[CircularOfJanus] The July / August 2016 Circular delayed

Gary Plumlee eelmulpyrag at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 18:03:42 EDT 2016

Hello all

I will not be there due to fracture of my 5th metatarsal bone on my right
foot. In fact I am having surgery Thursday 6 AM ; they will put in a screw
& plate. I THINK I have a ride there & back, but I welcome anyone who wants
to say be a backup. I expect to be in a wheelchair in my house for s month
after that.
I still have to call a cousin but he may looking for a new job as his
present place is closing.
Have a good meeting.
And remember, this will not be your grandpa's Godzilla ( Shin Godzilla ! )

Gary L Plumlee

On Saturday, August 13, 2016, Lynette R. F. Cowper via
CircleOfJanusNewsletter <circleofjanusnewsletter at lists.inconjunction.org>
> The newsletter editor has been ill, so the combined July & August Circular
> will be delayed. However, I wanted to make sure everyone had the meeting
> info:
>    The next meeting of the Circle of Janus is on Saturday, August 13,
> 2016, at Valley Mills Christian Church, 5555 Kentucky Avenue,
> Indianapolis, IN, starting at 7:00 pm. There is a Convention Committee
> meeting preceding it at 5:30 pm for all past ConCom or those interested
> for 2017. Our after-meeting activity will be a book / games / media
> swap. Bring the stuff you're finished with and trade it for some new
> stuff!
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