Programming Schedule Listing

Friday, July 5th
12:00 PM Dr. Who Room

K-9 AND COMPANY with Elisabeth Sladen and John Leeson: "Pilot Episode"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
Sarah Jane Smith, former companion to the Doctor, was looking to spend a quiet Christmas with her Aunt Lavinia and her ward Brendon… but when Lavinia's protests against a black magic cult lead to her disappearance, Sarah and Brendon are on the case. Fortunately, she has a newly-arrived ally in her quest... a robot dog named K-9!

1:00 PM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Tom Baker: "Shada"   (3 Hours - Video - Rating: PG)
Here it is: the newly released version of the lost Doctor Who episode by Douglas Adams! Uncompleted during a strike by the technicians union in 1978, Shada has been released in various forms on VHS and DVD… but last year, all surviving castmates of the original production, including Tom Baker and Lalla Ward lent their talents to a near complete version filling in the production gaps with animated sequences... plus a wonderful heartwarming concluding scene guaranteed to bring laughter and tears to your eyes!

3:00 PM Main Programming

Fandom Podcasts   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Expert Panel)
There are too many podcasts out there! These days, anyone with a microphone can create a podcast. So, you like to listen to podcasts how can you stop wasting time and start finding great podcasts that talk about all things fandom. Come listen as our panelists share their favorite podcasts in the categories of books, fantasy, horror, movies, paranormal, science fiction, and television.
Participants:TammyJo Eckhart

Special Programming

Intro to Drag and Burlesque    (2 Hours - Workshop - Rating: PG)
Intro to Burlesque and Drag: Want to get into the industry, but don't know where to start? This is the place to be! Talk with industry veterans about their starts, and take notes on their advice to get into the scene! Ages: All,but panel is PG13 Location: Medium to large panel room Duration: 1-1.5 hours
Participants:Eden Sitayu

Indianapolis Ballroom A

The Worst of Star Trek: The Next Generation   (1 Hour - Round Table Discussion - Rating: PG-13)
Beckie Margedant and RJ Sullivan invite you to talk about the worst of the worst in TNG. Costumes, reactions, Geordi vs Barclay, this panel has it all.
Participants:Beckie Margedant, R.J. Sullivan

Indianapolis Ballroom B

'Those' movie/ television moments   (1 Hour - Round Table Discussion - Rating: PG)
We all have them... the movie or television moments that give us goosebumps or chills, that make you mist up. Come to this panel and share yours.
Participants:Rachel Frend

Indianapolis Ballroom C

Fans of Color Shaping your Future in Fandom.   (1 Hour)
As Fans of Color lets, discuss what positive changes, activities and adventures can be created by and for Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fans of Color. Ideas to help us thrive as part of Cons, LARPS, gaming and the other events, we participant in. Share your dreams and imaginings for your place in Fandom. What needs to change or be rearranged? This panel discussion will also be a safe space to relate the life challenges we face in as FoC. This panel is all about being civil, respectful and creative.
Participants:Barbara Doran, Paula Scott-Frantz

Motley Kids

Bottle Cap Crafts   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
We're making tokens and necklaces using bottle caps, CCG cards, and comics!
Participants:Matt Boersma

Motley Kids

Monster 'Marks   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Use some origami skills to make a monstrous bookmark!
Participants:Matt Boersma

4:00 PM Indianapolis Ballroom A

Barfleet History   (1 Hour - Presentation)
Discussion of the History of Barfleet
Participants:Lisa Meece, Charity Robertson

Indianapolis Ballroom B

The female Superhero at the movies.   (1 Hour)
Why did it take so long for female heroes to rise up in cinema? Was it worth the wait? With Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel now out, who should be next? And, why?
Participants:Mike Suess, Keri Goble Billick, Rachel Frend, R.J. Sullivan

Indianapolis Ballroom C

KoDT Live Read   (1 Hour - Presentation - Rating: G)
Live reading of Scripts from the Comic Strip Knights of the Dinner Table
Participants:John Belden, Wendy Carson

Dr. Who Room

FAVORITE DOCTOR WHO VILLAINS (who aren't the Daleks, the Cybermen or the Master)   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: PG)
When it comes to the Doctor's most nefarious enemies, it almost always comes down to the terrible trio: the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Master as fandom's favorite baddies. But how about the Ice Warriors, or the Autons, or even the Vashta Nerada? Mark "De Boss" Dooley leads a discussion about the other great villains in the Time Lord's rogues gallery who, though not quite as well known, gave the Doctor a rough way to go.

4:30 PM Motley Kids

Button Bouquets   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Turn some buttons in to some flowers!
Participants:Matt Boersma

5:00 PM Main Programming

Get to Know Kilgore Trout   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: PG)
Let's talk about our Author Guest of Honor, whether he shows up or not! Hoosier literary legend Kurt Vonnegut had a lot to say about him, so with the help of the Vonnegut Museum and Library, we examine Trout's life, deaths, and the available fragments of his prolific writing.
Participants:Kilgore Trout, John Belden

Special Programming

A Leap In Time: A Quantum Leap Celebration Panel   (1 Hour - General Discussion)
30 years ago, Dr Sam Beckett walked into the quantum leap accelerator and into the cultural zeitgeist. To this day, Quantum Leap has a foothold in science fiction and popular culture. Join in as we reminisce on what was and what could have been for Sam, Al, Ziggy and the Project Quantum Leap crew.
Participants:Andrea Mariano, Mike Suess, Keri Goble Billick, Marian Allen, Rachel Frend

Indianapolis Ballroom A

History of the UBS Indycent   (1 Hour - Presentation - Rating: TV-PG)
The UBS Indycent has been throwing parties at fan-run conventions for 15 years now. Come learn how it started and hear stories from our time at InCon and other local conventions.
Participants:Lisa Meece

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Peter Capaldi, David Bradley, and introducing Jodie Whittaker: "Twice Upon a Time""   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Video - Rating: PG)
The Doctor is pushing back against his regeneration… both of him! The Twelfth Doctor encounters the First at the North Pole, along with a confused and injured British captain plucked fresh from a life or death showdown in a foxhole in World War I. But how is Bill still alive and in a decidedly uncybernetic body... and what is the purpose of the android known as Testimony? If you don't own a box of kleenex, buy one and bring it.

5:30 PM Motley Kids

Motley Masquerade   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Come join the Motley Kids for the Motley Masquerade! We'll decorate masks, play some games, and parade with our responsible adults around the Con!
Participants:Matt Boersma

6:00 PM Main Programming

Opening Ceremonies   (1 Hour - Presentation)
Welcome to InConJunction 39
Participants:John Belden, Jolly Blackburn, Mikey Mason, Michael Parks, Terry Pavlet, Doug Powers, Kilgore Trout

6:30 PM Dr. Who Room

WELCOME TO THE WHOOSIER NETWORK!   (30 Minutes - Expert Panel - Rating: PG-13)
Mark "De Boss" Dooley welcomes everyone to the "convention within a convention", the Whoosier Network room at InConJunction!

7:00 PM Main Programming

Comedy Rock Geek Mikey Mason   (1 Hour - Performance - Rating: PG)
A nationally touring performer with more than a decade of professional stand-up comedy experience, and with hits like She Don%u2019t Like Firefly, Best Game Ever, and Opposite of Cool, Mikey Mason is a ball of contagious enthusiasm who makes songs about role-p
Participants:Mikey Mason

Special Programming

Cosplay is NOT Consent    (1 Hour - Q & A - Rating: PG)
Cosplay is NOT consent: A one hour informative panel about consent and all aspects of it. From touching someone in a photo, touching and grabbing props without permission. Some subject matter will be sensitive in nature, but content warnings will be given. Will also discuss security measures that the con provides, as well as what to do if you experience a consent violation. Ages: All Duration: 1 hour Location: Small to medium panel room
Participants:Eden Sitayu

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Haunted by House of Leaves   (1 Hour - Round Table Discussion - Rating: PG-13)
House of Leaves is not just a book. It's an experience that can stick with you. Come discuss this abnormal tale with others who are still affected by its mysterious pages. Please note, there will likely be spoilers. Attendance is not recommended if you haven't read the book yet, as the ordeal of adventuring into this complex and occasionally unsound collection of narratives is not one that the average reader would want subverted.
Participants:Andrea Mariano

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Doctor Who, The Year in Review   (1 Hour - Audience Participation)
This year saw a new season of episodes with a new Doctor, new Showrunner, new companions, even a new gender! How did it go, and what does it mean for the future? Let's discuss the biggest shift in DW since its return!
Participants:R.J. Sullivan, E. Chris Garrison, Rachel Frend

Indianapolis Ballroom C

The Return of Make Your Own SuperHero   (2 Hours - Workshop)
Feel like stopping for a crafting break? Come dive into our stash of supplies and dolls and see what you can create! (Blank bodies are 1:6 scale, but feel free to bring your own if you work in other sizes!) All materials provided are free of charge.
Participants:Jill Racop

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "The Woman Who Fell to Earth"   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Video - Rating: PG)
In a South Yorkshire city, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan and Graham O’Brien are about to have their lives changed forever, as a mysterious woman, unable to remember her own name, falls from the night sky. Can they believe a word she says? And can she help solve the strange events taking place across the city?

Filk Bowl

A Gathering of The CW Fandom   (1 Hour - General Discussion)
The CW was once an upstart TV station but now it is a giant. If you love to watch their shows, come and share your reasons why among other fans. Feel free to bring your posters, books, or garb to chat about your favorite CW show(s).
Participants:John F. Allen, TammyJo Eckhart

8:00 PM Main Programming

Arcadefire! [The Redemption of Billy Mitchell]   (3 Hours - Performance - Rating: PG-13)
Local playwright Casey Ross has penned the book for her second musical venture, this time about the good old day of arcade gaming and arcade legend, Billy Mitchell, the King of Kong. Catalyst Repertory (Ross's theatre) would like to host and live stream a reading of the play, inculding the songs, and projections to a panel audience, after we'd do a talk back of the show, with Billy Mitchell (Skyped in.) To get a vibe of the show you can visit our website:
Participants:Casey Ross

Special Programming

How Has #MeToo Affected Fandom?   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Expert Panel - Rating: R)
The 2019 edition of GeekGirlsUnite! our ongoing discussion of issues relating to gender and sexuality in the convention and fandom worlds. Come and share your experience or volunteer to sit on our panel. Warning: discussion of harassment at this may use language that some parents might not be comfortable with.
Participants:TammyJo Eckhart

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Scheherazade's Successors - Absorbing ARG and Serial Storytelling   (1 Hour - General Discussion - Rating: PG-13)
ARG means Alternate Reality Game or Augmented Reality Game, which is typically an interactive story. Most ARG use social media like Facebook, Twitter, Vlogs, Instagram, Webistes, and Youtube to tell an extended story over a long period of time in snippets. Many include puzzles, but a good number of them rely on simply publishing regular videos, tweets, or images.
Participants:Andrea Mariano

Filk Bowl

Hidden Worlds: Incursion - Roleplaying Game Launch Party!   (2 Hours - Gaming - Rating: PG)
This is THE Launch Party for a brand new RPG called Hidden Worlds: Incursion. Set in the same world setting as Bryan Donihue's Knight's Bane Trilogy, this traditional pencil-and-paper roleplaying game uses a brand new game system. Using a single d20, the game is a limitless experience in a world where monsters and fae and other creatures go bump in the night. Characters wield modern weapons and arcane energies to battle the darkness. No Levels. No Classes. No Limits. We will also be raffling off copies of the game and exclusive swag. All raffle proceeds will go to Indy Reads, a charity partner of InConJunction! Celebrate the new launch, get exclusive swag, and talk to the designers and beta players about the newest RPG.
Participants:Bryan Donihue

8:30 PM Dr. Who Room

The pundits have spoken… now, how do YOU feel about a female Doctor? It's been the fodder of fan fiction, amateur fan videoes, and not a few naughty dreams… and now the idea is a reality!

9:00 PM Indianapolis Ballroom A

Creepy Pasta and Nosleep - Bite-sized Tales of Ominous Terror   (1 Hour - General Discussion - Rating: PG-13)
The internet is a wonderful media for short storytelling. Creepy Pasta are brief horror stories written by just about anybody, occasionally creating new mythos. Typically spun by amateurs, some are incredibly written and stick with the reader long after the experience of reading them. Many have a supernatural or Sci-fi Element wrapped up in a chilling format that sometimes includes haunted imagery, unexplained video, viral characters, or even mysterious objects.
Participants:Andrea Mariano

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "The Ghost Monument"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
Still reeling from their first encounter, can the Doctor and her new friends stay alive long enough, in a hostile alien environment , to solve the mystery of Desolation? And just who are Angstrom and Epzo??

10:00 PM Indianapolis Ballroom C

Randomly Randy   (1 Hour - Rating: R)
A panel of 4 or 5 readers. A table covered with naughty books. One by one, each reader picks up a book, randomly points to a paragraph and begins reading it aloud. And the uneven transitions between where one individual leaves off and the next begins is often hilarions.
Participants:Travis Clemmons

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "Rosa"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
Montgomery, Alabama. 1955. The Doctor and her friends find themselves in the Deep South of America. As they encounter a seamstress by the name of Rosa Parks, they begin to wonder: is someone attempting to change history?

Filk Bowl

Open Filk   (3 Hours - Audience Participation)
Feel free to bring your songbook, instrument or just yourself to sing, listen and enjoy fandom's version of "folk" music.
Participants:Charity Robertson

11:00 PM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "Arachnids in the UK"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG-13)
The Doctor, Yaz, Graham and Ryan find their way back to Yorkshire – and Yaz’s family – only to find something is stirring amidst the eight-legged arachnid population of Sheffield.

12:00 AM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Patrick Troughton: "The Underwater Menace"   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Video - Rating: PG)
The TARDIS lands in the lost city of Atlantis, where the crazed Prof. Zaroff convinces the Atlanteans that he can raise their city from beneath the sea. But the Doctor soon discovers that Zaroff's plans have placed the entire planet in jeopardy!

2:00 AM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Matt Smith: "The Angels Take Manhattan"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
A trip to a local Manhattan coffee shop leads Rory Williams to an encounter with a Weeping Angel, sending him hurling back to 1938, where he meets up with River Song. The Doctor and Amy are in hot pursuit, but the Angels have a much greater plan in store... the takeover of all of Manhattan Island! Bring loads of tissue for this one. You're gonna need it.

3:00 AM Dr. Who Room

Room shutdown until 9:00 AM   (6 Hours)
Even Doctor Who fans have to knock off for an hour or so. Go, get some rest. We'll be back at 9:00 after some nice rem time and a hearty breakfast!

Saturday, July 6th
9:00 AM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO AT THE PROMS   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: G)
Freema Agyeman hosts a spectacular musical tribute at the Royal Albert Hall to the music of Murray Gold featured in the reboot of Doctor Who, and a celebration of David Tennant's wonderful take on the Doctor, "The Man Who Never Would"! Also featuring the Doctor mini-adventure "Music of the Spheres" starring David Tennant and Jimmie Vee as the Graske!

Veterans 5

Robert A Heinlein Memorial Blood Drive   (4 Hours)
Annual Blood Drive

10:00 AM Main Programming

Science Fiction and Fantasy Musicals   (1 Hour - Expert Panel)
From megahits such as Wicked and Phantom of the Opera to such obscurities as Weird Romance and Metropolis, there's a long history of efforts to turn science fiction and fantasy into musical theater magic. Veteran arts writer and theater critic discusses--and shows clips from--a wide range of them, inviting audience members to share their theatrical experiences.
Participants:Lou Harry

Special Programming

Saturday Morning Cartoons with the Shake Ups!   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Join Indy's very own Shake Ups for a fun filled convert featuring their original music and themes from shows from across the years!
Participants:The Shake Ups, Beckie Margedant

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Independent Publishers on Indie Publishing   (2 Hours - Expert Panel)
Hear from various independently published authors on their adventures and misshapes in indie publishing, the Dos and Don'ts of self-publishing. Take part in a Q&A after each author has shared a few tips and suggestions.
Participants:T. Lee Harris, Marian Allen, Kimber Grey, J Welin, James Barnes, Barbara Doran, Luther Siler, Dan R. Arman, Mary Arman

Indianapolis Ballroom B

A Quest in Cypher - Unraveling the Internet's Crypto Puzzles   (1 Hour - Round Table Discussion)
The internet is home to many fascinating and mysterious games created to pinpoint, recruit, and entertain highly-intelligent individuals. These games are often arranged like a scavenger hunt where the player goes from puzzle to puzzle to find leads to the next challenge. To this day, a few of these puzzles remain unsolved. Organizations like Cicada 3301 have fascinated and stumped entire groups of resourceful solvers for many years with intricate puzzles including cyphers, hidden imagery, secret codes, musical mysteries and broad snippets of knowledge including history, pop culture, literature, movies, and even obscure trivia.
Participants:Andrea Mariano

Indianapolis Ballroom C

Harry Potter Academy   (6 Hours - Rating: G)
Your Owl has arrived! Experience a bit of Hogwarts in Indy with classes presented by the Order of Inquiry, the local chapter of the Harry Potter Alliance. Muggles welcome.

Dr. Who Room

THE DOCTOR WHO FILMS OF RYAN K. JOHNSON with Barbara Benedetti   (2 Hours - Video - Rating: G)
Long before Jodie Whittaker assumed the role of the 13th Doctor, Seattle-based filmaker Ryan K. Johnson envisioned a Doctor Who unlike any of the previous incarnations, starring actress Barbara Benedetti as a female Time Lord. Here we present the four episodes he produced and directed: "The Wrath of Eukor", "Visions of Utomu", "Pentagon West", and "Broken Doorways"

11:00 AM Main Programming

Jolly Blackburn - Q & A   (1 Hour - Q & A - Rating: G)
Question and answer with one of Comic Writer Guest of Honor Jolly Blackburn
Participants:Jolly Blackburn

Motley Kids

Bottle Cap Crafts   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
We're making tokens and necklaces using bottle caps, CCG cards, and comics!
Participants:Matt Boersma

12:00 PM Main Programming

Cosplay and Puppetry   (1 Hour)
Come meet and discuss modern Cosplay and Puppetry with Cosplay Guest of Honor Michael Parks.
Participants:Michael Parks

Special Programming

Conlangs into Culture: Worldbuilding Through Constructed Language   (1 Hour - Presentation - Rating: G)
Don't know where to start with your worldbuilding? Consider starting with a constructed language and building up from there. Author JW Troemner will walk you through one process for connecting invented languages to the people who speak them.
Participants:JW Troemner

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Publishing... Self-Publishing vs. Small Press vs. Traditional Publishing   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: PG)
Are you an aspiring writer? Are you interested in publishing your manuscript? Have you already published, but curious about the other options? Talk to published authors from a range of backgrounds and publishers. Ask your questions and find out how to get your manuscript in front of readers, and get paid for it.
Participants:Barbara Doran, John F. Allen, Bryan Donihue, Lou Harry, T. Lee Harris, James Barnes, R.J. Sullivan, Luther Siler, Mary Arman

Motley Kids

Fandom Challenge begins   (30 Minutes - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
A series of challanges throught the day, with teams for different fandoms! Check in throughout the day for differnet challenges to do in order to earn points for your favorite fandom!
Participants:Matt Boersma

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jon Pertwee: "The Sea Devils"   (2 Hours, 30 Minutes - Video - Rating: G)
Where the Silurians failed in their attempt to retake the Earth, their genetic cousins the Sea Devils may succeed… especially since they've allied themselves to the Master, who has his own malevolent plans for conquest!

12:30 PM Motley Kids

TARDIS   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Make your own Blue Box. Mad man not included.
Participants:Matt Boersma

1:00 PM Main Programming

Terry Pavlet - Q & A   (1 Hour - Q & A - Rating: G)
Question and answer with one of Artist Guest of Honor Terry Pavlet
Participants:Terry Pavlet

Special Programming

The Fantasy Worlds of William Shakespeare   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: PG)
Join actor/director Doug Powers and playwright/arts writer Lou Harry for a dive into the world's best known writer of fantasy and horror. Yes, we're talking about Billy Shakes and such plays as A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Hamlet and Titus Andronicus.
Participants:Lou Harry, Doug Powers

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Were your TV shows cancelled too soon?   (1 Hour)
Name your favorite shows that were cancelled too soon? Why were they your favorites?
Participants:Mike Suess, Marian Allen

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Reading: Battle/Action Scenes   (1 Hour - Author Reading)
An event where various fiction (SF/Fantasy/Horror/etc...) authors read an action or battle scene from one of their books. This is sure to be an exciting look into the worlds of the authors at InConJunction.
Participants:Barbara Doran, Matthew Barron, Sara Deurell, T. Lee Harris, Kimber Grey, J Welin, Dan R. Arman, Mary Arman

Filk Bowl

Meet the Circle of Janus   (1 Hour - Round Table Discussion - Rating: G)
It sounds like some secret society, but they want everyone to know! Find out about the Science Fiction and Fantasy literary group that brings InConJunction to us all year after year!

2:00 PM Main Programming

Greetings From Tralfamadore! Sci-fi in Vonnegut's works   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: G)
In conjunction with the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library's celebration of the 50th Anniversary of "Slaughterhouse-Five," we look at Vonnegut's use of science fiction in this and his other books, such as time travel, as well as the aliens and planets in the allegorical stories of Kilgore Trout.
Participants:Kilgore Trout, Sara Deurell, Jason Aukerman

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Making Art with Terry Pavlet   (1 Hour - Audience Participation - Rating: G)
Come make art with our artist Guset of Honor Terry Pavlet
Participants:Terry Pavlet

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Podcasting 101   (1 Hour - General Discussion)
Podcasting is a fast-growing medium, with countless new shows appearing every day. Have you thought about launching your own podcast? Come and hear tips and tricks on starting your own show.
Participants:Rachel Frend, James Barnes

Motley Kids

Slime Experiments   (2 Hours - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
We've got lots of ways to make slime and lots of stuff to use to make it. Plus, we'll have some known recipes to tweak. Come see what we can make!
Participants:Matt Boersma

Filk Bowl

Starfleet Command Mid Year Meeting   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Mid Year meeting for Starfleet Command
Participants:Mary Miller

2:30 PM Dr. Who Room

BLACKADDER II with Rowan Atkinson: "Potato"   (30 Minutes - Video - Rating: G)
International treasure Rowan Atkinson plays the scheming Edmund Blackadder in the second series set in the 16th Century. In this episode, Edmund seeks to woo the heart of spoiled Queen Bess by out-potatoing Sir Walter "Ooo, what a big ship I've got" Raleigh by setting sail for the Indies. Also featuring a certain Time Lord as a not-quite so sane sea captain.

3:00 PM Special Programming

Advanced Nerd Speed Dating 18    (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Audience Participation - Rating: R)
Looking for activities partners, someone to talk to, a convention buddy, or a love connection? Our speed dating event is for anyone looking for a new possibility. Please fill out the questionnaire so the correct matches can be made. Please note, the convention is only providing the venue for meeting. Many websites offer background checks for a nominal fee. Trans individuals are encouraged to fill out the application as their identifying gender. The convention is not responsible for accuracy of participant answers, histories, or a relationship's future potential. Though every method will be made to pair individuals with preferred potential speed dates, results may vary. ID to prove age may be required.
Participants:Andrea Mariano

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Audiobook Tips & Tricks   (1 Hour - Expert Panel)
Tips from the professionals on creating audiobooks. Does your book need to be in audio? YES. Learn more about how audiobooks can enhance your print and ebook sales, how to select a narrator, the audiobook process and much more.
Participants:James Barnes

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Reading: Favorite Fun Chapters   (1 Hour - Author Reading)
An event where various fiction (SF/Fantasy/Horror/etc...) authors read their favorite FUN chapter from one of their books. Don't just learn about the worlds and characters of the authors at InConJunction, learn what really tickles them, and what they love to write.
Participants:Barbara Doran, Marian Allen, Sara Deurell, Kimber Grey, E. Chris Garrison, Dan R. Arman, Mary Arman, Luther Siler

Dr. Who Room

ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A SCI-FI GEEK?   (1 Hour - Audience Participation - Rating: G)
He's back to challenge the brainiest and the best trivia minds at InCon! Mark C. Dooley is MOC of the traditional trivia contest that makes the massacres of the Walking Dead look like tempermental kids fighting in the sandbox!

Filk Bowl

Masquerade Craftsmanship Judging   (1 Hour)
To give the judges of the costuming contest a chance to see the workmanship that went into your creation, meet at the Filk Bowl with costume components.

4:00 PM Main Programming

Charity Auction - Indy Reads and The Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Audience Participation)
Come see what's up for auction. Proceeds benefit Indy Reads and the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library
Participants:Lou Harry

Indianapolis Ballroom A

The Challenges and Joys of Microfiction   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: G)
Join our panel of authors who have successfully tackled the microfiction category of science fiction, fantasy, horror, or other speculative fiction. What are the challenges unique to writing microfiction which can range from only a few words to under 1500 depending on the publisher's definition.
Participants:TammyJo Eckhart, Marian Allen, E. Chris Garrison, Luther Siler

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Writing Panel: Plot Driven or Character -Driven, do we have to choose?   (1 Hour - Expert Panel)
We will discuss ways to add more character to your plot driven stories and more plot to your character driven stories.
Participants:Barbara Doran, John F. Allen, Keri Goble Billick, T. Lee Harris, Matthew Barron, Sara Deurell, Mary Arman

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with David Tennant: "Army of Ghosts", "Doomsday"   (2 Hours - Video - Rating: PG)
Upon returning to the Estates and Rose's home, the Doctor and that ghostly images are appearing all over the world before Earth's populace. Like Rose's mom, many believe them to be returned spirits. But as the adventurers dig into the phenomenon, they uncover that evil... and familiar... forces are behind the events!

4:30 PM Motley Kids

Ocean Creatures   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Come paint (or otherwise decorate) and ocean creature.
Participants:Matt Boersma

5:00 PM Special Programming

Breakfast Anytime!   (1 Hour)
Locally-based fandom improv troupe will entertain you -- with your help, of course.0
Participants:Charity Robertson

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Best Book I Read since Inconjunction 2018   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: PG)
In the year since our last discussion we've all done more reading whether it has been short stories, essays, novels, or even graphic novels and comic books. Join our panel to hear their list of their "Best' finds since we last gathered. Note: Books do not need to be have been published in 2018 or 2019, they just need to be the first time they were read by the panelists.
Participants:Rachel Frend, Sara Deurell, Stephen Bridge, TammyJo Eckhart, Dan R. Arman

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Writing Worlds: Writing and Publishing Superhero Fiction   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: PG)
Come discuss the writing process with Casey Glanders, author of the critically acclaimed Gailsone series. Discuss the do%u2019s and don%u2019ts of writing, working with story lines, keeping your audience interested, and more.
Participants:John F. Allen, Keri Goble Billick, Casey Glanders

Indianapolis Ballroom C

Wizards Unite!   (1 Hour - Round Table Discussion)
The Ministry of Magic has called you here to discuss your mission to find all the magic items and creatures that have escaped into the Muggle world! For the curious "no-mags" attending, this is a round-table discussion of the Niantic AR game that will take (or is taking, if active) your attention away from just catching those pesky Pokemon.
Participants:John Belden

Filk Bowl

Let's Be Friends. Introverts Welcome!   (1 Hour - Audience Participation - Rating: G)
Do you need friends? Are you open to having more? This is a gathering of individuals who are interested in making friends. A few ice breaking activities will be available for those who are shy, inexperienced, or clumsy with social interaction.
Participants:Andrea Mariano

6:00 PM Main Programming

Costuming Competition   (1 Hour)
Our "Masquerade" -- Come watch or compete in the annual Costuming contest, open to all convention attendees at no cost. Prizes for winners! Short (up to one minute) skit Performances are encouraged.
Participants:Michelle Mussoni, Doug Powers

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Making a web-series    (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: PG)
estival Panel Proposal Draft- Producing a Web-Series: The Descent into Madness Synopsis: Intro- 1-3 minute video teaser/trailer 5 member panel ( Executive Producer/ Producer/ Director/ Writer/ Talent) 45mins Background %u2013 Development and Pre-Production 1- Story and writing Creating the story and writing the scripts 2- Crew and Cast Gathering your production team and casting 3- Gear, Wardrobe and Props Getting the equipment, the wardrobe and the props 4- Pre-Production Location scouting and rehearsals 5- Filming Lighting, audio, craft services, make up and practical effects 6- Post-Production Editing, VFX, Audio FX and Scoring 7- Release and Promotion Distribution (self or VOD), Merchandise, Promoting and Building your fanbase/audience 8- Conclusion Summation of the presentation 9- Q & A With the audience
Participants:J Welin

Indianapolis Ballroom B

World Building for Authors and Game Designers   (1 Hour)
The biggest challenge for both an author or a game designer is creating a full, believable world for the audience. But is it the same challenge for each? Let's take a look.
Participants:Barbara Doran, Bryan Donihue, Keri Goble Billick, T. Lee Harris, Sara Deurell, Kimber Grey, R.J. Sullivan, Luther Siler

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "The Tsuranga Conundrum"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
Injured and stranded in the wilds of a far-flung galaxy, The Doctor, Yaz, Graham and Ryan must band together with a group of strangers to survive against one of the universe’s most deadly -- and unusual -- creatures.

Filk Bowl

Open Filk   (6 Hours)
Feel free to bring your songbook, instrument or just yourself to sing, listen and enjoy fandom's version of "folk" music.
Participants:Charity Robertson

7:00 PM Main Programming

Power Point Improv   (1 Hour - Audience Participation - Rating: PG)
Last year's "twisted TED Talk" returns. Select, by title only, a short set of public-domain PowerPoint slides and give whatever silly lecture feels appropriate. Feel free to join in, or just watch and enjoy.
Participants:John Belden, Wendy Carson

Special Programming

Astronomy 101   (1 Hour - Demonstration - Rating: G)
An all-ages introduction to amateur astronomy for people who have always had the interest but never got started. We explore how telescopes work and what would be a good one to start with (that won't break the bank). Also how to find objects in the night sky when you don't know what's there. Presented by David Henninger and Dennis Ciurej
Participants:John Belden

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Trends in Nerdlesque and Burlesque    (1 Hour - Q & A - Rating: PG-13)
Sit down with members of Bubble Pop Burlesque and talk about up and coming trends in the burlesque world. See what people are clamoring to see at Nerdlesque shows, and discuss the sudden popularity of nerdy burlesque!
Participants:Eden Sitayu

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Is The Walking Dead TV Show Dead to You?   (1 Hour - Audience Participation - Rating: TV-MA)
Years back, we had Walking Dead Fan Rallies here at Inconjunction that drew a big crowd. We continued for a few years but with declining numbers each years. Get together with former watchers and current watchers to share what has and has not worked in the TV series for you. Why did you stop watching? Why do you keep watching?
Participants:TammyJo Eckhart

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "Demons of the Punjab"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
India, 1947. The Doctor and her friends arrive in the Punjab, as the country is being torn apart. While Yaz attempts to discover her grandmother’s hidden history, the Doctor discovers demons haunting the land. Who are they and what do they want?

8:00 PM Main Programming

Weird Science 2019   (2 Hours)
Stand-up scientist Dr. Rob Pyatt leads another discussion on some of the strangest science studies ever conducted. Ever wonder how long it will take a Lego to pass through your digestive system if you swallow it? In today's modern world, what exactly is a sexual fantasy that's honestly unusual? We'll also review the results of last year's study on clown fear!
Participants:Rob Pyatt, Ph.D., Charity Robertson

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Books to Movies - What Happened to the Story   (1 Hour)
You've read your favorite book and now you'll get to see the movie. But ... the movie isn't like the book. What a disappointment. Why do they do that?
Participants:Michael D'Ambrosio

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Weirdest Television Show I Love(d)   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Expert Panel)
There have always been weird, strange, and wacky shows on television. Many of these have been science fiction, fantasy, or horror. Come and hear what our panelists think are not just weirdest but the best television shows we all need to check out.
Participants:Barbara Doran, TammyJo Eckhart

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "Kerblam!"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
A mysterious message arrives in a package addressed to the Doctor, leading her, Graham, Yaz and Ryan to investigate the warehouse moon orbiting Kandoka, and the home of the galaxy’s largest retailer: Kerblam!

8:30 PM Special Programming

GPR Podcast Live   (1 Hour - Performance - Rating: PG)
The guys from GPR doing a live podcast from InConJunction.
Participants:Topher Chambers

9:00 PM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "The Witchfinders"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz arrive in 17th century Lancashire and become embroiled in a witch trial, run by the local landowner. As fear stalks the land, the arrival of King James I only serves to intensify the witch hunt. But is there something even more dangerous at work? Can the Doctor and friends keep the people of Bilehurst Cragg safe from all the forces that are massing in the land?

10:00 PM Main Programming

Wandering Star    (3 Hours)
Welcome back Wandering Star Karaoke

Special Programming

Comedy Rock Geek Mikey Mason   (1 Hour - Performance - Rating: PG)
A nationally touring performer with more than a decade of professional stand-up comedy experience, and with hits like She Don%u2019t Like Firefly, Best Game Ever, and Opposite of Cool, Mikey Mason is a ball of contagious enthusiasm who makes songs about role-p
Participants:Mikey Mason

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Little Deaths -- Reading from TammyJo Eckhart   (1 Hour - Author Reading - Rating: ADULT)
TammyJo has gotten into a new fiction format -- microfictions! Please come and listen to some of her published and unpublished pieces. These are primarily horror erotica but there are some contemporary pieces as well.
Participants:TammyJo Eckhart

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "It Takes You Away"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: PG)
On the edge of a Norwegian fjord, in the present day, The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz discover a boarded-up cottage and a girl named Hanne in need of their help. What has happened here? What monster lurks in the woods around the cottage – and beyond?

11:00 PM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Peter Davison: "Earthshock"   (2 Hours - Video - Rating: G)
The TARDIS crew, while investigating the deaths of an archeological team in the future, find themselves aboard a freighter that contains a secret cargo… an army of Cybermen!

1:00 AM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Sylvester McCoy: "The Curse of Fenric"   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Video - Rating: G)
Ace's life journey continues when she and the Doctor arrive at a secret British naval base in World War II, where the base's scientists and commanders have decrypted ancient passages that have summoned the undead Wolves of Fenric. But in the midst of all hell literally breaking loose, Ace encounters an infant in the care of one of the nurses... a baby with a life-shattering secret for Ace!

2:30 AM Dr. Who Room

Room shutdown until 9:00 AM   (6 Hours)
Time for some shuteye and breaky! See you at 9:00!

Sunday, July 7th
9:00 AM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Tom Baker: "Underworld"   (2 Hours - Video - Rating: G)
The Doctor and Leela find themselves trapped within a futuristic Jason and the Argonauts-style adventure with a group of questors who have been seeking a genetic bank that could restore their species. Special note: This is the story that set Mark "De Boss" Dooley on his path to becoming a Doctor Who fan.


Vader Head Hunt   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Join us for our annual Vader Head Hunt! Meet us in the Atrium for a fast paced seek and collect game with prizes. We'll wait for about 10 minutes for people to join, but once this event starts, it moves very fast and is over very quickly, so be on time!
Participants:Beckie Margedant

10:00 AM Main Programming

In Memoriam   (1 Hour - Presentation - Rating: PG)
Let's reflect on those we'd lost in the fandom since the last Inconjunction

Special Programming

Sunday Funday with the Shake Ups   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Join the Shake Ups and Fun Police for a silly hour of songs and activities!
Participants:Beckie Margedant, The Shake Ups

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Non-Denominational Chapel Service   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity)
Non-denominational worship service. Open to all.

Indianapolis Ballroom C

Marvel and DC, Movies and TV, Year in Review   (1 Hour - Audience Participation)
Marvel had dominated the movies screen and Netflix while DC struggled everywhere but the CW. What then to make of this past year's surprises? Let's discuss!
Participants:Mike Suess, John F. Allen, R.J. Sullivan

Motley Kids

CD Tops   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Take a compact disc (ask your parents about them) and turn it into a top!
Participants:Matt Boersma

Motley Kids

Alien Invasion   (2 Hours, 30 Minutes - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
Come make a fluffy alien!
Participants:Matt Boersma

11:00 AM Main Programming

Turning Your Hobby Into A Profession   (1 Hour)
Mikey Mason has been a full-time, professional entertainer for well over a decade. In this panel he discusses the process by which he made the leap from middle-management to full-time comedian to full time geek entertainer, and how you can apply those les
Participants:Mikey Mason

Indianapolis Ballroom B

So You Want to Run a Convention?   (1 Hour)
Discussion of tips and warnings of what it's like to run a convention from those who have.
Participants:Lisa Meece

Indianapolis Ballroom C

Marvel and DC at the Movies   (1 Hour)
Rank the Marvel and DC movies from worst to best. Come ready to defend those opinions.
Participants:Mike Suess, John F. Allen, Keri Goble Billick

Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "The Battle of Rangskoor Av Kolos"   (1 Hour - Video - Rating: G)
On the planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos, lies the remains of a brutal battlefield. But as the Doctor, Graham, Yaz and Ryan answer nine separate distress calls, they discover the planet holds far more secrets. Who is the mysterious commander with no memory? What lies beyond the mists? Who or what are the Ux? The answers will lead the Doctor and her friends towards a deadly reckoning.

11:30 AM Motley Kids

Fishbowls   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
We're making mini-fishbowls! Come make a little friend to take home!
Participants:Matt Boersma

12:00 PM Main Programming

Pub Trivia with Lou Harry   (2 Hours - Audience Participation - Rating: PG)
Lou returns with more questions, more prizes, and more reasons to slap yourself in the head and say "I KNEW THAT!" Pub Trivia, for those who haven't experienced this long-running InCon event, isn't high pressure. Bring a team of four or come solo and we'll create one for you. As a team, you'll answer rounds of 10 questions, having a blast along the way to prizeland. (First place team gets first pick.)
Participants:Lou Harry

Special Programming

Iceland Spar - The Viking Sunstone?   (1 Hour - Presentation - Rating: G)
Did the Vikings use Optical Calcite as an Aid to Navigation? An exploration of the use of optical calcite as an aid to navigation in the Viking and later eras. What are the candidates for the %u201CSolarstein%u201D mentioned in the Icelandic sagas? Why is optical calcite (Iceland Spar) the most likely candidate? The various references in the sagas will be examined to explore what they can tell us. How a crystal of Iceland Spar can be used to locate the position of the sun when the sun itself is not visible. How to build your own sunstone device. Scientific uses of optical calcite. Comments on the Vegvisir %u2013 an example of Icelandic runic magic. Samples of Iceland Spar and two sunstone navigation devices will be on display.
Participants:Richard and Angie Fox

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Babylon 5: What Might Have Been   (1 Hour - General Discussion - Rating: G)
Babylon 5: What Might Have Been This J. Michel Straczynski Television Epic began with a 2 Hour Movie in 1993. 15 Years, 110 Episodes, 5 More movies and 1 Direct To Video Production later ... The series finally ground to a halt. Along the way, Straczynski was often forced to make unplanned changes to the story because of Cast Resignations, Cast Firings, and Changing Priorities at Warner Brothers Distribution and the TNT Network. Because of this, certain story arcs were occasionally begun and then later dropped as though that particular tale had never even started. So let's spend a bit of time looking at what might have been if things had gone much closer to the original plan of JMS.
Participants:Travis Clemmons

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Screenplay Fundamentals - What to Know BEFORE you write the script   (1 Hour)
You've finished writing a script and now you're all excited about marketing it. But then you find out ... Gee, if I only knew that before I wrote it, I'd do it differently.
Participants:Michael D'Ambrosio, J Welin

Indianapolis Ballroom C

The Marvel Saga: did it end well?   (1 Hour)
Did Avengers: Endgame fulfill your expectations?
Participants:Mike Suess, John F. Allen, Keri Goble Billick, Rachel Frend

Dr. Who Room

THE WHO-NET DOORPRIZE DRAWING!   (30 Minutes - Video - Rating: G)
We hope you all have your tickets, because we have some really great prize packages this year!

12:30 PM Dr. Who Room

DOCTOR WHO with Jodie Whittaker: "Resolution"   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Video - Rating: G)
As the New Year begins, a terrifying evil is stirring, from across the centuries of Earth’s history. As the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz return home, will they be able to overcome the threat to planet Earth?

1:00 PM Special Programming

Film Premiere - The Tube   (1 Hour, 30 Minutes - Video - Rating: PG-13)
Rutledge Productions is proud to announce it's first feature length anthology release, "The Tube". A tourist couple head to the sun and fun of Florida only for the husband to get sucked into watching the television the whole day. Much to the dismay of his wife. Thousands of channels, lets see what is on. Starring Joel D. Wynkoop, Catherine Wynkoop, Mark A Nash, and Steven Durgarn

Indianapolis Ballroom A

How should your show end?   (1 Hour)
All TV shows must come to an end sometime. How did the best ones do it? Some longstanding TV shows are about to end (or have just ended). How should they end their runs?
Participants:Mike Suess, Marian Allen

Indianapolis Ballroom B

Pagan Ritual   (1 Hour)
Celebrate the God and Goddess, led by Daisy Roberts-Blair.

Indianapolis Ballroom C

Remembering Game of Thrones   (1 Hour - General Discussion)
The HBO series, Game of Thrones, based on the George R.R. Martin's best-selling book series "A Song of Ice and Fire," finally ended it's 8 season run back in May 2019. Join with other fans to share your joys and sorrows about the show. What worked, what didn't, and will you read or finish the book series now that the television has ended?
Participants:TammyJo Eckhart, Rachel Frend

Motley Kids

Mad Tea Party   (1 Hour - Family Friendly Activity - Rating: G)
It's always tea time! Motley Kids wants to say "See you next year" with a Mad Tea Party. The Hatter will bring the china and teapot. You bring your lovely selves. We'll have a grand old time with our friends before we go.Motley Kids welcomes kids of all ages, but especially invites con-goers under the age of 12 (and their responsible adults) to be part of this event.
Participants:Matt Boersma

2:00 PM Main Programming

Banned Books with Kurt Vonnegut and Ray Bradbury   (1 Hour - Expert Panel - Rating: G)
Join panelists with the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, and the Center For Bradbury Studies at IUPUI for a discussion of attempts to challenge, censor and ban books.
Participants:Kilgore Trout, Sara Deurell, J Welin, Jason Aukerman

Indianapolis Ballroom A

Yes And,...We're Positively Mental   (1 Hour - Expert Panel)
Members of Breakfast Anytime! discuss using improv to help with mental health issues
Participants:Charity Robertson

3:00 PM Indianapolis Ballroom A

How To Get Involved In Your Local Con   (1 Hour)
Indianapolis has a robust convention scene. Come listen to people from various conventions talk about the other conventions in the area and how to get connected as a volunteer.
Participants:Lisa Meece, J Welin

3:30 PM Main Programming

Rap with the Conchair   (30 Minutes)
The traditional talkback with the person who herded the cats that put on this show. Note that if he can't make it, a friendly garden gnome will attend in his place. Be nice to him; it's not his fault.
Participants:John Belden

4:00 PM Main Programming

Closing Ceremonies   (1 Hour)
Drawing to a close
Participants:John Belden, Jolly Blackburn, Mikey Mason, Michael Parks, Terry Pavlet, Doug Powers, Kilgore Trout