[CircularOfJanus] April 2015 Circular of Janus

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at prismnet.com
Sat Apr 11 15:48:36 EDT 2015

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 April 2015
 Volume 36, Issue 4

   Summary of the March Club Meeting – Lynette Cowper
   Summary of the March Board Meeting – Lynette Cowper
   Meeting Agenda
   New Books – from Locus
   Mark Your Calendars
   The Latest Awards News
   A Few Cool Things to Do Near Indy


Meeting Info & Club Officers

Summary of the March Club Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The club met on March 7 at Valley Mills Christian Church. All officers
were present except InConJunction 35 ConChair Jeff Thompson. There were
about 42 people and 2 dogs all told. We had one guest, Kim, who was there
with Ron.

We approved the February meeting minutes as published. We got a
Treasurer's Report, then convention reports. Jeff is sick, so Laura
reported that we're still looking for possibilities for sponsorships,
Darkside is taking a break so we need to find new movie room people. For
2016 Laura reported that she's still working on initial contracts, she may
be looking another artist, as hers may not be able to do it. For 2017, Joe
is still working on his music GoH. Andy reminded everyone that there was a
Board meeting on March 28. We ran through a few committee reports.

In Old Business, we discussed the need for an Audit Committee. Anyone
interested was asked to email the Board. The Welcoming Coordinator is
being subsumed by the Outreach Committee. And we straightened out that
Dillan and Anj are the Convention Quartermaster. Ricky Lile is the Club
Quartermaster, which they are still willing to do. Stephen had forgotten
the Membership Cards. Election procedures discussion is tabled till after
the Board meeting. Mike would check in with the Kinsey SF Art people.
Lynette reminded everyone that the April meeting was on the 11th, not the
4th, due to Easter weekend.

In New Business, we discussed Club Activities. April post-meeting will be
pysanky making (it's like batik, but with eggs). For April non-meeting
events, we had Roller Derby on the 4th and Ron Hawkins' SF talk on April
23rd at the Monrovia Public Library. May post-meeting is Gaming for Kat's
birthday, with a pitch-in. If you have an event, post it somewhere (email,
Facebook)! Then we moved on to a discussion of Club funds and ideas for
fundraising to cover shortfalls. (The convention gives the club some funds
if it makes a profit, but it didn't this last year.) This was tabled.

In Announcements that are still relevant, Joe Greene's step-father just
got diagnosed with cancer, so Joe may be flaky because of that. Leigh just
posted a novel on Kindle direct publishing. Deb Hunt is looking for people
to be in the play. Kat/Jade got a job! Mel mentioned the Circle City
Aerodrome will be having their Second Sunday meet and greet at Red Lion
Grog House. Joe also mentioned Transformers at Children's Museum. Speaking
of that, Mike C said the first live action Transformers is free on Google.
Kat R said the butterflies are coming back to White River Gardens March

And that was it for March!


Summary of the March Board Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The Board met on March 28 at Valley Mills Christian Church. All officers
were present. No one else attended.

We approved the January meeting minutes as published. We got a Treasurer's
Report, then convention reports. For 2016, Laura reported Lydia isn’t
coming, so she's working on someone else, as well as a Toastmaster. She's
looking into Kentucky-Indiana Make-a-Wish branch for charity. She's going
to send out initial contracts. Her theme is Crossroads of the Multiverse.
For 2017, Joe is looking for positions and play things. For this year,
Jeff has been pimping our GoHs and charity on FB and Twitter, is working
on sponsorships, and dealing with ConCom email issues, the need for
signage, hotel issues, new people to run the video room, statements about
RFRA, and extending prices due to Registration issues.

In Old Business, we discussed ways to make the member cards look nicer,
with names printed instead of hand-written. He's going to try out a label
maker. In Outreach, things are moving along with Indy Pride. We made a
plan for the Audit Committee. And we had a video to show at the April
meeting to explain Instant Run-Offs.

In New Business, we decided to try a June post-meeting silent auction to
raise some funds for the club. We also decided to sign both the club and
con up on Open for Service. And we scheduled various Board members to post
on the CoJ Facebook page on particular days.

And that was it for the March Board meeting!


April Meeting Agenda
 The Circle of Janus
 April Meeting
 April 11, 2015

 Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
    Introduction of guests
    Officer and member attendance
    Passing out Treasurer's Reports, Circulars, etc.
    March meeting minutes
    Treasurer's Report
    Convention Report, InConJunction 35
    Convention Report, InConJunction 36
    Convention Report, InConJunction 37
    Board Report
    Committee Reports, if needed
       Member Services
       Audit Committee
       Outreach Coordinator
    Other Communications
 Old Business
    Audit Committee
    Member Cards
    Election Procedures
    Kinsey SF Art Installation
 New Business
       April Non-meeting
          April 23 Ronald Hawkins at Monrovia Public Library
       May Post-Meeting
          Gaming & pitch-in
       May Non-meeting
       June Post-Meeting
          Silent Auction Fundraiser
    Open for Service
 Close of meeting – Chaos


New Books
>From locusmag.com

April 2015
   Armstrong, Kelley • Empire of Night • (Harper, nvl-ya, hc)
   Birmingham, John • Emergence • (Ballantine Del Rey)
   Cato, Beth • The Deepest Poison • (Harper Voyager US)
   Cherryh, C. J. • Tracker • (DAW, hc)
   Chu, Wesley • The Rebirths of Tao • (Angry Robot US)
   Grant, Mira • Rolling in the Deep • (Subterranean Press, hc)
   Guran, Paula, ed. • New Cthulhu 2: More Recent Weird • (Prime Books,
anth, tpb)
   Kowal, Mary Robinette • Of Noble Family • (Tor, hc)
   Lebbon, Tim • The Silence • (Titan US, tpb)
   Liu, Ken • The Grace of Kings • (Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, hc)
   + Pratchett, Terry • Dragons at Crumbling Castle • (Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt/Clarion, nvl-ya, hc)
   Rawn, Melanie • Window Wall • (Tor, hc)
   Turtledove, Harry • Joe Steele • (Penguin/Roc, hc)
   Wilson, Robert Charles • The Affinities • (Tor, hc)

May 2015
   Bacigalupi, Paolo • The Water Knife • (Random House/Knopf, hc)
   + Barker, Clive • The Scarlet Gospels • (St. Martin's, hc)
   Blaylock, James P. • Beneath London • (Titan US, tpb)
   Bledsoe, Alex • Long Black Curl • (Tor, hc)
   Cambias, James • Corsair • (Tor, hc)
   Campbell, Jack • The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Leviathan • (Ace,
   Carriger, Gail • Manners and Mutiny • (Little, Brown, nvl-ya, hc)
   Danielewski, Mark Z. • The Familiar: One Rainy Day in May • (Random
House/Pantheon, tpb)
   Duncan, Rod • Unseemly Science • (Angry Robot US)
   Elrod, P. N. • The Hanged Man • (Tor, hc)
   Fenner, Cathy, ed. • Women of Wonder: Celebrating Women Creators of
Fantastic Art • (Underwood Books, art, tpb)
   Gaiman, Neil, & Michael Reaves & Mallory Reaves • Eternity's Wheel •
(HarperTeen, nvl-ya, hc)
   + Hardinge, Frances • Cuckoo Song • (Abrams Amulet, nvl-ya, hc)
   Harris, Charlaine • Day Shift • (Ace, hc)
   Headley, Maria Dahvana • Magonia • (Harper, nvl-ya, hc)
   McCammon, Robert • The Border • (Subterranean Press, hc)
   Novik, Naomi • Uprooted • (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
   Okorafor, Nnedi • The Book of Phoenix • (DAW, hc)
   Priest, Cherie • I Am Princess X • (Scholastic/Levine, nvl-ya, hc)
   Rajaniemi, Hannu • Hannu Rajaniemi: Collected Fiction • (Tachyon
Publications, cln, hc)
   Reed, Kit • Where • (Tor, hc)
   Stephenson, Neal • Seveneves • (Morrow, hc)
   Strahan, Jonathan, ed. • The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year
Volume Nine • (Rebellion/Solaris US, anth, tpb)
   Straub, Peter • Perdido • (Subterranean Press, hc)
   Warrington, Freda • The Dark Arts of Blood • (Titan US, tpb)


Mark Your Calendars

April 2015

   1: Judy Eudaly's birthday
   1-30: Ronald Hawkins' SF exhibit - Monrovia Public Library

   2-5: Frolicon - Atlanta, GA
   2-5: Minicon - Minneapolis, MN

   3: Whoosier Network meeting - LifeJourney Church
   3-5: Anime Boston - Boston, MA
   3-5: Anime Punch - Columbus, OH
   3-5: ConGlomeration - Louisville, KY
   3-5: Great Philadelphia Comic Con! - Oaks, PA
   3-5: Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Nashville, TN
   3-5: T-MODE - Rockville, MD
   3-5: Taiga Con - Atlanta, GA

   4: Mark Bischoff's birthday
   4: Total Lunar Eclipse - Look, up in the sky!

   9-12: Furry Weekend Atlanta - Atlanta, GA

   10: Kyra Shidler's birthday
   10-12: Ad Astra – Toronto, ON
   10-12: CODCON XX - Glen Ellyn, IL
   10-12: Maelstrom - Morristown, NJ
   10-12: Midwest Media Expo - Detroit, MI
   10-12: Odyssey Con - Madison, WI
   10-12: Protospiel – Milwaukee - Milwaukee, WI
   10-12: Steel City Con - Monroeville, PA

   11: CoJ meeting - VMCC (Note the date!)
   11: Kim Richey's birthday
   11: IAS Meeting & Public Lecture - Holcomb Observatory
   11-12: East Coast Comicon - Secaucus, NJ

   12: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   15: Melissa Kocias's birthday
   15-19: Ebertfest - Champaign, IL

   16-19: FilKONtario - Mississauga, ON
   16-19: Tekkoshocon - Pittsburgh, PA

   17: Monsters: Dark Continent
   17: Unfriended
   17-18: Albany Games Fest - Albany, NY
   17-18: ORU Science and Science Fiction Conference - Tulsa, OK
   17-19: 1d4Con 2015 – Winchester, VA
   17-19: Anime St. Louis - Collinsville, IL
   17-19: LexiCon Tabletop Gaming Convention - Lexington, KY
   17-19: New England Super Megafest Comic-Con - Marlborough, MA
   17-19: UBCon - Buffalo, NY
   17-19: Who's Yer Con - Wyndham Indianapolis West
   17-19: Windy City Pulp & Paperback Convention - Lombard, IL

   18-19: Midorifest - West Portsmouth, OH
   18-19: NashiCon - Columbia, SC
   18-19: Shikacon - Bristol, VA
   18-19: Tora-Con - Rochester, NY

   19: Jessica Carrico's birthday

   22: Mark Racop's birthday
   22-23: Lyrids Meteor Shower - Look, up in the sky!

   23: Jeff Thompson's birthday
   23: Ronald Hawkins' SF presentation - Morgan County Public Library,
Monrovia Branch

   24: Susan Parker's birthday
   24-26: Cuteboom - Cincinnati, OH
   24-26: Gaming Hoopla – Milwaukee, WI
   24-26: LittleWars - St. Charles, IL
   24-26: MepaCon - Scranton, PA
   24-26: No Brand Con - Eau Claire, WI
   24-26: Penguicon - Southfield, MI
   24-26: RavenCon - Richmond, VA
   24-26: TrekTrax Atlanta - Atlanta, GA

   25: McCloud Nature Park Stargaze - North Salem, IN
   25-26: Shikacon - Bristol, VA

   28: Brian Davidson's birthday

   29: Theresa Shidler's birthday
   29: Harry Bunn's birthday

   30-5/3: Morphicon - Columbus, OH

May 2015

   1: Avengers: Age of Ultron
   1: Whoosier Network meeting - LifeJourney Church
   1-3: Borderwars - Kansas City, KS
   1-3: CincyCon - Cincinnati, OH

   2: CoJ meeting - VMCC

   3: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library
   3: Ash Comic Book Show - Caribbean Cove Hotel & Conf. Ctr.

   5-6: Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower - Look, up in the sky!

   7-10: World Horror Convention - Atlanta, GA

   8-9: 2D Con – Bloomington, MN
   8-10: Albacon - Albany, NY
   8-10: AniMinneapolis - Minneapolis, MN
   8-10: Marcon - Columbus, OH
   8-10: Outlantacon - Atlanta, GA
   8-10: Sukoshi Con: Bowling Green - Bowling Green, KY

   9: IAS General Meeting & Public Lecture - Link Observatory
   9: South Bend Comic Book Con - South Bend, IN
   9-10: Lumberton Comic Book and Toy Show - Lumberton, NC

   11: Barry Childs-Helton's birthday

   14: Deb Hunt's birthday
   14-17: Geekway to the West – St. Louis, MO

   15: Mad Max: Fury Road
   15-17: Anime Central - Rosemont, IL
   15-17: Heroicon - Decatur, IL
   15-17: Motor City Comic Con - Novi, MI
   15-17: Nauticon - Provincetown, MA
   15-17: Sci-Fi Valley Con - Altoona, PA
   15-17: Steampunk World's Fair - Piscataway, NJ
   15-18: Costume-Con - Charleston, SC

   16: CoJ Board Meeting – VMCC
   16: McCloud Nature Park Stargaze - North Salem, IN
   16-17: Apple-Seed Comic Con - Fort Wayne, IN
   16-17: EMCon Anime Fest - East Meadow, NY
   16-17: MSP Comicon - St. Paul, MN
   16-17: Tidewater Comicon - Virginia Beach, VA

   17: Kat Robertson's birthday

   18: Mike Wickliff's birthday

   19: Cheryl Miller Andrews's birthday
   19: Debbie Happli's birthday

   21-25: Game-o-Rama - Atlanta, GA

   22: Tomorrowland
   22-24: Animazement - Raleigh, NC
   22-24: Anime North - Toronto, ON
   22-24: Cherry Capital Comic Con (C4) - Traverse City, MI
   22-24: CONduit - Salt Lake City, UT
   22-24: ConQuest – Kansas City, MO
   22-24: Mobicon - Mobile, AL
   22-24: TimeGate - Atlanta, GA
   22-25: Balticon - Baltimore, MD
   22-25: MediaWest*Con - Lansing, MI
   22-25: WisCon - Madison, WI

   27: Lynn Ciurej's birthday

   28-31: MomoCon - Atlanta, GA

   29: Insidious: Chapter 3
   29-31: Awesome Con D.C. - Washington, DC
   29-31: ConCarolinas - Charlotte, NC

   30-31: WonderFest - Louisville, KY

   31: Katt McConnell's birthday

June 2015

   1-30: Ronald Hawkins' SF exhibit – Morgan County Public Library,
Martinsville Branch

   2: Laura Terhune's birthday

   3: Andy Andrews's birthday
   3-7: Origins Game Fair – Columbus, OH

   4-7: Colossalcon - Sandusky, OH
   4-7: Nebula Awards Weekend - Chicago, IL

   5: B.O.O.: Bureau of Otherworldly Operations
   5: Whoosier Network meeting - LifeJourney Church
   5-7: Arch Anime - Collinsville, IL

   6: CoJ meeting - VMCC

   10: Chuck Budreau's birthday
   10-13: North American Jules Verne Society AGM - Marion, NC

   12: Jurassic World
   12: David Lee Pancake's birthday
   12-14: AnimeNEXT - Somerset, NJ
   12-14: Campbell Conference & Awards - Lawrence, KS
   12-14: Omg!Con – Owensboro, Kentucky
   12-14: Sausomecon - Kansas City, MO

   13: IAS General Meeting & Public Lecture - Link Observatory
   13: New York Tolkien Conference - Baruch College, NY
   13-14: Magma Con - Pigeon Forge, TN

   14: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   18: Greg Dunn's birthday
   18: Dillan & Anjala Dick's anniversary
   18-21: BotCon - St. Charles, IL
   18-21: Cosplacon - Jefferson City, MO

   19: Mike Suess's birthday
   19: Kevin Spencer's birthday
   19-21: Anime Mid-Atlantic - Chesapeake, VA
   19-21: Concertino 2015 (NEFILK filk) - Boxboro, MA
   19-21: HeroesCon - Charlotte, NC

   20: CoJ Board meeting - Marriott
   20: McCloud Nature Park Stargaze - North Salem, IN

   23: Ronald Hawkins' sf presentation – Morgan County Public Library,
Martinsville Branch

   25-28: Midwestcon 66 - Cincinnati, OH
   25-28: Nexus Game Fair – Milwaukee, WI

   26-28: Daisuki Con - Chattanooga, TN
   26-28: Days of the Dead - Wyndham Indianapolis West
   26-28: Fourth Street Fantasy Convention - Minneapolis, MN
   26-28: HamaCon - Huntsville, AL
   26-28: Indy PopCon - Indiana Convention Center
   26-28: LibertyCon 28 – Chattanooga, Tennessee
   26-28: SoonerCon - Midwest City, OK

   27: Reed Hartman's birthday

   30: Doug Rollison's birthday


The Latest Awards News

   Philip K. Dick Award 2015

         The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, Meg Elison

      Special Citation
         Elysium, Jennifer Marie Brissett

         The Bullet-Catcher's Daughter, Rod Duncan
         Maplecroft: The Borden Dispatches, Cherie Priest
         Memory of Water, Emmi Itäranta
         Reach for Infinity, Jonathan Strahan, ed.

   Arthur C. Clarke Award 2015

         The Book of Strange New Things, Michel Faber
         Europe in Autumn, Dave Hutchinson
         The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, Claire North
         The Girl with All the Gifts, M. R. Carey
         Memory of Water, Emmi Itäranta
         Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel

   British SF Association Awards 2015

         Winner: Ancillary Sword, Ann Leckie
         Cuckoo Song, Frances Hardinge
         Europe in Autumn, Dave Hutchinson
         The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, Claire North
         Lagoon, Nnedi Okorafor
         The Moon King, Neil Williamson
         The Race, Nina Allan
         Wolves, Simon Ings

      Short Fiction
         Winner: “The Honey Trap”, Ruth E. J. Booth
         “The Mussel Eater”, Octavia Cade
         Scale-Bright, Benjanun Sriduangkaew

         Winner: “The Wasp Factory”, Tessa Farmer
         Blacksheep for Bête by Adam Roberts
         Andy Potts for Mars Evacuees by Sophia McDougall
         Richard Anderson for Mirror Empire by Kameron Hurley
         Jeffery Alan Love for Wolves by Simon Ings

         Winner: “Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers in the Great War”,
Edward James
         Call and Response, Paul Kincaid
         “Deep Forests and Manicured Gardens: A Look at Two New Short
Fiction Magazines”, Jonathan McCalmont
         Greg Egan, Karen Burnham
         “The State of British SF and Fantasy: A Symposium”, Niall
Harrison, ed.

   Nebula Awards 2015

         Ancillary Sword, Ann Leckie
         Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer
         Coming Home, Jack McDevitt
         The Goblin Emperor, Katherine Addison
         The Three-Body Problem, Cixin Liu, translated by Ken Liu
         Trial by Fire, Charles E. Gannon

         Calendrical Regression, Lawrence M. Schoen
         “Grand Jeté (The Great Leap)”, Rachel Swirsky
         “The Mothers of Voorhisville”, Mary Rickert
         “The Regular”, Ken Liu
         We Are All Completely Fine, Daryl Gregory
         Yesterday's Kin, Nancy Kress

         “The Devil in America”, Kai Ashante Wilson
         “A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai'i”, Alaya Dawn Johnson
         “The Husband Stitch”, Carmen Maria Machado
         “The Magician and Laplace's Demon”, Tom Crosshill
         “Sleep Walking Now and Then”, Richard Bowes
         “We Are the Cloud”, Sam J. Miller

      Short Story
         “The Breath of War”, Aliette de Bodard
         “The Fisher Queen”, Alyssa Wong
         “Jackalope Wives”, Ursula Vernon
         “The Meeker and the All-Seeing Eye”, Matthew Kressel
         “A Stretch of Highway Two Lanes Wide”, Sarah Pinsker
         “The Vaporization Enthalpy of a Peculiar Pakistani Family”, Usman
T. Malik
         “When It Ends, He Catches Her”, Eugie Foster


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy and Nearby

Mythbusters - Jamie & Adam Unleashed!: A fantastical evening of on-stage
experiments, audience participation, exciting videos, and
behind-the-scenes stories. Tickets: $18.75-$59.50.
   April 19 at 7:30 PM
   Old National Centre

Hubble 3D: Through the power of IMAX 3D, the film offers an inspiring and
unique look into the Hubble Space Telescope’s legacy and highlight its
profound impact on the way we view the universe and ourselves.
   April 20 to April 23
   IMAX Theater in the Indiana State Museum

Science Fiction: Imagination, Fun & Intellect: Spend the evening with Ron
Hawkins, Reporter-Times journalist and Science Fiction Sojourns blogger.
   April 23, 6:30 - 7:30
   Morgan County Public Library, Monrovia Branch

Worlds of Chesley Bonestell: The "Father of Modern Space Art," American
painter, designer and illustrator, Chesley Bonestell, transports visitors
into the future in this exhibition featuring eleven paintings as well as
numerous examples of the artist’s work in popular culture.
   Through April 26
   Adler Planetarium, Chicago, IL

Monty Python's Spamalot: Lovingly ripped off from the classic comedy film
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Spamalot retells the legend of King
Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table in the irreverent signature
style of Monty Python.
   April 24 to May 9
   Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre

Transformers: Robots in Disguise: Transformers fans of all ages can
preview new characters and designs at this exhibit, as well as autobots
Optimus Prime, Grimlock and Bumblebee.
   Through July 26
   Children's Museum

Dream Cars - Innovative Design, Visionary Ideas: This major exhibition
features rare concept cars from the early 1930s to the 21st century, and
showcases some of the most unique vehicles ever created by top names in
the automotive field. Along with conceptual drawings and scale models, the
exhibition explores the evolution of revolutionary automobile design that
pushed the limits of the imagination and shaped the future of the
industry. Dream Cars will feature both American and European concept car
   May 3 to August 23
   Indianapolis Museum of Art

Weird Al Yankovic - The Mandatory World Tour: This tour follows the
release of Weird Al’s #1 album, Mandatory Fun. Tickets: $29.50-$39.50.
   May 28 at 7:30 PM
   Old National Centre


Have something for the newsletter? We welcome announcements, news items,
reviews, and artwork. Email it to circularfile at circleofjanus dot org by
the Thursday before the last Saturday of the month for inclusion.

Meeting Info
   The next meeting of the Circle of Janus is Saturday, April 11, 2015, at
Valley Mills Christian Church, 5555 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, IN,
starting at 7:00 pm. A ConCom meeting will precede it at 5:30 pm. The
post-meeting activity will be Pysanky making. Pysanky are eggs
decorated using hot wax and dyes. You can read more about it at

   Board Chairman – Andy Andrews
   President – Melissa Kocias
   Vice-President – Kim Richey
   Secretary – Beckie Margedant
   Treasurer – Stephen Kendall
   Sergeant at Arms – Lynette Cowper
   InConJunction 35 ConChair – Jeff Thompson
   InConJunction 36 ConChair – Laura Edwards
   InConJunction 37 ConChair – Joe Greene

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

Lynette R. F. Cowper

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and
by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them." --

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