Journal & the Straight Dope Message Board.

Dr. Scott Phillips

Dr. Phillips is a United States Air Force Reserve flight surgeon and a member of the NASA/Space Shuttle Recovery Team out of Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. He's also the Chief of Otolaryngology at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. He brings a unique experitse in space flight medicine to InConJunction.

Jeri Picha

Jeri Picha was a closet sci-fi fan until her sister dragged her, kicking and screaming, to her first Star Base Indy in 1992. From that con she took with her a new appreciation for fandom and an extra souvenier; her future husband, Scott Picha. Jeri has a great love for science fiction and fantasy on television and the silver screen, but her real passion involves costuming. Where you find costumers gathering, you will find Jeri drooling. Although she attended Ball State University for Fashion Design and Merchandising, her true love has been creative costuming. You will often find her and Scott in costumes she has designed. She loves seeing the costumes everyone comes up with for the masquerade each year and has an appreciation for costumes from all experience levels.

Scott Picha

Scott Picha has been a fan of sci-fi since his high school days (and oh my isn't that a long time ago). As one of the founding members of the Muncie Star Trek Appreciation Club, Scott has been involved in many charity functions over the years. His favorite is the blood drives at both InConJunction and Star Base Indy. In his giving career he is over ten gallons to date and climbing, which may explain the dazed and confused look you see on his face at most conventions. Scott's other claim to fame is playing Captain Jean Luc Picard during several of the convention plays (and trust me folks, despite what people may say, he still needs a bald wig to play the part well). At least he needs the wig for now.

Gary Plumlee

Biography available soon.

Randy Porter

Randy has been a Gen Con regular since 1979 working for several different companies in the dealers room. When he's not a booth monkey, Randy is also the official historian and Keeper of the Ancient Gencon Lore. Randy is also a knowledgeable space historian in what litle free time he has.

For additional information, please refer to Randy Porter's Web Page.

Eric Power
Documentary Filmmaker

Biography available soon.

Eric Ridge

Eric has worked as a part of the production crew on a string of independent movies including "Starship 2", "Coma Care", "Incredible Fire", "Star Wars", and "Shadows". He's also been a part of the documentary "The Biggs and Carter Experience".

Kyra Shidler

Kyra Shidler has been attending InConJunction since she was a young thing. At past InConJunctions she's been in charge of the "Fun Police", been Godzilla's Mom, and Godzilla's Wife (don't ask). She's currently biding her time at college untill she can take over the wor... InConJunction.

Mark Shidler

Mark is pretty much a fixture at InConJunction and has been for years. (Not that he is old or anything.) He is a master costumer and prop builder and a member of Fyberdyne Laboratories, a Midwest costuming group known for elaborate costume work. He has been a fan for most of his life, and has been fortunate enough to be called to Hollywood to do some props for television and movies. He is currently collaborating on the production of Batmobile replicas, and manages to find time to restore historical props for collectors such as the Gort helmet from “The Day The Earth Stood Still”.

Theresa Shidler

Theresa was brought into fandom kicking and screaming and not understanding why anyone would do this type of thing… that is, until she attended her first convention. Needless to say, that was 15 years ago and she is still showing up and enjoying conventions. She has been a committee member for InConJunction for the last several years and is taking a vacation from all that real work this year.

Starfleet Command

Starfleet Command, one of the first fan clubs patterned after Star Trek, "launched" in 1974. Starfleet Command is composed of a group of science fiction fans, space enthusiasts, trekkers and trekkies who like to have fun while supporting local, regional and national charities.

As in the Stark Trek series, each member is assigned to a unit (ship), holds a rank, and becomes part of the wondrous universe that is Starfleet Command. Members receive a subscription to the Starfleet Command newsletter "STARFLEET COMMAND eNewsletter", a Starfleet Identification Card and Duty Orders. New ships receive a Commissioning Certificate. As an added benefit, members' email addresses are added to Starfleet Command's Official Fleet Listserve (Yahoo Group), and also the Regional Listserve (Yahoo Group) for their Starbase, in order to keep them up-to-date on the latest happenings in the Fleet. Initially all new members are assigned to Starfleet Academy while serving aboard their chosen ship. This is to help familiarize them with Starfleet's organization, and to assist them as they begin their journey into the realm of Starfleet Command.

George Starkey

George Starkey (1963-2138) local fan turned actor, and long time InConJunction participant, is cursed with a resemblence to George Lucas, but as of yet has been unable to find a way to capitalize on this. George's film roles include Woodworks Films' Saving Star Wars (2004) and Open Mic'rs (2006) and he is currently involved in a film project with Shane Felux (of Star Wars-Revelations fame). George is often named when someone says, "If I'm ever on Who Wants to be a Millionaire..." as a lifeline, because of his seemingly bottomless well of totally pointless and obscure trivia that he can summon at any given time.

For additional information, please refer to George Starkey's Web Page.

Mike Suess

Mike Suess has been a long time attendee at InConJunction. His father first introduced him to Incon in it's first or second year and he has been attending on his own since 1983. He enjoys science and science fiction as well as a little fantasy not only in what he reads but also in what he sees on television and in the movies. His interests also include collecting (go and ask him what), reading comics, and an ever-growing DVD collection.

Jeff Thompson

With a list of qualifications including (but not limited to) b-movie maven, sub-genius preacher, amateur improv enthusiast, sci-fi fan, computer programmer and author, amateur prop and costume designer wanna-be, amateur astronomer, playwright, webmaster, follower of all things urban-legend and/or myth, past InConJunction con-chair, and hard-core chili-head, Jeff Thompson is either a modern-day renaissance man, or someone that will do anything once you get a drink in him. Jeff's been attending InConJunction since 1983 and has been working for the convention since 1992. You can regularly catch Jeff at the Top Ten Worst Movies panel, Video Trivia Contest, Sci-Fi Whose Line, as an occasional member of InConJunction's acting troupe (the "It's Not Our Fault Players") or preaching at InConJunction's on-again/off-again Sub-Genius Devival. If you can't find him there, odds are he's in the bar.

For additional information, please refer to Jeff Thompson's Web Page.

Kathie Thompson

Never thinking of herself as a Sci-fi fan in ANY way, shape, or form before 1988, Kathie has come a long way learning and participating in the local Sci-fi community. The first two years she attended InConJunction no one even knew Kathie's name, referring to her simply as "Jeff's Wife". Since her first InConJunction in 1988 Kathie has been a stage manager, ran programming, ran the consuite, ran registration (her true calling), was the hotel liaison for many years, is running the blood drive, and was even co-conchair (with her husband Jeff) in 1997. There were several years when Kathie was running registration for StarBase Indy in November and organizing may other departments for InConJunction, all while holding down the role of treasurer for the Circle of Janus and InConJunction. Kathie introduced the first "genetically altered tribbles" to InConJunction and after her husband recovered from the vet, food, and furniture repair bills due to those 8 kittens, she realized it was time to call in the professionals and invited Cat's Haven to do the job at both Starbase Indy and InConJunction.

Rick Vanderwielen
Horror Host

Biography available soon.

For additional information, please refer to Rick Vanderwielen's Web Page.

The Whoosier Network

Biography available soon.

For additional information, please refer to The Whoosier Network's Web Page.

Daniel Wilbur

Biography available soon.

For additional information, please refer to Daniel Wilbur's Web Page.

David B. Williams

David B. Williams was enthralled by the children's TV program Captain Video at age 7 and has been an avid SF reader from age 14. He was lured into fandom in 1960 ("Hey kid, want to see some fanzines?"). Particular fannish interests include fan history and publications. In recent years he has contributed articles and essays to several leading fanzines. His collecting energies are currently focused on the works of Jack Vance, of which he owns more than 600 volumes. He opposes all attempts to make SF respectable.

Michael Allen Williams

Michael Allen Williams is a native born filmmaker and actor. He's an active LARPer and enjoys game design as well.

Mike decided to become a film maker about 15 years ago. He began working with video back in High School in program called C.I.R.T - the Indianapolis Center for Instructional Radio and Television, producing the Indianapolis Public School systems weekly in-house news program. His first film project was with MagicHouse Productions as an actor and recently has begun to work regularly as an Assistant Director. Mike likes MagicHouse because he feels that he is a good fit with its style and personnel. He feels that his virtues mesh well with the company.

Michael Z. Williamson
TV consultant and author of 12 novels including Contact with Chaos, Do Unto Others... and Rogue.

Michael Z. Williamson is a twenty-two year veteran of the US Air Force and US Army who has turned from being a full time bladesmith and blade-seller to being a full time writer who still dabbles in blades. He can be reached online at and

For additional information, please refer to Michael Z. Williamson's Web Page.

NOTE: This page contains archived web-site content.
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