NOTE: This page contains archived web-site content. Go to the InConJunction Home Page to view the information for the current year.
InConJunction Charities
Various charitable causes that InConJunction supports
InConJunction Charity Auction
Every year InConJunction hosts a charity auction to help benefit causes that are near and dear to the hearts and minds of its
organizers. Each year there are two charities that split the proceeds from the InConJunction Charity Auction. This year's charities
Indy Reads
and Indiana Raptor Center. Indy Reads is a not-for-profit organization that relies on volunteers to provide basic literacy tutoring to illiterate and semi-literate adults. Our mission is to promote and improve the literacy of adults and families in Central Indiana. We believe that everyone should have an opportunity to learn to read, and our goal is to make Indianapolis 100% literate. Our programs include one-on-one tutoring, small group sessions, English as a Second Language instruction, and “Literacy Labs” at neighborhood centers.
"Indiana Raptor Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue of injured or orphaned wild birds, their rehabilitation and their return to the wild. Our officers, board, and volunteers are a community of human supporters who actively promote education of the public on the importance of habitat preservation and the appropriate care of injured birds.
Our mission is comprised of a triad of objectives, none of which may be effectively achieved without the others: Rehabilitation, Education, and Conservation."
Please click on the links for our charities to find out a little more about them. Remember that both are great causes that use the
money to help people in our community and to promote literacy. Please check the programming schedule
for the location and time of the charity auction.
Robert A. Heinlein Memorial Blood Drive
And don't forget our annual Robert A. Heinlein Memorial Blood Drive for the benefit of the
Indiana Blood Center, Saturday from 9:00am - 2:00pm. Signs will
be posted at the convention to direct you to the sign-up and donation area for the blood drive.
The Indiana Blood Center
is a vital link in Indiana's health care infrastructure, supplying more than 550 units of blood to more than 60
Indiana hospitals every day. The nonprofit community service organization was founded in 1952 to provide a
continuous, safe and adequate supply of blood products and testing services. So lend and arm and help
InConJunction hit its annual donation goal. Donating blood is safe, simple and it saves lives.
Contact Information
If you have something you would like to donate to the InConJunction Charity Auction, go to the new
Event Planning Dashboard and sign-in (or create a new account).
From there you can sign up as a Charity Auction donor, enter your donation information and much more.
If you have questions about InConJunction's Charity Auction, have any recommendations or suggestions that you would like to share,
or need any other additional information please feel free to contact our Charity Auction Coordinator via e-mail at or write to:
InConJunction XXXVII -- Charities
P.O. Box 2921
Indianapolis, IN 46206
InConJunction Charities Documents
The following documents are available for download…
Charity Auction Listing
Coming Soon!
NOTE: This page contains archived web-site content. Go to the InConJunction Home Page to view the information for the current year.
Would you like to volunteer to help out with the convention? Do you want to apply to be a participating guest, artist, or vendor? Do you have promotional
items you want to provide or items that you'd like to donate to our charity auction? Want to receive the latest convention flyer and be kept informed of
upcoming events? You can do all this and more via our Online Address Book form.
All InConJunction participants (both approved and those pending approval) can login and update their Participant Profile and Settings via the new
Event Planning Dashboard.
Send an E-Mail to the current Convention Chair-Person at
if you would like any additional information about InConJunction. Send an E-Mail to the convention webmaster at
with questions or comments about the InConJunction web page.
InConJunction is dedicated to providing a harassment-free convention experience for everyone. This policy applies to all participants, whether Convention
Committee members, volunteers, vendors, invited guests or paying attendees.