[CircularOfJanus] October Circular

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Tue Sep 29 07:34:36 EDT 2009

Apologies for the lateness of this-- I received some of the contributions 
late and then took longer getting things formatted than I expected and 
*then* had a power outtage. This is a very long, very text-heavy Circular, 
but it contains lots of important information! Be sure to review the 
changes being made to the Bylaws under the aegis of grammar and club 
publication standardization as this will be voted on at the meeting.

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
  The Circular of Janus
  September 26, 2009
  Volume 30, Issue 10

  Presidential Ponderings - Kathie Thompson
  Minutes of the August Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  Minutes of the September Board Meeting - Stephen Kendall
  Bylaws Grammar Revisions
  Answers to the September Circular
  From Our Members
  New Books - from Locus
  October Meeting Agenda
  Mark Your Calendars
  A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
  Meeting Info & Club Officers


Presidential Ponderings
  by Kathie Thompson

Hello everyone,

The October meeting is promising to be a busy one. The board meeting was 
productive last month so be sure to check out the minutes from that 

We should have all the final number from this year's convention, along 
with this being the (I believe) the first ConCom meeting for 2010.

Laura Hohman will be doing a presentation on bats at meeting. Laura has 
worked with bats for a few years now and is very knowledgeable on the 

We look forward to seeing everyone there are getting their input on all 
subject pertaining to the club matters.

Thank you,
Kathie Thompson


Minutes of the August Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

August 1, 2009, 7:00pm at the facilities of:
    Seventh & Eighth United Christian Church,
    2916 W 30th St,
    Indianapolis, Indiana 46222.

Board members in attendance:
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
    Kathie Thompson, President
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Ellen Patterson, InConJunction 29 ConChair
    Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair

Board members not in attendance (reason):
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President (illness)
    Tony Patterson, Treasurer (unknown)
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms (out of town)
    Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair (illness)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
    Not taken.

Call the meeting to order:
    Called to order at 7:09pm (delayed start due to low attendance).

Guests introduced:

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
    Minutes accepted as published.

Board report:

Treasurer's report:
    None submitted.

InConJunction 29 Convention Report:
    Thanks were extended to all who helped.
    Final count was around 400 paid attendees and fewer than 100 comps.
    (Randy Porter reported that Origins was down 14%, expected to be down 
    Surveys were mostly positive.
    The After-the-Con Bash will be 9/12/2009 at the Cowpers' house.

InConJunction 30 Convention Report:
    Not present.

InConJunction 31 Convention Report:
    Still planning to have a convention.

Other communications:
    None of note.

Member Services Report:
    Birthday cards are going out.

Member Activities Report:
    Randy Porter will present tonight on the history of Gen Con.
    Non-meeting meeting hosts were solicited.

Old Business:
       Bylaws, Grammar, and Spelling had no report, but was tasked to have 
something to present at the next board meeting (9/15/2009).

    Anniversary Party:
       The Fountainhead Apartments clubhouse was considered for the 30th 
Anniversary Party.
       The members present voted to accept that location.

New Business:
    Email List:
       The use of the email list was discussed. A monthly CoJ etiquette 
email was proposed.

Chaos was temporarily declared at 7:38pm for Randy Porter to speak. Chaos 
was ended at 8:28pm.

    Mike Cowper: Feed the kitty!
    John Belden: Spoke about Indy Fringe Festival.
    Randy Porter: A Poe expert will speak here.
    Mike Suess: The next ASH comics show is 8/30/2009.
    Mike Wickliff: Rifftraxx will be 8/13/2009, live from Tennessee to 
theaters around the country, including Indianapolis.

Chaos was declared at 8:34pm.

Respectfully submitted,
  Stephen Kendall, secretary


Minutes of the September Board Meeting
  by Stephen Kendall

Circle of Janus, Inc.
    Minutes of the Board of Directors
    September 15, 2009, 7:00pm

at the facilities of:
    Midwest Internet
    5348 N. Tacoma Ave
    Indianapolis, IN 46220

Board members in attendance:
    Andy Andrews, Chairman of the Board
    Kathie Thompson, President
    Lynette Cowper, Vice President
    Stephen Kendall, Secretary
    Jeff Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms
    Mike Cowper, InConJunction 31 ConChair

Board members not in attendance:
    Tony Patterson, Treasurer (work obligations)
    Ellen Patterson, InConJunction 29 ConChair (conflict)
    Kat Robertson, InConJunction 30 ConChair (personal issue)

Circle of Janus members in attendance (if attendance was taken):
    Wendy Carson

Guests introduced:

Call the meeting to order:
    Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Reading of the last meeting's minutes:
    The July 5, 2009 Board Meeting minutes were approved as published.

InConJunction 29:
    Some Board members recalled that one had been submitted, but there was 
no record of it.

Treasurer's Report:
    The emailed treasurer's report was read and discussed.

Member Services:
    Wendy has had difficulty emailing club addresses.

Member Activities:
    No report.

Other Communications:
    None have been received.

Old business:
       The Bylaws Typographical Revision Committee reported its results 
[Included separately below].

    Anniversary Party:
       The President will follow up with Chris Canary regarding the 
Anniversary Party.

    Email List Etiquette:
       The President has not yet implemented the 
"How-to-Use-Our-Email-List" email, but she will.

New Business:
    Contract Templates:
       The President asked the Vice-President to produce contract templates 
for the convention. The President will email last year's contracts to the 
Vice-President to be used as source material.

    Convention Reporting:
       The President requested that ConChairs submit full reports monthly 
to the Board. Consensus was that the report should be the Assistant 
ConChair's responsibility. The President will develop the template. The 
Webmaster will put them online and maintain an ongoing archive.

    The Robinsons' Finances:
       The Chairman of the Board reported that Spider and Jeanne Robinson 
need money. The consensus of the Board was that the club should send the 
money convention will give the club to Spider and Jeanne. This will be 
submitted to the membership for a vote.


Chaos was declared at 7:56pm.

Respectfully submitted,
  Stephen Kendall,


Bylaws Grammar Revisions

Formatting Issues:
    Place the Copyright notice (with date) in the footer on each page.

    Make sure the 'Revised [date]' at the top of the page on the Club 
Bylaws is correct.

Changes to Conform to Club Publication Standards:
    C.O.J. changed to Circle of Janus: Paragraph 7A and, if we can do it, 
Article VII of the actual constitution.

    Con Chairman/Con Chairmen & ConChair/ConChairs changed to Convention 
Chairman/Convention Chairmen: Paragraph 4A, 4H, 6A, 6F, 6M, 6N, and 
InConJunction Bylaws paragraphs 2A

    Con Committee changed to Convention Committee: InConJunction Bylaws 
paragraph 2A

       Chairman of the Board: paragraph 5A
       President: paragraph 4H, 5C, 6J
       Vice-President: 6J
       Board of Directors: paragraphs 5A, 5B, InConJunction 4A
       Club: Paragraph 2E, 4E, 4H, 5A, 5B, 6F, 6L, 11A, 13A, InConJunction 
Paragraph 1A
       Officer(s): Paragraphs 1A, 2B, 2E, 4A, 4D, 4E, 4J, 5A, 6A, 6E, 6F, 
6H, 7A, 9A
       Election Officer: Paragraphs 6B, 6D
       Board: 6M, 6N, 7A
       Chairman/men: Paragraph 4H, 6A, 6L, InConJunction 2A
       Bylaws: 2E, 4H, 11A, 12A, InConJunction 2A, 7A
       Constitution: Statement at the end, Paragraphs 2E, 11A
       Convention: 4H, 5B, 6A, 6M, 6N, 13A, 13D, InConJunction 1A, 2A
       Editor: 8A

Grammar and Typographical Issues:
    Paragraph 2E changed from, first sentence:
       Privileges of membership shall include but not be limited to 
participate in club functions, the privilege to vote, the privilege to be 
elected to office, the privilege to be appointed to a position deemed 
necessary by any club officer and the privilege to receive the club 
       Privileges of membership shall include but not be limited to 
participation in club functions, the privilege to vote, the privilege to 
be elected to office, the privilege to be appointed to a position deemed 
necessary by any club officer and the privilege to receive the club 

    Paragraph 3A changed from:
       A member shall be one who has paid the annual membership fee. The 
annual fee shall be prorated for new members joining during the year. A 
new member is defined as: someone who has never been a dues paying member 
or someone who has not been a member for 12 months..
       A member shall be one who has paid the annual membership fee. The 
annual fee shall be prorated for new members joining during the year. A 
new member is defined as: someone who has never been a dues-paying member 
or someone who has not been a member for 12 months. (Properly hyphenated 
'dues-paying' and removed extraneous period)

    Removed extraneous commas from paragraph 4J:
       All officers must be of legal age to enter into a binding contract, 
in the state of Indiana, at the time of their election.
       All officers must be of legal age to enter into a binding contract 
in the state of Indiana at the time of their election.

    Corrected verb paragraph 5A, first sentence:
       There shall be a board of directors consisting of the current Club 
officers and headed by a Chairman elected every two years who have 
previously held Club office. to
       There shall be a board of directors consisting of the current Club 
officers and headed by a Chairman elected every two years who has 
previously held Club office.

    Paragraph 5B change:
       The convention budget is subject to the Boards of Directors 
       The convention budget is subject to the Board of Directors' 

    Paragraph 6C:
       Write in candidates are allowed for any office.
       Write-in candidates are allowed for any office.

    Paragraph 6E:
       Club officers must be dues paying members for two full, consecutive 
years immediately prior to taking office and must maintain their 
membership in good standing for the term of their office.
       Club Officers must be dues-paying members for two full, consecutive 
years immediately prior to taking office and must maintain their 
membership in good standing for the term of their office.

    Paragraph 6F, second & third sentences:
       Convention Chairman nominations would be accepted from that date 
until on or before Dec 1st. Nominations for other Club offices would be 
accepted up until the voting for officers during the January meeting.
       Convention Chairman nominations shall be accepted from that date 
through Dec 1st. Nominations for other Club offices shall be accepted up 
until the voting for officers during the January meeting.

    Paragraph 6B & 8A, the phrase subject to the approval of the membership 
should be offset by commas both before and after.

    Guest of Honor changed to Guests of Honor paragraph 13B, InConJunction 

A couple issues to be brought up later:
    6F: Nominations for other Club offices shall be accepted up until the 
voting for Officers during the January meeting.
       Since it has happened that we have had to cancel the January meeting 
(thus the change to 'first business meeting of the year' in other places), 
this should be changed to either 'first business meeting of the year' or 
'election meeting' or simply 'election'.

    Chairman of the Board election rules needs to be reviewed and placed in 
the proper paragraphs.


Name Those Ships/Buildings/Cities!

Throughout the pdf version of the newsletter you will find pictures of 
cities, buildings and ships from various shows. See how many you can 

September Circular Answers:
  2: Voot Cruiser, Invader Zim
  3: The City, Logan's Run
  5: Batmobile, Batman


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