[CircularOfJanus] The July / August 2016 Circular delayed

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at prismnet.com
Sat Aug 13 13:32:11 EDT 2016

The newsletter editor has been ill, so the combined July & August Circular
will be delayed. However, I wanted to make sure everyone had the meeting

   The next meeting of the Circle of Janus is on Saturday, August 13,
2016, at Valley Mills Christian Church, 5555 Kentucky Avenue,
Indianapolis, IN, starting at 7:00 pm. There is a Convention Committee
meeting preceding it at 5:30 pm for all past ConCom or those interested
for 2017. Our after-meeting activity will be a book / games / media
swap. Bring the stuff you're finished with and trade it for some new

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