[InConJunctionVendorApplicants] Update on InConJunction 2014 Expo Hall and Vendor Applications

Jeff Thompson jefft666 at comcast.net
Fri May 16 11:35:20 EDT 2014



I just wanted to send a quick email to everyone that has applied for Vendor or
Creators' Alley space in the InConJunction XXXIV Expo Hall to let you know
that things are moving forward and we're in the process of working out the
layout for this year. As of now it looks like we might have a few spaces
available, so if you know of any vendors, authors, artists, musicians, etc.
that would be interested in a Vendor or Creators' Alley space have them
contact me via vendors at inconjunction.org and I'll make sure they get the
pertinent information.


Invoices should be going out in the next couple of weeks so you should receive
one before the end of May.




Thanks again for your participation,



Jeff Thompson

InConJunction 2014 Expo Hall Coordinator








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