[InConJunctionNews] InConJunction 38 News and Deadlines

Beckie Margedant inconchair2018 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 18:59:38 EDT 2018

Hello, Gentlepeople!

I'm Beckie Margedant, your 2018 InConJunction Conchair. I'm excited to
share news and announcements so far with you. This year's theme is
Fantastic Worlds Await! It's a fun fantasy theme that encompasses
everything I love about the genre. I have some things to share with you,
like guests, deadlines, and appearances.

********* Guests! *********

Author- J.M. Lee- He's best known for the Dark Crystal Prequel trilogy, and
is working on the Netflix series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. He
also is the current writer for The Boxcar Children.

Music- The Yavin 4- Indianapolis's very own Star Wars punk band. They now
have two albums under their belt and guarantee to rock your face off Friday

Artist and Comic Writer- Little Guardians- Lee Cherolis and Ed Cho- Ed and
Lee are the author and artist behind Little Guardians, a fantasy story
about two people switched at birth, living each other's lives.

Cosplay- Oriana Peron- She's a venti girl in a grande world! She's no
stranger to InConJunction, and this year we've decided to let her loose.
>From Sailor Moon to Disney Princesses and all points in between, Oriana can
do it all!

Toastmaster- Returning to us this year is the ever fun Lou Harry! We're
looking forward to Lou's bracket antics, and whatever else he throws at us.

********* Deadlines!  *********
Do you have a suggestion for the perfect panel or event? Go to
http://inconjunction.org/forms/planningand submit it! You have until April
1st to submit.

Registration- The current tier price is $40 for a 3 day badge. You have
until May 15th to get your badge at that rate!

Hotel- The special con rate of $108 for the Marriott East disappears after
June 1st, so head over to http://inconjunction.org/dept/hotel/ and reserve
your room today. We also have rooms over at the Hotel Formerly Known as La
Quinta (which was the Florence Garden last year and the Delta this year),
and you can find their information there, as well!

********* Where will InConJunction be next? *********

Come see our tables at
Whosyercon March 30- April 1
Marcon May 11-13
Indy Pop Con June 8-10
Indy Pride June 9

********* Thank You!  *********
As always, we can't do it without you, you wonderful attendees! I look
forward to seeing you this summer.

Beckie Margedant

Con Chair 2018
July 6- 8 2018
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